I have a powershell script which gathers some file information on some remote servers.
When writing to the console, I see the results just fine, but they don't seem to be getting written into the specified out-file:
out-file -filepath $filepath -inputobject $date -force -encoding ASCII -width 50
ForEach($server in $serverLists)
$result += $server
$result += $break
ForEach($filePath in $filePaths)
$result += $filePath
$result += $break
$command = "forfiles /P " + $filePath + " /S /D -1 > C:\temp\result.txt"
$cmd = "cmd /c $command"
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $cmd -ComputerName $server
sleep 2
$result += Get-Content \\$server\C$\temp\result.txt
$result += $break
$result += $break
write-host $result
#out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $result -encoding ASCII -width 200
Remove-Item \\$server\C$\temp\result.txt
$result += $break
out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $result -encoding ASCII -width 200
You use same variable $filepath in two places: as loop variable for foreach loop and outside of loop. foreach loop does not restore value of loop variable after loop ends. So, right after loop ends loop variable will have last value of loop or value where loop was interrupted by break command. If you does not want variable value to be overwritten by foreach loop, then you should choose different name for loop variable.
I am a programming enthusiast and novice, I am using Powershell to try to solve the following need:
I need to extract the full path of files with extension .img. inside a folder with +/- 900 thousand folders and +/- million files. -/+ 900,000 img files.
Each img file must be processed in an exe. that is read from a file.
Which is better to store the result of the GetChildItem in a variable or a file?
I would greatly appreciate your guidance and support to optimize and / or find the best way to speed up processes vs. resource consumption.
Thank you un advance!!
This is the code I am currently using:
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'Ascii'
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = “DICOM IMPORT IN PROGRESS”
$pshost = get-host
$pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui
$newsize = $pswindow.buffersize
$newsize.height = 3000
$newsize.width = 150
$pswindow.buffersize = $newsize
$newsize = $pswindow.windowsize
$newsize.height = 50
$newsize.width = 150
$pswindow.windowsize = $newsize
$out = ("$pwd\log_{0:yyyyMMdd_HH.mm.ss}_import.txt" -f (Get-Date))
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"*****************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"**IMPORT SCRIPT**" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"*****************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"Working Folder" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$path1 = Read-Host "Enter folder location" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"SERVER NAME" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ht = hostname | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Host $ht
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
#"SEARCHING IMG FILES, PLEASE WAIT..." | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$files = $path1 | Get-ChildItem -recurse -file -filter *.img | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
Out-host -InputObject $files
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Output ($files | Measure).Count "IMG FILES FOUND TO PUSH" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
# DUMP Get-ChildIte into a file
$files > $pwd\pf
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"IMPORT START" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date)) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"********************************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ir = $Env:folder_tool
$pt = "utils\tool.exe"
$n = 1
$pe = foreach ($file in Get-Content $pwd\pf ) {
$tb = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$fp = "$n. $file" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ep = & $ir$pt -c $ht"FIR" -i $file | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$as = "`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Host $tb
Write-Host $fp
Out-host -InputObject $ep
Write-Host $as
"********************************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"IMPORT END" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date)) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Try using parallel with PoshRSJob.
Replace Start-Process in Process-File with your code and note that there is no access to console. Process-File must return string.
Adjust $JobCount and $inData.
The main idea is to load all file list into ConcurrentQueue, start 20 background jobs and wait them to exit. Each job will take value from queue and pass to Process-File, then repeat until queue is empty.
NOTE: If you stop script, RS Jobs will continue to run until they finished or powershell closed. Use Get-RSJob | Stop-RSJob and Get-RSJob | Remove-RSJob to stop background work
Import-Module PoshRSJob
Function Process-File
$process = Start-Process -FilePath 'ping.exe' -ArgumentList '-n 5' -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden
return "Processed $FilePath"
$JobCount = [Environment]::ProcessorCount - 2
$inData = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[string]]::new(
[System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles('S:\SCRIPTS\FileTest', '*.img')
$JobScript = [scriptblock]{
$inQueue = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[string]]$args[0]
$outBag = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[string]]$args[1]
$currentItem = $null
while($inQueue.TryDequeue([ref] $currentItem) -eq $true)
# Add result to OutBag
$result = Process-File -FilePath $currentItem -EA Stop
$outBag.Add( $result )
# Catch error
Write-Output $_.Exception.ToString()
$resultData = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[string]]::new()
$i_cur = $inData.Count
$i_max = $i_cur
# Start jobs
$jobs = #(1..$JobCount) | % { Start-RSJob -ScriptBlock $JobScript -ArgumentList #($inData, $resultData) -FunctionsToImport #('Process-File') }
# Wait queue to empty
while($i_cur -gt 0)
Write-Progress -Activity 'Doing job' -Status "$($i_cur) left of $($i_max)" -PercentComplete (100 - ($i_cur / $i_max * 100))
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Update frequency
$i_cur = $inData.Count
# Wait jobs to complete
$logs = $jobs | % { Wait-RSJob -Job $_ } | % { Receive-RSJob -Job $_ }
$jobs | % { Remove-RSJob -Job $_ }
$Global:resultData = $resultData
$Global:logs = $logs
$Global:resultData is array of Process-File return strings
Which is better to store the result of the GetChildItem in a variable or a file?
If you're hoping to keep memory utilization low, the best solution is to not store them at all - simply consume the output from Get-ChildItem directly:
$pe = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -filter *.img |ForEach-Object {
$file = $_.FullName
$tb = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$fp = "$n. $file" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ep = & $ir$pt -c $ht"FIR" -i $file | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$as = "`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Host $tb
Write-Host $fp
Out-host -InputObject $ep
Write-Host $as
I am trying to figure out how to write a powershell script that will automatically install office2010 on multiple pcs. I am struggling on the portion where you create the text file that we loop through listing the ComputerName and the Users Login. I have researched this all over the web but for some reason am unable to get this to work.
Function Get-FileName{
[String]$Filter = "|*.*",
[String]$InitialDirectory = "C:\")
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $InitialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.filter = $Filter
ForEach ($computer in (GC (Get-FileName -InitialDirectory $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop -Filter "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"))) {
$filepath = Test-Path -Path "\\$computer\C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office"
If ($filepath -eq $false)
Get-Service remoteregistry -ComputerName $computer | Start-Service
Copy-Item -Path "\\server\Orig\Install\Office2010" -Destination "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\" -Container -Recurse -Force
# $InstallString = '"C:\windows\temp\Office 2010\setup.exe"'
# ([WMICLASS]"\\$computer\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process").Create($InstallString)
# "$computer" + "-" + "(Get-Date)" | Out-File -FilePath "\\server\Orig\Install\RemoteInstallfile.txt" -Append
# }
# Else
# {
# "$computer" + "_Already_Had_Software_" + "(Get-Date)" | Out-File -FilePath "\\server\Orig\Install\RemoteInstallfile.txt" -Append
IT-Tech | David
IT-Tech would be the computer name and David would be the user. Then I would have a list like this line by line in the txt file.
So i was thinking I could do something like this Listing the computer name and then the user name of how to install. This part confuses me though just trying to learn and see what this powershell stuff is all about!
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
A line of your file, as you've said, will contain something like "IT-Tech | David", so when you iterate through that file that's the value of $computer. You then attempt to use this as the computer name call which will of course fail because first you need to split it out.
I will also point out it is extremely bad form to abbreviate and use aliases in scripts, you should only use them in the console. Also for readability it helps to split complex bits out.
$file = Get-FileName -InitialDirectory $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop -Filter "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
ForEach ($item in (Get-Content $file)) {
$sitem = $item.Split("|")
$computer = $sitem[0].Trim()
$user = $sitem[1].Trim()
$filepath = Test-Path -Path "\\$computer\C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office"
If ($filepath -eq $false)
Get-Service remoteregistry -ComputerName $computer | Start-Service
Copy-Item -Path "\\server\Orig\Install\Office2010" -Destination "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\" -Container -Recurse -Force
$InstallString = '"C:\windows\temp\Office 2010\setup.exe"'
"$computer" + "-" + "(Get-Date)" | Out-File -FilePath "\\server\Orig\Install\RemoteInstallfile.txt" -Append
"$computer" + "_Already_Had_Software_" + "(Get-Date)" | Out-File -FilePath "\\server\Orig\Install\RemoteInstallfile.txt" -Append
Note that this will NOT install the product if the installer is already in the destination, not sure if that is intended behaviour or not.
I have a PS script which Invoke-Expression on other scripts on the same computer.
Here is the code:
$webMemory = "C:\Memory_Script\WebMemory_Script.ps1"
$intMemory = "C:\Memory_Script\IntMemory_Script.ps1"
$hungWeb = "C:\Scripts\HungWeb_Script.ps1"
$hungInt = "C:\Scripts\HungInt_Script.ps1"
$intMemoryResult = #()
$webMemoryResult = #()
$hungWebResult = #()
$hungIntResult = #()
$date = Get-Date
$shortDate = (get-date -format ddMMyyy.hhmm)
$filepath = "C:\Scripts\Memory&HungResults\Results" + $shortdate + ".txt"
$break = "`r`n"
out-file -filepath $filepath -inputobject $date -force -encoding ASCII -width 50
out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $break -encoding ASCII -width 50
$intMemoryResult += Invoke-Expression $intMemory
$webMemoryResult += Invoke-Expression $webMemory
$hungWebResult += Invoke-Expression $hungWeb
$hungIntResult += Invoke-Expression $hungInt
Write-host $webMemoryResult
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $intMemoryResult -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $break -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $webMemoryResult -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $break -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $hungIntResult -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $break -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $hungWebResult -encoding ASCII -width 200
out-file -filepath -Append -inputobject $break -encoding ASCII -width 200
Code in one of the scripts being called (the other three have similar functions)
$serverList = #("List of servers")
$w3wpMemory = #()
$w3wpMemory += "---------- W3WP Memory Consumption ----------"
$w3wpresult = #()
$toBeRecycled =#()
$toBeRecycled += "******************** THE INT SERVERS BELOW NEED TO BE RECYCLED (Hung) ********************" + "`r`n"
$date = Get-Date
$shortDate = (get-date -format ddMMyyy.hhmm)
$filepath = "C:\Scripts\HungIntResults\HungServerResults" + $shortdate + ".txt"
$break = "`r`n"
out-file -filepath $filepath -inputobject $date -force -encoding ASCII -width 50
out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $break -encoding ASCII -width 50
ForEach($server in $serverList)
$w3wpresult += (get-wmiobject Win32_Process -filter "commandline like '%serviceoptimization%'" -computername $server).privatepagecount / 1gb
$w3wpMemory += $server + ":" + $w3wpresult + "`n"
$i = 0
ForEach($server in $serverList)
$w3wpresult2 = (get-wmiobject Win32_Process -filter "commandline like '%serviceoptimization%'" -computername $server).privatepagecount / 1gb
Write-Host $w3wpresult2 " , " ($w3wpresult | select-object -index $i)
if($w3wpresult -contains ($w3wpresult2))
$toBeRecycled += $server + "`r`n"
$i = $i + 1
$toBeRecycled += "*******************************************************************************"
$toBeRecycled += "`r`n"
Write-Host $toBeRecycled
out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $toBeRecycled -encoding ASCII -width 100
return $toBeRecycled
When the script runs, I see the output of from the execution of the other scripts.
The results from the "Invoke-Expression" command are returning null, why is this?
Write-Host writes directly to the host display. If you want to capture this output then use Write-Output instead or just put a variable on a line by itself because the default output is the "output" stream:
BTW when you execute a PowerShell script from another PowerShell script, the child script will execute synchronously (unless you are using jobs).
I can't seem to find the correct syntax to pass 2 variables from the CALL-script to the execution script in order to have it executed on the remote server. I tried single quotes, double quotes, brackets, .. nothing I can fiind passes the $Target and $OlderThanDays parameters to the script.
Thank you for your help.
The CALL-Script:
#================= VARIABLES ==================================================
$ScriptDir = "\\Server\Scripts"
#================= BODY =======================================================
# Invoke-Command -ComputerName SERVER1 -FilePath $ScriptDir\"Auto_Clean.ps1"
Invoke-Command -FilePath .\Test.ps1 -ComputerName SERVER01 -ArgumentList {-Target ´E:\Share\Dir1\Dir2´,-OlderThanDays ´10´}
The execution Script:
#================= PARAMETERS =================================================
#================= BODY =======================================================
# Set start time & logname
$StartTime = (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()+", "+(Get-Date).ToLongTimeString()
$LogName = "Auto_Clean.log"
# Format header for log
$TimeStamp = (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()+" | "+(Get-Date).ToLongTimeString()+" |"
$Header = "`n$TimeStamp Deleting files and folders that are older than $OlderThanDays days:`n"
Write-Output "$Header" # to console
Out-File $Target\$LogName -inputobject $Header -Append # to log
# PS 2.0 Workaround (`tee-object -append`) // PS 4.0: `Write-Output "`nDeleting folders that are older than $OlderThanDays days:`n" | Tee-Object $LogFile -Append`
# Remove files older than
Get-ChildItem -Path $Target -Exclude $LogName -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$OlderThanDays) } | ForEach {
$Item = $_.FullName
Remove-Item $Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Timestamp = (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()+" | "+(Get-Date).ToLongTimeString()
# If folder can't be removed
if (Test-Path $Item)
{ "$Timestamp | FAILLED: $Item (IN USE)" }
{ "$Timestamp | REMOVED: $Item" }
} | Out-File $Target\$LogName -Append
# PS 4.0: ´| Tee-Object $Target\$LogName -Append` # Output folder names to console & logfile at the same time
# Remove empty folders
while (Get-ChildItem $Target -recurse | where {!#(Get-ChildItem -force $_.FullName)} | Test-Path) {
Get-ChildItem $Target -recurse | where {!#(Get-ChildItem -force $_.FullName)} | Remove-Item
# Format footer
$EndTime = (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()+", "+(Get-Date).ToLongTimeString()
$TimeTaken = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
Write-Output ($Footer = #"
Start Time : $StartTime
End Time : $EndTime
Total Runtime : $TimeTaken
# Write footer to log
Out-File -FilePath $Target\$LogName -Append -InputObject $Footer
# Clean up variables
$Target=$StartTime=$EndTime=$OlderThanDays = $null
The execution script:
you have got to use " or ' but not ´ :
-argumentlist #('E:\Share\Dir1\Dir2',10)
I have some pretty simply code which aims to convert each file in a directory into HTML. My problem is that although a job is successfully created for each file, the scriptblock does not run, ever.
$convert = {
$content = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName
$outDir= New-Item -Type dir -Path $file.FullName + "\HTMLFiles"
$outFile = $outDir + $file.Name + ".html"
foreach($line in $content) {
#move the content into a variable and add some html tags
$html = $html + '<tr>' + $line + '</tr>' +'<br>'
#convert the variable to .html and save the result as a file
ConvertTo-Html -Head $style -Body $html | Out-File -FilePath $outFile -Encoding "ASCII"
#empty the variable
$html = " "
Function main
[parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeLine=$true)]
$target = $args[0]
#stores some html styling code
$path = $pwd.Path + "\style.txt"
$style = Get-Content -Path $path
#collect all files in the dirctory
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $target -Recurse
foreach($file in $files) {
#for each file in the collection start a job which runs the given scriptblock (scriptblock is not working)
Start-Job -Name $file.name -ScriptBlock $convert -ArgumentList $file
Write-Host "Finished jobs"
Wait-Job *
Remove-Job -State Completed
I'm fairly new to powershell and have played around with ways to solve this, but can't seem to figure it out.
Change: I removed the parameters from the script block and the function.
Why: because the argument is passed in by Start-Job, and also for the function via the syntax function name (argument1, argument2) {}.
I also took away from the brackets from the function call, because in Powershell you call functions like:
function "argument1" "argument2"
$convert = {
$content = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName
$outDir= New-Item -Type dir -Path $file.FullName + "\HTMLFiles"
$outFile = $outDir + $file.Name + ".html"
foreach($line in $content) {
#move the content into a variable and add some html tags
$html = $html + '<tr>' + $line + '</tr>' +'<br>'
#convert the variable to .html and save the result as a file
ConvertTo-Html -Head $style -Body $html | Out-File -FilePath $outFile -Encoding "ASCII"
#empty the variable
$html = " "
Function main ($args)
$target = $args
#stores some html styling code
$path = $pwd.Path + "\style.txt"
$style = Get-Content -Path $path
#collect all files in the dirctory
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $target -Recurse
foreach($file in $files) {
#for each file in the collection start a job which runs the given scriptblock (scriptblock is not working)
Start-Job -Name $file.name -ScriptBlock $convert -ArgumentList $file
Write-Output "Finished jobs"
Wait-Job *
Remove-Job -State Completed
main $args[0]