How do I navigate to another screen from a login screen with SwiftUI - swift

I want to navigate from a splash/login view to a home view without the possibility of going back unless the user restarts the application using SwiftUI. I know I can use a navigation link and SwiftUI will present a back button. Is there a way to go from view to view without the back button?

If you need to present a view, you can look at this article
On the contrary if the concern is not to show the back button, on the home view one can hide the back button using the configuration like


Need an ideal way to handle tab bar in app

I want to create an app where there is a login screen, and when user logs in open up home page with tab bar controller.
I have created a single view application and have created login screen, home screen and a tab bar on it.
In tab bar delegate, I am adding screens to tab bar by [self.view addSubView firstView.view]
My problem is if I open up 4th tab, and switch to 2nd tab and I have to go back to home screen, so I press home btw on nav bar, it shows view 4 which is already on stack of uiviews.
How do I switch between all tab bar views and add navigation to them ? Which ideal method is to be used?
I've created app that is doing what you need (I guess). You can find it in app store for iphone using name Torchoo. It is free and there is test account so you can see how it works and if its really what you need. If yes, ping me here I will show you the sources and how I did it.
In couple of words, you need normal tabbar controller that has number of navigation controllers and each of them has number of view controllers. And login screen is just a modal view that shows/hides when you need it. Most of things may be done in storyboard.
I don't get it actually but i think you want to attach all the view by navigation controller.
But it's useless. if you want to use navigation bar then it ll navigate in another view but tabbar will give you different views on every tab.
so, first see the use of both of them then ask....

Trying to understand segues, memory management, and best practices

What I'm doing is creating a login screen as the first page. Once you login and it verifies you against the server it clears the login fields and it segues to a home screen. That screen has a back button that I've given the text logout. Clicking that takes you back to the login screen, and since the login button verifies you against the server before the segue it essentially looks like you're logging out.
However, I would like a logout button on each page. My thought for this was to add a button to the navigation bar of the other screens. As a test I added a logout button to a screen several levels in and added a segue back to the login screen. I updated a label on the page to see if it went back to the same page. When it segued back to the login screen the label was blank leading me to believe I didn't go back to the login screen, but rather it created a new login screen. How do I log out and have it essentially go back to the beginning?
Am I going about this the right way or is there a best practice in regards to this?
Every time to transition to a new view controller via a segue you are creating a new instance of the destination view controller. So yes, if you go back to the login screen using a segue you will be adding more view controllers to the navigation stack.
It sounds like you are using a UINavigationController. If so you can use the method popToRootViewControllerAnimated: to remove all view controllers from the navigation stack and return to the root (which is your login view controller). The other view controllers will be dealloc'ed when they are removed from the nav stack and you won't have the eventual memory problem you describe.
// do this when the user clicks your Logout button
[[self navigationController] popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];

NavigationBar Right Button Problem

I have a navigation bar in my app. The below pictures are in the order of navigation.
Problem I have is, on clicking the "Main" button , I am able to perform the action and goto the required screen , but the navigation bar does not look like the first on (with Menu as left button). Instead it look like 4th image. How to make it look like first image so that I can make the user to navigate to "Menu" screen by clicking menu button ?. Thanks for the help …!!!
If I'm understanding this correctly, you may have pushed the first view controller (The one from screenshot 1) when clicking on main which is why you see "lens" in the back button. That back button takes the title of the previous view controller in the stack. What you want to do is pop to the first view controller when they click on Main using either popToRootViewController or popToViewController:animated

Load the root view when app enter into background in iPhone sdk

I am developing an application which has 4 views and use navigation controller to navigate through. The first view is login interface. I just want to display login view when user press home button from second view. I have tried to use popToRootViewControllerAnimated in applicationDidEnterBackground. This does not work. Because I need to do this job only user press home button from second view (Second view contains MKMapView).
Can you please let me know what is the best option for this job? Basically I just need to check what view I am currently on.
Many Thanks
You could log a BOOL variable that the viewDidAppear function on your second controller sets to YES. And when you leave that view set it to NO. In applicationDidEnterForeground check it. If it is YES then the user left while in the second view.

iPhone Login Screen that shows a Table View after logging in the user

I have a navigation based template application, I parse data into table view.
I want to put a login screen before parse the data. I did the login screen and and succeed the login check.
My problem is that when the user presses the button I change the view to the tableview.
what a way should I draw? I want to learn how can i close the tableview screen when the app launched and after pressed the button I want to show the tableview.
If you are using a navigation based template, you could simply push another view on the stack, or you could have the second table view as the first screen, and push the login over the top. pressing on a button to login will pop the login screen off the stack to reveal the main tableview screen.
I have put the login details in the user preferences screen.