Need an ideal way to handle tab bar in app - iphone

I want to create an app where there is a login screen, and when user logs in open up home page with tab bar controller.
I have created a single view application and have created login screen, home screen and a tab bar on it.
In tab bar delegate, I am adding screens to tab bar by [self.view addSubView firstView.view]
My problem is if I open up 4th tab, and switch to 2nd tab and I have to go back to home screen, so I press home btw on nav bar, it shows view 4 which is already on stack of uiviews.
How do I switch between all tab bar views and add navigation to them ? Which ideal method is to be used?

I've created app that is doing what you need (I guess). You can find it in app store for iphone using name Torchoo. It is free and there is test account so you can see how it works and if its really what you need. If yes, ping me here I will show you the sources and how I did it.
In couple of words, you need normal tabbar controller that has number of navigation controllers and each of them has number of view controllers. And login screen is just a modal view that shows/hides when you need it. Most of things may be done in storyboard.

I don't get it actually but i think you want to attach all the view by navigation controller.
But it's useless. if you want to use navigation bar then it ll navigate in another view but tabbar will give you different views on every tab.
so, first see the use of both of them then ask....


Programmatically hiding a view controller from a tab bar application

I am working on a tab bar application. Is there a way I can programmatically hide one view controller from the scroll down list and from the "edit" list (but still be able to pop it on screen with a certain action, i.e. by calling its tabbarcontroller index)?
The problem is that I have now so many viewcontrollers that completely fill the "edit" screen. So I want to hide some of them and be able to trigger the hidden ones trough some action performed on one of the visible ones.

Tab bar at top and bottom

I would like to develop a ipad apps which has a menu at the top of the screen as well as at the bottom.
There are four buttons on the top of the screen, and there are 10+ buttons at the bottom tab bar, which can be scrolled horizontally.
How can I write the root view controller as a framework for this operation?
Should I customize the UIViewController class or UITabBarViewController?
Sorry for being unclear. Let me restate my question.
Actually my app will have the following hierarchy.
'Front Page' is simply a page (view controller) for user to choose language. After choosing the language, 'Menu Page' view controller is displayed.
Starting from Menu page and ALL view controllers (VC) in below, the page layout is something like this.
As you can see, there are top menu and bottom menu. Clicking on the buttons the app will quickly jump to the corresponding view controller (3rd level in the tree, VC1,VC2,VC3 etc) . And for every view, there is a BACK button on every page, clicking which will back to the parent view controller.
I was thinking to implement this by using a tab bar view controller and a navigation view controller but I still do not have a clear idea how to implement this.
Or maybe should I just use the navigation view controller and hide the top tool bar except the back button, and display an overlay UIView as menu which is on top of all other UIViews.
Can somebody help me? Thanks.
Since this is the outermost container for my app I hope to do it properly at start..
Sorry for my long question.
If you really want to develop a framework for this logic .You need to create Manager, ViewController, View, DAO ,Model and other classes according to your needs.
I assume you want to add the buttons dynamically to the tabbar (and if it scrollable , it must be a scrollview).You can use Toolbar for upper view but then it won't be in sync with the bottom-view(visually).In that case you will have to create your own customized views to look like a tabbar.
The manager will basically keep a track of all the buttons and different states of events and action on the views and the same information can be accessed via a static method form the viewcontroller.
Well you have not detailed on your needs , so it's difficult to predict the entire architecture.
You need a container view controller to manage selection of VC's 1-4.
clicking which will back to the parent view controller
Parent view controller is used to mean the container vc in a container view controller scheme - I'm not sure that's what you mean in this comment. Where exactly does the back button go?
See this link for more info about container VC's.
You should be able to embed a tab bar controller in the content view of the container VC. Should be able to but it might be really buggy if there is a lot of communication between the child vc's.
The hard part is the back button. Basically it must be a button that goes back to VC 1-4 depending on which section you are in. The easiest way to do it is to make sure that when you cycle view controllers, pass the back button information as to which VC is the current child so it knows which VC to navigate to when you press it.

Is there a way to implement four tabbed uitableviews that all have the same uinavigationbar

I am working on a mobile version for my company's web app. The structure of this application requires uitableviews with a tab bar on the bottom and a navigation bar up top to return to the previous view. As you drill down in the application the tab bar items change at each level allowing selection of different views pertaining to that specific level in the app. I need a way to implement this with a navigation bar on top that navigates back to the previous screen on every tab in said tab bar when a back button is clicked on any of the tabs.
for example: let's say i start out with an items tab and a simple about tab. When i click items it drills down to a new view called subitems and the tabs for this view are subitems, favorites, details, and notes. I want the navigation bar to go back to the previous screen when i click the back button on any one of these four tabs.
Is this at all possible? I can't seem to find anything related to this type of structuring within an app. any help/examples would be greatly appreciated.
I know that a negative answer always sounds bad, but I tried to do the same a few months ago and I could not find a way of doing it using the standard UITabBarController/UITabBar. Take also a look at this question/answer.
The good news is that it is not that difficult to implement from scratch a tab bar controller that can be pushed on a navigation stack. There are also several examples around, one is BCTabBarController. GtabBar is another example.
I actually found a way to do it you just have to implement the navigation bar's leftbarbuttonitem instead of the traditional back button. Then I just created a method that is invoked when the back button is pushed this updates the navigation stacks of all four views within the tab bar and sets the tab bar items accordingly to match with the previous views we are navigating back to. . . so long story is possible.

How to set button on navigationbar in tabbased application?

I am working on a project which involves both kind of applications ie Navigation based and Tab based. All things are working perfectly. But what I want is, when I click on a particular tab then a button must be added to the navigation bar at the top to edit the table below it. I am able to draw the button but it is not affecting the tableview below it. When I do this in navigation based application it works perfectly. But it does not work in tab based.
So please tell me the way to add button at navigation bar in UI tab based application which appear only at particular tab.
tell me the sample code or any tutorial for it.
For each tab embed a UINavigationConrtoller, and your own view controllers in them.
This way each tab will have its own navigation bar, and thus can have their own sets of bar items, titles, etc.
You generally never want to embed a UITabBarController in a UINavigationController, always the other way around.

How can I have a view and a subview under one tab on the iphone?

Here is my situation. I have an app with four tabs. The first tab contains a registration screen. Once the user is registered I want the SAME tab to load a separate "Latest News" screen instead of the registration screen. Any help would be appreciated.
This sounds like a design issue. It's usually a better idea to display a registration/login view as a modal view. So when the registration is complete, you can dismiss the modal view, and underneath your "latest news" view would already be there. Most likely, you don't want your users to be able to switch to another tab in the middle of the registration process, displaying it modally would take care of that issue as well.
Don't forget that UITabBarController is a UIViewController as well. So you can simply do:
[tabBarController presentModalViewController:registrationController];
And when you are done, dismiss it, and make sure your latest news tab is selected.
Use navigation controller (UINavigationController).
There are plenty of tutorials about iPhone apps navigation on the Web...