Would forked repository be removed from blocked github user? - github

Is there any way to remove forked repository from github? This happens because there is no email provided by the github user who fork a repository. If I block the user, would that forked repository be removed from his account? Thanks.

According to the documentation:
When you block a user:
The user stops following you
The user stops watching your repositories
The user's stars and issue assignments are removed from your repositories
The user is removed as a collaborator on your repositories
You're removed as a collaborator on their repositories
Their sponsorship of you is cancelled
After you've blocked a user, they cannot:
Send you any notifications, including by #mentioning your username
Follow you or see your content in their activity feed
Invite you as a collaborator on their repositories
Invite you as a collaborator on a security advisory
Cross-reference your repositories in comments
Fork, watch, or star your repositories
Sponsor you
In repositories you own, blocked users also cannot:
Open issues or send pull requests
Comment on issues, pull requests, or commits
Add or edit wiki pages
To answer your question, the already forked repositories will remain on the blocked user account.


How to remove 'stargazer' on my GitHub repo?

I recently noticed some bot users starring my repo.
I wanted to know how I can remove these bot user who starred my repo?
You can block them:
When you block a user:
The user's stars and issue assignments are removed from your
After you've blocked a user, they cannot:
Fork, watch, pin, or star your repositories

How do you restrict contributors from Pushing to a private repository without a Fork?

Is there a way for me to invite a contributor, allow him to fork from my project and submit a Pull Request, without being able to commit and Push directly into the repository ?
I am new to this, I'm doing some testing and it seems that it should be an easy way to accomplish this, but I cannot find it. I have two accounts and it seems that I can just delete and modify anything in the repository, from the collaborator (guest) account, with no restrictions and moderation from the owner account.

GitHub: How to list all the private repositories that a particular user has forked?

When you remove a user from an organization, GitHub warns you that all their forks of the organisation's private repos will be deleted
Removing people from the XX organization will also delete their forks of any private XX-owned repositories.
And GitHub tells you how many private forks the user has but it does not tell you the repo names (even though I have permission to see them!)
It would be useful to see the repos so that I can check that they really have no outstanding, potentially useful, work left on branches (that they have not opened pull-request for).
To do it from the Web U:
Go to the people tab of the organization (https://github.com/orgs/myorg/people).
Filter/find the person.
Click their name; this will take you to https://github.com/orgs/myorg/people/theirusername, which lists all repos they have access to, including repos in the organization and forks the user has made of them.
Filter the list by their username; this will show just the forks.
This requires owner permissions for the organization.
There's a GitHub API to list all the forks. I haven't tested the API but I assume that you will get ONLY the public forks for other users and all the forks if you're the authenticated user.
If you wanted to query this on behalf of other users you can work on a GitHub Integration that would get users' permissions via OAuth and then you could store that information on your side for a whole group of people.
I don't think this is what you were asking for but additionally there's a WEB UI filter for forked repositories, e.g., https://github.com/defunkt?utf8=%E2%9C%93&tab=repositories&q=&type=fork.

Github - What happens with the commits if the user is removed?

If an user is removed, of course its repositories are removed and all the information contained too, what happens with the contributions to external repositories? Like commits in a organisation or into other users repositories.
Is any other activity history removed?
Commits in other repositories are not changed at all.
Commits are identified by author email address, as part of git itself.
If the author user is deleted, those commits will no longer link to an email address, but will not otherwise change.

github: Collaborators Can Merge Their Own Pull Requests

I have one collaborator in my private github repository. After she sent me a pull request, she could actually go to the pull request screen and executed a merge i.e. she had the privilege to merge her changes into my branch.
Is there some kind of setting that I need to set in order to make sure only I can do the merge? And, I don't think this is because my repo is private, right?
From 'https://help.github.com/articles/defining-the-mergeability-of-pull-requests/':
You can require pull requests to pass a set of checks before they can be merged. For example, you can block pull requests that don't pass status checks. You can also require that pull requests have at least one approved review before they can be merged.
By default, any pull request can be merged at any time, unless the head branch is in conflict with the base branch. But as your project matures and stabilizes, you can choose to enforce restrictions on how a pull request is merged into your repository.
Protected branches ensure that collaborators on your repository cannot make irrevocable changes to branches. These branches can also be protected by requiring pull requests to have at least one approved review before they can be merged.
You could use a service like PullApprove or required code reviews to ensure that you have to give permission first.
The "Manage multiple clients" GitHub help page mentions:
This approach lets you retain control over the repos, but still gives your clients access to them.
In many cases it is the cheapest route overall, though you will be stuck paying the bill yourself (unless you bill it to the client).
To use this strategy, upgrade your personal or org account to a paid plan.
Now you can add private repos for the client directly to this account.
If the client wishes to access the repos directly, they can create a free personal account and you can add that user as a collaborator (if the repos are on your personal account) or to a team (if the repos are on an org account).
With an org account you can also give them admin access to the repo if you wish.
So if your project was part of an org account instead of a personal account, you could have the choice the the admin access for the users you add as collaborator.