How to remove 'stargazer' on my GitHub repo? - github

I recently noticed some bot users starring my repo.{user}/{repo}/stargazers
I wanted to know how I can remove these bot user who starred my repo?

You can block them:
When you block a user:
The user's stars and issue assignments are removed from your
After you've blocked a user, they cannot:
Fork, watch, pin, or star your repositories


How to collect a list of GitHub repositories that a user had commits before

I want to collect a GitHub user's commits on all GitHub repositories to which they have contributed before. Is there anyway that I can get a list of all GitHub repositories to which a GitHub user has made code commits before?
Thank you.

Github visible actions

I've been invited to a repo by an organization for a take home interview project. I'm concerned that if I accept it that it will show up on the github feed and my coworkers are able to see it. Especially when I make commits and pull request. Is this true? Can it be prevented?
It will show up on your feed. (Kinda) It will say x contributions in private repositories. You can see an example below from my account:
People that do have view access or higher will see the repository and what you did, PRs, issues, etc.

Github Scheduled Reminders - Some Slack Mentions Aren't Linked

We have setup scheduled reminders for one of our teams in GH. When the reminders are displayed in Slack, some of the users' accounts are not linked properly. For those users, it just shows their GH username unlinked. Everyone else (probably 80% or better of our users) has a proper # mention instead of their GH username. I've looked at profiles for unlinked users in both systems and cannot determine a clear root cause.
Has anyone else seen this, any possible solutions?
EDIT: The plot thickens. I'm seeing the SAME USER in the SAME REMINDER both be # mentioned correctly/linked and incorrectly/unlinked. There's a pattern for the affected users:
On the line that prints the PR #, Title, and Owner, the affected users' github username appears unlinked.
On the line that prints the days stale/days old/waiting on list, SOME of the affected users' will be correctly # mentioned and some will not.
For the slack users where this doesn't work, have you tried having them unsubscribe from github using a /github unsubscribe followed by a /github subscribe command again to get github to refresh their slack account information?
I am not sure if the application you are using is a separate application or if it is part of the github to slack integration. If it is, it talks about how your accounts are not linked until this step is performed.
I came across this article here:
Subscribing and Unsubscribing
At this point, your Slack and GitHub user accounts are not linked. To link the two accounts, authenticate to GitHub using a /github slash command, /github signin.
The /github slash command also accepts a subscribe argument that you can use to subscribe to an Organization or Repository's activity /github subscribe <organization>/<repository>.
If you originally gave the app access to "All repositories" and you've created a new private repository on GitHub after installing the GitHub integration for Slack, the /github subscribe command will work automatically on your new repository. If you installed the app on a subset of repositories, the app will prompt you to install it on the new repository.
The /github slash command also supports unsubscribe. To unsubscribe to notifications from a repository, use /github unsubscribe <organization>/<repository>

Would forked repository be removed from blocked github user?

Is there any way to remove forked repository from github? This happens because there is no email provided by the github user who fork a repository. If I block the user, would that forked repository be removed from his account? Thanks.
According to the documentation:
When you block a user:
The user stops following you
The user stops watching your repositories
The user's stars and issue assignments are removed from your repositories
The user is removed as a collaborator on your repositories
You're removed as a collaborator on their repositories
Their sponsorship of you is cancelled
After you've blocked a user, they cannot:
Send you any notifications, including by #mentioning your username
Follow you or see your content in their activity feed
Invite you as a collaborator on their repositories
Invite you as a collaborator on a security advisory
Cross-reference your repositories in comments
Fork, watch, or star your repositories
Sponsor you
In repositories you own, blocked users also cannot:
Open issues or send pull requests
Comment on issues, pull requests, or commits
Add or edit wiki pages
To answer your question, the already forked repositories will remain on the blocked user account.

Github - What happens with the commits if the user is removed?

If an user is removed, of course its repositories are removed and all the information contained too, what happens with the contributions to external repositories? Like commits in a organisation or into other users repositories.
Is any other activity history removed?
Commits in other repositories are not changed at all.
Commits are identified by author email address, as part of git itself.
If the author user is deleted, those commits will no longer link to an email address, but will not otherwise change.