I am having trouble compiling a book of editing using LaTex via VS Code and the following is the error message I get:
Latexmk: Summary of warnings from last run of (pdf)latex:
Latex failed to resolve 15 reference(s)
Latex failed to resolve 4 citation(s)
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
bibtex waysofmentalprayer: Could not open bibtex log file for 'waysofmentalprayer'
Latexmk: Errors, so I did not complete making targets
It seems that the problem is bibtex. I was playing around and decided to rename the file extension from .bib to .tex and it worked. However, when I use Rstudio, it compiles perfectly with the file extension .bib. Why is this happening?
Update: The document compiles on Rstudio but the citation doesn't work. All that appears is ? instead of the citation.
Update 2: It seems that on my local machine, it is not recognizing bibtex. I downloaded TeXworks but the bibtex option was in gray i.e. I couldn't use it. Does this mean I can't use bibtex?? How do I install it?
I have found a solution. I have answered it here. Basically, I used biblatex instead of natbib.
I'm trying to compile a program, and when I try to debug and run the script I get an error that reads "You don't have an extension for debugging YAML. Should we find a YAML extension in the Marketplace?"
I opened VS Code and tried to run the script, but I got the error.
Assuming you already have the necessary language support, and the program you are attempting to compile is in dart, you may be encountering this issue.
As stated in the linked thread, select main.dart so it's the currently active file, then attempt to debug and run. One cause of this error seems to stem from having pubspec.yaml as the current file open in VS Code.
We used ag-grid version 20 in our application and I followed the instructions on how to import the theme and override the scss variables in our React application. Everything went great and worked as expected. We just updated to version 21.0 so we can use the dndSource feature, but our code won't compile anymore. The error we get is
"Module build failed: Error: resolve-url-loader: CSS error
source-map information is not available at url() declaration"
I looked around and this is what libsass library listed:
Windows line breaks
Normal windows linebreaks are CRLF. But sometimes libsass will output single CR characters.
This problem is specific to multiline declarations. Refer to the libsass bug #2693.
If you have any such multiline declarations preceding url() statements it will fail your build.
Libsass doesn't consider these orphan CR to be newlines but postcss engine does. The result being an offset in source-map line-numbers which crashes resolve-url-loader.
Module build failed: Error: resolve-url-loader: CSS error
source-map information is not available at url() declaration
Some users find the node-sass linefeed option solves the problem.
Try the node-sass linefeed option by way of sass-loader.
Not sure how to get around this? We use create-react-app and I dont think the team likes the idea of ejecting and then taking over the webpack config.
Short answer - configure your editor to save files with Linux line endings. Stop putting Windows line endings in your source files, and you won't have that problem.
I am using php-cs-fixer for code formatting in Netbeans 8.2. When I try to format one file, it shows the error
Files that were not fixed due to errors reported during linting after fixing:
I searched for the fix in many websites, but couldn't get this fixed. Is there any way to fix this? I tried with both php-cs-fixer 1 and php-cs-fixer 2.
The error message means that PHP CS Fixer loaded some files from drive, apply changes on them, and then realised that files are not valid anymore (invalid PHP syntax) after those changes, thus it decided to not save it. That's one of the safety mechanism of PHP CS Fixer to not break your project.
This means that you have found an issue in PHP CS Fixer itself.
Please, verify you are using newest release, maybe the bug was already fixed!
If not, please consider to expose your configuration file (if any) and content of files you got listed at https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/issues/new !
There is also an option to see what happen in progress.
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/ErrorFile.php -vvv
The --verbose option will show the applied rules. When using the txt format it will also display progress notifications.
NOTE: if there is an error like "errors reported during linting after fixing", you can use this to be even more verbose for debugging purpose
-v: verbose
-vv: very verbose
-vvv: debug
I'm on windows 8.1 with proof general 4.2 and emacs 24.2.1. I have set coq-compile-before-require and coq-load-path-include-current to on, but when I try to require a library whose source file is in the same folder I still get
coq-auto-compile: no source file for c\:/Users/Greg/Documents/cpdt/src/CpdtTactics.vo
in the minibuffer and
Error: Cannot find library CpdtTactics in loadpath
in the messages buffer.
Edit: OK turns out I needed to compile the library I'm working with before it will work. However I still get the coq-auto-compile message, which suggests that coq-auto-compile is not getting the path correctly.
When compiling a makefile with the BCB5 commandline tools, the linker gives me this error:
[exec] D:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~1\Bin\..\BIN\ilink32 #MAKE0000.###
[exec] Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
[exec] Fatal: Unable to open file 'CONSTS.OBJ'
[exec] ** error 2 ** deleting lib\paslib.lib
I've checked all the files that get compiled and none of them use or make this file. The make file does not mention it. It is nowhere in the Borland program files. It is not even on my machine as far search can tell me. Predicibly of course, there are no problems when compiling in the IDE. What is this linker doing?
The project is called with make flags -B and -fproject.bpr
I suspect that one of the headers included in the source code has a line like this in it:
#pragma link "consts"
preprocess the .cpp files and you should be able to find where this is coming from.
There are other possibilities, but I think this is the most likely one.
Do you have a consts.dcu in the C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder5\Lib\Obj folder?
I don't know exactly what your error is, but perhaps it's related to this file, which is apparently a pre-compiled delphi unit.
I've not encountered this specific error before - but in case of doubt with weird errors from BCB, my first port of call is always to check the line endings of the files. It really, really wants CRLF line endings. Some stuff will appear to work with LF-only files, until some weird, impossible-seeming error in the middle of the file.
Maybe this isn't your problem, but it's certainly worth looking at.
Another thing you could try is to install Process Monitor from SysInternals. This will give you an idea which file it's looking for and where it's looking for it. It could be it's looking for consts.dcu (Delphi Compiled Unit - almost object code) and looking in the wrong place due to some mis-set path somewhere.