Problem SAP Successfactors Non-Standard OCN Provider Integration (duration parameters) - sap-successfactors

I'm working on an integration project connecting SAP Successfactors with a Non-Standard OCN Provider, I am using the API used by SuccessFactors
"startDate": 1451556622000,
"endDate": 1427796622000,
"active": true,
"duration": "12 weeks"
"revisionNumber": 1,
"duration": "18 minutes"
The web service reports that everything is correct. But I fail to visualize the duration parameters. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

The process is correcta, the info is in:
Viewing Open Content Network Sessions.
Go to SAP SuccessFactors Learning and then go to Learning Items.
Find and open the learning item that you want to check.
Go to Related More Content Network Sessions.


Consuming OData from Eclipse

I've been practicing SAPUI5 with the documentation but they use SAP Web IDE to consume OData services. However, because my company won't expose their server to the cloud, I can't use SAP Web IDE so I need to use eclipse. I need a tutorial step by step (for dummies) for consuming OData with SAPUI5 from eclipse. I already know how to create them but not how to use them from eclipse.
I use the OData service from Northwind but with SAP, I'll need credentials and other things.
"dataSources": {
"invoiceRemote": {
"uri": "",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"odataVersion": "2.0"
[...] because they won't expose their server to the cloud, I can't use SAP Web IDE
An alternative to the clould based Web IDE is the Web IDE Personal Edition which you can deploy on your local machine but still runs in the browser (localhost). Create a corresponding destination file to connect to remote systems and the rest is pretty much the same as the old Orion-based Web IDE on the cloud.
Here is the destination file for the services from (e.g. Northwind)
Description=OData service from for testing, tutorials, demos, etc.
Otherwise, if you want to stick with eclipse, take a look at the documentation topic
App Development Using SAPUI5 Tools for Eclipse
and its underlying topic Use a SimpleProxyServlet for Testing to
Avoid Cross-domain Requests
An exmaple using th OData of northwind: (this i made it in eclipse but the only differece with sap web ide personal edition (i haven't try this yet but it should work) you must configure the destination file for the services)
//between key you put this:
"dataSources": {
"mainService": {
"uri": "/northwind/V2/OData/OData.svc/",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"odataVersion": "2.0",
"localUri": "localService/metadata.xml"
// this can be empty the if your using more than two just one can be empty
"": {
"dataSource": "mainService",
"preload": true
In my view that i'm going to use the data:
path: '/Categories',
sorter: {
path: 'Name',
descending: false
groupHeaderFactory: '.createGroupHeader'
mode="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'None' : 'SingleSelectMaster'}"
text="{masterView>/filterBarLabel}" />
If you're going to use and odata made for you or consume just paste the url in the propertie "uri" of yo key dataSource (something like this: "https://proxy/name:port/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZNAME_OF_YOUR_CREATED_ODATA_SRV" don't worry this url is you could see it when yo /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE ) and when is already to deploy it just leave the uri like this /sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZNAME_OF_YOUR_CREATED_ODATA_SRV
I'll give you some lights, but not a full tutorial.
Working in eclipse is not that different from working with WEB IDE.
First you need to use JSONModel(). You can find reference here.
Create a JSONModel object and then use the method loadData.
For the sURL use (in your example):
Then, you will have your oData in your front end. Now you just need to learn how to use it in your view elements. That you can learn it here.
If you want further explanations, please make small and specific questions, so it is easier to answer directed to your needs.

write log to Application insights from local service fabric

I am trying to integrate Azure App insights service into the service fabric app for logging and instrumentation. I am running fabric code on my local VM. I exactly followed the document here [scenario 2]. Other resources on also seem to indicate the same steps. [ex:
For some reason, I don’t see any event entries in App insights. No errors in code when I do this:
ServiceEventSource.Current.ProcessedCountMetric("synced",sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, crc.DataTable.Rows.Count);
eventflowconfig.json contents
"inputs": [
"type": "EventSource",
"sources": [
{ "providerName": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Services" },
{ "providerName": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Actors" },
{ "providerName": "mystatefulservice" }
"filters": [
"type": "drop",
"include": "Level == Verbose"
"outputs": [
"type": "ApplicationInsights",
// (replace the following value with your AI resource's instrumentation key)
"instrumentationKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"filters": [
"type": "metadata",
"metadata": "metric",
"include": "ProviderName == mystatefulservice && EventName == ProcessedCountMetric",
"operationProperty": "operation",
"elapsedMilliSecondsProperty": "elapsedMilliSeconds",
"recordCountProperty": "recordCount"
"schemaVersion": "2016-08-11"
In ServiceEventSource.cs
[Event(ProcessedCountMetricEventId, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
public void ProcessedCountMetric(string operation, long elapsedMilliSeconds, int recordCount)
if (IsEnabled())
WriteEvent(ProcessedCountMetricEventId, operation, elapsedMilliSeconds, recordCount);
Adding diagnostics pipeline code from "Program.cs in fabric stateful service
using (var diagnosticsPipeline =
context => new mystatefulservice(context)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// Prevents this host process from terminating so services keep running.
Event Source is a tricky technology, I have been working with it for a while and always have problems. The configuration looks good, It is very hard to investigate without access to the environments, so I will make my suggestions.
There are a few catches you must be aware of:
If you are listening etw events from a different process, your process must be running with a user with permissions on 'Performance Log Users. Check which identity your service is running on and if it is part of performance log users, who has permissions to create event sessions to listen for these events.
Ensure the events are being emitted correctly and you can listen to them from Diagnostics Events Window, if it is not showing there, there is a problem in the provider.
For testing purposes, comment out the line if (IsEnabled()). it is an internal check to validate if your events should be emitted. I had situations where it is always false and skip the emit of events, probably it cache the results for a while, the docs are not clear how it should work.
Whenever possible, use the EventSource from the nuget package instead of the framework one, the framework version is full of bugs and lack fixes found in the nuget version.
Application Insights are not RealTime, sometimes it might take a few minutes to process your events, I would recommend to output the events to a console or file and check if it is listening correctly, afterwards, enable the AppInsights.
The link you provide is quite outdated and there's actually a much better way to log application error and exception info to Application insights. For example, the above won't help with tracking the call hierarchy of an incoming request between multiple services.
Have a look at the Microsoft App Insights Service Fabric nuget packages. It works great for:
Sending error and exception info
Populating the application map with all your services and their dependencies (including database)
Reporting on app performance metrics,
Tracing service call dependencies end-to-end,
Integrating with native as well as non-native SF applications

IBM Blockchain (Hyperledger) - "Error when deploying chaincode"

I'm following the instructions to deploy some chaincode to the IBM Hyperledger Blockchain, using the swagger API on the IBM Bluemix dashboard.
In order to deploy some chaincode, I need to submit a JSON request, which contains the path to the chaincode repository:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "deploy",
"params": {
"type": 1,
"chaincodeID": {
"path": ""
"ctorMsg": {
"function": "init",
"args": [
"Hello, world"
"secureContext": "user_type1_0"
"id": 0
I have logged in user_type1_0 before attempting to deploy, but this is the result I get:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32001,
"message": "Deployment failure",
"data": "Error when deploying chaincode: Error getting chaincode package bytes: Error getting code 'go get' failed with error: \"exit status 1\"\npackage cannot find package \"\" in any of:\n\t/opt/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)\n\t/opt/gopath/_usercode_/424324290/src/ (from $GOPATH)\n\t/opt/gopath/src/\n"
"id": 0
Any ideas?
P.S. Currently running commit level 0.6.1 of the Hyperledger blockchain on Bluemix.
Try stripping out the 'tree/master' portion of your deployment url. Notice that the example linked below does not include this portion of the url:
This url is going to be passed into a go get <url> command inside the peer, which will download the chaincode so that it can be compiled. So, this url must match the format accepted by this command.
I tried using the Learn Chaincode example based on the advice from Dale to change the address of the repository from to The Blockchain network used for this test was running on Bluemix with version 0.6.1 of the Hyperledger Fabric. With the modified path, it was possible to use the APIs tab within the interface for the Blockchain network to deploy the chaincode.
Following are some things to check.
The v2.0 branch from should be used with a Blockchain network running Hyperledger Fabric version 0.6.1. Is your personal fork even with the v2.0 branch from
Was the chaincode deployment issued from the same validating peer used to register the user_type1_0 user? The validating peer can be selected at the top of the APIs tab. There is a note in the Learn Chaincode instructions indicating that the same validating peer must register the user and deploy the chaincode.
Your go get is command either not able to access Location of your package due to ACL or its parameters are invalid as per IBM doc. Please recheck its format

Get Azure VM status : "running , stopped" using resource manager deployment and rest api

i've deployed a vm using Resource Manager deployment model.
Using rest api as described here:
i'm able to get informations about my VM. But i cannot see if the VM is running or not. I want that information to start/stop the VM Automatically via code.
Does anyone have tried that and get the VM powerstate?
best regards...
i make a GET using this URI
string.Format("{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{2}?api-version={3}", subscriptionID, resssourcegroup, vmname,apiversion);
apiversion is 2016-03-30.
The API call for this information is:{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vm-name}/InstanceView?api-version={api-version}
Needed to use the second request uri "Get information about the instance view of a virtual machine" from the following url to get the instance powerstate.
Thank you.
This is the link to the documentation where you can see the Status of the VM:
This is an example of the output
"statuses": [
"code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded",
"level": "Info",
"displayStatus": "Provisioning succeeded",
"time": "2022-07-25T02:12:52.7726725+00:00"
"code": "PowerState/running",
"level": "Info",
"displayStatus": "VM running"

BAM 2.5.0 - Monitoring realtime traffic - Error when creating a new execution plan "Imported streams cannot be empty"

New user of the BAM with CEP integration, I'm currently following the "Monitoring Realtime Traffic" sample from WSo2 Doc and block when creating the Execution-plan step. Link to doc
The doc requires to
4. Under Import Stream select org.wso2.sample.rt.traffic for Import Stream, and enter traffic for As.
Unfortunatly when I click "import" nothing happens (in the doc it shows we should get //imported from org.wso2.sample.rt.traffic:1.0.0)
When I try to add the execution plan I get the "Imported streams cannot be empty"
Am I making a mistake ?
I was able to solve the issue of this UI problem by creating the event stream directly into the registry table. For that I've created the following resource
"streamId": "org.wso2.sample.rt.traffic:1.0.0",
"name": "org.wso2.sample.rt.traffic",
"version": "1.0.0",
"payloadData": [
"name": "entry",
"type": "STRING"
With a Media Type: application/json
Then creating the execution plan I could import the event stream and continue the use-case/ / tutorial