what's the meaning of this?
R o R o R o R = R o R o R
As I understand it means R of R of R of R is same as R of R of R
But It seems there something more in discrete mathematics
Let us consider a relation R={(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)} defined on set S={1,2,3}.
R o R is calculated as follows
R o R(1) = R(2) = 3
R o R(2) = R(3) = 1
R o R(3) = R(1) = 2
R o R = {(1,3),(2,1),(3,2)}
similarly R o R o R = {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)}
R o R o R o R = {(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)}
for this example R o R o R o R = R
In case your question R o R o R o R = R o R o R, The relation R={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)} satisfies the equation.
You are correct; the meaning of:
R o R o R o R = R o R o R
Is this:
R of R of R of R is equal to R of R of R
We can infer some more about the nature of R based on this equality by composing with R's inverse:
R o R o R o R = R o R o R
(R^-1 o R^-1 o R^-1) o (R o R o R o R) = (R^-1 o R^-1 o R^-1) o (R o R o R)
(R^-1 o R^-1) o (R^-1 o R) o (R o R o R) = (R^-1 o R^-1) o (R^-1 o R) o (R o R)
(R^-1 o R^-1) o I o (R o R o R) = (R^-1 o R^-1) o I o (R o R)
(R^-1 o R^-1) o (R o R o R) = (R^-1 o R^-1) o (R o R)
You can repeat this process and find that:
R = I
is the only admissible solution.
Im trying to prove the above question. I have been given a definition of an induction:
Definition nat_ind
(p : nat -> Prop)
(basis : p 0)
(step : forall n, p n -> p (S n)) :
forall n, p n := fix f n :=
match n return p n with
| 0 => basis
| S n => step n (f n)
This is my attempt, but don't know how to finish
Goal forall a b c, a * b * c = a * (b * c).
apply nat_ind.
- intros a b c. revert a.
apply (nat_ind (fun a => a * b * c = a * (b * c))); simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros. f_equal. intros.
After your very first nat_ind invocation, if you look at your goal, you see that Coq did not do the right thing at all!
forall a b c : nat, a * b * c = a * (b * c)
nat ->
(forall a b c : nat, a * b * c = a * (b * c)) ->
forall a b c : nat, a * b * c = a * (b * c)
What happened here is that it made a guess for your motive p, and decided to unify it with fun (_ : nat) => <YOUR_WHOLE_GOAL>, a function which given any nat would give your goal... Yes, this is silly!
One way to nudge it into doing the induction on a is by explicitly forcing it to do so, with:
apply nat_ind with (n := a)
(where the n matches the name used in your definition of nat_ind)
After this, you get the much more reasonable goals:
forall b c : nat, 0 * b * c = 0 * (b * c)
forall n : nat,
(forall b c : nat, n * b * c = n * (b * c)) ->
forall b c : nat, S n * b * c = S n * (b * c)
where indeed a has been replaced by 0 and S n respectively.
[EDIT: I guess this does not quite answer your question as you had gotten your way to the same point with the second induction call...]
To solve your goal, it will help a lot to have a property about distributivity of multiplication over addition:
forall n m p, (n + m) * p = n * p + m * p
All of these, as well as what you're trying to prove, already exists in Coq. Is this homework? Are you just training?
Consider the following simple problem:
Goal forall (R : relation nat) (a b c d e f g h : nat),
(forall m n : nat, R m n -> False) -> (R a b) -> False.
intros ? a b c d e f g h H1 H2.
saturate H1. (* <-- TODO implement this *)
My current implementation of saturate instantiates H1 with every possible combination of nat hypotheses, leading to quadratic blowup in time and memory usage. Instead I would like it to inspect forall and see that it requires a R m n, so the only combination of parameters that makes sense in context is a and then b.
Is there a known solution to this? My intuition is to use evars, but if I could avoid them without sacrificing significant performance I would like to.
This might be too simplistic, the idea is to try apply H1 on every hypothesis:
Ltac saturate H :=
match goal with
(* For any hypothesis I... *)
| [ I : _ |- _ ] =>
(* 1. Clone it (to not lose information). *)
let J := fresh I in pose proof I as J;
(* 2. apply H. *)
apply H in J;
(* 3. Abort if we already knew the resulting fact. *)
let T := type of J in
match goal with
| [ I1 : T, I2 : T |- _ ] => fail 2
end + idtac;
(* 4. Keep going *)
try (saturate H)
Require Setoid. (* To get [relation] in scope so the example compiles *)
(* Made the example a little less trivial to better test the backtracking logic. *)
Goal forall (R S : relation nat) (a b c d e f g h : nat),
(forall m n : nat, R m n -> S m n) -> (R a b) -> R c d -> S a b.
intros R S a b c d e f g h H1 H2 H3.
(* --- BEFORE ---
H2: R a b
H3: R c d
saturate H1.
(* --- AFTER ---
H2: R a b
H3: R c d
H0: S c d
H4: S a b
Given a non-empty subset of the real numbers E : R -> Prop, the completeness axiom gives a least upper bound l of E.
Is there a constructive function
lub_approx_seq (E : R -> Prop) (l : R)
: is_lub E l -> forall n:nat, { x:R | E x /\ l-1/n < x }
In classical mathematics we would argue that for all n:nat, l-1/n is not an upper bound, so there exists an x such that E x /\ l-1/n < x.
But in constructive mathematics, ~forall (not an upper bound) is weaker than exists.
If it is not possible for a general subset E, are there conditions on E that make it possible ?
I'm particularly interested in the case where E is a downward-infinite interval. Then the converging sequence is simply fun n:nat => l-1/n and what remains to be proved is :
Lemma lub_approx (E : R -> Prop) (l : R)
: is_lub E l
-> (forall x y : R, x < y -> E y -> E x) (* interval *)
-> forall x : R, x < l -> E x
For example I have these two hypotheses (one is negation of other)
H : forall e : R, e > 0 -> exists p : X, B e x p -> ~ F p
H0 : exists e : R, e > 0 -> forall p : X, B e x p -> F p
And goal
How to prove it?
You can't, because H0 is not the negation of H. The correct statement would be
Definition R := nat.
Parameter X: Type.
Parameter T: Type.
Parameter x: T.
Parameter B : R -> T -> X -> Prop.
Parameter F : X -> Prop.
Lemma foobar: forall (H: forall e : R, e > 0 -> exists p : X, B e x p -> ~ F p)
(H0: exists e: R, e > 0 /\ forall p: X, B e x p /\ F p), False.
intros H H0.
destruct H0 as [e [he hforall]].
destruct (H e he) as [p hp].
destruct (hforall p) as [hB hF].
exact (hp hB hF).
I have a powershell script that takes some inputs and uses them in a SQLCMD call, putting the output into a log file.
SQLCMD -Q $RestoreDB -S $SQLServer -d $DBName >> $SQLLogFile
The log file is a .txt file, but when I run this the output of the script (in this case, some information related to the restore process) is very odd:
C h a n g e d d a t a b a s e c o n t e x t t o ' m a s t e r ' .
N o n q u a l i f i e d t r a n s a c t i o n s a r e b e i n g r o l l e d b a c k . E s t i m a t e d r o l l b a c k c o m p l e t i o n : 1 0 0 % .
1 0 p e r c e n t p r o c e s s e d .
2 0 p e r c e n t p r o c e s s e d .
3 0 p e r c e n t p r o c e s s e d .
I think this is because Powershell uses unicode, so these are 2-byte characters (hence the space). Is there any way to change the way Powershell outputs, or should I pipe the output from SQLCMD using out-file -append and just change it there?