Converging sequence to least upper bound - coq

Given a non-empty subset of the real numbers E : R -> Prop, the completeness axiom gives a least upper bound l of E.
Is there a constructive function
lub_approx_seq (E : R -> Prop) (l : R)
: is_lub E l -> forall n:nat, { x:R | E x /\ l-1/n < x }
In classical mathematics we would argue that for all n:nat, l-1/n is not an upper bound, so there exists an x such that E x /\ l-1/n < x.
But in constructive mathematics, ~forall (not an upper bound) is weaker than exists.
If it is not possible for a general subset E, are there conditions on E that make it possible ?
I'm particularly interested in the case where E is a downward-infinite interval. Then the converging sequence is simply fun n:nat => l-1/n and what remains to be proved is :
Lemma lub_approx (E : R -> Prop) (l : R)
: is_lub E l
-> (forall x y : R, x < y -> E y -> E x) (* interval *)
-> forall x : R, x < l -> E x


Fix vs. Fix_sub

I'm attempting to use Fix to express a well-founded function.
It has Fix_eq to unwrap it for 1 level, however, the confusing
part is that Fix_eq is expressed in terms of Fix_sub instead of Fix.
The difference appears to be that
Check Fix.
(* ... *)
(forall x : A, (forall y : A, R y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
Check Fix_sub.
(* ... *)
(forall x : A, (forall y : {y : A | R y x}, P (proj1_sig y)) -> P x) ->
Fix uses 2 arguments and Fix_sub packages them both together into a sig.
So, they are essentially equivalent. However, I don't see any included
convenience functions to switch between Fix and Fix_sub. Is there
a reason that Fix_eq doesn't work with Fix ? How is it supposed
to be used?
I'm aware of Program and Function, but here I am trying to use Fix directly.
Which version and libraries are you using?
in 8.16 I get
forall [A : Type] [R : A -> A -> Prop] (Rwf : well_founded R)
(P : A -> Type) (F : forall x : A, (forall y : A, R y x -> P y) -> P x),
(forall (x : A) (f g : forall y : A, R y x -> P y),
(forall (y : A) (p : R y x), f y p = g y p) -> F x f = F x g) ->
forall x : A, Fix Rwf P F x = F x (fun (y : A) (_ : R y x) => Fix Rwf P F y)
and Fib_subis unknown.
You may have imported some module which masks the definitions from Coq.Init.Wf ?

Implementing/specifying permutation groups in coq

I am trying to implement/specify the permutation groups (symmetric groups) in coq. This went well for a bit, until I tried to prove that the identity is actually the identity. My proof gets stuck on proving that the proposition "x is invertible" is exactly the same as the proposition "id * x is invertible".
Are these two propositions actually the same? Am I trying to prove something that is not true? Is there a better way of specifying the permutation group (as a type)?
(* The permutation group on X contains all functions between X and X that are bijective/invertible *)
Inductive G {X : Type} : Type :=
| function (f: X -> X) (H: exists g: X -> X, forall x : X, f (g x) = x /\ g (f x) = x).
(* Composing two functions preserves invertibility *)
Lemma invertible_composition {X : Type} (f g: X -> X) :
(exists f' : X -> X, forall x : X, f (f' x) = x /\ f' (f x) = x) ->
(exists g' : X -> X, forall x : X, g (g' x) = x /\ g' (g x) = x) ->
exists h : X -> X, forall x : X, (fun x => f (g x)) (h x) = x /\ h ((fun x => f (g x)) x) = x.
(* The group operation is composition *)
Definition op {X : Type} (a b : G) : G :=
match a, b with
| function f H, function g H' => function (fun x => f (g x)) (#invertible_composition X f g H H')
Definition id' {X : Type} (x : X) : X := x.
(* The identity function is invertible *)
Lemma id_invertible {X : Type} : exists g : X -> X, forall x : X, id' (g x) = x /\ g (id' x) = x.
Definition id {X : Type} : (#G X) := function id' id_invertible.
(* The part on which I get stuck: proving that composition with the identity does not change elements. *)
Lemma identity {X: Type} : forall x : G, op id x = x /\ #op X x id = x.
- destruct x.
apply f_equal.
I believe that your statement cannot be proved without assuming extra axioms:
forall (P : Prop) (p q : P), p = q.
You need this axiom to show that two elements of G are equal when the underlying functions are:
Require Import Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance.
Inductive G X : Type :=
| function (f: X -> X) (H: exists g: X -> X, forall x : X, f (g x) = x /\ g (f x) = x).
Arguments function {X} _ _.
Definition fun_of_G {X} (f : G X) : X -> X :=
match f with function f _ => f end.
Lemma fun_of_G_inj {X} (f g : G X) : fun_of_G f = fun_of_G g -> f = g.
destruct f as [f fP], g as [g gP].
intros e.
destruct e.
apply proof_irrelevance.
(As a side note, it is usually better to declare the X parameter of G explicitly, rather than implicitly. It is rarely the case that Coq can figure out what X should be on its own.)
With fun_of_G_inj, it should be possible to show identity simply by applying it to each equality, because fun a => (fun x => x) (g a) is equal to g for any g.
If you want to use this representation for groups, you'll probably also need the axiom of functional extensionality eventually:
forall X Y (f g : X -> Y), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
This axiom is available in the Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality module.
If you want to define the inverse element as a function, you probably also need some form of the axiom of choice: it is necessary for extracting the inverse element g from the existence proof.
If you don't want to assume extra axioms, you have to place restrictions on your permutation group. For instance, you can restrict your attention to elements with finite support -- that is, permutation that fix all elements of X, except for a finite set. There are multiple libraries that allow you to work with permutations this way, including my own extensional structures.

How to perform multiple exists-eliminations that all share a single multivariate universally-quantified hypothesis?

The Lean documentation shows the following two examples with just a single variable:
from Theorem Proving in Lean: Existential Quantifiers:
variables (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
exists.elim h
(assume w,
assume hw : p w ∧ q w, -- this is ∀ w, p w ∧ q w
show ∃ x, q x ∧ p x, from ⟨w, hw.right, hw.left⟩)
from Logic and Proof: Using the Existential Quantifier ***:
variables (U : Type) (P : U → Prop) (Q : Prop)
example (h1 : ∃ x, P x) (h2 : ∀ x, P x → Q) : Q :=
exists.elim h1
(assume (y : U) (h : P y),
have h3 : P y → Q, from h2 y,
show Q, from h3 h)
In both cases the universal hypothesis (h2 in the former example, hw in the latter) only depends on one variable.
Now suppose that we got (I paraphrase the original problem):
variables (U : Type) (P R: U → Prop)(Q : Prop)
example (h1a : ∃ x, P x) (h1b : ∃ x, R x) (h2 : ∀ x y, P x → R y → Q) : Q := sorry
In h2, imagine that P and R are like nat.is_even, and Q is like "x,y form a pair of even numbers".
The interior derivation that exists.elim needs, I imagine, would go like:
(assume (y z : U) (ha : P y) (hb : R z),
have h3 : P y → R z → Q, from h2 y z,
show Q, from h4 h1a h1b)
But I'm not sure how to use it with exists elimination - since essentially two eliminations need to be done at once. exists.elim h1a (exists.elim h1b (assume ... show Q, from ...)) doesn't work it seems.
This works for me
example (h1a : ∃ x, P x) (h1b : ∃ x, R x) (h2 : ∀ x y, P x → R y → Q) : Q :=
exists.elim h1a (exists.elim h1b (assume (x : U) (hRx : R x) (y : U) (hPy : P y), _))
There are other ways of doing this. One is to use let
example (h1a : ∃ x, P x) (h1b : ∃ x, R x) (h2 : ∀ x y, P x → R y → Q) : Q :=
let ⟨x, hPx⟩ := h1a in
let ⟨y, hRy⟩ := h1b in
Another way is to use the cases tactic in tactic mode
example (h1a : ∃ x, P x) (h1b : ∃ x, R x) (h2 : ∀ x y, P x → R y → Q) : Q :=
cases h1a with x hPx,
cases h1b with y hRy,

Moving from computable functions to inductive relations

I am trying to understand how to move from theorems that operate on computable functions to theorems that use inductively defined relations to represent computations. Consider this simple development below. Let's start with a standard definition of relations and their properties:
Definition relation (X : Type) := X -> X -> Prop.
Definition reflexive {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
forall a, R a a.
Definition transitive {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
forall a b c : X, (R a b) -> (R b c) -> (R a c).
Now I define three properties defined for a relation R and two functions F and G:
Definition propA {X : Type} (R : relation X) (F G : X -> X) :=
forall p q, R (F p) q <-> R p (G q).
Definition propB {X : Type} (R : relation X) (F G : X -> X) :=
forall x, R x (G (F x)).
Definition propC {X : Type} (R : relation X) (F : X -> X) :=
forall a b : X, R a b -> R (F a) (F b).
I state a theorem that if R is reflexive and property A holds for R, F and G, then property B also holds R, F and G.
Lemma aPropB {X : Type} {R : relation X} {F G : X -> X} (Rrefl : reflexive R)
(H : propA R F G) :
propB R F G.
unfold propB in *.
apply H. apply Rrefl.
Finally I state a theorem that if R is reflexive and transitive, and property A holds for R, F and G, then property C holds for R and F.
Lemma aPropC {X : Type} {R : relation X} {F G : X -> X}
(Rrefl : reflexive R) (Rtrans : transitive R) (H : propA R F G) :
propC R F.
unfold propC in *.
apply H.
eapply Rtrans. eassumption.
apply aPropB; assumption.
Now I would like to move from representing F and G as computations to representing them as relations. So instead of saying F : X -> X I will now just say F : relation X and insist that F is deterministic:
Definition deterministic {X : Type} (F : relation X) :=
forall x y1 y2, F x y1 -> F x y2 -> y1 = y2.
I restate all three properties:
Definition propA' {X : Type} (R : relation X) (F G : relation X)
(Fdet : deterministic F) (Gdet : deterministic G) :=
forall p q x y, F p x -> G q y -> R x q <-> R p y.
Definition propB' {X : Type} (R : relation X) (F G : relation X)
(Fdet : deterministic F) (Gdet : deterministic G) :=
forall x y z, F x y -> G y z -> R x z.
Definition propC' {X : Type} (R : relation X) (F : relation X)
(Fdet : deterministic F) :=
forall a b x y : X, F a x -> F b y -> R a b -> R x y.
Transformation pattern that I have followed is that expression R a (F b) is turned into F b x -> R a x, meaning "F b evaluates to some x and a is in relation R with that x". Now for the theorems. First one follows quite easily:
Lemma aPropB' {X : Type} {R : relation X} {Rrefl : reflexive R}
{F G : relation X} {Fdet : deterministic F} {Gdet : deterministic G}
(H : propA' R F G Fdet Gdet) :
propB' R F G Fdet Gdet.
unfold propA', propB' in *.
specialize (H x y y z).
apply H; auto.
But I am stuck with the second one. I start the proof like this:
Lemma aPropC' {X : Type} {R : relation X} {F G : relation X}
{Fdet : deterministic F} {Gdet : deterministic G}
(Rrefl : reflexive R) (Rtrans : transitive R)
(H : propA' R F G Fdet Gdet) :
propC' R F Fdet.
unfold propC' in *.
eapply H; try eassumption.
and end with a following goal to prove (some irrelevant hypotheses omitted):
H : propA' R F G Fdet Gdet
H0 : F a x
H1 : F b y
H2 : R a b
G y b
The problem is that G is now an explicit premise of propA' and I have to prove it if I want to rely on propA'. But I have no assumptions about G in my current proof context and I don't see a way to finish the proof. Previously in aPropC, that used functions, G would only appear in conclusions of aPropA and aPropB. So the shape of the goal matched the shape of my hypotheses and known lemmas, allowing me to use them easily.
Where am I going wrong here? Is my transition from functions to relations incorrect? Is there any technique that I could use here?
Functions in Coq are not just deterministic relations but also total ones. So you may want to throw in:
Definition total {X : Type} (R : relation X) : Prop :=
forall x, exists y, R x y.
And then the notion of being functional is the conjunction of deterministic and total:
Definition functional {X : Type} (R : relation X) : Prop :=
deterministic R /\ total R.
Alternatively, you can add assumptions to your lemmas relating the domains of the partial functions your relations represent.

Prove that one hypothesis is negation of another in Coq

For example I have these two hypotheses (one is negation of other)
H : forall e : R, e > 0 -> exists p : X, B e x p -> ~ F p
H0 : exists e : R, e > 0 -> forall p : X, B e x p -> F p
And goal
How to prove it?
You can't, because H0 is not the negation of H. The correct statement would be
Definition R := nat.
Parameter X: Type.
Parameter T: Type.
Parameter x: T.
Parameter B : R -> T -> X -> Prop.
Parameter F : X -> Prop.
Lemma foobar: forall (H: forall e : R, e > 0 -> exists p : X, B e x p -> ~ F p)
(H0: exists e: R, e > 0 /\ forall p: X, B e x p /\ F p), False.
intros H H0.
destruct H0 as [e [he hforall]].
destruct (H e he) as [p hp].
destruct (hforall p) as [hB hF].
exact (hp hB hF).