postgreSQL There is an entry for table "xxx", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query - postgresql

What is the proper way to write this query in postgreSQL?
I am trying to normalize (i.e. standardize) an address. I can use pagc with no problem if I feed it a hardcoded address. However, I need to feed it an address parsed from parts. I see there are several similar questions here on stack overflow referencing the same error. These queries are complex and are all pretty different from mine, so I couldn't get to the solution from reading the other posts.
I have tried:
with full_address as (home_address1 || ','|| home_city ||','|| home_state ||,','|| home_zip) update contacts set (home_house_num, home_predirection, home_street_name, home_street_type,home_postdirection, home_unit_num) = (addy.address_alphanumeric,addy.predirabbrev,addy.streetname, addy.streettypeabbrev,addy.postdirabbrev,addy.internal) FROM pagc_normalize_address(full_address) AS addy where contact_id = 833826;
This throws error:
syntax error at or near "home_address1"
LINE 26: with full_address as (home_address1 || ','|| home_city |.
I have also tried:
update contacts set (home_house_num, home_predirection, home_street_name, home_street_type,home_postdirection, home_unit_num) = (addy.address_alphanumeric,addy.predirabbrev,addy.streetname, addy.streettypeabbrev,addy.postdirabbrev,addy.internal) FROM pagc_normalize_address(home_address1 ||','||home_city||','||home_state||','||','||home_zip) AS addy where contact_id = 833826;
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "contacts"
LINE 24: ...abbrev,addy.internal) FROM pagc_normalize_address(home_addre...
HINT: There is an entry for table "contacts", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
SQL state: 42P10
Character: 2297

The first query is gibberish, the second makes sense but fails because you cannot use a lateral reference to the updated table's columns in the FROM clause.
Try a CTE like this:
WITH addy AS (
|| ',' || home_city || ',' || home_state || ',' || ',' || home_zip) AS addy
WHERE contacts.contact_id = 833826
UPDATE contacts
SET (home_house_num, home_predirection, home_street_name, home_street_type,home_postdirection, home_unit_num)
= (addy.address_alphanumeric,addy.predirabbrev,addy.streetname, addy.streettypeabbrev,addy.postdirabbrev,addy.internal)
FROM addy
WHERE contact_id = 833826;


Syntaxerror, when creating an MATERIALIZED VIEW of tsvectors for fulltextsearch in postgresql

I am trying to implement a full text search, taking spelling mistakes into account.
Therefor, I try to create a MATERIALIZED VIEW of tsvector of all relevant columns.
SELECT word FROM ts_stat(
'SELECT to_tsvector('simple', cve.descriptions) ||
to_tsvector('simple', cpeMatch.criteria) ||
to_tsvector('simple', array_to_string(reference.tags, ' '))
FROM cve
JOIN cpeMatch ON cpeMatch.cve_id =
JOIN reference ON reference.cve_id =
But when I run this code, I get:
SQL-Fehler [42601]: FEHLER: Syntaxfehler bei »simple«
Position: 92
Saying there is a syntax error at 'simple'.
I have no idea how to resolve this issue.
Just to make clear, I installed pg_trgm but didn't make any configs ore changes.
You need to quote simple but you are already in a quoted string. The easiest is to change the string delimiter:
SELECT word FROM ts_stat(
$$SELECT to_tsvector('simple', cve.descriptions) ||
to_tsvector('simple', cpeMatch.criteria) ||
to_tsvector('simple', array_to_string(reference.tags, ' '))
FROM cve
JOIN cpeMatch ON cpeMatch.cve_id =
JOIN reference ON reference.cve_id =

Postgresql - How to make NOT LIKE + SELECT statement, comparing two columns between tables

Hit a bit of a brickwall here, I haven't found anything that seems to work.
FROM glsltransaction gls
INNER JOIN glhistory h ON gls.sltrxid = h.schedxrefid
INNER JOIN apvendor ap ON ap.vendorid = gls.acctid
INNER JOIN glchartofaccounts coa USING (acctdeptid)
WHERE h.description <> gls.description
AND h.description not like || || '%'
AND gls.description <> ''
This line here AND h.description not like || || '%' is what i'm having issues with.
I get the following error when trying to run that statement above:
'Error occurred in running query from editor : ERROR: operator does not exist: || text Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type. You might need to add an explicit type cast. Position: 563'
I'm effectively wanting it to function like a.column not like b.column%
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

sqlalchemy to create temporary table

I created a temporary table with sqlalchemy (with an underlying postgres database) that is going to be joined with a database table. However, in some cases when a value is empty '' then postgres throws the error:
failed to find conversion function from unknown to text
SqlAlchemy assembles everything to the following context
[SQL: 'WITH temp_table AS \n(SELECT %(param_1)s AS id, %(param_2)s AS email, %(param_3)s AS phone)\n SELECT,, \nFROM campaigns_contact JOIN temp_table ON = AND = AND ='] [parameters: {'param_1': 83, 'param_2': '', 'param_3': '+1234567890'}]
I assemble the temporary table as follows
stmts = []
for row in import_data:
row_values = [literal(row[value]).label(value) for value in values]
subquery = union_all(*stmts)
subquery = subquery.cte(name="temp_table")
The problem seems to be the part here
...%(param_2)s AS email...
which after replacing the param_2 results in
...'' AS email...
which will cause the error mentioned above.
One way to solve the issue is to perform a cast
...''::text AS email...
However, I don't know how to perform ::text cast with sqlalchemy!?

Why am I getting a syntax error in my PostgreSQL query?

I apologize I'm very new to PostgreSQL. When I try and run a migration that works for everyone else, I get errors on my computer. I took the script that's failing from the migration and ran it in pgAdmin3 to see what was going on.
Here is my query:
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vw_admin_question_export_text;
CREATE VIEW vw_admin_question_export_text AS
select name || '|' || q.question_key || '|' || qt.type_name || '|' || qo.options import from question q
full JOIN (SELECT question_id, COALESCE(string_agg(option_text || '|' || option_value, '|'),'') as options
FROM question_option
GROUP BY question_id) qo
on (q.question_id = qo.question_id)
JOIN question_type qt
on (q.questiontype_id = qt.questiontype_id);
This is the error I'm getting:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "import"
LINE 4: ...n_key || '|' || qt.type_name || '|' || qo.options import fro...
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "import"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 179
My coworker thinks it may be an issue with my PostgreSQL version which is 9.5.2
The problem here is that import is a reserved keyword in PostgreSQL, so you can't use it as an alias without double-quoting it or using AS keyword.
Simpler test:
postgres=# SELECT 'foo' import;
ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "import"
LINE 1: SELECT 'foo' import;
LOCATION: scanner_yyerror, scan.l:1082
postgres=# SELECT 'foo' AS import;
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT 'foo' "import";
(1 row)
To solve your issue, you can simple add AS keyword to define the alias:
CREATE VIEW vw_admin_question_export_text AS
name || '|' || q.question_key || '|' || qt.type_name || '|' || qo.options AS import
from question q
full JOIN (
COALESCE(string_agg(option_text || '|' || option_value, '|'),'') as options
FROM question_option
GROUP BY question_id
) qo
on (q.question_id = qo.question_id)
JOIN question_type qt
on (q.questiontype_id = qt.questiontype_id);
Another option is to simple chose another name, that does not collide with one in reserved keyword list (I recommend that option). In any case, always use AS is a good idea to make things more explicit and avoid problems like this one.

ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "movies"

I am new to SQL and need to query a database to extract certain information before I can import it into another software I am familiar with to analyse the data. This query was sent to me by a friend who I don't have access to at the moment, and I cannot figure out why it gives me the following error:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "movies"
LINE 8: FROM (SELECT movies.movieid
Here is the query:
SELECT innerselect.movieid
,innerselect.budget[1] AS budget_currency
,TO_NUMBER(innerselect.budget[2], '999999999999990.00') AS budget_total
FROM (SELECT movies.movieid
,regexp_matches(business.businesstext, '^BT:[ ](USD)[ ](-?(?!0)(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+))', 'g') AS budget -- creates a PostgreSQL Array which contains the content matched with the RegEx Groups FROM movies LEFT JOIN business ON movies.movieid=business.movieid WHERE movies.movieid > 2753500
) AS innerselect
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Problem is you put the FROM on the same line as the comment, so the FROM clause was ignored.
SELECT innerselect.movieid
,innerselect.budget[1] AS budget_currency
,TO_NUMBER(innerselect.budget[2], '999999999999990.00') AS budget_total
FROM (SELECT movies.movieid
,regexp_matches(business.businesstext, '^BT:[ ](USD)[ ](-?(?!0)(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+))', 'g') AS budget -- creates a PostgreSQL Array which contains the content matched with the RegEx Groups
FROM movies LEFT JOIN business ON movies.movieid=business.movieid WHERE movies.movieid > 2753500
) AS innerselect