I want to create a page in my Flutter app that allow users to search other user profiles by using an attributes filter - flutter

I am new in Flutter, I'm working on my first application, this is my first question...I want to create a page in my Flutter application that allow users to search for other users profile by using a filter...let me give you an example...it's like the Google Play Store but instead of showing apps I want the application to show user profiles that obviously signed up to my app before and want to offer a service.
Thank you!!!


Flutter links then firebase write

I'm creating a shopping list app using flutter and Firebase database where users can share their own shopping list.
I'd that users can share a link where other users just tapping that link can open my app and see the shopping list shared.
So when a user tap the link automatically my app opens up and write a key value in firebase database.
How can I achieve my purpose?
I don't even know what to search in google? :s
Thank you
What you're describing is (within Firebase) achieved by the product called Firebase Dynamic Links. With these you can generate a link to any screen in your app, so that when the user clicks the link they are taken to that screen (even if they have to install the app first).
So I recommend reading the documentation on creating dynamic links and receiving dynamic links in Flutter.

How to make profile as link to share

I am going to create a chat application using flutter with the firebase database, I want to add a profile sharing feature that opens a specific profile by its profile link, e.g. In Telegram, we have our own profile id and we can share it as https://t.me/username, just of one click it opens with telegram app with that specific user profile. Then how do I do this?
Firebase Dynamic Links
Firebase Dynamic Links is the service that does what you're describing. The documentation states the following:
You create a Dynamic Link either by using the Firebase console, using
a REST API, iOS or Android Builder API, or by forming a URL by adding
Dynamic Link parameters to a domain specific to your app. These
parameters specify the links you want to open, depending on the user's
platform and whether your app is installed.
First, you will need to enable it for your Firebase project through your Firebase console.
Then, you will include its official package for Flutter called firebase_dynamic_links in your app.
You can create Dynamic Links programmatically with your app or maybe Cloud Functions or by using the Firebase console.
Use the firebase_dynamic_links package to check if a Dynamic Link was passed to it when your app opens.
You can view the analytics data to track the performance of your Dynamic Links in the Firebase console.

Facebook login with multiple apps

I have 2 mobile apps. These apps have different names and branding. However, as both these companies are partners, we have the same login system. This means the user should be able to use the same login details for both apps.
I want to add Facebook login to both of these apps.
Solution 1: Use same FB App ID
The easiest option is to use the same registered Facebook App for both applications.
The issue here is that I need a different logo & app name to appear when logging in with Facebook. However, the FB dashboard only allows you to specify one app name & logo for each app.
Solution 2: Create another app in FB Dashboard
Another solution is to create another app in FB developer portal, and use 2 different FB ids. The issue here is that if a user logs into both apps, it is not clear that they are using the same account. Before we had a fb_id attribute, but it looks like we cannot use this anymore. Also, a user can revoke certain permissions on one app, and not the other, causing things to be out of sync.
How can I solve this issue?

Facebook - How to know if a user uses an app?

I cant' find the right API call to know if a user has added an app? Any idea on how to do this or get the app users?
There is no way to get the App users, you can store new users in your database with their ID right after authorizing. You can use the "Deauthorize Callback URL" field in the settings to check for users who deauthorized your App and remove them from your database.

Set the profile picture for a test user

It looks like it's not possible to programmatically set a user's profile picture - you can only upload to an album, then send the user to a "make profile picture" page. Is there any way to do this for a test user?
I'm doing automated testing for a mobile app and want to generate new test users for each test. However, the app requires users to have a profile picture in order to log in, so it's currently not possible for me to create new users on the fly and have them be able to use the app. Is there a workaround for this? And are there plans for this functionality to be implemented?
(I'm using ruby and httparty to communicate with the API.)
Currently you can set up test user's detail from dashboard, but still facebook does not allow to do it programmatically via api.