I am trying to create a tpm2-based auto unlock sh script, but the script fails with file not found - sh

I am trying to create a TPM-based unlock script using tpm2-tools with instructions from Tevora Secure boot tpm2. I have set up the key, loaded it with cryptsetup luksAddKey secret.bin, then tested it using tpm2_unlock -c 0x81000000 --auth pci:sha1:0,2,3,7 and returns the value of secret.bin. For extra measures, to make sure it works, I loaded secret.bin into "/etc/crypttab", ran # update-initramfs -u -k all, and rebooted. Upon reboot, the system unlocked.
I copied over the following code into "/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/tpm2"
#!/bin/sh -e
if [ "$1" = "prereqs" ]; then exit 0; fi
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions
copy_exec /usr/local/bin/tpm2_unseal
copy_exec /usr/local/lib/libtss2-tcti-device.so
I appended my etc/crypttab from cryptname UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx none luks to cryptname UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx none luks,keyscript=/usr/local/bin/passphrase-from-tpm
I rewrote the following script because the tpm2-tools command was outdated, edited in the new command, and stored it in /usr/local/bin/passphrase-from-tpm:
set -e
echo "Unlocking via TPM" >&2
export TPM2TOOLS_TCTI="device:/dev/tpm0"
/usr/local/bin/tpm2_unseal -c 0x81000000 --auth pcr:sha1:0,2,3,7
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
/lib/cryptsetup/askpass "Unlocking the disk fallback $CRYPTTAB_SOURCE ($CRYPTTAB_NAME)\nEnter passphrase: "
I ran # update-initramfs -u -k all then rebooted. In reboot, I get the following error: /lib/cryptsetup/scripts/passphrase-from-tpm: line 5: /usr/local/bin/tpm2_unseal: not found
I have tried many times to edit passphrase-from-tpm unsuccessfully, including:
Moving both passphrase-from-tpm into "/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/" and referencing crypttab to that file
Modifying passphrase-from-tpm to use a relative file path to tpm_unseal
Before I figured out how to create a backup linux boot using:
objcopy \
--add-section .osrel=/etc/os-release --change-section-vma .osrel=0x20000 \
--add-section .cmdline=cmdline.txt --change-section-vma .cmdline=0x30000 \
--add-section .linux="/boot/vmlinuz" --change-section-vma .linux=0x40000 \
--add-section .initrd="/boot/initrd.img" --change-section-vma .initrd=0x3000000 \
/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linuxx64.efi.stub /boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOT_RECX64.EFI
I would be locked out of the system completely because of the error and had to reinstall Ubuntu about 40 times. I have suffered a lot and want to quit but I am too stubborn to throw in the flag.

just copy tpm2_unseal to /usr/local/bin/

I'm trying to make a working setup following basically those instructions, plus a few others I have found. While not working 100% yet, check that both /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/tpm2 and /usr/local/bin/passphrase-from-tpm are marked executable (sudo chmod ug+x $filename).
After making the initramfs, you can run the following to ensure that the TPM related files are actually in the image. Replace the path in the filename by whatever update-initramfs said it was generating:
$ lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-5.0.0-37-generic | egrep "(tpm|libtss)"
Additionally, I have modified /usr/local/bin/passphrase-from-tpm to the following:
export TPM2TOOLS_TCTI="device:$TPM_DEVICE"
if [ "$CRYPTTAB_TRIED" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Unlocking via TPM" >&2
/usr/local/bin/tpm2_unseal -H $TPM_REGISTER -L $TPM_SEAL_POLICY
echo "Unseal status $UNSEAL_STATUS" >&2
if [ $UNSEAL_STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
echo "TPM unlocking previously failed for $CRYPTTAB_SOURCE ($CRYPTTAB_NAME)" >&2
/lib/cryptsetup/askpass "Enter passphrase for $CRYPTTAB_SOURCE ($CRYPTTAB_NAME): "
Note that the command line options to tpm2_unseal are for the 3.x versions of tpm2-tools. If you're using another version, you might need to update the options.
I pulled out various bits into variables at the top of the file. Modify TPM_REGISTER and TPM_SEAL_POLICY to match how you created the TPM object. set -e was removed since if any command failed, the whole script would exit, preventing the askpass fallback from ever running if tpm2_unseal failed.
Additionally, I noticed that if the script fails for some reason, systemd will attempt to run it again. If the secret in the TPM doesn't match the LUKS key, this will render the system unbootable, since the unseal succeeds, but unlocking fails, and systemd will run the script again.
Looking at the man page for crypttab, I discovered that one of the environment variables provided to the keyscript is CRYPTTAB_TRIED which is the number of tries it has attempted to unlock the volume. If CRYPTTAB_TRIED is 0, it'll attempt to use the TPM, as shown by this test (Running as non-root, so accessing the TPM device fails):
$ export CRYPTTAB_SOURCE=some_device
$ export CRYPTTAB_NAME=some_device_name
$ ./passphrase-from-tpm
Unlocking via TPM
ERROR:tcti:src/tss2-tcti/tcti-device.c:440:Tss2_Tcti_Device_Init() Failed to open device file /dev/tpm0: Permission denied
ERROR: tcti init allocation routine failed for library: "device" options: "/dev/tpm0"
ERROR: Could not load tcti, got: "device"
Unseal status 1
When it tries running the script again, CRYPTTAB_TRIED will be greater than 0, making it display the password prompt instead:
$ ./passphrase-from-tpm
TPM unlocking previously failed for some_device (some_device_name)
Enter passphrase for some_device (some_device_name):
Hopefully this is still of use to you, and helpful to anyone else trying to get the house of cards that is disk encryption with a TPM on Linux working.


How to fix the sdk_addon data copy build error?

I tried to build the Android SDK Addon System Image of halogenOS 13 (AOSP 13, nothing was changed in the AOSP source code yet).
The steps to build are as usual:
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch aosp_sdk_phone_x86_64-eng
m sdk_addon
At 100%, the build fails with following error:
[100% 12483/12483] Packaging SDK Addon System-Image: out/host/linux-x86/sdk_addon/custom-eng.simao--
FAILED: out/host/linux-x86/sdk_addon/custom-eng.simao--img.zip
/bin/bash -c "(cp -R out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data out/host/linux-x86/obj/SDK_ADDON/custom_intermediates/custom-eng.simao--img/images/x86_64/data ) && (out/host/linux-x86/bin/soong_zip -o out/host/linux-x86/sdk_addon/custom-eng.simao--img.zip -C out/host/linux-x86/obj/SDK_ADDON/custom_intermediates/custom-eng.simao--img/images/ -D out/host/linux-x86/obj/SDK_ADDON/custom_intermediates/custom-eng.simao--img/images/x86_64 )"
cp: bad 'out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data': No such file or directory
13:17:13 ninja failed with: exit status 1
If I just mkdir out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data, of course, that just solves the build error but the SDK addon does not actually boot in the emulator due to encryption issues with the userdata partition so I think this is related. This makes me guess that in the data directory there should be some files in there but for some reason the are not created.
What's really odd here is that the file device/generic/goldfish/vendor.mk explicitly adds some data files to PRODUCT_COPY_FILES, notably:
device/generic/goldfish/data/etc/dtb.img:dtb.img \
device/generic/goldfish/emulator-info.txt:data/misc/emulator/version.txt \
device/generic/goldfish/data/etc/apns-conf.xml:data/misc/apns/apns-conf.xml \
device/generic/goldfish/radio/RadioConfig/radioconfig.xml:data/misc/emulator/config/radioconfig.xml \
device/generic/goldfish/data/etc/iccprofile_for_sim0.xml:data/misc/modem_simulator/iccprofile_for_sim0.xml \
If I manually build them using, for example, m out/target/product/emulator_x86_64/data/misc/emulator/version.txt, the file is created at the correct location, as expected. Which leads me to wonder when entries PRODUCT_COPY_FILES are considered targets to be built and when they aren't.
I got the emulator to boot but the data directory is still not being created. (Creating manually or building one target in the data dir is a workaorund).

How to decide Quarkus application arguments in Kubernetes at run-time?

I've built a Quarkus 2.7.1 console application using picocli that includes several subcommands. I'd like to be able to run this application within a Kubernetes cluster and decide its arguments at run-time. This is so that I can use the same container image to run the application in different modes within the cluster.
To get things started I added the JIB extension and tried setting the arguments using a configuration value quarkus.jib.jvm-arguments. Unfortunately it seems like this configuration value is locked at build-time so I'm unable to update this at run-time.
Next I tried setting quarkus.args while using default settings for JIB. The configuration value documentation makes it sound general enough for the job but it doesn't seem to have an affect when the application is run in the container. Since most references to this configuration value in documentation are in the context of Dev Mode I'm wondering if this may be disabled outside of that.
How can I get this application running in a container image with its arguments decided at run-time?
You can set quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint to any container entrypoint command you want, including scripts. An example in the doc is quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint=/deployments/run-java.sh. You could make use of $CLI_ARGUMENTS in such a script. Even something like quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint=/bin/sh,-c,'/deployments/run-java.sh $CLI_ARGUMENTS' should work too, as long as you place the script run-java.sh at /deployments in the image. The possibility is limitless.
Also see this SO answer if there's an issue. (The OP in the link put a customer script at src/main/jib/docker/run-java.sh (src/main/jib is Jib's default "extra files directory") so that Jib places the script in the image at /docker/run-java.sh.
I was able to find a solution to the problem with a bit of experimenting this morning.
With the quarkus-container-image-docker extension (instead of quarkus.jib.jvm-arguments) I was able to take the template Dockerfile.jvm and extend it to pass through arguments to the CLI. The only line that needed changing was the ENTRYPOINT (details included in the snippet below). I changed the ENTRYPOINT form (from exec to shell) and added an environment variable as an argument to pass-through program arguments.
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.3
ARG JAVA_PACKAGE=java-11-openjdk-headless
# Install java and the run-java script
# Also set up permissions for user `1001`
RUN microdnf install curl ca-certificates ${JAVA_PACKAGE} \
&& microdnf update \
&& microdnf clean all \
&& mkdir /deployments \
&& chown 1001 /deployments \
&& chmod "g+rwX" /deployments \
&& chown 1001:root /deployments \
&& curl https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/fabric8/run-java-sh/${RUN_JAVA_VERSION}/run-java-sh-${RUN_JAVA_VERSION}-sh.sh -o /deployments/run-java.sh \
&& chown 1001 /deployments/run-java.sh \
&& chmod 540 /deployments/run-java.sh \
&& echo "securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom" >> /etc/alternatives/jre/lib/security/java.security
# Configure the JAVA_OPTIONS, you can add -XshowSettings:vm to also display the heap size.
ENV JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dquarkus.http.host= -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
# We make four distinct layers so if there are application changes the library layers can be re-used
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/lib/ /deployments/lib/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/*.jar /deployments/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/app/ /deployments/app/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/quarkus/ /deployments/quarkus/
USER 1001
# [== BEFORE ==]
# ENTRYPOINT [ "/deployments/run-java.sh" ]
# [== AFTER ==]
ENTRYPOINT "/deployments/run-java.sh" $CLI_ARGUMENTS
I have tried the above approaches but they didn't work with the default quarkus JIB's ubi8/openjdk-17-runtime image. This is because this base image doesn't use /work as the WORKIR, but instead the /home/jboss.
Therefore, I created a custom start-up script and referenced it on the properties file as following. This approach works better if there's a need to set application params using environment variables:
File: application.properties
File: src/main/jib/home/jboss/run-java.sh
java \
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/deployments/truststore \
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword="$TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD" \
-jar quarkus-run.jar

DevStack installation fails due to PyYAML

I am attempting to install DevStack on a CentOS system. I have performed the necessary setup for running stack.sh, but when I run it I am getting the following failure:
Installing collected packages: PyYAML, zipp, importlib-metadata, stevedore, colorama, pyperclip, cmd2, pyparsing, cliff, future, stestr, os-testr
Attempting uninstall: PyYAML
Found existing installation: PyYAML 5.3
ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
+inc/python:pip_install:1 exit_trap
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:489 local r=1
++./stack.sh:exit_trap:490 jobs -p
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:490 jobs=
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:493 [[ -n '' ]]
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:499 '[' -f '' ']'
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:504 kill_spinner
+./stack.sh:kill_spinner:399 '[' '!' -z '' ']'
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:506 [[ 1 -ne 0 ]]
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:507 echo 'Error on exit'
Error on exit
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:509 type -p generate-subunit
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:512 [[ -z /opt/stack/logs ]]
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:515 /usr/bin/python3.6 /opt/stack/devstack/tools/worlddump.py -d /opt/stack/logs
ebtables v1.8.4 (nf_tables): table `broute' is incompatible, use 'nft' tool.
+./stack.sh:exit_trap:524 exit 1
Researching this on the Internet, I have learned that this failure apparently occurs when python's pip3 commamd attempts to uninstall something that was installed using distutils (including, apparently, PyYAML). I also see that somewhere in stack.sh PyYAML gets installed, then later an attempt is made to uninstall it which fails!
I have also looked at the setup.py script that comes with Devstack, but that script apparently does not use distutils. It is used elsewhere during the PyYAML install, but cannot find where it is.
Worse, there are workarounds (including using the --ignore-installed option for PIP), but I am not seeing where to place that option in stack.sh or any of the other files I have seen.
As things stand, stack.sh looks to be unusable. It is incapable of installing Devstack because of this problem.
Has anyone found a way to install Devstack and get around this problem? Is there an alternative to stack.sh? To devstack?
I have found a solution to my problem:
Do not use Devstack. Use Packstack.
I have even posted a bug report on this problem for Devstack. It doesn't appear that it is going to be fixed in the near future. Consequently, those seeking to create a development installation should use Packstack. I was able to install and run Openstack with Packstack using the instructions provided in:

SSH login through Perl

I am using Net:Appliance::Session to login to a remote Unix server, but am not able to connect. Below is my code and the debug output:
my $s = Net::Appliance::Session->new({
personality => 'Bash',
transport => 'SSH',
host => $host,
try {
print "Trying to connect\n";
$s->connect({ username => $user, password => $pass });
print "Executing command\n";
print $s->cmd($cmd);
catch {
warn "failed to execute command: $_";
finally {
And the output is:
Trying to connect
[ 0.019420] pr finding prompt
[ 0.028553] tr creating Net::Telnet wrapper for ssh
[ 0.031377] tr connecting with: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o CheckHostIP=no -l user ...
[ 3.151205] du SEEN:
Warning: Permanently added '...' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[ 3.183935] pr failed: [Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14/Net/CLI/Interact/Phrasebook.pm line 247.
], sending WAKE_UP and trying again
[ 3.184943] pr finding prompt
[ 4.898408] du SEEN:
Warning: Permanently added '...' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[ 4.920447] pr failed to find prompt! wrong phrasebook?
failed to execute command: Warning: Permanently added '...' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
...propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14/Net/CLI/Interact/Role/Prompt.pm line 127.
When I login through Putty, I get the following response and can login successfully:
login as: user
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: I think I should mention that I am using Cygwin for this. I have manually logged in to the remote server and the keys in my .ssh/known_hosts file are also set, but still get the RSA error when running this program in Cygwin. I saw this question in SO: "Warning: Permanently added to the list of known hosts” message from Git and added the line UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts to my config file, but the error refuses to go away.
EDIT2: When I use the -vvv option in the above program, I get the following output:
Trying to connect
[ 0.020327] pr finding prompt
[ 0.062541] tr creating Net::Telnet wrapper for ssh
[ 0.063709] tr connecting with: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o CheckHostIP=no -vvv -l user
[ 0.731041] du SEEN:
[ 0.851829] pr failed: [Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14/Net/CLI/Interact/Phrasebook.pm line 247.
], sending WAKE_UP and trying again
[ 0.852459] pr finding prompt
[ 0.852748] du SEEN:
OpenSSH_6.2p2, OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
[ 0.863739] pr failed to find prompt! wrong phrasebook?
failed to execute command: OpenSSH_6.2p2, OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
...propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14/Net/CLI/Interact/Role/Prompt.pm line 127.
The Net::Appliance::Session module is using is set of matching patterns called "Phrasebook" to guess password query output, command ending prompt, ...
In your case, there are 2 major issue and one minor/cosmetic one:
Net::Appliance::Session rely on connection profile. The correct one is named "bash" and not "Bash"
The bash default phrasebook (located in "~site_perl/Net/CLI/Interact/phrasebook/unix/bash/pb") is targeting ssh/bash based appliance and is not matching your everyday unix server behavior:
prompt user
match /[Uu]sername: $/
prompt pass
match /password(?: for \w+)?: $/
prompt generic
match /\w+#.+\$ $/
prompt privileged
match /^root#.+# $/
macro begin_privileged
send sudo su -
match pass or privileged
macro end_privileged
send exit
match generic
macro disconnect
send logout
As you can see, both "generic" and "pass" prompt does not match your usual linux password and prompt. You will need to adjust it to your needs:
create a library structure by creating some nested directory: "mylib\mybash\"
make a copy of the "bash" phrasebook to that nested directory and edit it to match your unix server behaviour.
There is also the ssh warning output:
Warning: Permanently added '...' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
You just need to set ssh warnings to off using either the "-q" or "-o LogLevel=quiet" options to the ssh calling options.
So, in the end, your code would look like that:
my $s = Net::Appliance::Session->new
({ add_library => 'mylib',
personality => 'mybash',
transport => 'SSH',
host => $host,
connect_options => { opts => [ '-q', ], },
try {
print "Trying to connect\n";
$s->connect({ username => $user, password => $pass });
print "Executing command\n";
print $s->cmd($cmd);
catch {
warn "failed to execute command: $_";
finally {
With a phrasebook like this one (quickly tuned to my freebsd server):
prompt user
match /[Uu]sername: $/
prompt pass
match /[Pp]assword:\s*$/
prompt generic
match /\w+#.+[\$>] $/
prompt privileged
match /^root#.+# $/
macro begin_privileged
send sudo su -
match pass or privileged
macro end_privileged
send exit
match generic
macro disconnect
send logout
macro paging
send terminal length %s
About "Net::Appliance::Session" vs "Net::OpenSSH":
both modules are handling ssh connectionx fine
"Net::Appliance::Session" is more "cisco/whatever-appliance" oriented, but should permit easily to connect to a server, execute 1 command, get its result, then go root and execute another command (very handy if you don't have direct root access from ssh)
"Net::OpenSSH" is handling command execution though ssh on 1 command only basis, that is it execute a command, get its result and exit. No direct way to set an environment, go root and execute the command (you need to use a wrapper like Net::Telnet on it to do that)
"Net::OpenSSH" requires a fairly recent version of openssh client and does not work on Windows, not even under Cygwin (see "Net::OpenSSH" manual).
Try using Net::OpenSSH instead. It would be easier to use and more reliable when talking to a Unix server.

How to install a terminfo entry (eterm-color from Emacs)?

I want to run GNU Screen from within an Emacs term-mode buffer. When I try to do this I get an error:
$ screen
Cannot find terminfo entry for 'eterm-color'.
This error suggests that I should install the eterm-color terminfo entry. I attempted to do this in 2 ways which both failed.
The first attempt was to use the TERMINFO environment variable.
My .bashrc:
export TERMINFO=~/.terminfo
Then I did:
$ mkdir -p ~/.terminfo/e/
$ cp /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/23.3a/share/emacs/23.3/etc/e/* ~/.terminfo/e/
In the term-mode buffer the eterm-color entry is not found. It says that it gets eterm-color from TERMCAP instead of from the actual file.
$ infocmp
# Reconstructed via infocmp from file: TERMCAP
am, mir, xenl,
colors#8, cols#138, it#8, lines#41, pairs#64,
bel=^G, bold=\E[1m, clear=\E[H\E[J, cr=^M,
csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr, cub=\E[%p1%dD, cub1=^H,
cud=\E[%p1%dB, cud1=^J, cuf=\E[%p1%dC, cuf1=\E[C,
cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, cuu=\E[%p1%dA, cuu1=\E[A,
dch=\E[%p1%dP, dch1=\E[P, dl=\E[%p1%dM, dl1=\E[M, ed=\E[J,
el=\E[K, el1=\E[1K, home=\E[H, ht=^I, ich=\E[%p1%d#,
il=\E[%p1%dL, il1=\E[L, ind=^J, invis=\E[8m, kbs=\177,
kcub1=\EOD, kcud1=\EOB, kcuf1=\EOC, kcuu1=\EOA,
kdch1=\E[3~, kend=\E[4~, khome=\E[1~, knp=\E[6~, kpp=\E[5~,
nel=^M^J, op=\E[39;49m, rc=\E8, rev=\E[7m, rmir=\E[4l,
rmso=\E[27m, rmul=\E24m, rs1=\Ec, sc=\E7, setab=\E[4%p1%dm,
setaf=\E[3%p1%dm, sgr0=\E[m, smir=\E[4h, smso=\E[7m,
The second attempt was to use symlinks.
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/terminfo/e/
$ sudo cp /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/23.3a/share/emacs/23.3/etc/e/* /usr/share/terminfo/e/
This failed in the same way as the first attempt.
Why did neither attempt work? How do I get the eterm-color terminfo entry installed?
I am running OS X 10.6.8 and Emacs 23.3.1.
The following worked for me on FreeBSD.
Put the termcap entry pasted below in /usr/share/misc/termcap and run # cd /usr/share/misc/ && cap_mkdb termcap.
# Termcap entry for eterm-color (taken from $TERMCAP set by emacs and formatted)
eterm-color|Emacs term.el terminal emulator term-protocol-version 0.96:\