Running a VR application on a remote computer with PsExec - virtual-reality

I'm using PSTools to run a VR application, developed in Unreal and using and Oculus Rift S headset. I am able to launch the app remotely but it's ignoring the VR headset. It just executes normally without VR, it doesn't render or take any input from the headset. The command looks like this:
.\PsExec.exe -i -d \\IP "path\NetworkTest.exe"
On the other hand, if I launch the .exe locally from my target PC, VR features work perfectly.
Am I missing something? May some execution argument? Has anyone had a similar issue?

In case it's useful to someone at some point. OVRPlugin was crashing at initialization and I was able to solve it by adding a user and password to the commmand, so it looks like:
.\PsExec.exe -i -d -u "DOMAIN\username" -p "password" \\ "path\NetworkTest.exe"


Creating a bat file to run raspberry pi commands on windows

I am trying to set up a simple bat file to help non-tech people execute scripts by just clicking a file on desktop.
I haven't used windows in a while, and don't have a real dev environment set up on the computers they are going to be using. I installed putty, and can manually ssh into the pi's and run commands, but I can't teach that process to the employees.
I would like to create a simple bat file that runs the following commands:
<enter password>: 'xxx'
sudo reboot
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you!
Downloaded Plink #
I moved it, AND putty to c:/windows/system32 instead of changing PATH
This doesn't seem necessary, as the next step will automatically locate the file and change the path.
On desktop, right click and create a new shortcut.
In the shortcut path, I typed:
plink -ssh -pw raspberry sudo reboot
This worked.
if you recheck the shortcut again, it should automatically change the path to execute plink

how do i make a service run a script outside of session 0

The UPS software I am using has functionality to run a script on the management PC (PC1) when it goes into battery mode. I have come up with a powershell script (ShutdownVM.ps1) that works fine on its own to Invoke-Commands on the VM server; shutting down VM's gracefully and turning off the host machine (SERVER). The first problem arose when the UPS software could not directly run a .ps1 file.
Simple enough, I thought I would make a simple .bat (shutdown.bat) file to run the .ps1 file on PC1 to shut everything off on SERVER. Running my .bat file from the desktop pc worked perfectly, but as the UPS software would run it as a service, my poor .bat file would run from Session 0.
Here is the code i used in Shutdown.bat:
#echo on
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -command C:\Windows\ShutdownVM.ps1
The interactive services manager would pop up and my computer would hang and finally the UPS software would turn it off and I'd be back to square one, with SERVER and its VM's still running. So I thought I would download and use PSExec to execute my shutdown.bat file.
I made another .bat file and called it PSExec.bat and below is the code in it:
#echo on
psexec.exe -accepteula \\PC1 -h -u user -p pass -i 2 C:\Windows\shutdown.bat
Finally! It tries to run! Upon checking the interactive services manager, it showed the PSExec was throwing the error "the system cannot find the file specified"
"The System Cannot Find The File Specified"
I have no idea what file it is even looking for, I have double, triple checked the path names in my scripts and still have no idea as to what it is doing. If anyone could shed any light (or let me know of an easier way to achieve what I am trying to do) that would be great. Thanks!

Display GUI on Raspberry Pi without startx

I'm currently playing with my brand-new raspberry with adafruit's touch-tft and raspberry Cam.
I noticed, if I run raspivid -p, it displays the preview in a frame on top of the bash.
How can I create an application (java, python, c++(preferred)) to display a GUI without having to startx?
I'd love to use adafruit's touch-tft for a project, but startx needs a lot of resources. Of course it would be cool to have the touch-functionality too.
Maybe I expressed myself a little bit confusing: I would like to create an application that doesn't need startx but has some kind of GUI.
The answers below aren't 100% ready to go but they pointed me to the right direction. Since I saw many similar questions I will try to give a step-by-step solution:
Setup your raspberry with adafruit's TFT:
(you don't have to replace the TFT with HDMI as standart display)
be sure FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb1 startx is running correctly on the TFT screen, I have my TV plugged in the HDMI port, this way I can use the bash on the TV screen and run x on the TFT
Follow this tutorial to create your first pygame:
(you can just copy&paste, wget ball.gif)
Insert this 2 lines at the beggining: (
import os
os.environ["SDL_FBDEV"] = "/dev/fb1"
If you want to test the touch-screen to, you can change Line 15:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: sys.exit()
This will exit the application if you touch the screen
Save file e.g. and execute with $python
You should now see a bouncing ball on your TFT while the HDMI output still displays the BASH on your TV (but it isn't active of course) touching the screen will exit the game if you completed step 6
Why I'm doing this? This way you can display a simple GUI with e.g. buttons to do some action, like turn your lights on/off if you use your RPI for home-control.
You can use for example pygame library! check this tutorial pg. 17
Below, you will find a detailed description of how to be a minimal window manager to start a graphics program of your choice.
-Install Required Packages:
apt-get update
apt-get install xorg - no-install-recommends gdm3 matchbox-window-manager Iceweasel rsync-y
-The system in question, select Add a new user interface gdm3. The terminal is the default name will be used.
adduser kiosk
-Create-Xsession. This script will be executed when the user logs on.
xset s off
xset -dpms
matchbox-window-manager &
while true; do
rsync -qr --delete --exclude='.Xauthority’ /opt/kiosk/ $HOME/
firefox (Replace your application!!!)
Save Ctrl + O; Exit: Ctrl + X
chmod a + x. xsession
cp / opt / kiosk / .xsession / home / kiosk
Set Auto-Login. Kiosk user will enter automatically after boot.
nano / etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
AutomaticLoginEnable = true
AutomaticLogin = kiosk
We have chosen to configure, program, if necessary
-Screen calibration when not loaded up the whole screen:
/ Boot / config.txt file, clear the comment:
disable_overscan = 1
I hope I helped
Check out Urwid, a text-based ui that can run in a terminal, or, I assume, on a Raspberry Pi started up without startx.
In short you can't, applications like gedit are built atop of a desktop environment (e.g. Gnome, Kde).

Xcode - Passing Bash Commands With A Jailbroken Device

I'd like to know how it would be possible to execute bash commands on a jailbroken iOS device with Xcode? I'm not bothered about the code signing process because I already have a developer account.
I've tried using these 2 commands:
system("cd /var/mobile/Documents");
system("mkdir myNewFolder");
But Xcode returns "Cannot create directory, permission denied".
I know for definite that this is possible. Basically, I want to be using commands such as dpkg and apt commands.
Thanks in advance,
In UNIX like OS's like iOS you can use the 'Sudo' command to run as root.
To use in one line you need to use UNIX pipes like this:
system("echo yourPassword | sudo -S yourCommand");
You need to make sure sudo is installed on your device, not sure if it is by default.
Some more info here: On a jailbroken iPhone, how can I run commands as root?

On a jailbroken iPhone, how can I run commands as root?

I want to login as a root using system call in Xcode. I try this code without success:
System("su root");
System("su root alpine");
When I google it I came to know that this is done using NSTask or NSPipe.
Can anybody tell me how it possible to run multiple system commands using NSTask and NSPipe?
Please give me some hints about this or another method to do this. I am using this application on jailbroken iPhone.
Some more details are here.
If you want to launch something as root you may use sudo.
Example of it's usage in one line with the password:
echo <password> | sudo -S <command>