WIX: Property value doesn't change from Publish element - deployment

I have created the following property:
<Property Id="InstallationType" Value="InstallComplete" ></Property>
I tried to change this property value according do button clicked in the UI:
<Control Id="TypicalButton" Type="PushButton" X="40" Y="65" Width="100" Height="37" ToolTip="!(loc.SetupTypeDlgTypicalButtonTooltip)" Default="yes" Text="!(loc.SetupTypeDlgTypicalButton)" IconSize="48" Property="InstallationType">
<Publish Property="WixUI_InstallMode" Value="InstallTypical">1</Publish>
<Publish Property="InstallationType" Value="InstallTypical" >1</Publish>
<Publish Event="SetInstallLevel" Value="1">1</Publish>
And then to include a feature depends on the property value:
<Feature Id="test" Title="test" Level="0" >
<ComponentGroupRef Id="CompilationHeadset" />
<Condition Level="1">InstallationType="InstallTypical"</Condition>
The problem is that when I click the "TypicalButton" it doesn't include the feature so I'm understand for it that the condition is false because the property value doesn't changed as it should be.
What I am doing wrong?

Bob Arnson answered this thoroughly in his blog post Feature conditions and UI. The TLDR: Publish ADDLOCAL and REMOVE events instead of setting properties in an attempt to influence Feature/Conditions that were already evaluated.


How to Add additional columns to links page to ExternalLink types

How to add columns to ExternalLink on the "Links" page on Azure DevOps Workitem ?
Answered : Not Possible see answer below
Pull Request is not like Code Review Request, it's not a work item
type, we cannot see it from the exported process template. So, I don't
think we can customize the columns like the common work item types. –
Andy Li-MSFT
after going through the following links
and trying the workaround discussed here
I have failed to add more columns to links of the type externallink
i have added the following code as described:
<Page Label="Links" LayoutMode="FirstColumnWide">
<Group Label="links">
<Control Type="LinksControl" Name="links">
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Build" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Integrated in build" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Pull Request" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Branch" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Fixed in Commit" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Fixed in Changeset" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Source Code File" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="Found in build" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="GitHub Pull Request" />
<ExternalLinkFilter Type="GitHub Commit" />
<Column Name="System.State" />
<Column Name="System.ChangedDate" />
<Column Name="System.PullRequest.IsFork" />
But the results still show only the original columns.
The problem is that the field/column you added (<Column Name="System.PullRequest.IsFork" />) is not a valid work item filed/column. The workaround is only available for work item types due to the columns depend on work item fields.
You need to add a valid work item field/column here. We can get all the available work item fields by calling the Get Work Item REST API with parameter $expand=Fields added in the URL from a specific work item.
GET https://{instance}/{collection}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitems/{id}?$expand=Fields&api-version=4.1
For example, the following screenshots shows all the available fields for my Task work item. (It depends on how you defined the fields, if you defined a custom field, you can also see it from the response body.):
After that, we can add the columns (System.CreatedBy and Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority for example in this sample)
Then check the behavior in a Task work item:
Please note that, Pull Requests is not a work item type. We cannot get valid work item fields by calling the Pull Requests REST API. In this case, I don't think we can customize the columns like the common work item types.

Azure Dev Ops add field Remaining work in backlog

is there a possibility to add the field "Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" on backlog level? I would like to have a field with remaining work in the backlog, so that the work can be entered there directly without creating a work item.
example image
Azure DevOps Server version: Version Dev17.M153.3
I added following lines in Bug.xml:
<FIELD name="Verbleibende Arbeit" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" type="Double" reportable="measure" formula="sum" />
<Group Label="Details">
<Control Label="Verbleibende Arbeit" Type="FieldControl" FieldName="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" />
<Control Label="Aufwand" Type="FieldControl" FieldName="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort" />
<Control Label="Schweregrad" Type="FieldControl" FieldName="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity" />
On the backlog, you can specify columns and the quick add panel configuration. Check this:
Set default columns
Customize the quick add panel
Use witadmin to import and export process configuration.

De-mystifying allowed values for a field in Azure DevOps based on values of another field or Rules?

When you create a work item such as Bug in Azure devops, the values that you would see in the drop down of say Reason field would depend on the value you select for State field. For e.g. see these screenshots (Template Agile, no customizations)
Then if you change the state, the allowed values change as shown
To make matters more confusing, these are just few of the values that are returned by the documented REST API
The given API returns
"defaultValue": null,
"allowedValues": [
"Not fixed",
"Test Failed",
"As Designed",
"Cannot Reproduce",
"Copied to Backlog",
"Fixed and verified",
"Investigation Complete",
"Resolved in error",
"Build Failure",
"helpText": "The reason why the bug is in the current state",
"alwaysRequired": false,
"dependentFields": [
"referenceName": "System.State",
"name": "State",
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/nikhil/_apis/wit/fields/System.State"
"referenceName": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason",
"name": "Resolved Reason",
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/nikhil/_apis/wit/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason"
"referenceName": "System.Reason",
"name": "Reason",
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/{project}/{templateid}/_apis/wit/fields/System.Reason"
I am trying to figure out the right API or set of APIs that help demystify when to show what in the combo boxes, when to mark them read-only and when to let the user edit them.
The Resolved Reason Field is further interesting. For most parts it seems to simply copy the value from the Reason field, however the Rules API (see below) does not indicate this behaviour. It looks like what the Rules API returns does not match the behaviour that this field exhibits.
There is a concept of Rules mentioned in the REST API here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/processes/rules/get?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1#processrule
However this does not seem to give rules which specifically control "allowedValues" for fields based on value of another field as I explained above.
Is there an API that can give a comprehensive set of rules for fields on a work item types including their allowedValues? For e.g. the Reason or Resolved Reason field depending on the choice of State field as shown above?
Is there an API that can give a comprehensive set of rules for fields
on a work item types including their allowedValues? For e.g. the
Reason or Resolved Reason field depending on the choice of State field
as shown above?
First of all, I need to say, no, there is no such REST API to get the Reason value which depending on the State filed chosen. Since these are all not be documented, the best way for us to verify it is using the Fiddler trace(Fiddler can record all internet data between web application and internet).
[As example, here I will use Bug work item to show that.]
First, clear all the records in Fiddler => open the Bug work item in Azure Devops => press F12 in Fiddler to start record the data.
Change the work item state in Azure Devops(Note: just change, do not save it. "Save" belong to another operation). Then go Fiddler to see its internet records:
You will see that there only 2 event API, and these API are only used to post the action sign but not operate it. See the request body of first POST Event API:
You can see that it just used to post a sign about the State field has changed. That's why I say that there's no API to get the Reason value which depending on the State filed chosen, because our develop team did not use the script with API to achieve that.
Now, you should be very confusing that who is this action message to be sent to? Since the Reason field value listed is not controlled by the api, then who is in control?
The answer is XML process template.
In Azure Devops, the WIT are all controlled by XML template. You can find all rules such as the Reason field value listed depend on the State field changed, copy the value from the Reason field and etc.
I have uploaded the Bug.xml of process template into my github, you can refer to that code to analysis it: Agile-process/Bug.xml .
For the Reason field value listed depend on the State field
<FIELD name="Resolved Reason" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason" type="String" reportable="dimension">
<LISTITEM value="As Designed" />
<LISTITEM value="Cannot Reproduce" />
<LISTITEM value="Deferred" />
<LISTITEM value="Duplicate" />
<LISTITEM value="Fixed" />
<LISTITEM value="Fixed and verified" />
<LISTITEM value="Obsolete" />
<LISTITEM value="Copied to Backlog" />
<HELPTEXT>The reason why the bug was resolved</HELPTEXT>
These are the xml code which control the Resolved Reason listed. I believe that you have got its logic. The message of event API we got from fiddler are get by the relevant WIT *.xml. Then the corresponding operation will be trigger and acted.
For copy the value from the Reason field.
<TRANSITION from="New" to="Resolved">
<ACTION value="Microsoft.VSTS.Actions.Checkin" />
<DEFAULTREASON value="Fixed">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Fixed" />
<LISTITEM value="Fixed" />
<REASON value="Deferred">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Deferred" />
<LISTITEM value="Deferred" />
<REASON value="Duplicate">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Duplicate" />
<LISTITEM value="Duplicate" />
<REASON value="As Designed">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="As Designed" />
<LISTITEM value="As Designed" />
<REASON value="Cannot Reproduce">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Cannot Reproduce" />
<LISTITEM value="Cannot Reproduce" />
<REASON value="Obsolete">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Obsolete" />
<LISTITEM value="Obsolete" />
<REASON value="Copied to Backlog">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Copied to Backlog" />
<LISTITEM value="Copied to Backlog" />
<FIELD refname="System.AssignedTo">
<COPY from="field" field="System.CreatedBy" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedDate">
<SERVERDEFAULT from="clock" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy">
<COPY from="currentuser" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedBy">
<COPY from="currentuser" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedDate">
<SERVERDEFAULT from="clock" />
This just a short section which about the copy value from the Reason field from the xml file of Bug work item.
In fact, you can find all process rules from these XML file which could not get with API(Note: I just mean the default process rule). If you want, I can share the completed XML files of process in my github.
Hope this could help you more clearly:-)
Is there an API that can give a comprehensive set of rules for fields
on a work item types including the allowedValues of say Reason field
depending on the choice of State field?
For this issue , you can use Rules - List api to get it .
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/work/processes/{processId}/workItemTypes/{witRefName}/rules?api-version=5.1-preview.2
I test with postman , the figure below is the result returned by my test.
By searching for keywords, we can get the rules of allowed values for Reason field depending on the choice of State field.
The processId parameter required in the api can be obtained through this rest api.
Hope this helps.

how to hide advance search by defalt in SmartField Value help in UI5?

I'm trying to hide Advance search in value help by default.
When this dialog opens, by default the category and category description Advance search options appears, I want this to be hidden.
Please help on how to approach this issue.
This is what I have
This is what I want: (Advance search to be hidden, not removed altogether)
It seems, you have used the Explored-Example from here
There you can also download the coding. Maybe you need to adjust the paths to the mockdata to get it up and running.
What happens if you try: sap:filterable="false" in your metadata.xml ?
Please see also the corresponding docu.
There it says:
“We notice that we have set sap:filterable="false" for the CURR property.
We do this, since we would otherwise also have a currency code search field in the dialog that we wish to avoid (default of sap:filterable is true).”
Now your adjusted metadata.xml from the SmartField example above could look like:
<EntityType Name="VL_SH_H_CATEGORY" sap:content-version="1">
<PropertyRef Name="CATC" />
<Property Name="CATC" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="4" sap:display-format="UpperCase" sap:label="Category" sap:text="LTXT" sap:filterable="false" />
<Property Name="LTXT" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" sap:label="Category Description" sap:filterable="false"/>
Is this what you are looking for ?

Passing values between workflow tasks

I have a problem with passing property values between tasks. For example, in a start task I have defined a property:
<type name="mcwm:submitStart">
<property name="mcwm:projectName">
<title>Naziv projekta</title>
In my share-config-custom.xml I show that property on the start page and that's ok.
<show id="mcwm:projectName"/>
<field id="mcwm:projectName" set="general" />
Now on my second form I want to show the same field with the value that has been entered in the start form. In the model I didn't specify again this property for the second task, I just wrote:
<type name="mcwm:preparationOfProjectCharter">
And in the share-config-custom.xml, I copied the first form configuration for the second form with one little change in the force="true" attribute:
<show id="mcwm:projectName" force="true"/>
<field id="mcwm:projectName" set="general" />
Now the field is there in my second form, but the value that is entered on my first form isn't - do I have to do something else to accomplish that and pass property values between forms?
Yes, you need to do something extra. See the Workflowadministration Wiki.
You need to pass variables through the workflow-context, either via mapping as shown in the Wiki or through the context itself (at least for JBPM, and probably also for Activiti)