Scala Cats Accumulating Errors and Successes with Ior - scala

I am trying to use Cats datatype Ior to accumulate both errors and successes of using a service (which can return an error).
def find(key: String): F[Ior[NonEmptyList[Error], A]] = {
(for {
b <- service.findByKey(key)
} yield b.rightIor[NonEmptyList[Error]])
.recover {
case e: Error => Ior.leftNel(AnotherError)
def findMultiple(keys: List[String]): F[Ior[NonEmptyList[Error], List[A]]] = {
keys map find reduce (_ |+| _)
My confusion lies in how to combine the errors/successes. I am trying to use the Semigroup combine (infix syntax) to combine with no success. Is there a better way to do this? Any help would be great.

I'm going to assume that you want both all errors and all successful results. Here's a possible implementation:
class Foo[F[_]: Applicative, A](find: String => F[IorNel[Error, A]]) {
def findMultiple(keys: List[String]): F[IorNel[Error, List[A]]] = { { nelsList => =>
.reduceOption(_ |+| _).getOrElse(Nil.rightIor)
Let's break it down:
We will be trying to "flip" a List[IorNel[Error, A]] into IorNel[Error, List[A]]. However, from doing we get List[F[IorNel[...]]], so we need to also "flip" it in a similar fashion first. That can be done by using .sequence on the result, and is what forces F[_]: Applicative constraint.
N.B. Applicative[Future] is available whenever there's an implicit ExecutionContext in scope. You can also get rid of F and use Future.sequence directly.
Now, we have F[List[IorNel[Error, A]]], so we want to map the inner part to transform the nelsList we got. You might think that sequence could be used there too, but it can not - it has the "short-circuit on first error" behavior, so we'd lose all successful values. Let's try to use |+| instead.
Ior[X, Y] has a Semigroup instance when both X and Y have one. Since we're using IorNel, X = NonEmptyList[Z], and that is satisfied. For Y = A - your domain type - it might not be available.
But we don't want to combine all results into a single A, we want Y = List[A] (which also always has a semigroup). So, we take every IorNel[Error, A] we have and map A to a singleton List[A]: =>
This gives us List[IorNel[Error, List[A]], which we can reduce. Unfortunately, since Ior does not have a Monoid, we can't quite use convenient syntax. So, with stdlib collections, one way is to do .reduceOption(_ |+| _).getOrElse(Nil.rightIor).
This can be improved by doing few things: is equivalent to doing x.traverse(f)
We can demand that keys are non-empty upfront, and give nonempty result back too.
The latter step gives us Reducible instance for a collection, letting us shorten everything by doing reduceMap
class Foo2[F[_]: Applicative, A](find: String => F[IorNel[Error, A]]) {
def findMultiple(keys: NonEmptyList[String]): F[IorNel[Error, NonEmptyList[A]]] = {
keys.traverse(find).map { nelsList =>
nelsList.reduceMap(nel =>
Of course, you can make a one-liner out of this:
Or, you can do the non-emptiness check inside:
class Foo3[F[_]: Applicative, A](find: String => F[IorNel[Error, A]]) {
def findMultiple(keys: List[String]): F[IorNel[Error, List[A]]] = {
.map(_.traverse(find).map { _.reduceMap( })

Ior is a good choice for warning accumulation, that is errors and a successful value. But, as mentioned by Oleg Pyzhcov, Ior.Left case is short-circuiting. This example illustrates it:
scala> val shortCircuitingErrors = List(
Ior.bothNec("warning2", 2),
Ior.bothNec("warning3", 3)
shortCircuitingErrors: Ior[Nec[String], List[Int]]] = Left(Chain(error1))
One way to accumulate both errors and successes is to convert all your Left cases into Both. One approach is using Option as right type and converting Left(errs) values into Both(errs, None). After calling .traverse, you end up with optList: List[Option] on the right side and you can flatten it with optList.flatMap(_.toList) to filter out None values.
class Error
class KeyValue
def find(key: String): Ior[Nel[Error], KeyValue] = ???
def findMultiple(keys: List[String]): Ior[Nel[Error], List[KeyValue]] =
.traverse { k =>
val ior = find(k)
Or more succinctly:
def findMultiple(keys: List[String]): Ior[Nel[Error], List[KeyValue]] =
keys.flatTraverse { k =>
val ior = find(k)
ior.putRight(ior.toList) // Ior[A,B].toList: List[B]


Combine multiple extractor objects to use in one match statement

Is it possible to run multiple extractors in one match statement?
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = ...
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = ...
// is there some syntax similar to this?
thing match {
case t # CoolStuff(someInfo) # NeatStuff(otherInfo) => process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ => // neither Cool nor Neat
The intent here being that there are two extractors, and I don't have to do something like this:
object CoolNeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[(SomeInfo, OtherInfo)] = thing match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) => thing match {
case NeatStuff(otherInfo) => Some(someInfo -> otherInfo)
case _ => None // Cool, but not Neat
case _ => None// neither Cool nor Neat
Can try
object ~ {
def unapply[T](that: T): Option[(T,T)] = Some(that -> that)
def too(t: Thing) = t match {
case CoolStuff(a) ~ NeatStuff(b) => ???
I've come up with a very similar solution, but I was a bit too slow, so I didn't post it as an answer. However, since #userunknown asks to explain how it works, I'll dump my similar code here anyway, and add a few comments. Maybe someone finds it a valuable addition to cchantep's minimalistic solution (it looks... calligraphic? for some reason, in a good sense).
So, here is my similar, aesthetically less pleasing proposal:
object && {
def unapply[A](a: A) = Some((a, a))
// added some definitions to make your question-code work
type Thing = String
type SomeInfo = String
type OtherInfo = String
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = Some(thing.toLowerCase)
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = Some(thing.toUpperCase)
def process(a: SomeInfo, b: OtherInfo) = s"[$a, $b]"
val res = "helloworld" match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ =>
This prints
[helloworld, HELLOWORLD]
The idea is that identifiers (in particular, && and ~ in cchantep's code) can be used as infix operators in patterns. Therefore, the match-case
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
will be desugared into
case &&(CoolStuff(someInfo), NeatStuff(otherInfo)) =>
and then the unapply method method of && will be invoked which simply duplicates its input.
In my code, the duplication is achieved by a straightforward Some((a, a)). In cchantep's code, it is done with fewer parentheses: Some(t -> t). The arrow -> comes from ArrowAssoc, which in turn is provided as an implicit conversion in Predef. This is just a quick way to create pairs, usually used in maps:
Map("hello" -> 42, "world" -> 58)
Another remark: notice that && can be used multiple times:
case Foo(a) && Bar(b) && Baz(c) => ...
So... I don't know whether it's an answer or an extended comment to cchantep's answer, but maybe someone finds it useful.
For those who might miss the details on how this magic actually works, just want to expand the answer by #cchantep anf #Andrey Tyukin (comment section does not allow me to do that).
Running scalac with -Xprint:parser option will give something along those lines (scalac 2.11.12)
def too(t: String) = t match {
case $tilde(CoolStuff((a # _)), NeatStuff((b # _))) => $qmark$qmark$qmark
This basically shows you the initial steps compiler does while parsing source into AST.
Important Note here is that the rules why compiler makes this transformation are described in Infix Operation Patterns and Extractor Patterns. In particular, this allows you to use any object as long as it has unapply method, like for example CoolStuff(a) AndAlso NeatStuff(b). In previous answers && and ~ were picked up as also possible but not the only available valid identifiers.
If running scalac with option -Xprint:patmat which is a special phase for translating pattern matching one can see something similar to this
def too(t: String): Nothing = {
case <synthetic> val x1: String = t;
<synthetic> val o13: Option[(String, String)] = main.this.~.unapply[String](x1);
if (o13.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val p3: String = o13.get._1;
<synthetic> val p4: String = o13.get._2;
<synthetic> val o12: Option[String] = main.this.CoolStuff.unapply(p3);
if (o12.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val o11: Option[String] = main.this.NeatStuff.unapply(p4);
if (o11.isEmpty.unary_!)
Here ~.unapply will be called on input parameter t which will produce Some((t,t)). The tuple values will be extracted into variables p3 and p4. Then, CoolStuff.unapply(p3) will be called and if the result is not None NeatStuff.unapply(p4) will be called and also checked if it is not empty. If both are not empty then according to Variable Patterns a and b will be bound to returned results inside corresponding Some.

Avoiding nested Ifs when working with multiple Options and Eithers

When I am coding with options I find the fold method very useful. Instead of writing if defined statements I can do
opt.fold(<not_defined>){ defined => }
this is good. but what to do if we are working with multiple options. or multiple eithers. Now I have to resort to writing code like
if (x.isDefined && y.isRight) {
val z = getSomething(x.get)
if (z.isDefined) {
Depending on the number of things involved, this code becomes very nested.
is there a functional trick to make this code a little un-nested and concise.... like the fold operation above?
have you tried for comprehension? Assuming you don't want to treat individual errors or empty optionals:
import scala.util._
val opt1 = Some("opt1")
val either2: Either[Error, String] = Right("either2")
val try3: Try[String] = Success("try3")
for {
v1 <- opt1
v2 <- either2.right.toOption
v3 <- try3.toOption
} yield {
println(s"$v1 $v2 $v3")
Note that Either is not right biased, so you need to call the .right method on the for comprehension (I think cats or scalaz have a right biased Either). Also, we are converting the Either and the Try to optionals, discarding errors
Cases when .isDefined is followed by .get call can be refactored using custom extractors for pattern matching:
def getSomething(s: String): Option[String] = if (s.isEmpty) None else Some(s.toUpperCase)
object MyExtractor {
def unapply(t: (Option[String], Either[Int, String])): Option[String] =
t match {
case (Some(x), Right(y)) => getSomething(x)
case _ => None
val x: Option[String] = Some("hello world")
val y: Either[Int, String] = Right("ok")
(x, y) match {
case MyExtractor(z) => z // let's do something with z
case _ => "world"
We managed to get rid of all .isDefined, .get and even .right calls by replacing them by explicit pattern matching thanks to our custom extractor MyExtractor.

how to flatten disjunction type

If I have a following method
def getMyList :\/[Throwable,List[\/[Throwable,Int]]] ={
how to flatten type of getMyList to \/[Throwable,List[Int]]
Just flatMap and sequenceU, it's all in scalaz:
def flatten(e: \/[Throwable,List[\/[Throwable,Int]]]): \/[Throwable,List[Int]] = {
e.flatMap(a => a.sequenceU)
If by flatten, you mean remove the left types from List[\/[Throwable,Int]], then you can map the outer disjunction, and collect the right types:{ case \/-(x) => x})
I don't think that some higher order "flatten" exists for /. Looks like Validateion & ValidationNEL will be better choice for this problem. However here is "dirty" solution for /, it will return first fail. If you want to accumulate failures Validation is way to go
val getMyList: \/[Throwable,List[\/[Throwable,Int]]] =
//\/-(List(-\/(new RuntimeException("test")), \/-(1)))
\/-(List(\/-(2), \/-(1)))
val flatten = getMyList.fold(\/.left, _.foldLeft(\/.right[Throwable, List[Int]](List.empty[Int])) {
case (\/-(list), \/-(i)) => \/-(list :+ i)
case (\/-(list), -\/(err)) => -\/(err)
case (-\/(err), _) => -\/(err)
We use the following method, where .sSuccess creates a \/[_, Seq[T]] and .sFail creates a \/[Throwable, _] with all of the throwables' error messages concatenated:
implicit class CondenseEither[T](seq: Seq[\/[Throwable,T]]) = {
def condenseSeq: \/[Throwable, Seq[T]] = {
val errs = seq.filter(_.isLeft).map(_.toEither)
else", ")).sFail
There's probably a way to do this without the toEithers

How to accumulate errors in Either?

Suppose I have few case classes and functions to test them:
case class PersonName(...)
case class Address(...)
case class Phone(...)
def testPersonName(pn: PersonName): Either[String, PersonName] = ...
def testAddress(a: Address): Either[String, Address] = ...
def testPhone(p: Phone): Either[String, Phone] = ...
Now I define a new case class Person and a test function, which fails fast.
case class Person(name: PersonName, address: Address, phone: Phone)
def testPerson(person: Person): Either[String, Person] = for {
pn <- testPersonName(
a <- testAddress(person.address).right
p <- testPhone(
} yield person;
Now I would like function testPerson to accumulate the errors rather than just fail fast.
I would like testPerson to always execute all those test* functions and return Either[List[String], Person]. How can I do that ?
You want to isolate the test* methods and stop using a comprehension!
Assuming (for whatever reason) that scalaz isn't an option for you... it can be done without having to add the dependency.
Unlike a lot of scalaz examples, this is one where the library doesn't reduce verbosity much more than "regular" scala can:
def testPerson(person: Person): Either[List[String], Person] = {
val name = testPersonName(
val addr = testAddress(person.address)
val phone = testPhone(
val errors = List(name, addr, phone) collect { case Left(err) => err }
if(errors.isEmpty) Right(person) else Left(errors)
Scala's for-comprehensions (which desugar to a combination of calls to flatMap and map) are designed to allow you to sequence monadic computations in such a way that you have access to the result of earlier computations in subsequent steps. Consider the following:
def parseInt(s: String) = try Right(s.toInt) catch {
case _: Throwable => Left("Not an integer!")
def checkNonzero(i: Int) = if (i == 0) Left("Zero!") else Right(i)
def inverse(s: String): Either[String, Double] = for {
i <- parseInt(s).right
v <- checkNonzero(i).right
} yield 1.0 / v
This won't accumulate errors, and in fact there's no reasonable way that it could. Suppose we call inverse("foo"). Then parseInt will obviously fail, which means there's no way we can have a value for i, which means there's no way we could move on to the checkNonzero(i) step in the sequence.
In your case your computations don't have this kind of dependency, but the abstraction you're using (monadic sequencing) doesn't know that. What you want is an Either-like type that isn't monadic, but that is applicative. See my answer here for some details about the difference.
For example, you could write the following with Scalaz's Validation without changing any of your individual validation methods:
import scalaz._, syntax.apply._, syntax.std.either._
def testPerson(person: Person): Either[List[String], Person] = (
testPersonName( |#|
testAddress(person.address).validation.toValidationNel |#|
Although of course this is more verbose than necessary and is throwing away some information, and using Validation throughout would be a little cleaner.
As #TravisBrown is telling you, for comprehensions don't really mix with error accumulations. In fact, you generally use them when you don't want fine grained error control.
A for comprehension will "short-circuit" itself on the first error found, and this is almost always what you want.
The bad thing you are doing is using String to do flow control of exceptions. You should at all times use Either[Exception, Whatever] and fine tune logging with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace and scala.util.NonFatal.
There are much better alternatives, specifically:
scalaz.EitherT and scalaz.ValidationNel.
Update:(this is incomplete, I don't know exactly what you want). You have better options than matching, such as getOrElse and recover.
def testPerson(person: Person): Person = {
val attempt = Try {
val pn = testPersonName(
val a = testAddress(person.address)
attempt match {
case Success(person) => //..
case Failure(exception) => //..
Starting in Scala 2.13, we can partitionMap a List of Eithers in order to partition elements based on their Either's side.
// def testName(pn: Name): Either[String, Name] = ???
// def testAddress(a: Address): Either[String, Address] = ???
// def testPhone(p: Phone): Either[String, Phone] = ???
List(testName(Name("name")), testAddress(Address("address")), testPhone(Phone("phone")))
.partitionMap(identity) match {
case (Nil, List(name: Name, address: Address, phone: Phone)) =>
Right(Person(name, address, phone))
case (left, _) =>
// Either[List[String], Person] = Left(List("wrong name", "wrong phone"))
// or
// Either[List[String], Person] = Right(Person(Name("name"), Address("address"), Phone("phone")))
If the left side is empty, then no elements were Left and thus we can build a Person out of the Right elements.
Otherwise, we return a Left List of the Left values.
Details of the intermediate step (partitionMap):
List(Left("bad name"), Right(Address("addr")), Left("bad phone"))
// (List[String], List[Any]) = (List("bad name", "bad phone"), List[Any](Address("addr")))

Implementing ifTrue, ifFalse, ifSome, ifNone, etc. in Scala to avoid if(...) and simple pattern matching

In Scala, I have progressively lost my Java/C habit of thinking in a control-flow oriented way, and got used to go ahead and get the object I'm interested in first, and then usually apply something like a match or a map() or foreach() for collections. I like it a lot, since it now feels like a more natural and more to-the-point way of structuring my code.
Little by little, I've wished I could program the same way for conditions; i.e., obtain a Boolean value first, and then match it to do various things. A full-blown match, however, does seem a bit overkill for this task.
obj.isSomethingValid match {
case true => doX
case false => doY
vs. what I would write with style closer to Java:
if (obj.isSomethingValid)
Then I remembered Smalltalk's ifTrue: and ifFalse: messages (and variants thereof). Would it be possible to write something like this in Scala?
obj.isSomethingValid ifTrue doX else doY
with variants:
val v = obj.isSomethingValid ifTrue someVal else someOtherVal
// with side effects
obj.isSomethingValid ifFalse {
numInvalid += 1
println("not valid")
Furthermore, could this style be made available to simple, two-state types like Option? I know the more idiomatic way to use Option is to treat it as a collection and call filter(), map(), exists() on it, but often, at the end, I find that I want to perform some doX if it is defined, and some doY if it isn't. Something like:
val ok = resultOpt ifSome { result =>
println("Obtained: " + result)
updateUIWith(result) // returns Boolean
} else {
numInvalid += 1
println("missing end result")
To me, this (still?) looks better than a full-blown match.
I am providing a base implementation I came up with; general comments on this style/technique and/or better implementations are welcome!
First: we probably cannot reuse else, as it is a keyword, and using the backticks to force it to be seen as an identifier is rather ugly, so I'll use otherwise instead.
Here's an implementation attempt. First, use the pimp-my-library pattern to add ifTrue and ifFalse to Boolean. They are parametrized on the return type R and accept a single by-name parameter, which should be evaluated if the specified condition is realized. But in doing so, we must allow for an otherwise call. So we return a new object called Otherwise0 (why 0 is explained later), which stores a possible intermediate result as a Option[R]. It is defined if the current condition (ifTrue or ifFalse) is realized, and is empty otherwise.
class BooleanWrapper(b: Boolean) {
def ifTrue[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise0[R](if (b) Some(f) else None)
def ifFalse[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise0[R](if (b) None else Some(f))
implicit def extendBoolean(b: Boolean): BooleanWrapper = new BooleanWrapper(b)
For now, this works and lets me write
someTest ifTrue {
But, without the following otherwise clause, it cannot return a value of type R, of course. So here's the definition of Otherwise0:
class Otherwise0[R](intermediateResult: Option[R]) {
def otherwise[S >: R](f: => S) = intermediateResult.getOrElse(f)
def apply[S >: R](f: => S) = otherwise(f)
It evaluates its passed named argument if and only if the intermediate result it got from the preceding ifTrue or ifFalse is undefined, which is exactly what is wanted. The type parametrization [S >: R] has the effect that S is inferred to be the most specific common supertype of the actual type of the named parameters, such that for instance, r in this snippet has an inferred type Fruit:
class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Orange extends Fruit
val r = someTest ifTrue {
new Apple
} otherwise {
new Orange
The apply() alias even allows you to skip the otherwise method name altogether for short chunks of code:
// equivalently:
Finally, here's the corresponding pimp for Option:
class OptionExt[A](option: Option[A]) {
def ifNone[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise1(option match {
case None => Some(f)
case Some(_) => None
}, option.get)
def ifSome[R](f: A => R) = new Otherwise0(option match {
case Some(value) => Some(f(value))
case None => None
implicit def extendOption[A](opt: Option[A]): OptionExt[A] = new OptionExt[A](opt)
class Otherwise1[R, A1](intermediateResult: Option[R], arg1: => A1) {
def otherwise[S >: R](f: A1 => S) = intermediateResult.getOrElse(f(arg1))
def apply[S >: R](f: A1 => S) = otherwise(f)
Note that we now also need Otherwise1 so that we can conveniently passed the unwrapped value not only to the ifSome function argument, but also to the function argument of an otherwise following an ifNone.
You may be looking at the problem too specifically. You would probably be better off with the pipe operator:
class Piping[A](a: A) { def |>[B](f: A => B) = f(a) }
implicit def pipe_everything[A](a: A) = new Piping(a)
Now you can
("fish".length > 5) |> (if (_) println("Hi") else println("Ho"))
which, admittedly, is not quite as elegant as what you're trying to achieve, but it has the great advantage of being amazingly versatile--any time you want to put an argument first (not just with booleans), you can use it.
Also, you already can use options the way you want:
Option("fish").filter(_.length > 5).
map (_ => println("Hi")).
Just because these things could take a return value doesn't mean you have to avoid them. It does take a little getting used to the syntax; this may be a valid reason to create your own implicits. But the core functionality is there. (If you do create your own, consider fold[B](f: A => B)(g: => B) instead; once you're used to it the lack of the intervening keyword is actually rather nice.)
Edit: Although the |> notation for pipe is somewhat standard, I actually prefer use as the method name, because then def reuse[B,C](f: A => B)(g: (A,B) => C) = g(a,f(a)) seems more natural.
Why don't just use it like this:
val idiomaticVariable = if (condition) {
} else {
IMO, its very idiomatic! :)