we need help to be able to publish some changes to our gmail addon configuration.
The original developer who submitted the addon for review has since left the company. Now I need to make some changes to the marketplace listing for the gmail addon, because the logo icon images are broken. Fill out the google form to "request access" here https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/api/appsmarket-component.googleapis.com/googleapps_sdk?project=citric-celerity-000&folder&organizationId , then told to come here for more help.
Might be related to this issue
Changes on published apps
We are having trouble setting up Facebook Install Ads attribution via Branch.io. Currently, Branch.io dashboard shows we have installs via Facebook link, but Facebook ad cabinet shows 0 installs.
Our setup is
I've integrated branch.io for Flutter using this plugin https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_branch_sdk (Quick Links are working OK, see p.6)
I've setup Application on Facebook (developers.facebook.com) side and linked it to application in stores (AppStore and Google Play)
I've setup Facebook as Ad partner in Branch Dashboard > Partner Management, and then created Facebook link
I've created Ads in Facebook with aim Installs and used Branch link (all as per guides)
I've followed guides on Branch's docs regarding publishing - specified that we use IDFA in AppStore, all ticks as in guide, made sure we have AdSupport.framework in xCode project, added com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:9+ in build.graddle, etc
I've exported some data from Branch Dashboard and IDFA/Android Id values were present (in Branch Dashboard > Exports > Custom Exports, as I understand, this exports Quick Links only, but still IDFA are there), this proves we are collecting these IDs.
Branch > Ads > Fraud dashboard is empty.
Branch SDK versions are 0.32.0 iOS and 5.0.1 Android
Regardless, Facebook doesn't see app Installs at all.
guides used:
What did I miss?
A Branchster Here -
Briefly explaining that SAN partners like Google AdWords/ Facebook integration is different from conventional non-SAN partners, where we send conversion data to SAN partners and they will claim the install/ Events according to their conversion logic and respond to us via API. Branch then analyses the data from all the partners and attributes the same Install/ Event based on last touch attribution logic. You will see less data on Branch dashboard as we show only attributed data for a SAN partner than the respective SAN dashboard. Please note Branch numbers is more accurate as we show the data as per cross-channel attribution.
Here are some troubleshooting you can do-
Please match both the attribution windows.
Please make sure you have synced the timezone on both Branch and Facebook
Please make sure you have signed the Facebook MMP or attribution data won't come.
I'll keep this post updated with general troubleshooting.
Issue is resolved.
Recreating Ad campaigns with exactly same settings resolved the issue.
Unfortunately both Branch and Facebook support were not helpful. :(
Its been three weeks my app (GSuite spreadsheet add-on) is in "Pending Review" state after unpublishing it through chrome web store developer dashboard.
I also don't know why it is visible in marketplace as well when I already requested Google for unpublishing this item.
Query: Its already three weeks gone, any idea how much max time Google takes to unpublish an GSuite marketplace app from Chrome web store developer dashboard?
Here is a related SO post about the unpublished apps in web store.
See this full answer from the post:
if app is unpublished then is will not be available for download, will
not appear in in-store search results, and simply cannot be installed
from store. No details information from Google Play can be received
even with direct URL to the application. Unpublishing however does not
affect existing installations (so apps will not be automatically
removed from any device that got it installed already). Also existing
users still would be able to update if they are on older version.
And you cannot have another application with the same package name, no
matter what.
Please note that you unpublish (and this means just what name says,
nothing more) not just APK - you hide all related stuff (app's page in
Google Play etc). To end user it looks like the app is gone. For you -
it is still in your console, you can edit description, images, see
comments, stats or update APKs etc., but unless you publish it again,
nobody will see these changes.
I have added community applications to our Dashboard by clicking on Add Apps(home page), and assigned to the people. its working fine, people able to access Community Software, but whenever we are intended to create our custom app(Jive demo sandbox) from admin panel and assigned people its not working as expected. even the admin not able to access the app it is showing message "Sorry, you can't access Jive Software because you are not assigned this app in Okta".
i have followed the integration process from
please help me that i am missing any integrations or configurations
There is not sufficient information in this question to be able to answer. Have you tried reaching out to Okta Support? They should be able to check your configuration with your permission and help you with it.
I am a mobile developer and I frequently use facebook to add sharing feature to my applications.
I usually have alot of applications on my facebook developer account.
But today all my apps have disappeared and my account seems to not be a developer account.
When I click on the "Applications" menu (on https://developers.facebook.com/) I only see "Register as a Developer" in the dropdown menu.
Someone have any idea how to fix this?
I have exactly the same issue. If there was a violation - and I don't think there was as the app is in sandbox - I received no notification of this. The literature states that an app will be disabled, not that an entire developer account will be removed. As I have other active apps this is quite a problem. It seems I can set up another developer account but one assume all existing apps will need to be set back up. Clusterf**k
I re-signed up as a developer and all my apps are still there. A fright, but better that!
I'm not registered to accept payments. I couldn't find a hint of official support on the subject of 'closed developer accounts' nor any real way to directly engage other than firing off a bug report. As I said, re-registering did the trick and they just asked for a few bits of info.
i just wanna to deactivate my facebook account but it said i should deleting all apps which i was the only one developer [(Valista (300960046610265))], i search the ID but there is nothing and automatically redirected to http://developers.facebook.com/ ? is this bug? is there anyway to deleting this invisible apps? i remember creating this apps to make Timeline display, just before Facebook announce First timeline as his official display.
i really" need to deactivate this account pls...
There is a difference between deleting and deactivating facebook accounts. You may be able to bypass this problem by deleting the account, rather than deactivating it. Note below.
How do I permanently delete my account?
If you deactivate your account, your timeline disappears from the Facebook service immediately. People on Facebook won't be able to search for you, though some info, like messages you sent, may still be visible to others. We also save your timeline information (ex: friends, photos, interests, etc.) in case you want to come back.
If you don't think you'll use Facebook again, you can request to have your account permanently deleted. Please keep in mind that you won't be able to reactivate your account or retrieve anything you've added. Before you do this, you may want to download a copy of your info from Facebook. Then, if you'd like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, log into your account and fill out this form.
this is taken from this page link:
If this doesn't work, you can go to the Facebook Developers support:
This Stack forum Web Applications, may be more suitable for this type of question https://webapps.stackexchange.com/faq I tried searching it and could not find a similar question.
Let me know if this doesn't solve your problem.