Tableau Extract API return "Server did not call back us" - scala

I try to extract in tde file Tableau Extract API and it returned error "Server did not call back us"
val fileName = "1233.tde"
var extract : Extract = new Extract(fileName)
return exception server did not call us back
error code : 204
How to resolve?

Try to set correct file permissions on tdeserver64 file located in
site-packages/dataextract/bin/ folder.
Try to give it 755 permissions.


Powershell: validate URL path, incorrect path vs non public path

I am trying to validate a URL that, if valid, I will use to download a file. But I want to validate the domain and the full path BEFORE doing the download, so I can provide a meaningful error log.
Given paths like the following
I want to be able to report
invalid path: /downloads/
Invalid domain:
I can use
$uri = [System.Uri]$path
if (Resolve-DnsName -Name:$ {}
to test the domain. I can then use
if (Invoke-Webrequest $uri.OriginalString -DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing -Method:head) {}
to test the full path without actually doing the download, but the only error I get is The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden., both when the path doesn't exist and when the path does exist but it isn't a publicly available path.
Is there any way, on the PowerShell side, to differentiate the permissions issue vs the incorrect path issue?
Or do I have no choice but to provide a wishy washy error in the log? I know effetely the path does not exist to the user who doesn't have permissions, I am just hoping there is some client side way to differentiate. But I may be running into the limitations of how the web has been implemented.

Copy/Move Item api is not throwing exception when i provide invalid with in drive

Both Move and copy apis are successful when we provide invalid with in drive. And it is copying the file to same folder as source item. Expected Behaviour : It should throw invalid error. This functionality is working fine when we provide invalid parentReference.path.
Copy Item : POST!dckkz8p7EkKltFwLt5o0QJ6VxtVc1UlOlv0XvR1bhLAo3oh17BLfTIZmGKhBkrry/root:/home/new-item.jpg:/microsoft.graph.copy
Move Item : PATCH!dckkz8p7EkKltFwLt5o0QJ6VxtVc1UlOlv0XvR1bhLAo3oh17BLfTIZmGKhBkrry/root:/home/new-item.jpg:

vapor can not load html and leaf

I use vapor load a html or leaf,it gives me error message '500'.The server log show me
[Data File Error: unable to load file at path /Users/apple/Desktop/QSSwiftServer/Resources/Views/welcome.leaf]
[Identifier: Core.DataFileError.load]
[Possible Causes: file doesn't exist, missing read permissions at specified path, data read is corrupted, system issue]
[Suggested Fixes: ensure that file permissions are correct for specified paths]
[Documentation Links:]
Here is my code:
get { req in
return try self.view.make("welcome.leaf", ["message": "Hello world!"])
How can I solve this problem?
You should put your file into {Project Dir}/Resources/Views/
In your case welcome.leaf should be in /Users/apple/Desktop/QSSwiftServer/Resources/Views/

Create file in Google Cloud Storage with python

This is the method that i used to save a new file in Google Cloud Storage
cloud_storage_path = "/gs/[my_app_name]" % (, img_title)
blobstore_key = blobstore.create_gs_key(cloud_storage_path)
cloud_storage_file =
filename=cloud_storage_path, mode="w", content_type=img_type
But when execute this method. The log file printed :
Path should have format /bucket/filename but got /gs/[my_app_name]
PS: i changed [my_app_name] and, [my_app_name] is my bucket name
So, what will I do next in this case ?
I can not save the file to that path

How to solve "Catastrophic failure"

I get a
Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
during use method of lobject.dll which was referred on my project.
UnityApplication giris = new UnityObjects.UnityApplication(); ***instance from .dll***
if (giris.Connect()) // ***this line is throwing that error***
I had same problem while trying to login. Sometime it succeeded magically but most of times it raise Catastrophic failure exception. This approach worked for me:
1- run regedit as administrator
2- Find and delete 2 lbs directories
3- If the logo is installed on the server, go to the network (especially from the map) register.bat run the file as administrator, if it gives an error, make all the register records successfully so that you don't get an error, then run the logo first. This is really important
4- Run sys as administrator and renew license
5- Check if the user is fully authorized with lobject in sys
6- Try to connect with object again.
Login Example:
var UnityApp = new UnityObjects.UnityApplication();
UnityApp.LGSetup(#"Z:\", #"Z:\", 1, 1);
if (!UnityApp.Login("myUsername", "myPassword", 1))
var message = UnityApp.GetLastErrorString();
"Login Failed" +
Environment.NewLine +
MessageBox.Show("Login Succeeded");
I mapped logo path to drive Z. So your path should be different.
You can refer to LGSetup Documents and Login Documents