Copy/Move Item api is not throwing exception when i provide invalid with in drive - copy

Both Move and copy apis are successful when we provide invalid with in drive. And it is copying the file to same folder as source item. Expected Behaviour : It should throw invalid error. This functionality is working fine when we provide invalid parentReference.path.
Copy Item : POST!dckkz8p7EkKltFwLt5o0QJ6VxtVc1UlOlv0XvR1bhLAo3oh17BLfTIZmGKhBkrry/root:/home/new-item.jpg:/microsoft.graph.copy
Move Item : PATCH!dckkz8p7EkKltFwLt5o0QJ6VxtVc1UlOlv0XvR1bhLAo3oh17BLfTIZmGKhBkrry/root:/home/new-item.jpg:


Synapse Spark exception handling - Can't write to log file

I have written PySpark code to hit a REST API and extract the contents in an XML format and later wrote to Parquet in a data lake container.
I am trying to add logging functionality where I not only write out errors but updates of actions/process we execute.
I am comparatively new to Spark I have been relying on online articles and samples. All explain the error handling and logging through "1/0" examples and saving logs in the default folder structure (not in ADLS account/container/folder) which do not help at all. Most of the code written in Pure Python doesn't run as-is.
Could I get some assistance with setting up the following:
Push errors to a log file under a designated folder sitting under a data lake storage account/container/folder hierarchy".
Catching REST specific exceptions.
This is a sample of what I have written:
LogFilepath = "abfss://"
#LogFilepath2 = "adl://"
except Exception as e:
print('My Error...' + str(e))
with open(LogFilepath, "a") as f:
f.write("An error occured: {}\n".format(e))
I have tried it both ABFSS and ADL file paths with no luck. The log file is already available in the storage account/container/folder.
I have reproduced the above using abfss path in with open() function but it gave me the below error.
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'abfss://'
As per this Documentation
we can use open() on ADLS file with a path like /synfs/{jobId}/mountpoint/{filename}.
For that, first we need to mount the ADLS.
Here I have mounted it using ADLS linked service. you can mount either by Storage account access key or SAS as per your requirement.
{"linkedService":"<ADLS linked service name>"}
Now use the below code to achieve your requirement.
from datetime import datetime
currentDateAndTime =
except Exception as e:
print('My Error...' + str(e))
with open(LogFilepath, "a") as f:
f.write("Time : {}- Error : {}\n".format(currentDateAndTime,e))
Here I am writing date time along with the error and there is no need to create the log file first. The above code will create and append the error.
If you want to generate the logs daily, you can generate date file names log files as per your requirement.
My Execution:
Here I have executed 2 times.

Powershell: validate URL path, incorrect path vs non public path

I am trying to validate a URL that, if valid, I will use to download a file. But I want to validate the domain and the full path BEFORE doing the download, so I can provide a meaningful error log.
Given paths like the following
I want to be able to report
invalid path: /downloads/
Invalid domain:
I can use
$uri = [System.Uri]$path
if (Resolve-DnsName -Name:$ {}
to test the domain. I can then use
if (Invoke-Webrequest $uri.OriginalString -DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing -Method:head) {}
to test the full path without actually doing the download, but the only error I get is The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden., both when the path doesn't exist and when the path does exist but it isn't a publicly available path.
Is there any way, on the PowerShell side, to differentiate the permissions issue vs the incorrect path issue?
Or do I have no choice but to provide a wishy washy error in the log? I know effetely the path does not exist to the user who doesn't have permissions, I am just hoping there is some client side way to differentiate. But I may be running into the limitations of how the web has been implemented.

SolrCloud Configset API upload returns 500 "KeeperErrorCode = NoNode"

First of all I must mention that I'm using Solr 8.1.1 and am running the default "solr -e cloud" to do some testing. This is running on a Windows Azure VM. I'm trying to create a PowerShell script that will do some setup on the SolrCloud. The first step in this is uploading a custom Configset. I was using as guide and the PowerShell command if you take away all the parameters and such boils down to the following:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/configs?action=UPLOAD&name=MyConfig" -Method Post -ContentType "application/octet-stream" -InFile ""
EDIT: For clarity the contents of the ZIP is as follows:
When I run the above command however I'm met with the following error:
Invoke-WebRequest : { "responseHeader":{ "status":500, "QTime":11}, "error":{ "msg":"KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /configs/MyConfig/lang/contractions_ca.txt", "trace":"org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException:
KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /configs/MyConfig/lang/contractions_ca.txt\r\n\tat org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(\r\n\tat
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.create(\r\n\tat org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.create(\r\n\tat$create$7(\r\n\tat\r\n\tat\r\n\tat org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ConfigSetsHandler.createZkNodeIfNotExistsAndSetData(\r\n\tat
org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ConfigSetsHandler.handleConfigUploadRequest(\r\n\tat org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ConfigSetsHandler.handleRequestBody(\r\n\tat
org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest(\r\n\tat org.apache.solr.servlet.HttpSolrCall.handleAdmin(\r\n\tat
org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter(\r\n\tat org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RewriteHandler.handle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(\r\n\tat$ReadCallback.succeeded(\r\n\tat\r\n\tat$\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.runTask(\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.tryProduce(\r\n\tat\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$\r\n\tat
org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(\r\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$\r\n\tat\r\n",
At line:1 char:1
When I first "failed" I had created a zip file from my config which contained an additional top level folder (ea instead of MyConfig/solrconfig.xml etc my ZIP was MyConfig/MyConfig/solrconfig.xml) and when I used this the command was run successful but the second command (creating a collection) would fail because it could not find solrconfig.xml. This tells me that the ZIP is correctly present in the request and Solr does seem capable of processing it but once I correct it to an actual configset it massively fails?
EDIT: I was asked about this and whether using "conf" in the zip would work. As I mentioned here this results in a successful upload ( however as you can see it does not match the other config sets and when you try to create a collection with this set you will get Error CREATEing SolrCore 'Test_shard1_replica_n1': Unable to create core [Test_shard1_replica_n1] Caused by: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or '/configs/Sitecore', cwd=C:\solr-8.1.1\server
What am I doing wrong? Is this a bug?
Going back through some work I did on SolrCloud a while ago, I am reminded of one annoying issue I hit:
I got odd issues uploading the schema config zip files if I had created that zip using "Send to Compressed Folder" in the Windows UI, or via Compress-Archive in PowerShell. I found that compressing the data with 7Zip did work, however.
I suspect there's something incompatible between the Windows zip code (which I think is quite old, and something they licensed ages ago?) and how Solr/ZooKeeper deals with extracting the files again?
I just ran into the same issue without using Windows zip code. I was trying to upload a configset to Solr 7.7.3 from a conf directory containing a "lang" subdirectory with a bunch of files. I got the NoNode error for /configs/_myconfigsetname_/lang/stopwords_eu.txt. The configset was being zipped on the fly through a recursive directory walk in Java, sending each filename to the Zip file using Java's ZipOutputStream. The resulting zipped bytes were then sent to Solr/Zookeeper.
This code worked fine for conf directories without subdirectories. It turned out that when there is a subdirectory, it was necessary to create a ZipEntry for the directory (e.g. lang/) before adding files to the Zip stream such as lang/stopwords_eu.txt.

Tableau Extract API return "Server did not call back us"

I try to extract in tde file Tableau Extract API and it returned error "Server did not call back us"
val fileName = "1233.tde"
var extract : Extract = new Extract(fileName)
return exception server did not call us back
error code : 204
How to resolve?
Try to set correct file permissions on tdeserver64 file located in
site-packages/dataextract/bin/ folder.
Try to give it 755 permissions.

Old feature file path is used even after updating a new path

I am new to cucumber and I am automating a scenario. Initially I kept my features files in the path C:\Users\test\eclipse-workspace\Automation\src\test\resources\featureFile. Then I moved the feature files to a different path (C:\Users\test\eclipse-workspace\Automation\src\test\com\test]automation\features). I have updated the same in CucumberOptions as shown below.
#CucumberOptions(features = {
"src/test/java/com/test/automation/features/CO_Self_Service_Home_Page_Personalizations.feature" }, glue = {
"src/test/java/com/oracle/peoplesoft/HCM/StepDefinitions" })
But when I try to run the feature, I am getting the below exception stating the feature file is not found. Here the path shown in the exception is the old path. I am not sure from where it is fetched as I have updated the new path in Cucumber options. Can you please help me understand the cause of this issue.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a
file or directory:
at at at
There are a couple of points you need to take care as follows :
As per Best Practices cerate the directory features which will contain the featurefile(s) strictly through your IDE only (not through other softwares Notepad or Textpad or SubLime3) as per the image below (New -> File) :
Create the featurefile i.e. CO_Self_Service_Home_Page_Personalizations.feature within features directory strictly through your IDE only.
Keep your Project Structure simple by placing the directory containing the featurefile(s) just under Project Workspace. For Featurefiles Cucumber works with directory names. So create the features directory just under your project space Automation (same hierarchy as src). So the location of the Self_Service_Home_Page_Personalizations.feature will be :
Again, as in your Class file containing #CucumberOptions you have mentioned glue = {"StepDefinitions" } ensure that the Class file containing #CucumberOptions must be in the similar hierarchy as the figure below :
So your CucumberOptions will be as follows :
#CucumberOptions(features = {"features" }, glue = {"StepDefinitions" })
Execute your Test
Note : Do not move/copy feature file(s)/directory(ies). Delete the unwanted and create a new one through your IDE only.