How to de-normalize data in Kafka? - apache-kafka

I have a MySQL database with ~20 tables. The data is normalized.
Considering this example:
book -> book_authors <- authors
we try to stream the books info eg.:
{book_id:3, title='Red', authors:[{id:3, name:'Mary'}, {id:4, name:'John'}]}
An instance when we see a serious problem: if an author's name change, we have to re-generate all their books.
I'm using Debezium to post the change log for each table in Kafka.
I am unable to find an elegant solution for data denormalization, eg. for adding it to ElasticSearch, MongoDb etc.
I identified two solutions, but both seem to fail:
De-normalize data into a new MySQL table, at source, and use Debezium to stream only this new table. This might be not possible and we have to invest a lot of effort in changing the code of the source system.
Join the streams in Kafka, though, I didn't manage to make it work. It seems that Kafka does not allow joining on a non-primary-key field. This seems a common situation with N-to-N relations.
Did anyone find a solution to data denormalization and publish data into a Kafka stream? This seems to be a common problem and I couldn't find any solution yet.

Try publishing the changes from Debezium to the topics book, book_authors and authors in its raw form, which creates three disjoint streams.
Create a simple consumer application that subscribes to all three topics. Upon receiving a message on either topic, it queries the database to obtain the latest snapshot of the referenced entities, merges the data together, and publishes the denormalised version onto a new merged_book_authors topic. Downstream consumers can read directly from the merged topic.
A minor variation of the above: rather than querying the database for each Debezium change, which may be slow, build a materialised view using a fast key-value or document store such as Redis. This is a little more work, but will (1) improve the throughput of the overall pipeline and (2) take the load off the system-of-record database.


Audit data changes with Debezium

I have a use case where I want to audit the DB table data changes into another table for compliance purposes. Primarily, any changes to the data like Inserts/Updates/Deletes should be audited. I found different options like JaVers, Hibernate Envers, Database triggers, and Debezium.
I am avoiding using JaVers, and Hibernate Envers as this will not capture any data change that happens through direct SQL queries and any data change that happens through other applications. The other issue I see is we need to add the audit-related code to the main application code in the same transaction boundary.
I am also avoiding the usage of database triggers as we are not using triggers at all for any of the deployments.
Then I left with Debezium which is promising. But, the only concern that I have is that we need to use Kafka to leverage Debezium. Is Kafka's usage is necessary to use Debezium if both the primary table and the audit table sit in the same DB instance?
Debezium is perfect for auditing, but given it is a source Connector, it represents just one part of the data pipeline in your use case. You will capture every table change event (c=create, r=read, u=update, d=delete), store it on a Kafka topic or local disk and then you need a Sink Connector (i.e. Camel Kafka SQL or JDBC, kafka-connect-jdbc) to insert into the target table.
For the same transaction boundary requirement you can use the Outbox Pattern if the eventual consistency is fine. There is also an Outbox Event Router SMT component that is part of the project.
Note that Debezium can also run embedded in a standalone Java application, storing the offset on local disk, but you lose the HA capability given by KafkaConnect running in distributed mode. With the embedded mode, you are also swtiching from a configuration-driven approach to a code-driven one.
I found Debezium to be a very comprehensive solution, and it is open source backed by Redhat. That gives it not only the credibility, but the security that it is going to be supported.
It provides a rich configuration to whitelist, blacklist databases/tables/columns (with wild card patterns), along with controls to limit data in really large columns.
Since it is driven from BinLogs, you not only get the current state, you also get the previous state. This is ideal for audit trails, and you can customize building a proper Sync to elastic topics (one for table).
Use of Kafka is necessary to account for HA and latency when bulk updates are made on DB, even though Primary and Audit tables are in same DB.

ksqlDB: Best way to create Tables from a Debezium source topics?

I would like to create Tables in ksqlDB from Debezium source topics, with the ultimate aim of performing a left join on these tables and efficiently outputting materialized views to a downstream database using the JDBC sink connector.
The Debezium source topics have not had any transforms applied (such as ExtractNewRecordState), so contain a 'before' and 'after' property, as described in the Debezium documentation here.
The reason for not applying the ExtractNewRecordState transform (which would presumably simplify matters) is that the source CDC topics may be used for various purposes and it does not appear possible to create multiple topics off the same source database table (since topic names are automatically determined by Debezium and depend on the database server, schema and table name as described here).
The best approach I have found so far is to:
create a stream in ksqlDB from the raw Debezium input, e.g.:
CREATE STREAM user_stream WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='mssql.dbo.user', VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO');
create a second stream selecting the required fields from the 'after' property of the first stream, e.g.:
CREATE STREAM user_stream2 AS SELECT AFTER->user_id, AFTER->username, AFTER->email FROM user_stream EMIT CHANGES;
finally, convert the second stream to a table as described here, namely:
SELECT user_id,
LATEST_BY_OFFSET(username) AS username,
LATEST_BY_OFFSET(email) AS email
FROM user_stream2
GROUP BY user_id
These steps must be repeated to generate each Table, at which point a join can be performed on the Tables to produce an output.
This seems quite long-winded, with a lot of intermediate steps. Performance also seems sluggish. Is there a better and/or more direct way to generated materialized views using ksqlDB and Debezium? Can any of the steps be cut out and/or should I be using a different approach in step 3 (such as a windowing function)?
I'm particularly keen to ensure that the approach taken is the most efficient from a performance and resource usage perspective.

Saving JDBC db data as shared state Spark

I have an MSSQL table as a data source and I would like to save some kind of the processing offset in the form of the timestamp (it is one of the table's columns). So it would be possible to process the data from the latest offset. I would like to save as some kind of shared state between Spark sessions. I have researched shared state in Spark session, however, I did not find the way to store this offset in the shared state. So is it possible to use existing Spark constructs to perform this task?
As far as I know there is no official built-in feature supporting passing data between sessions in Spark. As alternative I would consider the following options/suggestions:
First the offset column must be an indexed field in MSSQL in order to be able to query it fast.
If there is already an in-memory (i.e Redis, Apache Ignite) system installed and used by your project I would store there the offset.
I wouldn't use a message queue system such as Kafka because once you consume one message you will need to resend it therefore that would't make sense.
As solution I would prefer to save it in the filesystem or in Hive even if it would add extra overhead since you will have only one value in that table. In the case of the filesystem of course the performance would be much better.
Let me know if further information is needed

Using Kafka for Data Integration with Updates & Deletes

So a little background - we have a large number of data sources ranging from RDBMS's to S3 files. We would like to synchronize and integrate this data with other various data warehouses, databases, etc.
At first, this seemed like the canonical model for Kafka. We would like to stream the data changes through Kafka to the data output sources. In our test case we are capturing the changes with Oracle Golden Gate and successfully pushing the changes to a Kafka queue. However, pushing these changes through to the data output source has proven challenging.
I realize that this would work very well if we were just adding new data to the Kafka topics and queues. We could cache the changes and write the changes to the various data output sources. However this is not the case. We will be updating, deleting, modifying partitions, etc. The logic for handling this seems to be much more complicated.
We tried using staging tables and joins to update/delete the data but I feel that would become quite unwieldy quickly.
This comes to my question - are there any different approaches we could go about handling these operations? Or should we totally move in a different direction?
Any suggestions/help is much appreciated. Thank you!
There are 3 approaches you can take:
Full dump load
Incremental dump load
Binlog replication
Full dump load
Periodically, dump your RDBMS data source table into a file, and load that into the datawarehouse, replacing the previous version. This approach is mostly useful for small tables, but is very simple to implement, and supports updates and deletes to the data easily.
Incremental dump load
Periodically, get the records that changed since your last query, and send them to be loaded to the data warehouse. Something along the lines of
FROM my_table
WHERE last_update > #{last_import}
This approach is slightly more complex to implement, because you have to maintain the state ("last_import" in the snippet above), and it does not support deletes. It can be extended to support deletes, but that makes it more complicated. Another disadvantage of this approach that it requires your tables to have a last_update column.
Binlog replication
Write a program that continuously listens to the binlog of your RDBMS and sends these updates to be loaded to an intermediate table in the data warehouse, containing the updated values of the row, and whether it is a delete operation or update/create. Then write a query that periodically consolidates these updates to create a table that mirrors the original table. The idea behind this consolidation process is to select, for each id, the last (most advanced) version as seen in all the updates, or in the previous version of the consolidated table.
This approach is slightly more complex to implement, but allows achieving high performance even on large tables and supports updates and deletes.
Kafka is relevant to this approach in that it can be used as a pipeline for the row updates between the binlog listener and the loading to the data warehouse intermediate table.
You can read more about these different replication approaches in this blog post.
Disclosure: I work in Alooma (a co-worker wrote the blog post linked above, and we provide data-pipelines as a service, solving problems like this).

Sync postgreSql data with ElasticSearch

Ultimately I want to have a scalable search solution for the data in PostgreSql. My finding points me towards using Logstash to ship write events from Postgres to ElasticSearch, however I have not found a usable solution. The soluions I have found involve using jdbc-input to query all data from Postgres on an interval, and the delete events are not captured.
I think this is a common use case so I hope you guys could share with me your experience, or give me some pointers to proceed.
If you need to also be notified on DELETEs and delete the respective record in Elasticsearch, it is true that the Logstash jdbc input will not help. You'd have to use a solution working around the binlog as suggested here
However, if you still want to use the Logstash jdbc input, what you could do is simply soft-delete records in PostgreSQL, i.e. create a new BOOLEAN column in order to mark your records as deleted. The same flag would then exist in Elasticsearch and you can exclude them from your searches with a simple term query on the deleted field.
Whenever you need to perform some cleanup, you can delete all records flagged deleted in both PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch.
You can also take a look at PGSync.
It's similar to Debezium but a lot easier to get up and running.
PGSync is a Change data capture tool for moving data from Postgres to Elasticsearch.
It allows you to keep Postgres as your source-of-truth and expose structured denormalized
documents in Elasticsearch.
You simply define a JSON schema describing the structure of the data in
Here is an example schema: (you can also have nested objects)
"nodes": {
"table": "book",
"columns": [
PGsync generates queries for your document on the fly.
No need to write queries like Logstash. It also supports and tracks deletion operations.
It operates both a polling and an event-driven model to capture changes made to date
and notification for changes that occur at a point in time.
The initial sync polls the database for changes since the last time the daemon
was run and thereafter event notification (based on triggers and handled by the pg-notify)
for changes to the database.
It has very little development overhead.
Create a schema as described above
Point pgsync at your Postgres database and Elasticsearch cluster
Start the daemon.
You can easily create a document that includes multiple relations as nested objects. PGSync tracks any changes for you.
Have a look at the github repo for more details.
You can install the package from PyPI
Please take a look at Debezium. It's a change data capture (CDC) platform, which allow you to steam your data
I created a simple github repository, which shows how it works