This question isn't programming language specific (the more general the better), but I'm working in Scala (not necessarily on the JVM). Is there a means to reference count by call location, not the number of total calls? In particular, it would be great to be able to detect if a given method is called from more than one call location.
I think I can fake it to some extent by doing a reference equality check with a function, but this could be abused easily by having a global-ish token, or even calling the function multiple times in the same scope:
sealed case class Token();
class MyClass[A] {
var tokenOpt: Option[Token] = None
def callMeFromOnePlace(x: A)(implicit tk: Token) = {
tokenOpt match {
case Some(priorTk) => if (priorTk ne tk) throw new IllegalStateException("")
case None => tokenOpt = Some(tk)
// Do some work ...
Then this should work fine:
val myObj = new MyClass[Int]
val myIntList = List(1,2,3)
implicit val token = Token() => myObj.callMeFromOnePlace(ii))
But unfortunately, so would this:
val myObj = new MyClass[Int]
implicit val token = Token()
myObj.callMeFromOnePlace(1) //oops, want this to fail
When you are talking about call location, it can be represented by a call stack trace. Here is a simple example:
// keep track of calls here (you can use immutable style if you want)
var callCounts = Map.empty[Int, Int]
def f(): Unit = {
// calculate call stack trace hashCode for more efficient storage
// .toSeq makes WrappedArray, that knows how to properly calculate .hashCode()
val hashCode = new RuntimeException().getStackTrace.toSeq.hashCode()
val callLocation = hashCode
callCounts += (callLocation -> (callCounts.getOrElse(callLocation, 0) + 1))
List(1,2,3).foreach(_ =>
println(callCounts) // Map(75070239 -> 3, 900408638 -> 1, -1658734417 -> 1)
I am not completely clear what you want to do but for your //oops.. example to fail you need just check the PriorTk is not None. (do note that it is not a thread safe solution )
For completeness, enforcing these kind of constraints from a type system perspective requires linear types.
For example, if we have a method like
def find[A](xs: Seq[A], p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
xs.foreach(x => if (p(x)) return Some(x));
(of course there is a library function for this, this is just an example). How does the execution escape foreach when the inner function returns?
Or in
def foo(x: AnyRef): String =
process(x match {
case (s: String) => s;
case _ => return "";
how does the execution avoid running process when return "" is issued?
The foo example depends on which of
def process(s: String): String
def process(s: => String): String
it is. I'm assuming the former, since you suggest process isn't run. This is just the way it always works when passing an argument--you do the argument-creation work first, then call the method. Since you run into a return, it's easy: you just call the appropriate return from bytecode while creating the argument*, and never go on to invoke the method. So it is just a local return.
The find example is a little more involved. Let's try a maximally simple example motivated by a foo which requires a nonlocal return:
class Nonlocal {
def pr(s: => String) = { println(s); "Printed" }
def foo(x: AnyRef): String = pr(x match {
case (s: String) => s;
case _ => return "";
The body of foo is equivalent to
import scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl
val temp = new AnyRef
try {
pr(x match {
case s: String => s
case _ => throw new NonLocalReturnControl(temp, "")
catch {
case nlrc: NonLocalReturnControl[_] if (nlrc.key eq temp) =>
The key things to notice is that a sentinel object is created so that these things can be arbitrarily nested without clobbering each other, and that NonLocalReturnControl carries the correct value back. Unsurprisingly, this isn't exactly cheap compared to just returning, say, an Int. But since it creates an exception without a stack trace (safe, because it can't escape: the catch block is guaranteed to catch it), it's not that bad--is about as bad as calling a trig function or summing an array with a few dozen entries.
Note also that pr only gets partly executed before the exception gets it. In this case, it doesn't print anything because the first thing it does is try to use s to fill in an actual string, but then it hits the exception which drops control back to foo. (So you get an empty string back from foo, but you don't print anything.)
* Actually, in bytecode it tends to be a jump to the end of the method, with the load/return there. Irrelevant conceptually, though.
Scala return keyword
handling errors in scala controllers
This is the "final" solution, again thanks to Dan Burton.
def save = Action { implicit request =>
val(orderNum, ip) = (generateOrderNum, request.remoteAddress)
val result = for {
model <- bindForm(form).right // error condition already json'd
transID <- payment.process(model, orderNum) project json
userID <- dao.create(model, ip, orderNum, transID) project json
} yield (userID, transID)
Then the pimp'd Either project method, placed somewhere in your application (in my case, an implicits trait that sbt root & child project(s) extends their base package object from:
class EitherProvidesProjection[L1, R](e: Either[L1, R]) {
def project[L1, L2](f: L1 => L2) = e match {
case Left(l:L1) => Left(f(l)).right
case Right(r) => Right(r).right
#inline implicit final def either2Projection[L,R](e: Either[L,R]) = new EitherProvidesProjection(e)
Evolution, have gone from embedded return statements to this little white dwarf of density (kudos to #DanBurton, the Haskell rascal ;-))
def save = Action { implicit request =>
val(orderNum, ip) = (generateOrderNum, request.remoteAddress)
val result = for {
model <- form.bindFromRequest fold(Left(_), Right(_)) project( (f:Form) => Conflict(f.errorsAsJson) )
transID <- payment.process(model, orderNum) project(Conflict(_:String))
userID <- dao.create(model, ip, orderNum, transID) project(Conflict(_:String))
} yield (userID, transID)
I have added Dan's onLeft Either projection as a pimp to Either, with the above "project" method, which allows for right-biased eitherResult project(left-outcome). Basically you get fail-first error as a Left and success as a Right, something that would not work when feeding Option outcomes to for comprehension (you only get Some/None outcome).
The only thing I'm not thrilled with is having to specify the type for the project(Conflict(param)); I thought the compiler would be able to infer the left condition type from the Either that is being passed to it: apparently not.
At any rate, it's clear that the functional approach obviates the need for embedded return statements as I was trying to do with if/else imperative approach.
The functional equivalent is:
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
bound fold(
error=> withForm(error),
model=> {
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
payment.process(model, orderNum) fold (
whyfail=> withForm( bound.withGlobalError(whyfail) ),
transID=> {
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID) fold (
Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(i18n(errcode)) )),
// generate pdf, email, redirect with flash success
which is certainly a densely power packed block of code, a lot happening there; however, I would argue that corresponding imperative code with embedded returns is not only similarly concise, but also easier to grok (with added benefit of fewer trailing curlies & parens to keep track of)
Finding myself in an imperative situation; would like to see an alternative approach to the following (which does not work due to the use of return keyword and lack of explicit type on method):
def save = Action { implicit request =>
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
if(bound.hasErrors) return Ok(withForm(bound))
val model = bound.get
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
val transID = processPayment(model, orderNum)
if(transID.isEmpty) return Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
val result = dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID)
result match {
case Left(_) =>
Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
case Right((foo, bar, baz)) =>
// all good: generate pdf, email, redirect with success msg
In this case I like the use of return as you avoid nesting several if/else blocks, or folds, or matches, or fill-in-the-blank non-imperative approach. The problem of course, is that it doesn't work, an explicit return type has to specified, which has its own issues as I have yet to figure out how to specify a type that satisfies whatever Play magic is at work -- no, def save: Result, does not work as the compiler then complains about implicit result now not having an explicit type ;-(
At any rate, Play framework examples provide la, la, la, la happy 1-shot-deal fold(error, success) condition which is not always the case in the real world™ ;-)
So what is the idiomatic equivalent (without use of return) to above code block? I assume it would be nested if/else, match, or fold, which gets a bit ugly, indenting with each nested condition.
So as a Haskeller, obviously in my mind, the solution to everything is Monads. Step with me for a moment into a simplified world (simplified for me, that is) where your problem is in Haskell, and you have the following types to deal with (as a Haskeller, I sort of have this fetish for types):
bindFormRequest :: Request -> Form -> BoundForm
hasErrors :: BoundForm -> Bool
processPayment :: Model -> OrderNum -> TransID
isEmpty :: TransID -> Bool
Let's pause here. At this point, I'm sort of cringing a bit at boundFormHasErrors and transIDisEmpty. Both of these things imply that the possibility of failure is injected into BoundForm and TransID respectively. That's bad. Instead, the possibility of failure should be maintained separate. Allow me to propose this alternative:
bindFormRequest :: Request -> Form -> Either FormBindError BoundForm
processPayment :: Model -> OrderNum -> Either TransError TransID
That feels a bit better, and these Eithers are leading into the use of the Either monad. Let's write up some more types though. I'm going to ignore OK because that is wrapped around pretty much everything; I'm fudging a little bit but the concepts will still translate just the same. Trust me; I'm bringing this back around to Scala in the end.
save :: Request -> IO Action
form :: Form
withForm :: BoundForm -> Action
getModel :: BoundForm -> Model
generateOrderNum :: IO OrderNum
withGlobalError :: ... -> BoundForm -> BoundForm
getHeader :: String -> Request -> String
dao :: DAO
createMember :: Model -> String -> OrderNum -> TransID
-> DAO -> IO (Either DAOErr (Foo, Bar, Baz))
allGood :: Foo -> Bar -> Baz -> IO Action
OK, now I'm going to do something a bit wonky, and let me tell you why. The Either monad works like this: as soon as you hit a Left, you stop. (Is it any surprise I chose this monad to emulate early returns?) This is all well and good, but we want to always stop with an Action, and so stopping with a FormBindError isn't going to cut it. So let's define two functions that will let us deal with Eithers in such a way that we can install a little more "handling" if we discover a Left.
-- if we have an `Either a a', then we can always get an `a' out of it!
unEither :: Either a a -> a
unEither (Left a) = a
unEither (Right a) = a
onLeft :: Either l r -> (l -> l') -> Either l' r
(Left l) `onLeft` f = Left (f l)
(Right r) `onLeft` _ = Right r
At this point, in Haskell, I would talk about monad transformers, and stacking EitherT on top of IO. However, in Scala, this is not a concern, so wherever we see IO Foo, we can just pretend it is a Foo.
Alright, let's write save. We will use do syntax, and later will translate it to Scala's for syntax. Recall in for syntax you are allowed to do three things:
assign from a generator using <- (this is comparable to Haskell's <-)
assign a name to the result of a computation using = (this is comparable to Haskell's let)
use a filter with the keyword if (this is comparable to Haskell's guard function, but we won't use this because it doesn't give us control of the "exceptional" value produced)
And then at the end we can yield, which is the same as return in Haskell. We will restrict ourselves to these things to make sure that the translation from Haskell to Scala is smooth.
save :: Request -> Action
save request = unEither $ do
bound <- bindFormRequest request form
`onLeft` (\err -> withForm (getSomeForm err))
let model = getModel bound
let orderNum = generateOrderNum
transID <- processPayment model orderNum
`onLeft` (\err -> withForm (withGlobalError ... bound))
let ip = getHeader "X-Forwarded-For" request
(foo, bar, baz) <- createMember model ip orderNum transID dao
`onLeft` (\err -> withForm (withGlobalError ... bound))
return $ allGood foo bar baz
Notice something? It looks almost identical to the code you wrote in imperative style!
You may be wondering why I went through all this effort to write up an answer in Haskell. Well, it's because I like to typecheck my answers, and I'm rather familiar with how to do this in Haskell. Here's a file that typechecks, and has all of the type signatures I just specified (sans IO):
OK, so now let's translate that to Scala. First, the Either helpers.
Here begins the Scala
// be careful how you use this.
// Scala's subtyping can really screw with you if you don't know what you're doing
def unEither[A](e: Either[A, A]): A = e match {
case Left(a) => a
case Right(a) => a
def onLeft[L1, L2, R](e: Either[L1, R], f: L1 => L2) = e match {
case Left(l) = Left(f(l))
case Right(r) = Right(r)
Now, the save method
def save = Action { implicit request => unEither( for {
bound <- onLeft(form.bindFormRequest,
err => Ok(withForm(err.getSomeForm))).right
model = bound.get
orderNum = generateOrderNum()
transID <- onLeft(processPayment(model, orderNum),
err => Ok(withForm(bound.withGlobalError(...))).right
ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
(foo, bar, baz) <- onLeft(dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID),
err => Ok(withForm(bound.withGlobalError(...))).right
} yield allGood(foo, bar, baz) ) }
Note that variables on the left hand side of <- or = are implicitly considered to be vals since they are inside of a for block. You should feel free to change onLeft so that it is pimped onto Either values for prettier usage. Also, make sure you import an appropriate "Monad instance" for Eithers.
In conclusion, I just wanted to point out that the whole purpose of monadic sugar is to flatten out nested functional code. So use it!
[edit: in Scala, you have to "right bias" Eithers to make them work with for syntax. This is done by adding .right to the Either values on the right-hand side of the <-. No extra imports necessary. This could be done inside of onLeft for prettier-looking code. See also: ]
What about some nested defs?
def save = Action { implicit request =>
def transID = {
val model = bound.get
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
processPayment(model, orderNum)
def result = {
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID)
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
if(bound.hasErrors) Ok(withForm(bound))
else if(transID.isEmpty) Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
else result match {
case Left(_) =>
Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
case Right((foo, bar, baz)) =>
// all good: generate pdf, email, redirect with success msg
Scala internally uses the throw/catch mechanism to handle returns in places where returns are syntactically okay but it actually has to jump out of several methods. So you can either let it do this:
def save = Action { implicit request =>
def result(): Foo = {
/* All your logic goes in here, including returns */
or, if you prefer, you can use your own data-passing throwable class (without stack trace):
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
case class Return[A](val value: A) extends ControlThrowable {}
def save = Action { implicit request =>
try {
/* Logic */
if (exitEarly) throw Return(Ok(blahBlah))
/* More logic */
catch {
case Return(x: Foo) => x
Or you could get a little fancier and add your own exception handling:
case class Return[A](val value: A) extends ControlThrowable {}
class ReturnFactory[A]{ def apply(a: A) = throw new Return(a) }
def returning[A: ClassManifest](f: ReturnFactory[A] => A) = {
try { f(new ReturnFactory[A]) } catch {
case r: Return[_] =>
if (implicitly[ClassManifest[A]].erasure.isAssignableFrom(r.value.getClass)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong Return type")
(If you want to be able to nest the returnings, just rethrow the Return instead of throwing an IllegalArgumentException when the type doesn't match.) You can use this like so:
def bar(i: Int) = returning[String] { ret =>
if (i<0) ret("fish")
val j = i*4
if (j>=20) ret("dish")
bar(-3) // "fish"
bar(2) // "wishwishwishwishwishwishwishwish"
bar(5) // "dish"
or in your particular case
def save = Action{ implicit request => returning[Foo] { ret =>
/* Logic goes here, using ret(foo) as needed */
It's not built in, but it shouldn't be terribly hard to explain to people how to use this even if it's not so easy to understand how the capability is built. (Note: Scala does have built in break capability in scala.util.control.Breaks which uses something very much like this strategy.)
IMHO, seems the problem here is that you are executing business logic in a controller, and Play signatures don't ahem play nice with return values like this is secondary.
I'd recommend you incapsulate the
calls behind a facade, and that return value can return the appropriate state of the business transaction, which can then be used to return the proper controller state.
Will update this answer with an example in a bit.
This is pretty sloppy so double-check the syntax, but the gist of my answer is to move your business logic sequence into an external class which will leverage the Either/Left/Right you are already using, but now includes your check for empty Transaction ID in the Left response.
def save = Action {implicit request =>
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
if (!bound.hasErrors) {
val model = bound.get
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
val result = paymentService.processPayment(model, ip)
result match {
case Left(_) => Ok(withForm(bound.withGlobalError(...)))
case Right((foo, bar, baz)) => // all good: generate pdf, email, redirect with success msg
else Ok(withForm(bound))
class PaymentService {
def processPayment(model, ip): Either[Blah, Blah] = {
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
val transID = processPayment(model, orderNum)
if (transID.isEmpty) Left(yadda)
else Right(dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID))
The only thing a little hokey here is the if/else for bound.hasErrors, but not sure of a clean way to fold that into the match.
Make sense?
Disclaimer: Before someone says it: yes, I know it's bad style and not encouraged. I'm just doing this to play with Scala and try to learn more about how the type inference system works and how to tweak control flow. I don't intend to use this code in practice.
So: suppose I'm in a rather lengthy function, with lots of successive checks at the beginning, which, if they fail, are all supposed to cause the function to return some other value (not throw), and otherwise return the normal value. I cannot use return in the body of a Function. But can I simulate it? A bit like break is simulated in scala.util.control.Breaks?
I have come up with this:
object TestMain {
case class EarlyReturnThrowable[T](val thrower: EarlyReturn[T], val value: T) extends ControlThrowable
class EarlyReturn[T] {
def earlyReturn(value: T): Nothing = throw new EarlyReturnThrowable[T](this, value)
def withEarlyReturn[U](work: EarlyReturn[U] => U): U = {
val myThrower = new EarlyReturn[U]
try work(myThrower)
catch {
case EarlyReturnThrowable(`myThrower`, value) => value.asInstanceOf[U]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val g = withEarlyReturn[Int] { block =>
if (!someCondition)
val foo = precomputeSomething
if (!someOtherCondition(foo))
val bar = normalize(foo)
if (!checkBar(bar))
val baz = bazify(bar)
if (!baz.isOK)
// now the actual, interesting part of the computation happens here
// and I would like to keep it non-nested as it is here
foo + bar + baz + 42 // just a dummy here, but in practice this is longer
My checks here are obviously dummy, but the main point is that I'd like to avoid something like this, where the actually interesting code ends up being way too nested for my taste:
if (!someCondition) 4 else {
val foo = precomputeSomething
if (!someOtherCondition(foo)) 5 else {
val bar = normalize(foo)
if (!checkBar(bar)) 6 else {
val baz = bazify(bar)
if (!baz.isOK) 7 else {
// actual computation
foo + bar + baz + 42
My solution works fine here, and I can return early with 4 as return value if I want. Trouble is, I have to explicitly write the type parameter [Int] — which is a bit of a pain. Is there any way I can get around this?
It's a bit unrelated to your main question, but I think, a more effective approach (that doesn't require throwing an exception) to implement return would involve continuations:
def earlyReturn[T](ret: T): Any #cpsParam[Any, Any] = shift((k: Any => Any) => ret)
def withEarlyReturn[T](f: => T #cpsParam[T, T]): T = reset(f)
def cpsunit: Unit #cps[Any] = ()
def compute(bool: Boolean) = {
val g = withEarlyReturn {
val a = 1
if(bool) earlyReturn(4) else cpsunit
val b = 1
earlyReturn2(4, bool)
val c = 1
if(bool) earlyReturn(4) else cpsunit
a + b + c + 42
The only problem here, is that you have to explicitly use cpsunit.
EDIT1: Yes, earlyReturn(4, cond = !checkOK) can be implemented, but it won't be that general and elegant:
def earlyReturn2[T](ret: T, cond: => Boolean): Any #cpsParam[Any, Any] =
shift((k: Any => Any) => if(cond) ret else k())
k in the snippet above represents the rest of the computation. Depending on the value of cond, we either return the value, or continue the computation.
EDIT2: Any chance we might get rid of cpsunit? The problem here is that shift inside the if statement is not allowed without else. The compiler refuses to convert Unit to Unit #cps[Unit].
I think a custom exception is the right instinct here.
In Scala, I have progressively lost my Java/C habit of thinking in a control-flow oriented way, and got used to go ahead and get the object I'm interested in first, and then usually apply something like a match or a map() or foreach() for collections. I like it a lot, since it now feels like a more natural and more to-the-point way of structuring my code.
Little by little, I've wished I could program the same way for conditions; i.e., obtain a Boolean value first, and then match it to do various things. A full-blown match, however, does seem a bit overkill for this task.
obj.isSomethingValid match {
case true => doX
case false => doY
vs. what I would write with style closer to Java:
if (obj.isSomethingValid)
Then I remembered Smalltalk's ifTrue: and ifFalse: messages (and variants thereof). Would it be possible to write something like this in Scala?
obj.isSomethingValid ifTrue doX else doY
with variants:
val v = obj.isSomethingValid ifTrue someVal else someOtherVal
// with side effects
obj.isSomethingValid ifFalse {
numInvalid += 1
println("not valid")
Furthermore, could this style be made available to simple, two-state types like Option? I know the more idiomatic way to use Option is to treat it as a collection and call filter(), map(), exists() on it, but often, at the end, I find that I want to perform some doX if it is defined, and some doY if it isn't. Something like:
val ok = resultOpt ifSome { result =>
println("Obtained: " + result)
updateUIWith(result) // returns Boolean
} else {
numInvalid += 1
println("missing end result")
To me, this (still?) looks better than a full-blown match.
I am providing a base implementation I came up with; general comments on this style/technique and/or better implementations are welcome!
First: we probably cannot reuse else, as it is a keyword, and using the backticks to force it to be seen as an identifier is rather ugly, so I'll use otherwise instead.
Here's an implementation attempt. First, use the pimp-my-library pattern to add ifTrue and ifFalse to Boolean. They are parametrized on the return type R and accept a single by-name parameter, which should be evaluated if the specified condition is realized. But in doing so, we must allow for an otherwise call. So we return a new object called Otherwise0 (why 0 is explained later), which stores a possible intermediate result as a Option[R]. It is defined if the current condition (ifTrue or ifFalse) is realized, and is empty otherwise.
class BooleanWrapper(b: Boolean) {
def ifTrue[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise0[R](if (b) Some(f) else None)
def ifFalse[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise0[R](if (b) None else Some(f))
implicit def extendBoolean(b: Boolean): BooleanWrapper = new BooleanWrapper(b)
For now, this works and lets me write
someTest ifTrue {
But, without the following otherwise clause, it cannot return a value of type R, of course. So here's the definition of Otherwise0:
class Otherwise0[R](intermediateResult: Option[R]) {
def otherwise[S >: R](f: => S) = intermediateResult.getOrElse(f)
def apply[S >: R](f: => S) = otherwise(f)
It evaluates its passed named argument if and only if the intermediate result it got from the preceding ifTrue or ifFalse is undefined, which is exactly what is wanted. The type parametrization [S >: R] has the effect that S is inferred to be the most specific common supertype of the actual type of the named parameters, such that for instance, r in this snippet has an inferred type Fruit:
class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Orange extends Fruit
val r = someTest ifTrue {
new Apple
} otherwise {
new Orange
The apply() alias even allows you to skip the otherwise method name altogether for short chunks of code:
// equivalently:
Finally, here's the corresponding pimp for Option:
class OptionExt[A](option: Option[A]) {
def ifNone[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise1(option match {
case None => Some(f)
case Some(_) => None
}, option.get)
def ifSome[R](f: A => R) = new Otherwise0(option match {
case Some(value) => Some(f(value))
case None => None
implicit def extendOption[A](opt: Option[A]): OptionExt[A] = new OptionExt[A](opt)
class Otherwise1[R, A1](intermediateResult: Option[R], arg1: => A1) {
def otherwise[S >: R](f: A1 => S) = intermediateResult.getOrElse(f(arg1))
def apply[S >: R](f: A1 => S) = otherwise(f)
Note that we now also need Otherwise1 so that we can conveniently passed the unwrapped value not only to the ifSome function argument, but also to the function argument of an otherwise following an ifNone.
You may be looking at the problem too specifically. You would probably be better off with the pipe operator:
class Piping[A](a: A) { def |>[B](f: A => B) = f(a) }
implicit def pipe_everything[A](a: A) = new Piping(a)
Now you can
("fish".length > 5) |> (if (_) println("Hi") else println("Ho"))
which, admittedly, is not quite as elegant as what you're trying to achieve, but it has the great advantage of being amazingly versatile--any time you want to put an argument first (not just with booleans), you can use it.
Also, you already can use options the way you want:
Option("fish").filter(_.length > 5).
map (_ => println("Hi")).
Just because these things could take a return value doesn't mean you have to avoid them. It does take a little getting used to the syntax; this may be a valid reason to create your own implicits. But the core functionality is there. (If you do create your own, consider fold[B](f: A => B)(g: => B) instead; once you're used to it the lack of the intervening keyword is actually rather nice.)
Edit: Although the |> notation for pipe is somewhat standard, I actually prefer use as the method name, because then def reuse[B,C](f: A => B)(g: (A,B) => C) = g(a,f(a)) seems more natural.
Why don't just use it like this:
val idiomaticVariable = if (condition) {
} else {
IMO, its very idiomatic! :)