Scala: return has its place - scala

Scala return keyword
handling errors in scala controllers
This is the "final" solution, again thanks to Dan Burton.
def save = Action { implicit request =>
val(orderNum, ip) = (generateOrderNum, request.remoteAddress)
val result = for {
model <- bindForm(form).right // error condition already json'd
transID <- payment.process(model, orderNum) project json
userID <- dao.create(model, ip, orderNum, transID) project json
} yield (userID, transID)
Then the pimp'd Either project method, placed somewhere in your application (in my case, an implicits trait that sbt root & child project(s) extends their base package object from:
class EitherProvidesProjection[L1, R](e: Either[L1, R]) {
def project[L1, L2](f: L1 => L2) = e match {
case Left(l:L1) => Left(f(l)).right
case Right(r) => Right(r).right
#inline implicit final def either2Projection[L,R](e: Either[L,R]) = new EitherProvidesProjection(e)
Evolution, have gone from embedded return statements to this little white dwarf of density (kudos to #DanBurton, the Haskell rascal ;-))
def save = Action { implicit request =>
val(orderNum, ip) = (generateOrderNum, request.remoteAddress)
val result = for {
model <- form.bindFromRequest fold(Left(_), Right(_)) project( (f:Form) => Conflict(f.errorsAsJson) )
transID <- payment.process(model, orderNum) project(Conflict(_:String))
userID <- dao.create(model, ip, orderNum, transID) project(Conflict(_:String))
} yield (userID, transID)
I have added Dan's onLeft Either projection as a pimp to Either, with the above "project" method, which allows for right-biased eitherResult project(left-outcome). Basically you get fail-first error as a Left and success as a Right, something that would not work when feeding Option outcomes to for comprehension (you only get Some/None outcome).
The only thing I'm not thrilled with is having to specify the type for the project(Conflict(param)); I thought the compiler would be able to infer the left condition type from the Either that is being passed to it: apparently not.
At any rate, it's clear that the functional approach obviates the need for embedded return statements as I was trying to do with if/else imperative approach.
The functional equivalent is:
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
bound fold(
error=> withForm(error),
model=> {
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
payment.process(model, orderNum) fold (
whyfail=> withForm( bound.withGlobalError(whyfail) ),
transID=> {
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID) fold (
Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(i18n(errcode)) )),
// generate pdf, email, redirect with flash success
which is certainly a densely power packed block of code, a lot happening there; however, I would argue that corresponding imperative code with embedded returns is not only similarly concise, but also easier to grok (with added benefit of fewer trailing curlies & parens to keep track of)
Finding myself in an imperative situation; would like to see an alternative approach to the following (which does not work due to the use of return keyword and lack of explicit type on method):
def save = Action { implicit request =>
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
if(bound.hasErrors) return Ok(withForm(bound))
val model = bound.get
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
val transID = processPayment(model, orderNum)
if(transID.isEmpty) return Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
val result = dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID)
result match {
case Left(_) =>
Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
case Right((foo, bar, baz)) =>
// all good: generate pdf, email, redirect with success msg
In this case I like the use of return as you avoid nesting several if/else blocks, or folds, or matches, or fill-in-the-blank non-imperative approach. The problem of course, is that it doesn't work, an explicit return type has to specified, which has its own issues as I have yet to figure out how to specify a type that satisfies whatever Play magic is at work -- no, def save: Result, does not work as the compiler then complains about implicit result now not having an explicit type ;-(
At any rate, Play framework examples provide la, la, la, la happy 1-shot-deal fold(error, success) condition which is not always the case in the real world™ ;-)
So what is the idiomatic equivalent (without use of return) to above code block? I assume it would be nested if/else, match, or fold, which gets a bit ugly, indenting with each nested condition.

So as a Haskeller, obviously in my mind, the solution to everything is Monads. Step with me for a moment into a simplified world (simplified for me, that is) where your problem is in Haskell, and you have the following types to deal with (as a Haskeller, I sort of have this fetish for types):
bindFormRequest :: Request -> Form -> BoundForm
hasErrors :: BoundForm -> Bool
processPayment :: Model -> OrderNum -> TransID
isEmpty :: TransID -> Bool
Let's pause here. At this point, I'm sort of cringing a bit at boundFormHasErrors and transIDisEmpty. Both of these things imply that the possibility of failure is injected into BoundForm and TransID respectively. That's bad. Instead, the possibility of failure should be maintained separate. Allow me to propose this alternative:
bindFormRequest :: Request -> Form -> Either FormBindError BoundForm
processPayment :: Model -> OrderNum -> Either TransError TransID
That feels a bit better, and these Eithers are leading into the use of the Either monad. Let's write up some more types though. I'm going to ignore OK because that is wrapped around pretty much everything; I'm fudging a little bit but the concepts will still translate just the same. Trust me; I'm bringing this back around to Scala in the end.
save :: Request -> IO Action
form :: Form
withForm :: BoundForm -> Action
getModel :: BoundForm -> Model
generateOrderNum :: IO OrderNum
withGlobalError :: ... -> BoundForm -> BoundForm
getHeader :: String -> Request -> String
dao :: DAO
createMember :: Model -> String -> OrderNum -> TransID
-> DAO -> IO (Either DAOErr (Foo, Bar, Baz))
allGood :: Foo -> Bar -> Baz -> IO Action
OK, now I'm going to do something a bit wonky, and let me tell you why. The Either monad works like this: as soon as you hit a Left, you stop. (Is it any surprise I chose this monad to emulate early returns?) This is all well and good, but we want to always stop with an Action, and so stopping with a FormBindError isn't going to cut it. So let's define two functions that will let us deal with Eithers in such a way that we can install a little more "handling" if we discover a Left.
-- if we have an `Either a a', then we can always get an `a' out of it!
unEither :: Either a a -> a
unEither (Left a) = a
unEither (Right a) = a
onLeft :: Either l r -> (l -> l') -> Either l' r
(Left l) `onLeft` f = Left (f l)
(Right r) `onLeft` _ = Right r
At this point, in Haskell, I would talk about monad transformers, and stacking EitherT on top of IO. However, in Scala, this is not a concern, so wherever we see IO Foo, we can just pretend it is a Foo.
Alright, let's write save. We will use do syntax, and later will translate it to Scala's for syntax. Recall in for syntax you are allowed to do three things:
assign from a generator using <- (this is comparable to Haskell's <-)
assign a name to the result of a computation using = (this is comparable to Haskell's let)
use a filter with the keyword if (this is comparable to Haskell's guard function, but we won't use this because it doesn't give us control of the "exceptional" value produced)
And then at the end we can yield, which is the same as return in Haskell. We will restrict ourselves to these things to make sure that the translation from Haskell to Scala is smooth.
save :: Request -> Action
save request = unEither $ do
bound <- bindFormRequest request form
`onLeft` (\err -> withForm (getSomeForm err))
let model = getModel bound
let orderNum = generateOrderNum
transID <- processPayment model orderNum
`onLeft` (\err -> withForm (withGlobalError ... bound))
let ip = getHeader "X-Forwarded-For" request
(foo, bar, baz) <- createMember model ip orderNum transID dao
`onLeft` (\err -> withForm (withGlobalError ... bound))
return $ allGood foo bar baz
Notice something? It looks almost identical to the code you wrote in imperative style!
You may be wondering why I went through all this effort to write up an answer in Haskell. Well, it's because I like to typecheck my answers, and I'm rather familiar with how to do this in Haskell. Here's a file that typechecks, and has all of the type signatures I just specified (sans IO):
OK, so now let's translate that to Scala. First, the Either helpers.
Here begins the Scala
// be careful how you use this.
// Scala's subtyping can really screw with you if you don't know what you're doing
def unEither[A](e: Either[A, A]): A = e match {
case Left(a) => a
case Right(a) => a
def onLeft[L1, L2, R](e: Either[L1, R], f: L1 => L2) = e match {
case Left(l) = Left(f(l))
case Right(r) = Right(r)
Now, the save method
def save = Action { implicit request => unEither( for {
bound <- onLeft(form.bindFormRequest,
err => Ok(withForm(err.getSomeForm))).right
model = bound.get
orderNum = generateOrderNum()
transID <- onLeft(processPayment(model, orderNum),
err => Ok(withForm(bound.withGlobalError(...))).right
ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
(foo, bar, baz) <- onLeft(dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID),
err => Ok(withForm(bound.withGlobalError(...))).right
} yield allGood(foo, bar, baz) ) }
Note that variables on the left hand side of <- or = are implicitly considered to be vals since they are inside of a for block. You should feel free to change onLeft so that it is pimped onto Either values for prettier usage. Also, make sure you import an appropriate "Monad instance" for Eithers.
In conclusion, I just wanted to point out that the whole purpose of monadic sugar is to flatten out nested functional code. So use it!
[edit: in Scala, you have to "right bias" Eithers to make them work with for syntax. This is done by adding .right to the Either values on the right-hand side of the <-. No extra imports necessary. This could be done inside of onLeft for prettier-looking code. See also: ]

What about some nested defs?
def save = Action { implicit request =>
def transID = {
val model = bound.get
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
processPayment(model, orderNum)
def result = {
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID)
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
if(bound.hasErrors) Ok(withForm(bound))
else if(transID.isEmpty) Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
else result match {
case Left(_) =>
Ok(withForm( bound.withGlobalError(...) ))
case Right((foo, bar, baz)) =>
// all good: generate pdf, email, redirect with success msg

Scala internally uses the throw/catch mechanism to handle returns in places where returns are syntactically okay but it actually has to jump out of several methods. So you can either let it do this:
def save = Action { implicit request =>
def result(): Foo = {
/* All your logic goes in here, including returns */
or, if you prefer, you can use your own data-passing throwable class (without stack trace):
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
case class Return[A](val value: A) extends ControlThrowable {}
def save = Action { implicit request =>
try {
/* Logic */
if (exitEarly) throw Return(Ok(blahBlah))
/* More logic */
catch {
case Return(x: Foo) => x
Or you could get a little fancier and add your own exception handling:
case class Return[A](val value: A) extends ControlThrowable {}
class ReturnFactory[A]{ def apply(a: A) = throw new Return(a) }
def returning[A: ClassManifest](f: ReturnFactory[A] => A) = {
try { f(new ReturnFactory[A]) } catch {
case r: Return[_] =>
if (implicitly[ClassManifest[A]].erasure.isAssignableFrom(r.value.getClass)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong Return type")
(If you want to be able to nest the returnings, just rethrow the Return instead of throwing an IllegalArgumentException when the type doesn't match.) You can use this like so:
def bar(i: Int) = returning[String] { ret =>
if (i<0) ret("fish")
val j = i*4
if (j>=20) ret("dish")
bar(-3) // "fish"
bar(2) // "wishwishwishwishwishwishwishwish"
bar(5) // "dish"
or in your particular case
def save = Action{ implicit request => returning[Foo] { ret =>
/* Logic goes here, using ret(foo) as needed */
It's not built in, but it shouldn't be terribly hard to explain to people how to use this even if it's not so easy to understand how the capability is built. (Note: Scala does have built in break capability in scala.util.control.Breaks which uses something very much like this strategy.)

IMHO, seems the problem here is that you are executing business logic in a controller, and Play signatures don't ahem play nice with return values like this is secondary.
I'd recommend you incapsulate the
calls behind a facade, and that return value can return the appropriate state of the business transaction, which can then be used to return the proper controller state.
Will update this answer with an example in a bit.
This is pretty sloppy so double-check the syntax, but the gist of my answer is to move your business logic sequence into an external class which will leverage the Either/Left/Right you are already using, but now includes your check for empty Transaction ID in the Left response.
def save = Action {implicit request =>
val bound = form.bindFromRequest
if (!bound.hasErrors) {
val model = bound.get
val ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
val result = paymentService.processPayment(model, ip)
result match {
case Left(_) => Ok(withForm(bound.withGlobalError(...)))
case Right((foo, bar, baz)) => // all good: generate pdf, email, redirect with success msg
else Ok(withForm(bound))
class PaymentService {
def processPayment(model, ip): Either[Blah, Blah] = {
val orderNum = generateOrderNum()
val transID = processPayment(model, orderNum)
if (transID.isEmpty) Left(yadda)
else Right(dao.createMember(model, ip, orderNum, transID))
The only thing a little hokey here is the if/else for bound.hasErrors, but not sure of a clean way to fold that into the match.
Make sense?


How to functionally handle a logging side effect

I want to log in the event that a record doesn't have an adjoining record. Is there a purely functional way to do this? One that separates the side effect from the data transformation?
Here's an example of what I need to do:
val records: Seq[Record] = Seq(record1, record2, ...)
val accountsMap: Map[Long, Account] = Map( -> account1, ...)
def withAccount(accountsMap: Map[Long, Account])(r: Record): (Record, Option[Account]) = {
(r, accountsMap.get(
def handleNoAccounts(tuple: (Record, Option[Account]) = {
val (r, a) = tuple
if (a.isEmpty) logger.error(s"no account for ${}")
def toRichAccount(tuple: (Record, Option[Account]) = {
val (r, a) = tuple => RichAccount(r, acct))
.map(handleNoAccounts) // if no account is found, log
So there are multiple issues with this approach that I think make it less than optimal.
The tuple return type is clumsy. I have to destructure the tuple in both of the latter two functions.
The logging function has to handle the logging and then return the tuple with no changes. It feels weird that this is passed to .map even though no transformation is taking place -- maybe there is a better way to get this side effect.
Is there a functional way to clean this up?
I could be wrong (I often am) but I think this does everything that's required.
.flatMap(r =>
logger.error(s"no account for ${}")
}{a => Some(RichAccount(r,a))})
If you're using scala 2.13 or newer you could use tapEach, which takes function A => Unit to apply side effect on every element of function and then passes collection unchanged:
//you no longer need to return tuple in side-effecting function
def handleNoAccounts(tuple: (Record, Option[Account]): Unit = {
val (r, a) = tuple
if (a.isEmpty) logger.error(s"no account for ${}")
.tapEach(handleNoAccounts) // if no account is found, log
In case you're using older Scala, you could provide extension method (updated according to Levi's Ramsey suggestion):
implicit class SeqOps[A](s: Seq[A]) {
def tapEach(f: A => Unit): Seq[A] = {

Combine multiple extractor objects to use in one match statement

Is it possible to run multiple extractors in one match statement?
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = ...
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = ...
// is there some syntax similar to this?
thing match {
case t # CoolStuff(someInfo) # NeatStuff(otherInfo) => process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ => // neither Cool nor Neat
The intent here being that there are two extractors, and I don't have to do something like this:
object CoolNeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[(SomeInfo, OtherInfo)] = thing match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) => thing match {
case NeatStuff(otherInfo) => Some(someInfo -> otherInfo)
case _ => None // Cool, but not Neat
case _ => None// neither Cool nor Neat
Can try
object ~ {
def unapply[T](that: T): Option[(T,T)] = Some(that -> that)
def too(t: Thing) = t match {
case CoolStuff(a) ~ NeatStuff(b) => ???
I've come up with a very similar solution, but I was a bit too slow, so I didn't post it as an answer. However, since #userunknown asks to explain how it works, I'll dump my similar code here anyway, and add a few comments. Maybe someone finds it a valuable addition to cchantep's minimalistic solution (it looks... calligraphic? for some reason, in a good sense).
So, here is my similar, aesthetically less pleasing proposal:
object && {
def unapply[A](a: A) = Some((a, a))
// added some definitions to make your question-code work
type Thing = String
type SomeInfo = String
type OtherInfo = String
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = Some(thing.toLowerCase)
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = Some(thing.toUpperCase)
def process(a: SomeInfo, b: OtherInfo) = s"[$a, $b]"
val res = "helloworld" match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ =>
This prints
[helloworld, HELLOWORLD]
The idea is that identifiers (in particular, && and ~ in cchantep's code) can be used as infix operators in patterns. Therefore, the match-case
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
will be desugared into
case &&(CoolStuff(someInfo), NeatStuff(otherInfo)) =>
and then the unapply method method of && will be invoked which simply duplicates its input.
In my code, the duplication is achieved by a straightforward Some((a, a)). In cchantep's code, it is done with fewer parentheses: Some(t -> t). The arrow -> comes from ArrowAssoc, which in turn is provided as an implicit conversion in Predef. This is just a quick way to create pairs, usually used in maps:
Map("hello" -> 42, "world" -> 58)
Another remark: notice that && can be used multiple times:
case Foo(a) && Bar(b) && Baz(c) => ...
So... I don't know whether it's an answer or an extended comment to cchantep's answer, but maybe someone finds it useful.
For those who might miss the details on how this magic actually works, just want to expand the answer by #cchantep anf #Andrey Tyukin (comment section does not allow me to do that).
Running scalac with -Xprint:parser option will give something along those lines (scalac 2.11.12)
def too(t: String) = t match {
case $tilde(CoolStuff((a # _)), NeatStuff((b # _))) => $qmark$qmark$qmark
This basically shows you the initial steps compiler does while parsing source into AST.
Important Note here is that the rules why compiler makes this transformation are described in Infix Operation Patterns and Extractor Patterns. In particular, this allows you to use any object as long as it has unapply method, like for example CoolStuff(a) AndAlso NeatStuff(b). In previous answers && and ~ were picked up as also possible but not the only available valid identifiers.
If running scalac with option -Xprint:patmat which is a special phase for translating pattern matching one can see something similar to this
def too(t: String): Nothing = {
case <synthetic> val x1: String = t;
<synthetic> val o13: Option[(String, String)] = main.this.~.unapply[String](x1);
if (o13.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val p3: String = o13.get._1;
<synthetic> val p4: String = o13.get._2;
<synthetic> val o12: Option[String] = main.this.CoolStuff.unapply(p3);
if (o12.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val o11: Option[String] = main.this.NeatStuff.unapply(p4);
if (o11.isEmpty.unary_!)
Here ~.unapply will be called on input parameter t which will produce Some((t,t)). The tuple values will be extracted into variables p3 and p4. Then, CoolStuff.unapply(p3) will be called and if the result is not None NeatStuff.unapply(p4) will be called and also checked if it is not empty. If both are not empty then according to Variable Patterns a and b will be bound to returned results inside corresponding Some.

How to create an Iteratee that passes through values to an inner Iteratee unless a specific value is found

I've got an ADT that's essentially a cross between Option and Try:
sealed trait Result[+T]
case object Empty extends Result[Nothing]
case class Error(cause: Throwable) extends Result[Nothing]
case class Success[T](value: T) extends Result[T]
(assume common combinators like map, flatMap etc are defined on Result)
Given an Iteratee[A, Result[B] called inner, I want to create a new Iteratee[Result[A], Result[B]] with the following behavior:
If the input is a Success(a), feed a to inner
If the input is an Empty, no-op
If the input is an Error(err), I want inner to be completely ignored, instead returning a Done iteratee with the Error(err) as its result.
Example Behavior:
// inner: Iteratee[Int, Result[List[Int]]]
// inputs:
// output:
// wrapForResultInput(inner): Iteratee[Result[Int], Result[List[Int]]]
// inputs:
Error(Exception("uh oh"))
// output:
Error(Exception("uh oh"))
This sounds to me like the job for an Enumeratee, but I haven't been able to find anything in the docs that looks like it'll do what I want, and the internal implementations are still voodoo to me.
How can I implement wrapForResultInput to create the behavior described above?
Adding some more detail that won't really fit in a comment:
Yes it looks like I was mistaken in my question. I described it in terms of Iteratees but it seems I really am looking for Enumeratees.
At a certain point in the API I'm building, there's a Transformer[A] class that is essentially an Enumeratee[Event, Result[A]]. I'd like to allow clients to transform that object by providing an Enumeratee[Result[A], Result[B]], which would result in a Transformer[B] aka an Enumeratee[Event, Result[B]].
For a more complex example, suppose I have a Transformer[AorB] and want to turn that into a Transformer[(A, List[B])]:
// the Transformer[AorB] would give
a, b, a, b, b, b, a, a, b
// but the client wants to have
a -> List(b),
a -> List(b, b, b),
a -> Nil
a -> List(b)
The client could implement an Enumeratee[AorB, Result[(A, List[B])]] without too much trouble using Enumeratee.grouped, but they are required to provide an Enumeratee[Result[AorB], Result[(A, List[B])] which seems to introduce a lot of complication that I'd like to hide from them if possible.
val easyClientEnumeratee = Enumeratee.grouped[AorB]{
for {
_ <- Enumeratee.dropWhile(_ != a) ><> Iteratee.ignore
headResult <-{ Result.fromOption }
bs <- Enumeratee.takeWhile(_ == b) ><> Iteratee.getChunks
} yield{_ -> bs}
val harderEnumeratee = ??? ><> easyClientEnumeratee
val oldTransformer: Transformer[AorB] = ... // assume it already exists
val newTransformer: Transformer[(A, List[B])] = oldTransformer.andThen(harderEnumeratee)
So what I'm looking for is the ??? to define the harderEnumeratee in order to ease the burden on the user who already implemented easyClientEnumeratee.
I guess the ??? should be an Enumeratee[Result[AorB], AorB], but if I try something like
Enumeratee.collect[Result[AorB]] {
case Success(ab) => ab
case Error(err) => throw err
the error will actually be thrown; I actually want the error to come back out as an Error(err).
Simplest implementation of such would be Iteratee.fold2 method, that could collect elements until something is happened.
Since you return single result and can't really return anything until you verify there is no errors, Iteratee would be enough for such a task
def listResults[E] = Iteratee.fold2[Result[E], Either[Throwable, List[E]]](Right(Nil)) { (state, elem) =>
val Right(list) = state
val next = elem match {
case Empty => (Right(list), false)
case Success(x) => (Right(x :: list), false)
case Error(t) => (Left(t), true)
} map {
case Right(list) => Success(list.reverse)
case Left(th) => Error(th)
Now if we'll prepare little playground
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val good = Enumerator.enumerate[Result[Int]](
Seq(Success(1), Empty, Success(2), Success(3)))
val bad = Enumerator.enumerate[Result[Int]](
Seq(Success(1), Success(2), Error(new Exception("uh oh")), Success(3)))
def runRes[X](e: Enumerator[Result[X]]) : Result[List[X]] = Await.result(, 3 seconds)
we can verify those results
runRes(good) //res0: Result[List[Int]] = Success(List(1, 2, 3))
runRes(bad) //res1: Result[List[Int]] = Error(java.lang.Exception: uh oh)

scala: how to handle validations in a functional way

I'm developing a method that is supposed to persist an object, if it passes a list of conditions.
If any (or many) condition fail (or any other kind of error appears), a list with the errors should be returned, if everything goes well, a saved entity should be returned.
I was thinking about something like this (it's pseudocode, of course): { json =>
json.asOpt[Wine].map { wine => { wine =>
}.getOrElse { errors => BadRequest(toJson(errors))}
}.getOrElse { BadRequest(toJson(Error("Invalid Wine entity")))}
}.getOrElse { BadRequest(toJson(Error("Expecting JSON data")))}
That is, I'd like to treat it like an Option[T], that if any validation fails, instead of returning None it gives me the list of errors...
The idea is to return an array of JSON errors...
So the question would be, is this the right way to handle these kind of situation? And what would be the way to accomplish it in Scala?
Oops, just posted the question and discovered Either
Anyway, I'd like to know what you think about the chosen approach, and if there's any other better alternative to handle it.
Using scalaz you have Validation[E, A], which is like Either[E, A] but has the property that if E is a semigroup (meaning things that can be concatenated, like lists) than multiple validated results can be combined in a way that keeps all the errors that occured.
Using Scala 2.10-M6 and Scalaz 7.0.0-M2 for example, where Scalaz has a custom Either[L, R] named \/[L, R] which is right-biased by default:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
implicit class EitherPimp[E, A](val e: E \/ A) extends AnyVal {
def vnel: ValidationNEL[E, A] = e.validation.toValidationNEL
def parseInt(userInput: String): Throwable \/ Int = ???
def fetchTemperature: Throwable \/ Int = ???
def fetchTweets(count: Int): Throwable \/ List[String] = ???
val res = (fetchTemperature.vnel |#| fetchTweets(5).vnel) { case (temp, tweets) =>
s"In $temp degrees people tweet ${tweets.size}"
Here result is a Validation[NonEmptyList[Throwable], String], either containing all the errors occured (temp sensor error and/or twitter error or none) or the successful message. You can then switch back to \/ for convenience.
Note: The difference between Either and Validation is mainly that with Validation you can accumulate errors, but cannot flatMap to lose the accumulated errors, while with Either you can't (easily) accumulate but can flatMap (or in a for-comprehension) and possibly lose all but the first error message.
About error hierarchies
I think this might be of interest for you. Regardless of using scalaz/Either/\//Validation, I experienced that getting started was easy but going forward needs some additional work. The problem is, how do you collect errors from multiple erring functions in a meaningful way? Sure, you can just use Throwable or List[String] everywhere and have an easy time, but doesn't sound too much usable or interpretable. Imagine getting a list of errors like "child age missing" :: "IO error reading file" :: "division by zero".
So my choice is to create error hierarchies (using ADT-s), just like as one would wrap checked exceptions of Java into hierarchies. For example:
object errors {
object gamestart {
sealed trait Error
case class ResourceError(e: errors.resource.Error) extends Error
case class WordSourceError(e: errors.wordsource.Error) extends Error
object resource {
case class Error(e: GdxRuntimeException)
object wordsource {
case class Error(e: /*Ugly*/ Any)
Then when using result of erring functions with different error types, I join them under a relevant parent error type.
for {
wordSource <-
errors.gamestart.WordSourceError <-:
errors.wordsource.Error <-:
resources <-
errors.gamestart.ResourceError <-:
} yield ...
Here f <-: e maps the function f on the left of e: \/ since \/ is a Bifunctor. For se: scala.Either you might have
This may be further improved by providing shapeless HListIsos to be able to draw nice error trees.
Updated: (e: \/).vnel lifts the failure side into a NonEmptyList so if we have a failure we have at least one error (was: or none).
If you have Option values, and you want to turn them into success/failure values, you can turn an Option into an Either using the toLeft or toRight method.
Usually a Right represents success, so use o.toRight("error message") to turn Some(value) into Right(value) and None into Left("error message").
Unfortunately Scala doesn't recognise this right-bias by default, so you have to jump through a hoop (by calling the .right method) in order to neatly compose your Eithers in a for-comprehension.
def requestBodyAsJson: Option[String] = Some("""{"foo":"bar"}""")
def jsonToWine(json: String): Option[Wine] = sys.error("TODO")
val wineOrError: Either[String, Wine] = for {
body <- requestBodyAsJson.toRight("Expecting JSON Data").right
wine <- jsonToWine(body).toRight("Invalid Wine entity").right
} yield wine
If you need an empty value, instead of using Either[A,Option[B]] you can use lift Box, which can have three values:
Full (there is a valid result)
Empty (no result, but no error either)
Failure (an error happened)
Box are more flexible than Either thanks to a rich API. Of course, although they were created for Lift, you can use them in any other framework.
well, this is my attemp using Either
def save() = CORSAction { request => { json =>
json.asOpt[Wine].map { wine =>
errors => JsonBadRequest(errors),
wine => Ok(toJson(wine).toString)
}.getOrElse (JsonBadRequest("Invalid Wine entity"))
}.getOrElse (JsonBadRequest("Expecting JSON data"))
And is like the following:
def save(wine: Wine): Either[List[Error],Wine] = {
val errors = validate(wine)
if (errors.length > 0) {
} else {
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
val newId = SQL("""
insert into wine (
name, year, grapes, country, region, description, picture
) values (
{name}, {year}, {grapes}, {country}, {region}, {description}, {picture}
'name ->, 'year -> wine.year, 'grapes -> wine.grapes,
'country ->, 'region -> wine.region, 'description -> wine.description,
'picture -> wine.picture
val newWine = for {
id <- newId;
wine <- findById(id)
} yield wine { wine =>
}.getOrElse {
Left(List(ValidationError("Could not create wine")))
Validate checks several preconditions. I still have to add a try/catch to catch any db error
I'm still looking for a way to improve the whole thing, it feels much to verbose to my taste...

Using Either to process failures in Scala code

Option monad is a great expressive way to deal with something-or-nothing things in Scala. But what if one needs to log a message when "nothing" occurs? According to the Scala API documentation,
The Either type is often used as an
alternative to scala.Option where Left
represents failure (by convention) and
Right is akin to Some.
However, I had no luck to find best practices using Either or good real-world examples involving Either for processing failures. Finally I've come up with the following code for my own project:
def logs: Array[String] = {
def props: Option[Map[String, Any]] ={ ca =>
val config = ca.getConfiguration(PID, null) getOrElse immutable.Map.empty
def checkType(any: Any): Option[Array[String]] = any match {
case a: Array[String] => Some(a)
case _ => None
def lookup: Either[(Symbol, String), Array[String]] =
for {val properties <- props.toRight('warning -> "ConfigurationAdmin service not bound").right
val logsParam <- properties.get("logs").toRight('debug -> "'logs' not defined in the configuration").right
val array <- checkType(logsParam).toRight('warning -> "unknown type of 'logs' confguration parameter").right}
yield array
lookup.fold(failure => { failure match {
case ('warning, msg) => log(LogService.WARNING, msg)
case ('debug, msg) => log(LogService.DEBUG, msg)
case _ =>
}; new Array[String](0) }, success => success)
(Please note this is a snippet from a real project, so it will not compile on its own)
I'd be grateful to know how you are using Either in your code and/or better ideas on refactoring the above code.
Either is used to return one of possible two meaningful results, unlike Option which is used to return a single meaningful result or nothing.
An easy to understand example is given below (circulated on the Scala mailing list a while back):
def throwableToLeft[T](block: => T): Either[java.lang.Throwable, T] =
try {
} catch {
case ex => Left(ex)
As the function name implies, if the execution of "block" is successful, it will return "Right(<result>)". Otherwise, if a Throwable is thrown, it will return "Left(<throwable>)". Use pattern matching to process the result:
var s = "hello"
throwableToLeft { s.toUpperCase } match {
case Right(s) => println(s)
case Left(e) => e.printStackTrace
// prints "HELLO"
s = null
throwableToLeft { s.toUpperCase } match {
case Right(s) => println(s)
case Left(e) => e.printStackTrace
// prints NullPointerException stack trace
Hope that helps.
Scalaz library has something alike Either named Validation. It is more idiomatic than Either for use as "get either a valid result or a failure".
Validation also allows to accumulate errors.
Edit: "alike" Either is complettly false, because Validation is an applicative functor, and scalaz Either, named \/ (pronounced "disjonction" or "either"), is a monad.
The fact that Validation can accumalate errors is because of that nature. On the other hand, / has a "stop early" nature, stopping at the first -\/ (read it "left", or "error") it encounters. There is a perfect explanation here:
As requested by the comment, copy/paste of the above link (some lines removed):
// Extracting success or failure values
val s: Validation[String, Int] = 1.success
val f: Validation[String, Int] = "error".fail
// It is recommended to use fold rather than pattern matching:
val result: String = s.fold(e => "got error: " + e, s => "got success: " + s.toString)
s match {
case Success(a) => "success"
case Failure(e) => "fail"
// Validation is a Monad, and can be used in for comprehensions.
val k1 = for {
i <- s
j <- s
} yield i + j
k1.toOption assert_≟ Some(2)
// The first failing sub-computation fails the entire computation.
val k2 = for {
i <- f
j <- f
} yield i + j assert_≟ Some("error")
// Validation is also an Applicative Functor, if the type of the error side of the validation is a Semigroup.
// A number of computations are tried. If the all success, a function can combine them into a Success. If any
// of them fails, the individual errors are accumulated.
// Use the NonEmptyList semigroup to accumulate errors using the Validation Applicative Functor.
val k4 = (fNel <**> fNel){ _ + _ } assert_≟ some(nel1("error", "error"))
The snippet you posted seems very contrived. You use Either in a situation where:
It's not enough to just know the data isn't available.
You need to return one of two distinct types.
Turning an exception into a Left is, indeed, a common use case. Over try/catch, it has the advantage of keeping the code together, which makes sense if the exception is an expected result. The most common way of handling Either is pattern matching:
result match {
case Right(res) => ...
case Left(res) => ...
Another interesting way of handling Either is when it appears in a collection. When doing a map over a collection, throwing an exception might not be viable, and you may want to return some information other than "not possible". Using an Either enables you to do that without overburdening the algorithm:
val list = (
\\ "books"
map (book =>
if (book \ "author" isEmpty)
Right((book \ "author" toList) map (_ text))
Here we get a list of all authors in the library, plus a list of books without an author. So we can then further process it accordingly:
val authorCount = (
(Map[String,Int]() /: (list filter (_ isRight) map (_.right.get)))
((map, author) => map + (author -> (map.getOrElse(author, 0) + 1)))
val problemBooks = list flatMap (_.left.toSeq) // thanks to Azarov for this variation
So, basic Either usage goes like that. It's not a particularly useful class, but if it were you'd have seen it before. On the other hand, it's not useless either.
Cats has a nice way to create an Either from exception-throwing code:
val either: Either[NumberFormatException, Int] =
// either: Either[NumberFormatException,Int] = Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc")