Is it enough to implement only ISO-29500 latest revisions to consume almost all XLSX documents properly? - openxml

In part 1 of ISO-29500(2016) there is a section mentioning differences between ECMA 376:2006 and ISO/IEC 29500 but there is no section mentioning the differences between latest ECMA and ISO revisions


Looking for first record layout of z/OS runnables starting with "IEWPLMH "

This feels something like an archeology expedition but I have been unable to find the record format of the first record of seemingly all executable load modules on z/OS systems. The record always starts with IEWPLMH even with when producing a GOFF format (which I have) runnable. Does anyone have any information on this or a link to it?
The format of load modules is documented in the Load Module Formats section of the z/OS MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities manual.
But I suspect you are looking for the format of a program object, which is not documented, and, last I knew, IBM had stated they would not document (at least publicly for the likes of us).
There are decades of history behind this. IBM found themselves painted into a corner because customers had written code that depended on the format of load modules not changing. As of 2011, there were 8 different formats/subformats of program object and that number has no doubt grown. By not documenting (for customers) the format of a program object, IBM felt they had freed themselves to make format changes (adding features customers wanted) as they saw fit.
You may be able to get the information you want using the Binder's API or AMBLIST.
The use of the IEWBINDD facility is definitely the way to go. For USS programs,
When compiling the source, the -Wc,DLL option is required. When linking the -Wl,DYNAM=DLL does the trick. The example program in the appendix of the z/OS MVS Program Management: Advanced Facilities was very helpful.

Documentation or specification for .step and .stp files

I am looking for some kind of specification, documentation, explanation, etc. for .stp/.step files.
It's more about what information each line contains instead of a general information.
I can't seem to figure out what each value means all by myself.
Does anyone know some good readings about STEP files?
I already searched google but all I got were information about the general structure instead of each particular value.
The structure of STEP-File, i.e. the grammar and the logic behind how the file is organized is described in the standard ISO 10303-21.
ISO 10303 or STEP is divided into Application Protocols (AP). Each AP defines a schema written in EXPRESS. The schemas are available on the Internet: the CAX-IF provides some, STEPtools has some good HTML documentations.
The reference of the AP schemas is hosted on stepmod.

Strategies for embedding change tracking in a structured data document format

When designing a specialized structured-data document format (perhaps upon XML): part of the requirements for this document format are that it accommodates, in a metadata section, a history of meaningful (app-level) changes to the structured data at a field level.
At minimum, useful tracked information would be:
an author identifier
time stamp
type of change
what it was changed from
Both data items and any lists of such data items are to be tracked meaningfully, efficiently. The data schema should be separable/unaware of the metadata tracking it - although facilitating annotations such as node identifiers could be required. A trusted application could be required to enforce the tracking; however, it would be a benefit to be able to calculate the "deltas" at intervals by comparing data-sections between versions rather than requiring the editor to track each change live.
"Meaningful" tracking may involve the metadata schema treating higher-level data changes atomically - such as an update to a group of fields which is treated at the application level as one data-point.
For character-by-character or byte-by-byte data, diff/patch type algorithms work. Structured data (to be treated as structured) seems to me to require more complex solutions.
I realize that I don't have very well-defined requirements - the purpose of my question here is to find out where these problems have been considered with more elegance.
What strategies exist for embedding change tracking in a structured data document format?
You might be interested in XML patch formats (e.g. as described by rfc 5261).
You could for example, build a list of such patches embedded at the top of your structured XML file and annotating each patch with its author, potential feature request/bug number and so on, potentially annotating it with semantic level patch information (such as "added such object", "removed such rule"...). Using such a format could help you obtain old versions from your document rather easily as tools exist to treat it.

Free-form metadata in Docbook

I'm looking to store some metadata in Docbook (V5) XML files. Specifically, links to various resources related to the article in question. I've found the <info> and related elements, but they do not quite fit my purpose.
Is there any way to store free-form metadata in a Docbook file? I really just want key/value pairs stored at the article level.
The whole set of Dublin Core is allowed in V5.
But if it's not inside , you will need to modify DB5 and create a variant, it's not insurmountable and described in Ch5 of The Definitive Guide (

Is there a standard definition of what constitutes a version(revision) change

I am currently in bureaucratic hell at my company and need to define what constitutes the different levels of software change to our test programs. We have a rough practice that we follow internally, but I am looking for a standard (if it exists) to reference in our Quality system. I recognize that systems may vary greatly between developers, but ultimately I am looking for a "best practice" guide to what constitutes a major change, a minor change etc. I would like to reference a published doc in my submission to our quality system for ISO purposes if possible.
To clarify the software developed at my company is used internally for test automation of Semi-Conductors. We are not selling this code and versioning is really for record keeping only. We are using the x.y.z changes to effect the level of sign-off and approval needed for release.
A good practice is to use 3 level revision numbers:
x is the major
y is the minor
z are bug fixes
The important thing is that two different software versions with the same x should have binary compatibility. A software version with a y greater than another, but the same x may add features, but not remove any. This ensures portability within the same major number. And finally z should not change any functional behavior except for bug fixes.
Here are some links to used revision-number schemes:
I would add build number to the x.y.z format:
x = major feature change
y = minor feature change
z = bug fixes only
build = incremented every time the code is compiled
Including the build number is crucial for internal purposes where people are trying to figure out whether or not a particular change is in the binaries that they have.
to enlarge on what #lewap said, use
where z level changes are almost entirely bug fixes that don't change interfaces or involve external systems
where y level changes add functionality and may change the UI/API interface in addition to fixing more serious bugs that may involve external systems
where x level changes involve anything from a complete rewrite/redesign to just changing the database structures to changing databases (i.e. from Oracle to SQLServer) - in other words anything that isn't a drop in change that requires a "port" or "conversion" process
I think it might differ if you are working on an internal software vs a external software (a product).
For internal software it will almost never be a problem to use a formally defined scheme. However for a product the version or release number is in most cases a commercial decision that does not reflect any technical or functional criteria.
In our company the x.y in an x.y.z numbering scheme is determined by the marketing boys and girls. The z and the internal build number are determined by the R&D department and track back into our revision control system and are related to the sprint in which it was produced (sprint is the Scrum term for an iteration).
In addition formally defining some level of compatability between versions and releases could cause you to very rapidly move up or to hardly move at all. This might not reflect added functionality.
I think that best approach for you to take hen explaining this to your co-workers is by examples drawn from well known and succesful software packages, and the way they approach major and minor releases.
The first thing I would say is that the major.minor dot notation for releases is a relatively recent invention. For example, most releases of UNIX actually had names (which sometimes included a meaningless number) rather than version numbers.
But assuming you want to use major.minor, numbering, then the major number indicates a version that is basically incompatible with much that went before. Consider the change from Windows 2,0 to 3.0 - most 2,0 applications simply didn't fit in with the new overlapped windows in Windows 3,0. For less all-encompassing apps, a radical change in file formats (for example) could be a reason for a major version change - WP &n graphic apps often work this way.
The other reason for a major version number change is that the user notices a difference. Once again this was true for the change from Windows 2.0 to 3.0 and was responsible forv the latters success. If your app looks very different, that;s a major change.
A for the minor version number, this is typically used to indicate a chanhe that actually is quite major, but that won't be noticeable to the user. For example, the differences internally between Win 3.0 and Win 3.1 were actually quite major, but the interface stayed the same.
Regarding the third version number, well few people know hat it really means and fewer care. For example, in my everyday work I use the GNU C++ compiler version 3.4.5 - how does this differ from 3.4.4 - I haven't a clue!
As I said before in an answer to a similar question: The terminology used is not very precise. There is an article describing the five relevant dimensions. Data management tools for software development don't tend to support more than three of them consistently at the same time. If you want to support all five you have to describe a development proces:
Version (semantics: modification)
View (semantics: equivalence, derivation)
Hierarchy (semantics: consists of)
Status (semantics: approval, accessibility)
Variant (semantics: product variations)
Peter van den Hamer and Kees Lepoeter (1996) Managing Design Data: The Five Dimensions of CAD Frameworks, Configuration Management, and Product Data Management, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 84, No. 1, January 1996