Cannot call controller action from top-level Fluid template - typo3

I have a self written TYPO3 extension (I used ext:extension_builder to create it)
My top-level TypoScript looks like this:
page = PAGE
page.10 {
format = html
file = EXT:cmsp/Resources/Private/Templates/User/Default.html
partialRootPaths {
10 = EXT:cmsp/Resources/Private/Partials/
layoutRootPaths {
10 = EXT:cmsp/Resources/Private/Layouts/
10 = EXT:cmsp/Resources/Private/Templates/
variables {
content_main < styles.content.get = colPos = 0
I used a simple Fluid Styled Content template:
<f:link.action controller="user" action="search" class="btn btn-secondary">action link</f:link.action>
The search action is registered in ext_localconf.php:
'User' => 'list,search'
// non-cacheable actions
'User' => 'list,search'
I have also a template Search.html:
<html xmlns:f="" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<f:layout name="Search" />
<f:section name="content">
<h1>Search Template</h1>
<f:flashMessages />
<table class="tx_cmsp" >
<th> </th>
<th> </th>
<form action="SearchConfim.php">
Searchterm: <input type="text" name="sTerm"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
The problem is that I cannot create or follow a link in the website frontend from top-level Default.html (FLUIDTEMPLATE object) to Search.html (Extbase controller template):
<f:link.action controller="user" action="search" class="btn btn-secondary">action link</f:link.action>
I just stay on Default.html all the time, even when I click an action link of my controller. I can create external links with
<f:link.external ... ></f:link.external>
The external link is working but I cannot use a link to access Search.html.
Perhaps the problem is that I use a TypoScript which does not activate the controller (in a right way). But I'm happy if anyone can help me.

Your controller name is User with an uppercase U.
Use the same name in your f:link.action, if the controller is not being changed you can even remove this parameter.

It seems that Default.html is the name of the top-level rendering template in FLUIDTEMPLATE. So, I assume that <f:link.action ... tag is placed in that file - at least the currently generated link seems to confirm it and looks like the following:
It uses tx__ as prefix which actually should be something like tx_cmsp_cmspfe (the combination of your extension name and the corresponding plugin name to be used).
Brief explanation
Default.html template is outside of the Extbase scope and thus does not know about the current extension, controller and plugin that shall be used
usually links appear in templates of the same extension (e.g. in Resources/Private/Templates/List.html)
otherwise according scope has to be defined explicitly (like shown below)
Solution for placing link to Extbase plugin in top-level rendering template
This example can be used outside the Extbase scope on Default.html template for the current page layout - however, it explicitly has to use the correct Extbase plugin scope:
class="btn btn-secondary">
action link
pageUid has to be adjusted and refers to the page the plugin is currently being used as content element
see as reference for links
see as reference for scoped <form> elements (which appeared in your code as well - pluginName, extensionName and pageUid are essential attributes in this scenario as well)


Render overridden fluid template

I want to override an extension's fluid template in Typo3 with my own template. My own template contains an if-condition. If not met, I want to include/render the extension's template (i.e. the overridden template) instead.
The actual case: I'm using the Typo3 News Extension which allows custom "template layouts". I want to add my custom template layout but also keep the News Extension's default template:
<!-- my_site_package/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Templates/News/List.html -->
<f:if condition="{settings.templateLayout} == 2">
My specific list view for news entries
Include the original template here, e.g.
How can I include / render the overridden template itself?
Fluid Is not able to Render the "Original Template" as there might be any number of TemplateRootpaths providing the Template. what you could do:
if the original Template is Part of an extension you controll, best to move the "Repeating" parts to an Partial. and let the Original Template use this partial as well.
if the original template is part of an extension you do not controll. (eg by a third party) you should copy the orignal template as partial in your Extension and then render this Partial. maybe ad a comment that this is an 1:1 copy of the original and shoud not be modified.
You can create another template layouts using page TSConfig, Define this TS in your root Page TSconfig (inside Resources) Tab.
plugin.tx_news {
templateLayouts {
1 = Homepage
2 = Specific list
then in your template you will get selected template value here in case 1 or 2.
You will find more help here.

How to use usage of Appearnce tab of Mask CE in TYPO3?

When adding Mask content element it doesn't reflect some setting of the Appearance tab at front-end, like Layout, Frame, Space Before or After, also it doesn't include the uid of content element. How can I make usage of these fields?
By default Mask elements do not use standard wrapping for rendering the content element, fortunately you can easily access them within data variable which contains array of tt_content.
To check what fields of tt_content are available just put the line in FE template of your Mask element:
So you can make the wrapper div by yourself using simple Fluid syntax
<div class="
{f:if(condition: data.layout, then: 'frame-layout-{data.layout}')}
{f:if(condition: data.frame_class, then: 'frame-{data.frame_class}')}
{f:if(condition: data.space_before_class, then: 'frame-space-before-{data.space_before_class}')}
{f:if(condition: data.space_after_class, then: 'frame-space-after-{data.space_after_class}')} ">
<!-- your markup here -->
You can use the layouts like fluid_styled_content does - it takes care of headers, frames, spaceBefore, etc. This is also the easiest way.
First step: define the layout directories in TypoScript:
lib.maskContentElement.layoutRootPaths.5 = EXT:fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Layouts/
lib.maskContentElement.partialRootPaths.5 = EXT:fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/
Second step: use the layout in your template:
<html xmlns:f="" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<f:layout name="Default" />
<f:section name="Main">
<!-- your markup here -->
This also works for DCE (with corresponding TypoScript path)
Of course you can copy the layouts and partials to your theme path and make changes there, but I recommend sticking to the core functionality.

Check if linked page with typolink is hidden or not

<f:link.typolink parameter="{mylink"> links to a internal page- when this page is hidden / not visible in backend no is set.
This breaks my html:
Instead of
<div class="mylink">
my text
I get
<div class="mylink">my text/div>
Is there a way to check if the linked page is visible / not hidden?
You can use the f:uri.typolink viewhelper to check if the resulting URI is empty or not and then generate the link with f:typolink as normal:
<f:if condition="{f:uri.typolink(parameter: mylink)}">
<f:link.typolink parameter="{mylink}">my text</f:link.typolink>
If you do not care about attributes set in {mylink}, e.g. class or target you can reuse the already generated URI:
<f:alias map="{uri: '{f:uri.typolink(parameter: mylink)}'}">
<f:if condition="{uri}">
my text

CQ5 Sightly Accordion component

Hi am trying to design an accordion component using sightly in AEM where instead of jsp we write html code along with different file for css and js under client libs.
I simply coded the below written part and wrote js for the same but am not able to see any changes ... Could someone please provide me a solution to implement the same.. ->when i click on show a parsys section opens up and when show converts to hide and when i click on hide the parsys section closes and hide converts to show.
<div data-sly-use.clientLib="${'/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html'}" data-sly-unwrap>
<css data-sly-call="${clientLib.css # categories=['sd-singtel.accordion_2']}" data-sly-unwrap/>
<js data-sly-call="${clientLib.js # categories=['sd-singtel.accordion_2']}" data-sly-unwrap/>
<div data-sly-test="${wcmmode.edit}">Accordion_2 component</div>
<div class="about-contentcontainer">
<div class="about-content">
<div class="awards">
<h4> <span class="more">Show</span></h4>
<h4> <span class="more expanded">Hide</span></h4>
<script>// <![CDATA[
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".awards h4 a").click(function() {
enter code here
var htmlStr = $(this).find(".more").html();
if (htmlStr == "Show") {
} else {
// ]]></script>
Looking at it, I think that this has little to do with Sightly or even with AEM. Also, I'm not sure which content you want to toggle.
Below's a working HTML fragment for toggling content (independent from AEM):
.toggle-content {
display: block;
.toggle-content-hidden .toggle-content-show {
display: inline;
.toggle-content-hidden .toggle-content-hide {
display: none;
<a href="#" class="toggle-content">
<span class="toggle-content-show">Show</span>
<span class="toggle-content-hide">Hide</span>
<div>Sample content 1</div>
<a href="#" class="toggle-content">
<span class="toggle-content-show">Show</span>
<span class="toggle-content-hide">Hide</span>
<div>Sample content 2</div>
<script src=""></script>
jQuery(function($) {
$('.toggle-content').click(function () {
return false;
To implement this in AEM, you should place the inline CSS into a CSS file of a client library, and the inline JS into a JS file of a client lib. I usually recommend to place them in the same client library within the component itself, so that everything that relates to that component is in the same folder. But when doing so, it is important to keep in mind that on a publish server, all /apps requests are forbidden by the dispatcher for security reasons, so all client libraries located under /apps should be merged and minified as one file that is typically located somewhere under /etc. To do so, you can use following repository node structure:
mycomponent.html Sightly template
jcr:primaryType = cq:ClientLibraryFolder
categories = [mysite.mycomponent]
css.txt contains just a reference to style.css
style.css contains the style snippet
js.txt contains just a reference to script.css
script.js contains the script snippet
jcr:primaryType = cq:ClientLibraryFolder
categories = [mysite.publish]
embed = [mysite.mycomponent, ...]
dependencies = [mysite.jquery]
The embed property of the /etc clientlib will make that it embeds and merges within the same file all clientlibs that are listed there. As opposed to the client libraries listed under the dependencies property, which will not get merged and will be served as a separate file. You can play with these properties to build the structure you need to optimize your site. There are also settings to automatically minify or not these files.
On the page, you then include the mysite.publish master clientlib located under /etc. So your page <head> element, would contain something like following Sightly template:
<head data-sly-use.clientLib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html">
<sly data-sly-call="${clientLib.all # categories='sd-singtel.accordion_2'}" data-sly-unwrap/>
If you're using AEM 6.1, you can even drop the data-sly-unwrap, because the <sly> tag has the same effect.
After that, the Sightly template of your component located under a path like /apps/mysite/components/mycomponent/mycomponent.html would look as follows:
<div data-sly-test="${wcmmode.edit}">mycomponent name</div>
<a href="#" class="toggle-content">
<span class="toggle-content-show">Show</span>
<span class="toggle-content-hide">Hide</span>

TYPO3 merge list and edit

I've got a TYPO3 backend module which lists a lot of elements. Now, I want to include in my list the edit form, but that doesn't work well at the moment.
Rendering is good, but if I send the form, I get the error:
Required argument "note" is not set.
My code looks like this:
<f:for each="{notes}" as="note">
<f:form action="update" name="note" object="{note}">
<textarea class="form-control gettooltip" rows="1" placeholder="Kommentar" title="Kommentar zur Note">{note.kommentar}</textarea>
How can I merge these two views correctly?
Your code cannot work because your textarea doesn't have a property (or you don't use the <f:form.textarea ViewHelper).
If you property map $note in your controller, the property must be passed to Fluid with the prefixed extension name and plugin name. This is done automatically when using the "property" argument of the textarea ViewHelper. The name attribute will then be:
<textarea name="tx_myext_myplugin[note]"...
Thîs will map to $note in the controller.
So if you don't use the ViewHelper, you need to manually prefix the name attribute to create an output like printed just above.
If you're planning to update multiple objects of the of the same kind in one request, this won't because because there is an Extbase limitation.
You could do the following:
Use a submit button for each note and save/reload the changes through AJAX.
<f:for each="{notes}" as="note">
<f:form action="update" name="note" object="{note}">
<f:form.textarea class="form-control gettooltip" placeholder="Kommentar" property="kommentar">{note.kommentar}</f:form.textarea>
<f:form.submit value="Update" />
Then you intercept the submit click, submit the form through AJAX and set the new content to the textarea.
If you want to have one form for all objects, you will need to prefix the fields
<f:form action="update" name="note">
<f:for each="{notes}" as="note">
<f:form.textarea class="form-control gettooltip" placeholder="Kommentar" name="note[note{note.uid}][kommentar]">{note.kommentar}</f:form.textarea>
<f:form.submit value="Update" />
You will then have an array of values and need to iterate in your controller and manually persist the changes.
For your problem - as #lorenz answered you need to use viewhelpers for rendering fields OR at least use valid name attributes for your fields...
Anyway, I'm wondering why do you want to reinvent the wheel - especially while creating BE modules, the fastest, easiest and most elegant way is... using TYPO3 forms. They handle many things, relations, localization, validation, RTE etc, etc. What's more you can also add own type of field to TCA and process with your own PHP and JS - very rare situation, but may be used i.e. for adding GoogleMap field,
#see: user type in TCA
Finally all you need to open the record from your BE module is creating proper link - which can be easily copied from List module (right click on the yellow pencil next to your record and copy the code), sample:
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION+'&edit[fe_users][1234]=edit'; return false;" title="Edit user">
<span title="" class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-open"> </span>
Where fe_users is table name and 1234 is record uid.
alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION part handles returning to the place from which edit was started, so it will be your module again including all GET params selected by admin before editing.
For creating new user
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION+'&edit[fe_users][6789]=new'; return false;" title="New record">
<span class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-new"> </span>
In this case 6789 is a PID (uid of the page where the user should be created...
You can even set some default values when creating records from your own module using params in your new link:
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION+'&edit[fe_users][6789]=new&defVals[fe_users][tx_extbase_type]=Tx_MyExt_People&defVals[fe_users][usergroup]=1'; return false;" title="New record">
<span class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-new"> </span>