Resolved: Deploy fails even though local host says query exists - deployment

I have been building a website with (Netlify) It is working perfectly fine when I'm using localhost. However, when I deploy the site to Netlify, graphql query reverts back to the beginning list. Here is the image of the localhost Graphql
Then, I can deploy the studio and still everything is fine, but when I push the front end, deployment fails and tells me
I have done the graphql deploy and tried it again, but the result is the same
I have been trying to solve it last 2 days, but no luck. Maybe you guys can help me with this.
Here is the git link as well.

Nevermind, With the git push new deployment, worked fine. If you have theories, I would be happy to hear.


How can I connect Heroku to Github?

I have had a Github account for about 3-4 months. Just today, I added an 'Organization'. I changed the security settings for this Organization, and now it says 'No Restrictions'. Here's an image.
I followed the instructions from the link below, to get that setup.
Now, I am trying to link Keroku to my Github account. In the Keroku environment, I click 'Connect to Github' and I get this.
I followed the instructions in the link below.
Somehow, the lady can connect in 2.5 minutes, but even after working on this for 60 minutes, all I get is error saying Keroku can't connect to Github. Does anyone know exactly how this works?
This is very, very bizarre. I tried the same steps in Google Chrome and everything worked just as I expected it to. For some weird reason, I couldn't get it to work in Firefox. Anyway, everything works fine now.

Visual Studio Team Services (was VS Online) not showing GitHub repository type

I'm trying to setup an integration between my GitHub and VSTS account.
I'm creating a build definition to build and deploy my code to my azure web app. From all the things I've read online (I've been trying to make this work for at least some 3h now) this should be so simple I'm reconsidering calling myself a developer... =/
I've added the Service Endpoint:
But it doesn't show up at the build definition:
The other service endpoints for azure work fine, I'm able to set them at the build definition, but the GitHub just won't work! I've tried signing out, using chrome's private window, removing and re-adding the endpoint, using IE, nothing makes that damn thing show up as an option in the dropdown.
Does anyone have any ideas?
EDIT - ScreenCast
After 3 days and no answer from MS I kept trying to figure it out and it seems this account is running on an old version.(?)
I have another account that's working fine and I started to compare both, here's why I think that:
Different versions
no online column and different header (Account profile vs Account/acc_name)
Perhaps you are right that your account is running in an old server.
I created one in India South and experienced the same behavior.
Then I deleted it and created one in South US and I can see my GitHub repository.

OPS Hub - unable to migrate project

I am trying to migrate one project from tfs on prem to VSTSO . I am getting the following error
Ops Hub error
I have successfully migrated couple of projects before but this one wont go . I did notice one thing when i was migrating . It gave different name to the default collection as you see in the screen shot . I have deleted the account and recreated the account and still getting the same.Please advise.
The issue seems to be a recent change in VSTS as Nicolas pointed out. Currently, the OVSMU tool will not be usable directly. We would be releasing a patched version early next week which will solve this issue.
[Update]: This change is part of the following change annoncement:
I've been able to solve this "page not found" exception by using fiddler and the following rule: oSession.url = oSession.url.Replace("/NameOfTheCollection/Services/v3.0/","/defaultcollection/Services/v3.0/"); But I face another issue on HubOps.
Finally, I used TFS migration tools + fiddler rule described above and I'm able to move forward on this migration.
Another option is to contact microsoft in order to ask for early acces of TFS - VSO migration tool:

Heroku error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException?

Hi my friend and I are facing this problem where we are unable to create a Heroku application in eclipse. We keep running into the error and the error is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException. We followed Heroku eclipse but it still gives the error. My friend even downloaded the newest eclipse no no avail.
You must have reached the app limit in heroku. Heroku provides 5 free apps. Delete one and try again.
Go to and login. You will see all the apps you created.
Then go to the settings and delete one app and try creating template again in eclipse.
No help I know, but I am also seeing this. I have used heroku from the command line in the past, but following the instructions on the heroku site don't appear to be working.

How to deploy WorkerRole project, How to get the exact error during uploading

I have to Work with WorkerRole project to deploy some services to perform the data sync with the other databses. i tried to publish but stuck, Internalization, Starting, Preparing, Recovering and finally aborted.
After getting the above stituation i build a simple workerrole project and tried to upload the result is same.
And i am not able to find out the problem with the same.
Please provide some help.
A typical problem, when deploying, is having a connection string pointing to the local emulated storage. This is the first thing I'd check if the worker role code runs locally in the emulator but fails when being published to Windows Azure.