Black screen page on apple watch apps with more that one page - interface

Hi I have created a Watch app which has two pages but when I run it on apple watch and do switch between pages after few seconds one page(sometimes page1 and sometimes page2)goes black and It doesn’t show my buttons, labels nothing. But when I run it on simulator there is no problem everything is fine and also before i add second page to the app It was ok on apple watch too

I had the same issue and it was due to calling crownSequencer.focus() without a corresponding crownSequencer.resignFocus() call. In my case I was calling focus() in didAppear() and once I added a resignFocus() call to willDisappear() the problem went away.

I guess if you remove override function didDeactivate() from both interfaceControllers may solve the problem but that's when you don't need this function and if you do try user899076 answer.
remove this:
override func didDeactivate() {
// This method is called when watch view controller is no longer visible


How to do fast controller initialization

In my application with GetX, I had to create around 7 controllers, and they need to be initialized.
Everything works fine, but the controller I created for mobile ads sometimes throws an error. Actually, it does not give an error, but a bug occurs.
The problem is that when the app opens, it needs to show ads on the first click. As soon as the application is opened, when you click quickly, it does not show the interstitial ad. But a few seconds pass and if clicked, it shows the ad.
I'm not writing here because I don't have a problem with the codes. Is there any method I can solve this?

Flutter and OneSignal, how to catch notification in different page than where it's initialized

I'm running init on the front page of my app:
And catching notifications and then doing something if app is in view:
OneSignal.shared.setNotificationReceivedHandler((OSNotification notification) {
// doing stuff here, works great on front page
That works fine in frontpage. But, I'd like to catch the notifications and do specific tasks on other pages as well, that however does not work.
Tried to use: setNotificationReceivedHandler in other pages, but no luck, it always uses the front page's setNotificationReceivedHandler instead.
Is this possible to achieve?
Ok, got it to work.
The whole init process has to be done in every view where you want to catch notification, the latest loaded init is the one which is being processed.

NSPopover to start in a detached state

Is there a way to force the NSPopover to start in the detached state? I only see isDetached which is a read-only property for the state of the popover and an NSPopoverDelegate method detachableWindow(forPopover:) which lets me override the window that gets created. I'd like to essentially click a button and have the NSPopover start in the state in this photo.
The style of this window is exactly what a product requirement is and I can't seem to find any NSWindow style settings that would make a window do something like this (nor an NSPanel)
This detached popover functionality seems special in that it:
non-modal, but stays above main app. Able to still interact with the main app just like in Messages how you can still click around and type a new message.
Clicking another app, AppFoo, puts both the main app and the helper window behind AppFoo.
The helper window can be moved around and isn't hidden on app deactivation (another app gets selected).
Has the little, native, grey X in the top left.
If you don't mind calling private API, it's actually pretty simple:
let detach = NSSelectorFromString("detach")
if popover.responds(to: detach) {
No need to even add a delegate. I don't know when this private method was added but it's available at least since macOS 10.13. I suspect it's available since the introduction of NSPopover, though.
Here is the trick.
Use the required delegate method detachableWindowForPopover: to do the work for you, like:
- (void) showPopoverDetached
NSWindow* detachedWindow = [self detachableWindowForPopover:nil];
[detachedWindow.windowController showWindow:nil];
Seems that the Apple engineers implemented detachableWindowForPopover: on a pretty smart way, I guess it uses the content view controller class, and will always create a singleton like instance of the detached window.
Once detachableWindowForPopover: has called the presented window instance will be re-used no matter when and why it is called, called it directly (from a func like my sample above) or indirectly (e.g. when you drag out, detach, the popover from its original position)
This way they can prevent a popover from being detached 'twice' and we can also implement the detached way programmatically, nice job from them!
Here is a tiny demo of how it works in a real life (tested on macOS 10.13 - 13.0)

Back and volume buttons not working when app is resumed in certain conditions

I'm starting a new activity to display a leaderboard in my Android App.
When the leaderboard activity is displayed, and the user presses the home key and then resumes the app (so the leaderboard activity comes up again), and then navigates back to the main activity by pressing the back key, the back key and volume keys stop working).
I've attempted to override onBackPressed in my activity class. I can confirm that when this problem occurs, onBackPressed is not called (When back / volume is working, pressing back does trigger onBackPressed).
Normally I get a message in LogCat when I press the back key 'Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from android.webkit.WebView,onKeyDown(' - Again I can confirm that this message doesn't come up when the back key isn't working
Armed with the above information, I can only assume that it's something to do with the View not having focus or something along those lines. I would point out that touch input on the screen itself does work. It just seems to be the back and volume keys/buttons that have no effect.
It's an openGL ES 2.0 app so in my onPause() I'm calling view.onPause(); and in onResume, I'm calling view.onResume();
I really have no idea what's going on and I've been on this for 3 days straight so if anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great.
If the user comes out of the leaderboard and back into the main app before they press the home key, then everything is OK, it's just if the home key is pressed while the leaderboard activity is displayed as described above.
So when I'm at the point where the back / volume keys aren't working, if I click my scores button and fire up the leaderboard activity again, they work. On returning to my activity, they stop working again.
Not sure if this is relevant at all but the following shows how I'm starting my leaderboard activity:
if (scoresButtonPresses){
void displayLeaderBoard(){
//Display the leaderboard if already signed in
if (checkSignedIn()){
startActivityForResult(Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent(getApiClient(), leaderboardID), 1);
//if not already connected, then set flag and connect to play services before displaying leaderbaord
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
//If the flag is set, then display the leaderboard
startActivityForResult(Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent(getApiClient(), leaderboardID), 1);
//Otherwise, reset the flag and take no action
else {signInAction=NO_ACTION;}
This is driving me crazy so any help or even a nudge in the right direction would be very much appreciated!!
After much testing I have learned a couple of things:
If I remove the view.onPause() && view.onResume() the problem seems to go away. So this appears to be something to do with the way key events are captured by the view. Pausing and resuming seems to mess something up.
I have also tried removing the view.onPause() and view.onResume() as above, but instead, putting in View.setVisibility(View.GONE); and then making it visible again in public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus). Again, I get the same problem. Interestingly, when I open the leaderboard, as expected the view's staus is 'gone' then hitting the home key and running the app again, it's set back to 'visible' - I don't understand this behaviour but I'll ask another question for that.
Lastly, and this I find really odd. If I put my app back to as I had it, then after hitting the home key and relaunching the app via Eclipse (and I can do this multiple times) the problem doesn't seem to occur. So in that respect, it appears to be something to do with touching the screen.
It appears as though this isn't limited to my app. I've tested this on a couple of other apps from the Play store and get the same result.
One app clearly uses a single activity model like mine and the back and volume stop working throughout the app.
The other may use a different activity for it menu and game. When I test on this app, the back/volume breaks but if you start a game (therefore a second activity), the back key starts working again, even when you return to the first activity (recreated this activity?!)
So maybe I can get around this by ensuring the activity is recreated? I thought i was already but maybe I'm not getting something. Maybe it's something to do with the stack.........
I have no solution to your problem but some additional insights since I'm facing the same bug/problem with the leaderboards and the back button (and it's driving me crazy).
I'm using a single activity with fragments from which I login to Google Play, open Leaderboards and Achievements in the exact way you are doing it (startActivityForResult). Always when I come back from any Google Play Service activity my back button is broken. Sometimes it's even enough if I try to login to Google Play for it to break, meaning the login popup sometimes breaks the back button (but not always).
Some more insights which might help to solve the problem:
I'm not using OpenGL, so it's not related to this - I'm just using a single activity and fragments
It's also breaking for me when I just use the back button for going back from any Google Play Activity (I don't even need to go via the home key, just normal back is enough).
When the back button is broken the Activity is not receiving any Key Events (OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp, dispatchKeyEvent) are all not working, although using the activity and touching it fully works. My guess is that some view is catching the events...
I also tried checking activity.getCurrentFocus() and activity.hasWindowFocus() as well as the parent and context classes of activity.getCurrentFocus() to see if there is any difference between when it's working and when it's not - and there isn't any difference...
It seems that a simple call to View.requestFocus() is fixing the problem. For my single activity (using fragments implementation) I have now added:
public void onResume(){
Fragment fragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
and this seems to be fixing the problem. Sill have to do long term checking if it's always fixed. In your OpenGL implementation I guess you will have to get the main view of the activity in some other way since you are not using fragments.
I know it's pretty old question, but for clarification: accepted answer is correct, but incomplete. Focus requesting should be done in onResume, onActivityResult, onSignInSucceeded and onSignInFailed. In first two you have! to call super. Some code:
private void requestFocusAfterGooglePlay(){
View currFocus=getCurrentFocus();
public void onSignInFailed() {
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
public void onResume(){
in my case gimmeFocus is a dummy View created as below:
I have dynamic layout so I can't never be sure that any view exists in my layout, so I've created this dummy View, it might be also added programmatically. You might choose your fixed View for gaining focus, but rembember that changing focus might change view's look (drawable state).

UISearchBar error when entering Searchbar textbox

I have found a strange error. I have been following this sample:
I tested it and then tried to roll it in my app. It worked in the sample but not my app. In my app I would SIGABRT or BAD_ACCESS errors whenever I entered the textview inside the searchbar. The main difference was that I placed the Search on the second tab rather than the first. When I changed the taborder on my app to have the search on the first tab's navigation controller, it worked! It seems that unless I first enter the searchbar's textview. The object gets released and if I try to enter it later it fails. Very weird. I don't know enough about the objects here to say what the initialization sequence is but my guess is I need to do more initialization to get it to work.
go through the article in the link once more. especially through the "Setting up the Project" part.
In the article everything is set for the "selected view controller" which is the first one. And you say you implement everything to the second tab. Make sure you didn't implement everything in the first one of your project.
Let me know if this helps. If not I'll figure out something else.