I'm trying to install kinetics ros on ubuntu 16.04, followig the guide http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu
The problem starts when I code this in terminal:
sudo apt-get update
The resume of the result is this:
W: The repository «http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $ (lsb_release Release» does not have a Publication file.
N: Data from a repository like this cannot be authenticated and therefore its use is potentially dangerous.
N: See the apt-secure (8) manual page for details on creating repositories and configuring users.
E: Failed to get http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/dists/$(lsb_release/-sc)/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Some index files could not be downloaded, omitted, or old ones used instead.
I'm new in this, so I suposed that the problem was kind of resolved using the 'old ones instead'.
So I've continued with the guide and I code this in terminal:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
And the resume of the result is the following:
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code (1)
I dont know if this two problem are related, but I dont know how to start to fix its.
I apreciate your help.
Thanks for your time.
I think something went wrong when you did Step 1.2 of the instructions. These two lines look very wrong:
«http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $ (lsb_release Release»
lsb_release is a command that was meant to be executed in that step, and the result should have been added to the apt source. Instead, it seems, it was just added as a string.
Please execute once more:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
and make sure that no space is introduced anywhere when you do that. To check that it worked, verify that you get:
> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list
deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu xenial main
If you do, then run sudo apt-get update once more. After that
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
should succeed.
I use debhelper with python setuptools in order to build my packages.
I recently updated the compatibility level 9 to 11 in order to use the systemd timers.
From that moment every time I upgrade the package the service contained is restarted.
I tried to build with the following rules:
#! /usr/bin/make -f
#export DH_VERBOSE = 1
export PYBUILD_NAME=my_pkg
export DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS:.svn:.git:.vscode*
dh $# --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
dh_installinit --no-stop-on-upgrade --no-restart-on-upgrade --no-restart-after-upgrade --no-start
dh_systemd_enable --name=my_pkg
dh_systemd_start --no-stop-on-upgrade --no-restart-on-upgrade --no-restart-after-upgrade --no-start
python3 setup.py clean --all
According to the documentation those tags should do what I look for but probably there is something I'm missing:
Every time I update it the service contained is restarted.
The service is running the update itself so when is restarted the update is left uncompleted.
As expected I was looking in the wrong direction.
The correct option to use is:
change the rule file into:
#! /usr/bin/make -f
#export DH_VERBOSE = 1
export PYBUILD_NAME=my_pkg
export DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS:.svn:.git:.vscode*
dh $# --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
dh_systemd_enable --name=my_pkg
dh_installsystemd --no-restart-after-upgrade
python3 setup.py clean --all
I hope this will help someone else in the same situation.
When try to use yum update on Centos6 I get this error: "Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: centos-sclo-rh."
Is there any way to get out of this error condition?
[root#4206-yv3 ~]$ yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Update Process
Determining fastest mirrors
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6&arch=x86_64&repo=os error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host 'mirrorlist.centos.org'"
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org?arch=x86_64&release=6&repo=sclo-rh error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host 'mirrorlist.centos.org'"
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: centos-sclo-rh
[root#4206-yv3 ~]$
You can try this one.
echo "https://vault.centos.org/6.10/os/x86_64/" > /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/base/mirrorlist.txt
echo "http://vault.centos.org/6.10/extras/x86_64/" > /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/extras/mirrorlist.txt
echo "http://vault.centos.org/6.10/updates/x86_64/" > /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/updates/mirrorlist.txt
echo "http://vault.centos.org/6.10/sclo/x86_64/rh" > /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/centos-sclo-rh/mirrorlist.txt
echo "http://vault.centos.org/6.10/sclo/x86_64/sclo" > /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/centos-sclo-sclo/mirrorlist.txt
because centos6 is EOL, for centos-sclo-rh , add below to CentOS-Base.repo
name=CentOS-6.10 - SCLo rh
name=CentOS-6.10 - SCLo sclo
Since we're talking about CentOS6 which reached its EOL, this is something expected. If you don't want to worry about using yum clean all, navigate to /etc/yum.repos.d/ and adjust entries in CentOS-Base.repo.
You'll need to comment-out all lines starting with "mirrorlist=" and uncomment the ones starting with "baseurl=".
The next thing is editing urls on "baseurl" lines - switch all "mirror.centos.org" entries with "vault.centos.org". For example, the first block should look something like this after you've edited it:
name=CentOS-$releasever - Base
I did not need SCL, so I removed /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-SCLo-scl-rh.repo and this resolved the issue.
You can try:
yum-config-manager --disable centos-sclo-sclo/x86_64
yum-config-manager --disable centos-sclo-rh/x86_64
I have just installed raspbian for my raspberry pi and I tried to install fswebcam with sudo apt-get install fswebcam and I get the error:
dpkg: error: syntax error in file triggers file `/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File'
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
I then thought about doing an update so did:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
This also produces the same error:
dpkg: error: syntax error in file triggers file `/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File'
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
The packages download but can not install.
Here is the cat of the file and it does seem wrong:
#▒q▒}db+/}sR+sh!reman man-db/uw▒>l▒caMom`O▒m!f)Er
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-T{3/,HbNarL-m(j▒Y▒gn?dabihF/▒yn/▒o▒u▒7s li▒g▒+b`.p%0;a▒m`f
)▒ks/lib/miG*mk▒En▒c lyb'dib2.-▒*armhf
/As▒5rx▒2E/▒xib-0.8.3c▒▒e"! ,cbomib2n0=zirmh/muk/Scil0ag/d%cAs▒o}sp%d#g/mime/packages miLe)cwrxfst
.5▒rlibog$j▒▒92bufm2.▒?:-1 ▒l▒qders libedc,pixbu&2.-2▒BiHf▒u▒b/diB)Az▒=nifT8▒wOuea▒ih$-gmj▒u▒.#}▒"▒`'2.10.0/loadgR{▒|i"gdN-#j▒▒▒f2.0-0>abolf-usr/s▒ar'/▒o▒6sb▒/n6Bonf+gusr-s``ve?ehosdw▒h{:5'fkod▒ g▒▒4!nO▒ig
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w/0▒3~2./im▒od7|e,▒i`guk▒3-`*!Ex▒▒msr/sjarD▒unu!mandJ▒urR/▒yB/▒unu menu
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I would prefer not having to re-install raspbian but I will if I must
In the end I unfortunately had to format the sd card and reinstall raspbian. The output of the file is a lot more comprehensive now. I will put the contents at a later date.
OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)
Trying to run this command to install meteor:
curl install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
============= Output Error ===============
Installing /tmp/meteor-install-Nv47529/meteor-0.3.6-1.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.6)(64bit) is needed by meteor-0.3.6-1.x86_64
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7)(64bit) is needed by meteor-0.3.6-1.x86_64
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.9)(64bit) is needed by meteor-0.3.6-1.x86_64
libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.9)(64bit) is needed by meteor-0.3.6-1.x86_64
Installation failed.
============= Output Error ===============
glib is missing showing but check glib using
rpm -qa --qf="%{n}-%{v}-%{r}.%{arch}\n" | grep glibc | sort
showing me
so any idea what is the issue?
GLIBC_2.6 is required by the RPM, you only have GLIBC_2.5 so you need to upgrade.
Alternatively, this dependency may be more strict than it needs to be; try packing Meteor yourself.
I'm trying to setup nodejs to access a postgres database. What I've done so far is the following (https://gist.github.com/579814):
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/local
mkdir ~/node-latest-install
cd ~/node-latest-install
curl http://nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=~/local
make install # ok, fine, this step probably takes more than 30 seconds...
curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
git clone git://github.com/isaacs/npm.git
make install
so far, so good. However, when I try to install the postgres driver
npm install pg
I get the following:
node-waf configure build || true
Checking for program g++ or c++ : /usr/bin/g++
Checking for program cpp : /usr/bin/cpp
Checking for program ar : /usr/bin/ar
Checking for program ranlib : /usr/bin/ranlib
Checking for g++ : ok
Checking for node path : not found
Checking for node prefix : ok /usr/local
Checking for program pg_config : /usr/bin/pg_config
'configure' finished successfully (0.066s)
Waf: Entering directory `/home/christian/node_modules/pg/build'
[1/2] cxx: src/binding.cc -> build/default/src/binding_1.o
../src/binding.cc:3:25: fatal error: node_events.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/christian/node_modules/pg/build'
Build failed: -> task failed (err #1):
{task: cxx binding.cc -> binding_1.o}
I've been looking around for setting the node path, although haven't found anything of help so far - probably also because I'm totally new to nodejs, so I'd be happy about any hint.
Now, you have NodeJS installed in your Ubuntu. You should set /etc/environment and load nodeJS path that can be executed by another users. For example:
Do this in bash:
echo 'export NODE_PATH=~/local/:~/local/node_modules' >> ~/.bashrc
before things are fixed you must use node 0.5.1 (you can use gitk to revert the tree to this version)
Auteur: Ryan Dahl <ry#tinyclouds.org> 2011-07-19 10:46:38
Auteur du commit: Ryan Dahl <ry#tinyclouds.org> 2011-07-19 10:46:38
Parent: 0a3fc1d9c8becc32c63ae736ca2b3719a3d03c5b (Remove StatWatcher's dep on C++ EventEmitter)
Enfant: 061ce7b0ac370c8a5ae93d95ab7da171cbd488f0 (net_uv: Fix simple/test-http-expect-continue.js)
Branche: master, remotes/origin/master
Suit: v0.5.1
Précède: v0.5.2
Finally remove node::EventEmitter
I had the same problem.
The issue was that I was specifying a old version of PG in my package.js
After I removed the old version dependancy I was able to install PG without issue.