gsed add _single_ newline at end of file - sed

I'm attempting to create a single newline at the end of a file.
My command is this:
gsed -i '$a\\r' outfiles/*.txt
Somehow this creates two newlines, and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
Any thoughts?

In my first thought I would on the last line substitute end of line with a newline.
sed '$s/$/\n/'
But my second thought is just nice:
sed '$G'
Grabbing from a hold space appends a newline to pattern space and then appends the hold space to pattern space. Because hold space is empty, it effectively adds just only the newline.

Keep it clear and simple, just use gawk:
gawk -i inplace 'ENDFILE{print ""}' outfiles/*.txt


Append specific caracter at the end of each line

I have a file and I want to append a specific text, \0A, to the end of each of its lines.
I used this command,
sed -i s/$/\0A/ file.txt
but that didn't work with backslash \0A.
In its default operations, sed cyclically appends a line from input, less it's terminating <newline>-character, into the pattern space of sed.
The OP wants to use sed to append the character \0A at the end of a line. This is the hexadecimal representation of the <newline>-character (cfr. So from this perspective, the OP attempts to double space a files. This can be easilly done using:
sed G file
The G command, appends a newline followed by the content of the hold space to the pattern space. Since the hold space is always empty, it just appends a newline character to the pattern space. The default action of sed is to print the line. So this just double-spaces a file.
Your command should be fixed by simply enclosing s/$/\0A/ in single quotes (') and escaping the backslash (with another backslash):
sed -i 's/$/\\0A/' file.txt
Notice that the surrounding 's protect that string from being processed by the shell, but the bashslash still needed escape in order to protect it from SED itself.
Obviously, it's still possible to avoid the single quotes if you escape enough:
sed -i s/$/\\\\0A/ file.txt
In this case there are no single quotes to protect the string, so we need write \\ in the shell to get SED fed with \, but we need two of those \\, i.e. \\\\, so that SED is fed with \\, which is an escaped \.
Move obviously, I'd never ever suggest the second alternative.

Sed: find, replace and then append result to original line

I am on Mac, I want to find a pattern in lines, replace it with something, then append the resulting string to the end of the original line. Here is what I tried:
echo "test='123'" | sed -E '/([^a-z])/ s/$/ \1/'
sed: 1: "/([^a-z])/ s/$/ \1/": \1 not defined in the RE
What do I need to define \1? I thought I did it with ([^a-z]). No?
Edit: Perhaps this code will represent better what I want:
1) echo "test='123'" | sed 's/[a-zA-Z0-9]//g'
2) I want the new line = original line + line #1 above
In other words:
Before (what I get): test='123'
After (what I want): test='123' =''
You can edit this command this way:
echo "test='123'" | sed -E 'h;s/([a-zA-Z0-9])//g;G;s/(.*)\n(.*)/\2\1/'
For readability, the script, line by line, reads
h stores the current line in the hold space,
your s command does what it does
G appends the content of the hold space, i.e. the original line, to the pattern space, i.e. the current line as you have edited it, putting a newline \n in between.
another s command reorders the two pieces, also removing the \n that the G command inserted.
Your original attempt sed -E '/([^a-z])/ s/$/ \1/' could not work because \1 refers to what is captured by the leftmost (…) group in the search portion of the s command, it does not "remember" the group(s) you used to address the line.
Once you print the pattern space with p, a newline comes with it, and once it's been printed, there's no way you can remove it within the same sed program.

Use sed to take all lines containing regex and append to end of file

I'm trying to come up with a sed script to take all lines containing a pattern and move them to the end of the output. This is an exercise in learning hold vs pattern space and I'm struggling to come up with it (though I feel close).
I'm here:
$ echo -e "hi\nfoo1\nbar\nsomething\nfoo2\nyo" | sed -E '/foo/H; //d; $G'
But I want the output to be:
I understand why this is happening. It is because the first time we find foo the hold space is empty so the H appends \n to the blank hold space and then the first foo, which I suppose is fine. But then the $G does it again, namely another append which appends \n plus what is in the hold space to the pattern space.
I tried a final delete command with /^$/d but that didn't remove the blank line (I think this is because this pattern is being matched not against the last line, but against the, now, multiline pattern space which has a \n\n in it.
I'm sure the sed gurus have a fix for me.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/foo/H;//!p;$!d;x;//s/.//p;d' file
If the line contains the required string append it to the hold space (HS) otherwise print it as normal. If it is not the last line delete it otherwise swap the HS for the pattern space (PS). If the required string(s) is now in the PS (what was the HS); since all such patterns were appended, the first character will be a newline, delete the first character and print. Delete whatever is left.
An alternative, using the -n flag:
sed -n '/foo/H;//!p;$!b;x;//s/.//p' file
N.B. When the d or b (without a parameter) command is performed no further sed commands are, a new line is read into the PS and the sed script begins with the first command i.e. the sed commands do not resume following the previous d command.
Why? Stuff like this is absolutely trivial in awk, awk is available everywhere that sed is, and the resulting awk script will be simpler, more portable, faster and better in almost every other way than a sed script to do the same task. All that hold space stuff was necessary in sed before the mid-1970s when awk was invented but there's absolutely no use for it now other than as a mental exercise.
$ echo -e "hi\nfoo1\nbar\nsomething\nfoo2\nyo" |
awk '/foo/{buf = buf $0 RS;next} {print} END{printf "%s",buf}'
The above will work as-is in every awk on every UNIX installation and I bet you can figure out how it works very easily.
This feels like a hack and I think it should be possible to handle this situation more gracefully. The following works on GNU sed:
echo -e "hi\nfoo1\nbar\nsomething\nfoo2\nyo" | sed -r '/foo/{H;d;}; $G; s/\n\n/\n/g'
However, on OSX/BSD sed, results in this odd output:
Note the 2 consecutive newlines was replaced with the literal character n
The OSX/BSD vs GNU sed is explained in this article. And the following works (in GNU SED as well):
echo -e "hi\nfoo1\nbar\nsomething\nfoo2\nyo" | sed '/foo/{H;d;}; $G; s/\n\n/\'$'\n''/'
TL;DR; in BSD sed, it does not accept escaped characters in the RHS of the replacement expression and so you either have to put a true LF/newline in there at the command line, or do the above where you split the sed script string where you need the newline on the RHS and put a dollar sign in front of '\n' so the shell interprets it as a line feed.

Can't replace '\n' with '\\' for whatever reason

I have a whole bunch of files, and I wish to change something like this:
My line of text
My other line of text
My line of text\\
My other line of text
Seems simple, but somehow it isn't. I have tried sed s,"\n\n","\\\\\n", as well as tr '\n' '\\' and about 20 other incarnations of these commands.
There must be something going on which I don't understand... but I'm completely lost as to why nothing is working. I've had some comical things happening too, like when cat'ing out the file, it doesn't print newlines, only writes over where the rest was written.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
sed works on lines. It fetches a line, applies your code to it, fetches the next line, and so forth. Since lines are treated individually, multiline regexes don't work quite so easily.
In order to use multiline regexes with sed, you have to first assemble the file in the pattern space and then work on it:
sed ':a $!{ N; ba }; s/\n\n/\\\\\n/g' filename
The trick here is the
:a $!{ N; ba }
This works as follows:
:a # jump label for looping
$!{ # if the end of the input has not been reached
N # fetch the next line and append it to what we already have
ba # go to :a
Once this is over, the whole file is in the pattern space, and multiline regexes can be applied to it. Of course, this requires that the file is small enough to fit into memory.
sed is line-oriented and so is inappropriate to try to use on problems that span lines. You just need to use a record-oriented tool like awk:
$ awk -v RS='^$' -v ORS= '{gsub(/\n\n/,"\\\\\n")}1' file
My line of text\\
My other line of text
The above uses GNU awk for multi-char RS.
Here is an awk that solve this:
If the the blank lines could contains tabs or spaces, user this:
awk '!NF{a=a"//"} b{print a} {a=$0;b=NF} END {print a}' file
My line of text//
My other line of text
If blank line is just blank with nothing, this should do:
awk '!NF{a=a"//"} a!=""{print a} {a=$0} END {print a}' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 'N;s|\n$|//|;P;D' file
This keeps 2 lines in the pattern space at any point in time and replaces an empty line by a double slash.

Can I use the sed command to replace multiple empty line with one empty line?

I know there is a similar question in SO How can I replace mutliple empty lines with a single empty line in bash?. But my question is can this be implemented by just using the sed command?
Give this a try:
sed '/^$/N;/^\n$/D' inputfile
/^$/N - match an empty line and append it to pattern space.
; - command delimiter, allows multiple commands on one line, can be used instead of separating commands into multiple -e clauses for versions of sed that support it.
/^\n$/D - if the pattern space contains only a newline in addition to the one at the end of the pattern space, in other words a sequence of more than one newline, then delete the first newline (more generally, the beginning of pattern space up to and including the first included newline)
You can do this by removing empty lines first and appending line space with G command:
sed '/^$/d;G' text.txt
Edit2: the above command will add empty lines between each paragraph, if this is not desired, you could do:
sed -n '1{/^$/p};{/./,/^$/p}'
Or, if you don't mind that all leading empty lines will be stripped, it may be written as:
sed -n '/./,/^$/p'
since the first expression just evaluates the first line, and prints it if it is blank.
Here: -n option suppresses pattern space auto-printing, /./,/^$/ defines the range between at least one character and none character (i.e. empty space between newlines) and p tells to print this range.