Going through Spring Test Data Geode but #EnableGemFireMockObjects annotation is not found - geode

I spent a long time trying to run the example tests from here and here.
The #EnableGemFireMockObjects annotation cannot be found and neither can
import org.springframework.data.gemfire.tests.mock.annotation.EnableGemFireMockObjects;
The example tests don't run. Presumably this is missing a Gradle dependency but I can't find a Gradle example in the documentation.

The Spring Test for Apache Geode project (STDG) should build just fine, by running (from the project root directory)...
$ gradlew clean build install
STDG can also be built with Maven, hence the inclusion of a pom.xml file, by running...
$ mvn clean install
NOTE: If you build with Maven first and then later switch to building with Gradle, make sure to remove the target/ directly before building with Gradle.
Additionally, if you setup your IDE (e.g. IJ or STS) with the STDG project, importing from either the Maven or Gradle project models, after building (compiling) the STDG project, you should be able to run the Unit or Integration Tests individually from your IDE as well.
The Maven or Gradle files will ensure that your (test-time) classpath(s) are correct.
As for using STDG outside of the STDG project itself (the tests in STDG are not there for example, but there to test the functionality of STDG itself), see:
Spring Boot for Apache Geode (SBDG): https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode. Specifically see the auto-configuration module test suite where STDG is used quite extensively.
Spring Session for Apache Geode (SSDG) also extensively uses the STDG project now to test Spring Session functionality with Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire as the provider: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session-data-geode.
Eventually, I will be retrofitting the SDG test suite to use STDG as well, replacing the old test framework inside SDG on which STDG was founded.
I did a presentation on the STDG project at the SpringOne Platform 2017 conference, the code of which is here:
Here is 1 such test class from that example project:
I have not updated the project in quite awhile, but is still mostly applicable. Use SBDG and SSDG test suites as definitive examples for using STDG.
Hope this helps.

Per Javalibs I needed to add
implementation 'org.springframework.data:spring-data-geode-test:0.0.11.RELEASE'
to gradle.build dependencies group.


Understanding STS: Spring boot application works fine from STS but when gradle is used to build jar, the build fails

My spring boot application works fine when run from Spring Tool Suite. However at the time of project deployment when I use Gradle command to build jar file, I get compile error - with error message saying a specific package is missing.
The root cause was that I had missed to add a specific dependency to build.gradle. After adding the missing dependency the build was successful.
Can someone explain how STS was able to refer to the "missing" dependency and able to run the application successfully in development environment?
Is it that STS and Gradle has two different locations where dependencies are stored?
When using STS (or any other IDE for that matter) and you are manually (or through a wizard) adding jars to the classpath entries those will only be available in your IDE.
What you should be doing is adding additional dependencies to your pom.xml or build.gradle (depending on your tooling), which then in turn should be picked up by your IDE again.
NOTE: Some IDEs will automatically detect additions to the classpath and add them to your build files as well. Not sure if STS (and thus Eclipse) does this.

is maven required to develop spring based project?

I am developing (Single developer) a Spring based project for a Traveling based website.
and this is my first Spring based project, I want to use Maven in my project, because hosting sites like Cloud Bees expecting maven based project for deployment.
Is Maven required to develop Spring based project in Single developer environment.
FYI I am using eclipse IDE.
No it is not required.
You can develop in Spring using Ant or Maven or Gradle etc. or nothing at all.
Although it might be easier to do it with Maven (for library management)
It is not required per se, but you will run into some serious pain down the road if you don't use Maven or Gradle.
The first and foremost reason to use Maven or Gradle is to be able to very simply run tasks that occur ofter (like building a war or running the tests) and to be able to declaratively obtain the required dependencies (which in the case of a typical Spring application are plentiful).
If you are just starting to use build tool, I would suggest you take look at Gradle instead of Maven.

JUnit test fails with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver on Tycho environment

I have a very strange situation. I have a set of eclipse plugin projects which I am using tycho and maven for building them. I used JDBC driver in one of the projects and I have a test plugin to test this project. Since the com.mysql.jdbc plugin was not available in the eclipse p2 repository ( and we don't have our own p2), I imported the jdbc plugin and created an OSGi plugin and add the dependency to my local plugin.
I have multiple eclipse workspaces sat up. Only in the very first workspace that created the test and jdbc plugin, junit tests are working when I run them using eclipse run as -> Junit test command. When others or even me checkout the source codes and try to run the test in different workspaces, this exception is thrown:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
I also tried using tycho integration test (runing mvn integration-test) but that doesn't work neither and I still get the same exception. I tried searching for this a lot but I couldn't find the answer.
UPDATE:I think it is not a tycho problem. I just tried to create the eclipse plug in based on com.jdbc.mysql jar. The workspace I created this on is working fine. But as soon as I commit the code and import the project in another workspace the tests stop working. All of the settings are same among two workspaces, one is working the other gets the ClassNotFound exception!
Tycho computes the OSGi runtime based on the transitive dependencies of your test bundle.
You probably have no design-time dependency on the mysql driver bundle (but rather only on the JDBC interfaces it implements)
Try adding a test runtime dependency on the mysql jdbc driver bundle.
See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/FAQ#How_to_add_a_undeclared_dependency.3F__.28e.g..2C_OSGi_declarative_service.29 on how to do this.
ClassNotFoundExceptions in an OSGi runtime indicate that there is something wrong in the imports and/or export declarations in the OSGi manifests. The most frequent case is that a bundle claims to export a certain package, but doesn't actually have the binaries/class files of that package.
In a Tycho build, this can easily happen if you don't have the entry . in the bin.includes property in the build.properties.

Build tool for Scala web application development

While working with Scala frameworks such as Play! and Lift I was really amazed how these frameworks manage to create a full development stack from the source code up to the web application container (Jetty).
Right now I'm trying to configure a project on my own with the following features:
Automatic deployment on Tomcat 7 (I'm not using Jetty as I require JEE6 support)
WAR file packaging
Is it possible to do it with a build tool such as SBT or Maven?
Note: My goal is to create my own project structure, not using an existing framework (even though I'm taking some ideas from them).
There is a web plugin for SBT:
It gives you war packaging, but not automatic deployment (other than on Jetty, which it integrates, but which you don't have to use).
That said, I'd like to see a fork of that plugin that removes the Jetty dependency and adds an automatic external deployment option. Shouldn't be too hard to do.

JUnit uses wrong Base64

I wanna use the class Base64 from commons-codec 1.5 and when I run the code on Server this works fine. My application runs on Websphere 7.0.
But when I run my JUnit tests the wrong Base64 Class is choosen, when i ask the Class with:
the output is: file:/C:/EProg/IBM/SDP80/runtimes/base_v7/plugins/com.ibm.ws.prereq.soap.jar
Thats definitly the wrong Version.
And an error occurs because of the wrong Version:
The crazy thing is, that happens only it i choose one Test and run it with Run As: JUnit Test in Eclipse, if I run the whole thing with Maven everthing works fine.
I use JUnit 4.8.1 and Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2 with some Plugins for Websphere, GWT and Maven.``
com.ibm.ws.prereq.soap.jar is an OSGi bundle, and in WebSphere (which is built on an OSGi container), the classes in org.apache.commons.codec.binary are not visible to applications because that package is not exported by the OSGi bundle (you can examine the list of exported packages by looking at the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in com.ibm.ws.prereq.soap.jar). That explains why you don't encounter any issue when running your application in WebSphere.
On the other hand, when you add that JAR to a Java project in Eclipse, it will be treated like a simple JAR, not an OSGi bundle, and all packages will be visible. In your case this creates a conflict with another commons-codec dependency.
I guess that the reason why you don't encounter that issue in Maven is that com.ibm.ws.prereq.soap.jar is only a dependency of your Eclipse project, but not of your Maven project.
Unfortunately there are not many (simple) ways to solve that issue. One is to remove com.ibm.ws.prereq.soap.jar from your Java project (I doubt that you are actually using Apache SOAP). The other is to change the order, so that your other commons-codec dependency comes before com.ibm.ws.prereq.soap.jar.
It looks like a class path issue. More precisely, Eclipse integration with Maven. I would investigate Eclipse dependencies and make sure that it uses Maven for dependency management.
You can do it in two ways, either you can run mvn eclipse:eclipse command or use M2Eclipse plugin. If you use the later, then there is a update dependency option, in the project context menu.