I'm trying to see if I can write the output of a command to the prompt buffer to allow for further editing? Something like this, where Write-PromptBuffer is the command desired:
PS C:\> echo "foo bar" | Write-PromptBuffer
PS C:\> foo bar
Something equivalent to what zsh does with print -z (see http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Guide/zshguide03.html)
My main motivation for this is something along the lines of:
PS C:\> Get-Content (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath | fzf
Which would "dump" the selected (accepted in fzf lingo) entry as an editable command in the prompt.
(Note: I'm familiar with PSFzf, but I'm trying to find a general purpose command to do this as I have other use cases that would benefit from this)
The PSReadLine module can insert into the buffer, for example
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert("foo bar")
However, as this is intended to edit the current line buffer and not the following line you will need so do something like this
#pipeline to variable $myBuffer function
function Write-PromptBuffer {
param (
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
#Add a PSReadLineKeyHandler to insert $myBuffer
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Alt+x `
-ScriptBlock {
param($key, $arg) # The arguments are ignored in this example
#write to buffer
Now populate $myBuffer with a string and call it with Alt+w
PS C:\> echo "foo bar" | Write-PromptBuffer
PS C:\> foo bar
Alternatively and not pretty, you could use SendKeys
function Write-PromptBuffer {
param (
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
(new-object -com wscript.shell).SendKeys($myBuffer)
Hope this helps,
I've written a sample Powershell Script with name C:\Script\Scrip1.ps1
Below is the code
Function Testfunction(){
$SQLNodes = #($Node1, $Node2)
foreach ($node in $SQLNodes)
#Some code below is dummy code
"$node" | Out-File C:\File1.txt -Append
When i try to call this function using invoke-Expression it doesn't work
Used below method with no luck
$string = 'C:\Script\Script1.ps1 Testfunction -Node1 "test" -Node2 "test2"'
Invoke-Expression $string
I have opened a PS Window and ran below command without luck
.\Script1.ps1 -Node1 Hello -Node2 Aquib
.\Script1.ps1 Testfunction -Node1 Hello -Node2 Aquib
I do not see any file1 under C:\File1
when when I open the script file and then run the function, it does work and generate the file.
You don't need to use Invoke-Expression in your scenario.
If you want to make Testfunction visible in the current scope, you will need to "dot-source" your script:
PS C:\> . C:\Scripts\Script1.ps1
This executes Script.ps1 in the current scope, which will define Testfunction in the current scope, and then you can run the function:
PS C:\> Testfunction -Node1 "Test1" -Node2 "Test2"
Another alternative is to skip defining Testfunction as a function in a script, and just use it as a script itself:
# Script file
$SQLNodes = #($Node1, $Node2)
foreach ($node in $SQLNodes) {
#Some code below is dummy code
"$node" | Out-File C:\File1.txt -Append
If you name the script Testfunction.ps1, you can run it by typing the script's name:
PS C:\> C:\Scripts\Testfunction.ps1 -Node1 "Test1" -Node2 "Test2"
My question may seem duplicate of PowerShell "echo on", but it is not.
I am not interested in capturing the command output, but in the command line itself of every command executed by the script, including the native commands.
This is what "echo on" in cmd does and this is what I am looking for. Set-PSDebug -Trace 1 does not do it and neither passing the -Verbose flag.
So far I have not see a way except outputing them myself, which is a huge pain in itself.
So, can Powershell do what "echo on" does in cmd?
Not ideal, but I would accept an answer suggesting to use a wrapper function which would receive a command (native or powershell) with parameters and run the command while faithfully logging the respective command line. Of course, the wrapper function code should be part of the answer.
The following trivial example demonstrates why Set-PSDebug -Trace 1 does not do it:
tasklist `
/fi "status eq running" | Select-Object -First 4
Please, observe:
C:\> cat C:\temp\1.ps1
tasklist `
/fi "status eq running" | Select-Object -First 4
C:\> Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
C:\> C:\temp\1.ps1
DEBUG: 1+ >>>> C:\temp\1.ps1
DEBUG: 1+ >>>> tasklist `
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
csrss.exe 756 Console 1 2,816 K
For comparison, observe an equivalent script in cmd with echo on:
C:\>type c:\temp\1.cmd
#echo on
tasklist ^
/fi "status eq running" |findstr/n ^^|findstr "^[1-4]:"
C:\>tasklist /fi "status eq running" | findstr/n ^ | findstr "^[1-4]:"
2:Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
3:========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
4:csrss.exe 756 Console 1 2,328 K
start-transcript does not do it either:
C:\WINDOWS\system32> cat c:\temp\1.ps1
tasklist `
/fi "status eq running" | Select-Object -First 4 | Out-Default
C:\WINDOWS\system32> Start-Transcript
Transcript started, output file is ~\Documents\PowerShell_transcript.L-PF0TBKV7.Sr1ntThx.20190611143800.txt
C:\WINDOWS\system32> c:\temp\1.ps1
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
csrss.exe 756 Console 1 2,936 K
C:\WINDOWS\system32> Stop-Transcript
Transcript stopped, output file is ~\Documents\PowerShell_transcript.L-PF0TBKV7.Sr1ntThx.20190611143800.txt
C:\WINDOWS\system32> cat ~\Documents\PowerShell_transcript.L-PF0TBKV7.Sr1ntThx.20190611143800.txt
Windows PowerShell transcript start
Start time: 20190611143800
Username: xyz\me
RunAs User: xyz\me
Configuration Name:
Machine: L-PF0TBKV7 (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.16299.0)
Host Application: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Process ID: 25508
PSVersion: 5.1.16299.1004
PSEdition: Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.16299.1004
BuildVersion: 10.0.16299.1004
CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion: 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3
Transcript started, output file is ~\Documents\PowerShell_transcript.L-PF0TBKV7.Sr1ntThx.20190611143800.txt
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
csrss.exe 756 Console 1 2,936 K
Windows PowerShell transcript end
End time: 20190611143810
As you can see it does not contain the command line.
Firstly, the reason you're dissatisfied with the built-in options is because you're going against the grain; your requirement is like asking how to put sacks of gravel in the back of a Porsche. Powershell comes with Verbose and Debug output streams and a fantastic debugger.
If you have any ability to influence coding standards, look at splatting as an alternative to backtick-continuations.
If you can count on versions of Windows that are not years past EoL, consider Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object State -eq 'Ready' instead of tasklist.
That said, yes, what you want is possible. Here's a script that will echo across line continuations:
# Echo.ps1
function Disable-Echo
$Path = ($Path | Resolve-Path -ErrorAction Stop).Path
Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $Path | Remove-PSBreakpoint
function Enable-Echo
$Path = ($Path | Resolve-Path -ErrorAction Stop).Path
Disable-Echo $Path
$Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
$Statements = $Ast.BeginBlock, $Ast.ProcessBlock, $Ast.EndBlock |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Statements |
Write-Output |
Where-Object {$_.Extent}
foreach ($Statement in $Statements)
$Action = {
$Text = $Statement.Extent.Text
$Text = $Text -replace '`\r?\n' # Concatenate lines that are escaped with backtick
# Alternative to remove superfluous whitespace:
# $Text = $Text -replace '\s+`\r?\n\s*', ' '
Write-Host "ECHO: $Text" -ForegroundColor Yellow
continue # or 'break' to stop on the line
}.GetNewClosure() # Create a closure, to capture the value of $Statement
$Params = #{
Script = $Path
Line = $Statement.Extent.StartLineNumber
Column = $Statement.Extent.StartColumnNumber
Action = $Action
$null = Set-PSBreakpoint #Params
Sample script:
# foo.ps1
gci `
-Name `
-File `
-Filter Victor.*
gci -File -Name *.md; gci -File -Name *.psd1
# Without echo
❯ .\foo.ps1
❯ . .\Echo.ps1
❯ Enable-Echo .\foo.ps1
❯ .\foo.ps1
ECHO: gci -Name -File -Filter Victor.*
ECHO: gci -File -Name *.md
ECHO: gci -File -Name *.psd1
Tested on PSv5 and PSv7. Should work on PSv2, although the sample foo.ps1 is PSv3+ (IIRC).
This will not echo calls to other scripts. For that, you'd probably want to do more AST inspection, identify CommandAsts that call scripts, and recursively enable echo on those scripts too. Alternatively, there might be joy in Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable - the $$ variable might be a good place to start - but this would likely be a PITA to work with as it would invoke while you're trying to debug the echo function. You could inspect Get-PSCallStack to skip the action while you're at the command prompt.
I expect four answers and you have already mentioned three that do not work for you (Set-PSDebug, Start-Transaction, -Verbose). As much as they may be viable but not in the format you are looking for, I will not talk more of them.
For the third option, try using Get-History. Now, this will not print out each command as you execute it (only when you call it) like I assume you want. It will also likely not print out each of the lines inside another script (you would want a trace but you did not like that because it prints out more than just the execution).
You can try asking around the PowerShell repository but I do not expect you to find what you are seeking.
If Event logs is an option, start tracing by enabling this Group Policy.
Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows PowerShell
See Microsoft Docs - Script Tracing and Logging
Then you would of course need to parse the Event logs accordingly...
Here's a sample powershell script:
$in = read-host -prompt "input"
write-host $in
Here's a sample 'test.txt' file:
And we want to pass piped input to it from powershell. Here's some I have tried:
.\test.ps1 < test.txt
.\test.ps1 < .\test.txt
.\test.ps1 | test.txt
.\test.ps1 | .\test.txt
test.txt | .\test.ps1
.\test.txt | .\test.ps1
get-content .\test.txt | .\test.ps1
even just trying to echo input doesn't work either:
echo hi | \.test.ps1
Every example above that doesn't produce an error always prompts the user instead of accepting the piped input.
Note: My powershell version table says 4.0.-1.-1
Edit/Result: To those looking for a solution, you cannot pipe input to a powershell script. You have to update your PS file. See the snippets below.
The issue is that your script \.test.ps1 is not expecting the value.
Try this:
# Edit: added if statement
$in = "$string"
$in = read-host -prompt "input"
Write-Host $in
Alternatively, you can use the magic variable $input without a param part (I don't fully understand this so can't really recommend it):
Write-Host $input
You can't pipe input to Read-Host, but there should be no need to do so.
PowerShell doesn't support input redirection (<) yet. In practice this is not a (significant) limitation because a < b can be rewritten as b | a (i.e., send output of b as input to a).
PowerShell can prompt for input for a parameter if the parameter's value is missing and it is set as a mandatory attribute. For example:
function test {
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $TheValue
"You entered: $TheValue"
If you don't provide input for the $TheValue parameter, PowerShell will prompt for it.
In addition, you can specify that a parameter accepts pipeline input. Example:
function test {
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String] $TheValue
process {
foreach ( $item in $TheValue ) {
"Input: $item"
So if you write
"A","B","C" | test
The function will output the following:
Input: A
Input: B
Input: C
All of this is spelled out pretty concisely in the PowerShell documentation.
Yes; in Powershell 5.1 "<" is not implemented (which sucks)
so, this won't work: tenkeyf < c:\users\marcus\work\data.num
this will: type c:\users\marcus\work\data.num | tenkeyf
PowerShell doesn’t have a redirection mechanism, but.NET have.
you can use [System.Diagnostics.Process] implements the purpose of redirecting input.
The relevant Microsoft documents are as follows.
Process Class
This is a sample program that works perfectly on my windows 10 computer
function RunAndInput{
$pi = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo]::new()
$pi.FileName ="powershell"
$pi.Arguments = """$PSScriptRoot\receiver.ps1"""
$pi.UseShellExecute = $false
$pi.RedirectStandardInput = $true
$pi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$p = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($pi)
$p.StandardInput.WriteLine("abc"+ "`r`n");
# OutPut
Please enter the information: abc
# receiver.ps1
('Received:' + (Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter the information'))
Hope to help you!
Is there a way to remove a new line from out-clipboard or clip in PowerShell?
I'm using this code to copy current path to clipboard:
function cl() {
(Get-Location).ToString() | clip
And every time I use this, a new line is added to the copied text. It's frustrating, because then I can't paste it in the CLI, like I would with text that is copied from elsewhere. Because a new line makes a command on the CLI automatically executed.
Example: I'm in C:\Users and type cl, and then I use Alt + SPACE + E + P to pass the text, the command is executed, and I can't type any more. But when text is passed without a new line nothing is executed, and I can continue to type.
Use the Set-Clipboard function:
Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore
$clipText = (get-location).ToString() | Out-String -Stream
As pointed out by #PetSerAl in the comments, the newline is added by PowerShell when the string object is sent through the pipeline. The stringified output of Get-Location does not have that trailing newline:
PS C:\> $v = (Get-Location).ToString()
PS C:\> "-$v-"
You could try something like this:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$tb = New-Object Windows.Forms.TextBox
$tb.MultiLine = $true
$tb.Text = (Get-Location).ToString()
Ending the string with a null byte will take care of it. Useful for powershell core, which doesn't contain Set-Clipboard
function set-clipboard{
$data = [system.text.stringbuilder]::new()
if ($text){
if ($data){
$data.tostring().trimend([environment]::newline) + [convert]::tochar(0) | clip.exe
"asdf" | set-clipboard
I have a file template.txt which contains the following:
Hello ${something}
I would like to create a PowerShell script that reads the file and expands the variables in the template, i.e.
$something = "World"
$template = Get-Content template.txt
# replace $something in template file with current value
# of variable in script -> get Hello World
How could I do this?
Another option is to use ExpandString() e.g.:
$expanded = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($template)
Invoke-Expression will also work. However be careful. Both of these options are capable of executing arbitrary code e.g.:
# Contents of file template.txt
"EvilString";$(remove-item -whatif c:\ -r -force -confirm:$false -ea 0)
$template = gc template.txt
iex $template # could result in a bad day
If you want to have a "safe" string eval without the potential to accidentally run code then you can combine PowerShell jobs and restricted runspaces to do just that e.g.:
PS> $InitSB = {$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Clear(); $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Scripts.Clear(); Get-Command | %{$_.Visibility = 'Private'}}
PS> $SafeStringEvalSB = {param($str) $str}
PS> $job = Start-Job -Init $InitSB -ScriptBlock $SafeStringEvalSB -ArgumentList '$foo (Notepad.exe) bar'
PS> Wait-Job $job > $null
PS> Receive-Job $job
$foo (Notepad.exe) bar
Now if you attempt to use an expression in the string that uses a cmdlet, this will not execute the command:
PS> $job = Start-Job -Init $InitSB -ScriptBlock $SafeStringEvalSB -ArgumentList '$foo $(Start-Process Notepad.exe) bar'
PS> Wait-Job $job > $null
PS> Receive-Job $job
$foo $(Start-Process Notepad.exe) bar
If you would like to see a failure if a command is attempted, then use $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString to expand the $str parameter.
I've found this solution:
$something = "World"
$template = Get-Content template.txt
$expanded = Invoke-Expression "`"$template`""
Since I really don't like the idea of One More Thing To Remember - in this case, remembering that PS will evaluate variables and run any commands included in the template - I found another way to do this.
Instead of variables in template file, make up your own tokens - if you're not processing HTML, you can use e.g. <variable>, like so:
Hello <something>
Basically use any token that will be unique.
Then in your PS script, use:
$something = "World"
$template = Get-Content template.txt -Raw
# replace <something> in template file with current value
# of variable in script -> get Hello World
It's more cumbersome than straight-up InvokeCommand, but it's clearer than setting up limited execution environment just to avoid a security risk when processing simple template. YMMV depending on requirements :-)