Expanding variables in file contents - powershell

I have a file template.txt which contains the following:
Hello ${something}
I would like to create a PowerShell script that reads the file and expands the variables in the template, i.e.
$something = "World"
$template = Get-Content template.txt
# replace $something in template file with current value
# of variable in script -> get Hello World
How could I do this?

Another option is to use ExpandString() e.g.:
$expanded = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($template)
Invoke-Expression will also work. However be careful. Both of these options are capable of executing arbitrary code e.g.:
# Contents of file template.txt
"EvilString";$(remove-item -whatif c:\ -r -force -confirm:$false -ea 0)
$template = gc template.txt
iex $template # could result in a bad day
If you want to have a "safe" string eval without the potential to accidentally run code then you can combine PowerShell jobs and restricted runspaces to do just that e.g.:
PS> $InitSB = {$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Clear(); $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Scripts.Clear(); Get-Command | %{$_.Visibility = 'Private'}}
PS> $SafeStringEvalSB = {param($str) $str}
PS> $job = Start-Job -Init $InitSB -ScriptBlock $SafeStringEvalSB -ArgumentList '$foo (Notepad.exe) bar'
PS> Wait-Job $job > $null
PS> Receive-Job $job
$foo (Notepad.exe) bar
Now if you attempt to use an expression in the string that uses a cmdlet, this will not execute the command:
PS> $job = Start-Job -Init $InitSB -ScriptBlock $SafeStringEvalSB -ArgumentList '$foo $(Start-Process Notepad.exe) bar'
PS> Wait-Job $job > $null
PS> Receive-Job $job
$foo $(Start-Process Notepad.exe) bar
If you would like to see a failure if a command is attempted, then use $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString to expand the $str parameter.

I've found this solution:
$something = "World"
$template = Get-Content template.txt
$expanded = Invoke-Expression "`"$template`""

Since I really don't like the idea of One More Thing To Remember - in this case, remembering that PS will evaluate variables and run any commands included in the template - I found another way to do this.
Instead of variables in template file, make up your own tokens - if you're not processing HTML, you can use e.g. <variable>, like so:
Hello <something>
Basically use any token that will be unique.
Then in your PS script, use:
$something = "World"
$template = Get-Content template.txt -Raw
# replace <something> in template file with current value
# of variable in script -> get Hello World
It's more cumbersome than straight-up InvokeCommand, but it's clearer than setting up limited execution environment just to avoid a security risk when processing simple template. YMMV depending on requirements :-)


How to pass parameters to a PS script invoked through Start-Job?

I want to use start-job to run a .ps1 script requiring a parameter. Here's the script file:
Param (
$output = "$input to output"
return $output
and here is how I am running it:
$input = "input"
Start-Job -FilePath 'C:\PowerShell\test_job.ps1' -ArgumentList $input -Name "TestJob"
Get-Job -name "TestJob" | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
Get-Job -name "TestJob" | Remove-Job
Run like this, it returns " to output", so $input is null in the script run by the job.
I've seen other questions similar to this, but they mostly use -Scriptblock in place of -FilePath. Is there a different method for passing parameters to files through Start-Job?
$input is an automatic variable (value supplied by PowerShell) and shouldn't be used as a custom variable.
Simply renaming $input to, say, $InputObject solves your problem.
As Lee_Dailey notes, $input is an automatic variable and shouldn't be assigned to (it is automatically managed by PowerShell to provide an enumerator of pipeline input in non-advanced scripts and functions).
Regrettably and unexpectedly, several automatic variables, including $input, can be assigned to: see this answer.
$input is a particularly insidious example, because if you use it as a parameter variable, any value you pass to it is quietly discarded, because in the context of a function or script $input invariably is an enumerator for any pipeline input.
Here's a simple example to demonstrate the problem:
PS> & { param($input) "[$input]" } 'hi'
# !! No output - the argument was quietly discarded.
That the built-in definition of $input takes precedence can be demonstrated as follows:
PS> 'ho' | & { param($input) "[$input]" } 'hi'
ho # !! pipeline input took precedence
While you can technically get away with using $input as a regular variable (rather than a parameter variable) as long as you don't cross scope boundaries, custom use of $input should still be avoided:
& {
$input = 'foo' # TO BE AVOIDED
"[$input]" # Technically works: -> '[foo]'
& { "[$input]" } # FAILS, due to child scope: -> '[]'

PowerShell Jobs, writing to a file

Having some problems getting a Start-Job script block to output to a file. The following three lines of code work without any problem:
$about_name = "C:\0\ps_about_name.txt"
$about = get-help about_* | select Name,Synopsis
if (-not (Test-
Path $about_name)) { ($about | select Name | sort Name | Out-String).replace("[Aa]bout_", "") > $about_name }
The file is created in C:\0\
But I need to do a lot of collections like this, so I naturally looked at stacking them in parallel as separate jobs. I followed online examples and so put the last line in the above as a script block invoked by Start-Job:
Start-Job { if (-not (Test-Path $about_name)) { { ($about | select Name | sort Name | Out-String).replace("[Aa]bout_", "") > $about_name } }
The Job is created, goes to status Running, and then to status Completed, but no file is created. Without Start-Job, all works, with Start-Job, nothing... I've tried a lot of variations on this but cannot get it to create the file. Can someone advise what I am doing wrong in this please?
IMO, the simplest way to get around this problem by use of the $using scope modifier.
$about_name = "C:\0\ps_about_name.txt"
$about = get-help about_* | select Name,Synopsis
$sb = { if (-not (Test-Path $using:about_name)) {
$using:about.Name -replace '^about_' | Sort-Object > $using:about_name
Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
$using allows you to access local variables in a remote command. This is particularly useful when running Start-Job and Invoke-Command. The syntax is $using:localvariable.
This particular problem is a variable scope issue. Start-Job creates a background job with its own scope. When using -Scriptblock parameter, you are working within that scope. It does not know about variables defined in your current scope/session. Therefore, you must use a technique that will define the variable within the scope, pass in the variable's value, or access the local scope from the script block. You can read more about scopes at About_Scopes.
As an aside, character sets [] are not supported in the .NET .Replace() method. You need to switch to -replace to utilize those. I updated the code to perform the replace using -replace case-insensitively.
HCM's perfectly fine solution uses a technique that passes the value into the job's script block. By defining a parameter within the script block, you can pass a value into that parameter by use of -ArgumentList.
Another option is to just define your variables within the Start-Job script block.
$sb = { $about_name = "C:\0\ps_about_name.txt"
$about = get-help about_* | select Name,Synopsis
if (-not (Test-Path $about_name)) {
$about.Name -replace '^about_' | Sort-Object > $about_name
Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
You've got to send your parameters to your job.
This does not work:
$file = "C:\temp\_mytest.txt"
start-job {"_" | out-file $file}
While this does:
$file = "C:\temp\_mytest.txt"
start-job -ArgumentList $file -scriptblock {
"_" | out-file $file

Sending each line from text file to remote computer?

This is my script to whitelist IP in a remote system. I want my script to read data from a text file on my local system and then foreach line I want to execute the scriptblock on the remote server.
Text file looks like this:
Here is my code:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($server.text) -Credential ciqdev\riteshthakur {
param($a, $b, $c, $url)
Set-Location "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv"
$url | foreach {
.\appcmd.exe set config "$_" -section:system.webServer/security/ipSecurity /+"[ipAddress='$($a)',allowed='$($c)',subnetMask='$($b)']" /commit:apphost
} -ArgumentList $ip.text, $mask.text, $allowed, (get-content "File location")
This adds provided ip to all the pages in all the websites in IIS. Please help.
EDIT: Improved efficiency by generating the command dynamically, and invoking it once.
I'd suggest using a technique similar to the following, where you read in the text file as an array of lines, and then iterate over each line, generating the commands that you want to run on the remote system.
Once you've generated the command as a string, you simply call the static [ScriptBlock]::Create() method to create a ScriptBlock object, based on the command string, and pass that into Invoke-Command.
I'd suggest you get familiar with the concept of PowerShell Splatting, which I talk about in this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkbSFXjTLOA. It's a really powerful concept, and helps make your code easier to read. The example code below uses PowerShell Splatting (available in PowerShell 3.0 and later).
### Read the text file on the local system
$Whitelist = Get-Content -Path IPwhitelist.txt;
### Generate the stub for the remote command
$RemoteCommand = #'
param($a, $b, $c)
Set-Location -Path C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
### Add more commands to the remote command
foreach ($Line in $Whitelist) {
$RemoteCommand += '{1}.\appcmd.exe set config "{0}" -section:system.webServer/security/ipSecurity /+"[ipAddress=''$($a)'',allowed=''$($c)'',subnetMask=''$($b)'']" /commit:apphost' -f $Line, "`n";
### Invoke the entire remote command (once)
$Command = #{
ComputerName = $Server.Text
Credential = Get-Credential -Credential ciqdev\riteshthakur
ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($RemoteCommand);
ArgumentList = #($ip.text, $mask.text, $allowed)
Invoke-Command #Command;
Just read the file using the Get-Content cmdlet and iterate over each item using the Foreach-Object cmdlet:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($server.text) -Credential ciqdev\riteshthakur {
param($a, $b, $c, $urls)
Set-Location "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv"
$urls | Foreach {
.\appcmd.exe set config $_ -section:system.webServer/security/ipSecurity /+"[ipAddress='$($a)',allowed='$($c)',subnetMask='$($b)']" /commit:apphost
} -ArgumentList $ip.text, $mask.text, $allowed, (Get-Content 'Path_to_your_file')

Passing parameters to a PowerShell job [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Parenthesis Powershell functions
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've been toying around with this dang parameter passing to powershell jobs.
I need to get two variables in the script calling the job, into the job. First I tried using -ArgumentList, and then using $args[0] and $args[1] in the -ScriptBlock that I provided.
function Job-Test([string]$foo, [string]$bar){
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {#need to use the two args in here
} -Name "Test" -ArgumentList $foo, $bar
However I realized that -ArgumentList gives these as parameters to -FilePath, so I moved the code in the scriptblock into its own script that required two parameters, and then pointed -FilePath at this script.
function Job-Test([string]$foo, [string]$bar){
$myArray = #($foo,$bar)
Start-Job -FilePath .\Prog\august\jobScript.ps1 -Name 'Test' -ArgumentList $myArray
#\Prog\august\jobScript.ps1 :
#use $foo[0] and $foo[1] here
Still not working. I tried putting the info into an array and then passing only one parameter but still to know avail.
When I say no avail, I am getting the data that I need however it all seems to be compressed into the first element.
For example say I passed in the name of a file as $foo and it's path as $bar, for each method I tried, I would get args[0] as "filename path" and args[1] would be empty.
function Job-Test([string]$foo, [string]$bar){
$myArray = #($foo,$bar)
Start-Job -FilePath .\Prog\august\jobScript.ps1 -Name 'Test' -ArgumentList $myArray
Then I called:
$foo = "hello.txt"
$bar = "c:\users\world"
I had jobScript.ps1 simply Out-File the two variables to a log on separate lines and it looked like this:
hello.txt c:\users\world
#(empty line)
where it should have been:
you don't need to call the function like you would in java. just append the two variables to the end of the function call Job-Test $foo $bar

I want to make a powershell script that call another powershell script

So i have lets say a powershell script called CallMePlease.ps1
This script will take parameters / arguments and then does some a process. How do I append the arguments to the call when I call this script from MAIN.ps1? Code I have so far:
$ScriptPath = C:\Tmp\PAL\PAL\PAL\PAL.ps1
$Log 'C:\Users\k0530196\Documents\log.csv'
$ThresholdFile 'C:\Program Files\PAL\PAL\template.xml'
$Interval 'AUTO'
$IsOutputHtml $True
$HtmlOutputFileName '[LogFileName]_PAL_ANALYSIS_[DateTimeStamp].htm'
$IsOutputXml $True
$XmlOutputFileName '[LogFileName]_PAL_ANALYSIS_[DateTimeStamp].xml'
$AllCounterStats $False
$NumberOfThreads 1
$IsLowPriority $False
$cmd = "$ScriptPath\.\PAL.ps1"
Invoke-Expression "$cmd $Log $ThresholdFile $Interval $IsOutputHtml $HtmlOutputFileName $IsOutputXml $XmlOutputFileName $AllCounterStats $NumberOfThreads"
In the code that you posted you are missing several =s in your assignment statements. For instance this line:
$Log 'C:\Users\k0530196\Documents\log.csv'
Should be this:
$Log = 'C:\Users\k0530196\Documents\log.csv'
You will need to do that in all the instances where you are trying to assign a value to a variable.
I would do it like this:
. $cmd $Log $ThresholdFile $Interval $IsOutputHtml $HtmlOutputFileName $IsOutputXml $XmlOutputFileName $AllCounterStats $NumberOfThreads