Copy text in flutter along with text styling - flutter

The textview in flutter has some styling(Font family,color,style etc) and when I try to copy the text, only the text value gets copied but I need styling also.

styling properties are given to display text in given Style it is not the property of text.
Text is copied in UTF byte Format
so, When you copy text Only text gets copied the style and Other property does not get copied.


format text in flutter web after pasting text

I have a text field in chat application where I paste a text with line breaks and spaces in between which is properly formatted but after pasting it on the text field and submitting it all the format is gone and all I get is a just paragraph, I am using a text widget to display the message what am I doing wrong.
haan. i will try to help u out.
create a variable of your text and call that in ur textfield
var text= 'hello stackoverflow';
use setstate to save that variable by textfield and print that by calling that variable

is there any way to use 'ə' letter in input field?

I want to write 'Ə' letter on the TMP inputField but it recognize that letter as '?' symbol.And also when I copy and paste that letter to the InputField it works but when I try to insert it from keyboard it does not work. Is there any way to use that letter?
Use TextMeshPro input field instead default input field.
This new version includes Dynamic SDF support where it won't be necessary to add the needed characters to the font asset (ahead of time) via the Font Asset Creator. Instead the needed characters / glyphs can be added dynamically to a newly created font asset in the Editor or at Runtime.
You will still need to create a font asset from a font file that contains the Azerbaijanian character set.

How to initialize tinymce as plain-text editor

I want to use the tinymce editor for visualizing special chars like a paragraph like this: ¶
It should only visualize it. The value of the input should contain only plain text.
Is there a setup param to force tinymce to work in plain text mode?
You can retrieve content from the TinyMCE editor as HTML or plaintext. To retrieve the content as plaintext specify format: 'text' when you get the content. For example:
// Get the contents of the currently active editor as plain text
tinymce.activeEditor.getContent({format: 'text'});
For more information about getContent, see:

how to extract text by style in openoffice

I have an openoffice text using different styles. I need to extract all text in one style as a text .txt file (but not including text marked in the other styles). How can this be achieved?
I tried to mark other styles as hidden and save as .txt, but the result contains all text, not only the one which is visible. If I save as .pdf and then cut and paste the text from I get what I need, but this seems a roundabout solution and I am certain a better one exists.
To select all text with a certain paragraph style, go to Edit -> Find & Replace. Expand Other options and check Paragraph Styles. Then select the style name to Find and press Find All.
Now close the dialog. Copy and paste to a text editor such as Notepad (depending on your operating system). Then save the text file from the text editor.
For character styles, this will not work, so use AltSearch.

How to get the selected text's size(px) and font weight?

I am trying to get selected text's size(pixel) and font weight(pt) with AutoHotkey like HTML attributes. How do I do?
I have done some search on google and have found this:
Function: GetTextSize - Calculate text dimension
But every text have its own font-type and how this code works correctly for other font types?