format text in flutter web after pasting text - flutter

I have a text field in chat application where I paste a text with line breaks and spaces in between which is properly formatted but after pasting it on the text field and submitting it all the format is gone and all I get is a just paragraph, I am using a text widget to display the message what am I doing wrong.

haan. i will try to help u out.
create a variable of your text and call that in ur textfield
var text= 'hello stackoverflow';
use setstate to save that variable by textfield and print that by calling that variable


How can I balance text lines in flutter?

I am trying to achieve something similar to this in flutter.
Take the following text for example;
Some long text that should be displayed in
two lines.
I want it to be displayed like this;
Some long text that should
be displayed in two lines.
I can't simply do this by putting a 'new line character' \n to the string manually because it will be a dynamic string.
You can use RichText, or try to add "\n" operator. So it should look like "Some long text that should\nbe displayed in two lines."

Hide certain characters in a text field in Flutter

I have a text field which I need to style for example with bold or italics parts.
I tried overridding the TextEditingController's buildTextSpan and formatting the text using annotation ranges with custom styles but the edge cases were too much and I really couldn't get it to work.
So, thought about using a formatter where before every change in format I'll add a custom character, like this:
This text is |bBOLD and this is |iITALICS. Would get me this:
This text is BOLD and this is ITALICS. So I override the buildTextSpan to build the TextSpan from a parse function where I split the text by the special characters and check the initial letter of each text for formatting info.
This works well except for the fact that when I press the right arrow to go the next character after the "This text is ", the cursor will stay fixed as it thinks there are two characters but being only for formatting, they aren't there on the render.
Is there any way I could tell the textfield to ignore certain characters when selecting, moving selection or typing?
I think this would work!
static const kCharToBEIgnored = 0x2C;
// Here 0x2C means ',' comma
// For complete list visit
String get text {
return String.fromCharCodes(
_value.text.codeUnits.where((ch) => ch != kCharToBEIgnored),

Copy text in flutter along with text styling

The textview in flutter has some styling(Font family,color,style etc) and when I try to copy the text, only the text value gets copied but I need styling also.
styling properties are given to display text in given Style it is not the property of text.
Text is copied in UTF byte Format
so, When you copy text Only text gets copied the style and Other property does not get copied.

SSRS Report parameters - Textarea instead of Textbox

Does anyone know if its possible to create a parameter in SSRS that will display a Textarea instead of a Texbox and let the user type in a few paragraphs of text, including carriage returns?
I've a requirement to create a report that will end up as data with a cover letter. A section of the cover letter needs to have a block of text, which the user can specify when setting the parameters.
I can create a 'text' parameter which displays a Textbox, but that does not accept carriage returns. I have tried to copy and paste text from Word, but then it only takes the first line of text.
Has anyone got any suggestions? So far I've not managed to find any solutions online.
Thanks in advanced.
Sorry problem solved,
I changed the text parameter so that it could accept multiple values. Then on the textbox that displayed the text on the letter I changed the expression to read:
=Join(Parameters!FreeText.Value, vbcrlf)

how to text wrap text using WriteHTML in FPDF?

Hi i want to word wrap writehtml()... I have tried $pdf->WriteHTML($text); but right side text display out side of pdf.. I want to fix this using WriteHTML not Cell..
<BR> tag in String works. ,
$pdf->WriteHTML('You can<BR>add a horizontal rule:<BR><HR>');