monaco-editor: vertical line padding - visual-studio-code

Inspired by IntelliJ's 3 panel merge conflict view, I am trying to build something similar for vscode. I figured out, that I can integrate three complete customizable monaco-editors within a vscode Webview. But I cannot figure out, how monaco-editor applies the line padding in its diff-view like in the picture below (as I don't want to have a two-way but a 3-way diff using the internal diff-view is not an option for me):
Is it done through custom lineNumbers: lineNumber => isPaddingLine ? '' : lineNumber - someOffset, and inserting empty lines ("padding lines") at the related place and apply a deltaDecorations to those lines?
I hope there is a more easy way, which does not need the "padding lines" hack. Ideally I could just add something to a deltaDecoration like padding-bottom: $Xem
If I have just overlooked a way with vscode's api to achieve something like that, that would be of course more welcome than to deal directly with monaco-editor.
Thx a lot for any help / ideas :)

I finally found it :) IViewZone is the used magic.
And is a nice example


Custom Hyperlinks on Ctrl+Mouseover for custom pattern

I'm trying to write an extension for vs-code that does the following:
I want to have each of the "XY-#" expressions in the comments of gtests to be highlighted and clickable when holding down ctrl. Each link should open the default browser with an url
e.g. for the first expression in the example https://website/1912603
/// #requirement XY-#1912603, XY-#1884770, XY-#1885273
TEST_P(SomeFixture, Foo)
So what I will probably need is
some kind of regex pattern matching
code highlighting based on the matched pattern
reaction to ctrl-key
Link creation with the parsed and stripped <number>
I've been looking around for a while but couldn't find any example extension with a similar usecase. Any one of you came across some good examples to look into?
Thanks in advance,
You have to use a registerDocumentLinkProvider

Prestashop 1.7 - filtering not working, showing empty results

I have got a problem on my store (still under development) - . It's all about filtering products, for example here: . All the attributes on the left are being displayed correctly, with numbers of products in brackets, but when You click on any filter (like size or color), the list of results is empty.
Help please!
Try yo do the exact same thing with the default theme of Prestahsop. Because this looks like a theme issue.
This is very large bug in ps_facetedsearch module... You can't do anything with this. You must wait for fix. here is list of bugs in module.
It was my mistake - this module uses table ps_stock_available. I was migrating data from previous store to this one (only in phpmyadmin, not panel, because of very different structures), and I didn't know about this table. So it was about my missing data.

Three lines of code look the same and only one works. Why?

I have some GWT code here. I am trying to change the background color of a widget:
this.getElement().setAttribute("backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
this.getElement().setPropertyString("backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
this.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
Usually in code I can tell by the name of the function what the code does... but in this case all three lines of code looks the same and "read the same"! (Reading the javadoc did not help either.I went to the javadoc because that usually helps me understand what code does. The javadoc did not help.)
My question to you is: Please explain what is the differences between these three lines of code (for instance why do you need to call getStyle())? Why does the last line work?
this.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
is the only line that access the actual style information, properties and attributes manipulate the element directly and don't have anything to do with the Style that is associated with an element.
And just as an addition, you should really be using a style sheet and changing the style instead of setting inline this way.
It is the difference between
<tag backgroundColor="#f0f0f0">
<tag style="background-color:#f0f0f0">
This is somewhat of an educated guess...
Line 1 you are accessing the element's attributes not the styling attributes.
Line 2 would access properties on the element not the styling.
Line 3 actually gets the styling properties and then changes them accordingly.

I'm trying to select the adjacent sibling of "this" in jquery

does not work.
Yeah, your syntax is bad. You should use the jQuery Sibling function:
The jQuery API site is awesome for looking stuff like this up, I rely on it nearly daily. I'd keep an eye on it.
Make sure that the "p" element is directly adjacent, though. Otherwise you'll want to use nextAll.
jQuery have not seemed to apply this? Possibly the syntax we are trying to use is incorrect.
next() can only select elements with an ID or Class - Not just a naked dom element as expected.
Instead use. > means select first level decends only.
$('body > div').hide();
But this gives the exact same result
$('body + div').hide();
$('body ~ div').hide();
Do not seem to work as expected? But jQuery use it as example for CSS selection...
Possibly there is a complex syntax to achieve this but I could not figure it out...

Zend Framework Filter Input StripTags and "<3"

I'm currently using Zend_Filter_StripTags in a commenting system, but stuff kinda breaks when '<3' is entered. StripTags doesn't seem to be smart enough to realize that it's not an HTML tag, and creating the filter as "new Zend_Filter_StripTags(array('3'))" doesn't seem to work either.
Should I pass the input through a regexp first, or is there a way to get Zend_Filter_StripTags to straighten up and fly right?
Ended up writing a Zend_Filter class that was basically a wrapper for HTMLPurifier. Works perfectly, because HTMLPurifier is a LOT smarter than striptags.
I'm not familiar with Zend much, but if you want stuff like <3 to be allowed, just do htmlspecialchars instead of strip_tags on it.
What you want is Zend_Filter_HtmlEntites most likely.
See: Zend_Filter_HtmlEnties
The problem with htmlspecialchars and Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities is that if you're trying to strip out all html tags ( like 'a' and 'img', etc ), then instead of stripping them, you end up with that markup in your output.
Take comments on a blog for example. If you use htmlspecialchars or Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities, in a comment where someone tries to use html to enter a link you end up with that markup showing up when you display the comment. But if you use strip_tags or Zend_Filter_StripTags you end up mangling the comment, as neither is smart enough to realize that '<3' isn't a tag, and just strips everything from '<3' until the end of the comment ( or until it finds '>' ).
It would be nice if Zend had something like HTMLPurifier, where it actually checks and validates the input before stripping tags. This means that stuff like '<3' gets left alone, where as stuff like 'Awesome Site' becomes 'Awesome Site'.
This is a problem I'm trying to work around, and at the moment it seems like I'm going to end up writing my own Zend_Filter class that's basically a wrapper for HTMLPurifier.