If we have three logical inputs A, B, C generating: (A'B+AC) and (AB+A'C), is there any way we can generate A from the two output? - boolean

So we have three inputs A, B, C generating the following:
output1: A'B + AC
output2: AB + A'C
Can we, using some logical gates obtain the input A from the two outputs?


Optimizing tensor multiplications

I've got a real-time image processing program I'm trying to optimize, and it all boils down to matrix multiplications. Consider 3 tensors I'm calculating in the initialization stage:
A = np.arange(35 * 51 * 59).reshape([35, 51, 59])
B = np.arange(37 * 51 * 51 * 59).reshape([37, 51, 51, 59])
C = np.arange(59 * 27).reshape([59, 27])
Each frame, I'm getting a new data in the form of a fourth tensor:
M = np.arange(35 * 37 * 59).reshape([35, 37, 59]).
Currently, I'm calculating D = np.einsum('xyf,xtf,ytpf,fr->tpr', M, A, B, C), where D is my desired result, and it's the major bottleneck of the program. There are two directions I'm trying to follow in order to optimize it.
First I tried coming up with a tensor T, a function of A, B, C, D that I can pre-calculate, and then it'll all boil to D = np.tensordot(M, T, axes=..). I wasn't successful. I spent a lot of time on it, is it even possible at all?
Moreover, the program itself is written in MATLAB. As it doesn't have a built-in tensor multiplication function (einsum or tensordot equivilent), I'm currently using the tprod toolbox, and doing:
temp1 = etprod('dcb', A, 'abc', M, 'adc');
temp2 = etprod('dbc', B, 'abcd', temp1, 'adb');
D = etprod('cdb', C, 'ab', temp2, 'acd');
As the default dot product function in MATLAB (for 2D matrices) is much faster then etprod, I though about reshaping A, B, C, D to 2D arrays in a way that I will able to multiple 2D matrices using the default function, without hand-written for loops. I wasn't successful with that either.
Any thoughts? thanks!
If this operation is done many times with different values of M we could define
D0 = np.einsum('xft,fr->tpr',A, B, C)
The whole operation could be broken into binary steps:
The final operation uses D0 and M and can be coded as a matrix vector operation. In Matlab it would be
which could then be reordered as desired.
We could write this order as (((A,B),C),M)
It might be better, however, to use ((M,C),A,B)
This ordering of operations has intermediate arrays with only 4 indices rather than one with 6. If each operation is much faster than the single one this may be an advantage.

Separating some part of a matrix in matlab

I have a 2m by 2 matrix called A and a 2 by m matrix called B. Let's name the product of A by B, C:
C= A*B;
which C is a 2m by m matrix. I want to find matrix F which contains some parts of C. F is a m by 2 matrix and contains elements C(1,1), C(2,1), C(3,2),C(4,2),C(5,3), C(6,3),...C(2m-1,m), C(2m,m).
For example, consider
A = [0,2;1,3;4,7;8,3;4,5;1,2]
In this case:
But I like to find F without calculating all elements of C. Because I think calculating all elements of C would be time wasting for large values of m. Could anyone suggest a way to find F in general case?
Using Indexing:
F = [C(1:2*m+2:end);C(2:2*m+2:end)]'
To find F without calculating C you can instead use:
F=cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x) A(2*x-1:2*x,:)*B(:,x), 1:m,'uniformoutput',0))'
(You must set m, A, and B as defined in the question)
Each row of F is the transpose of the product of a submatrix in A and a column of B. For example, the first row in F is the transpose of:
The next row is the transpose of:
So this method only calculates the necessary values, by multiplying each column of B only by the corresponding submatrix of A and avoids calculating the unused values in C.

Harris HDL example 4.13

I read a book called "Digital design and computers architecture" written by Harris and I have a question about example 4.13 (logic gates with delays).
In that example we build a model for the expression Y = !A*!B*!C + A*!B*!C + A*!B*C. And also, we add a few delays to it: 1ns for inverters, three-input AND gates have a delay of 2ns, three-input OR gates have a delay of 4 ns.
Now, the .sv-code below:
*timescale 1ns/1ps
module example(input a,b,c
output y);
logic ab,bb,cb,n1,n2,n3;
assign #1 {ab,bb,cb} = ~{a,b,c};
assign #2 n1 = ab & bb & cb;
assign #2 n2 = a & bb & cb;
assign #2 n3 = a & bb & c;
assign #4 y = n1 | n2 | n3;
So, the question is: what is the logic of such form of programming 3 operands (!A*!B*!C , A*!B*!C , A*!B*C). I don't understand what's happening on the lines from 4 to 8.
Can anyone explain please? Why there are such operands like ab, bb and cb?
ab, bb, and cb are all the logical inverses of a, b, and c (ie, !A, !B, and !C from your logical expression). The "b" or "_B" suffix is often used to indicate the inverse or inverse assertion level.
The assign expression each represent an operation from the original boolean equation:
assign #1 {ab,bb,cb} = ~{a,b,c};
This expression can be thought of as 3 NOT gates with inputs a, b, and c, with outputs ab, bb, and cb respectively. It uses the Verilog bitwise inverse operator ~ as well as the Verilog concatenation operator {} to do the inverse all in one line rather than 3 separate assign expressions.
From there, the assignments of n1, n2, and n3 all correspond to the 3, 3-way and operations in the equation and simply serve as intermediate values in the expression. n1 gets assigned !A * !B * !C, n2 gets A * !B * !C and n3 gets A * !B * C. Notice that each of these has the delay #n for the given gate, with the inverses gets #1; n1, n2 and n3 getting #2 and finally the output y being assigned with the #4 delay as its the final 3-way OR of the ANDed values n1, n2, n3.

Apply functions to all elements of an array of matrices

I have four 52-by-140 matrices in Matlab. Lets call them a, b, c, and d:
I want to apply the eigs function to a Hessian matrix [a,b;c,d] for every point in the original matrix like:
for i = 1:52
for j = 1:140
How can I do this in a simpler way, i.e., without for loops?
This can probably be done using arrayfun and defining the action you do in a single iteration using an anonymous function (untested)
result = arrayfun(#(a_ij, b_ij, c_ij, d_ij) eigs([a_ij, b_ij; c_ij, d_ij]), ...
a, b, c, d, 'uniformoutput', false);
Note that since eig returns a vector, the result can only be stored in a cell array.
You could name the parameters of the anonymous functions a, b, ... instead of a_ij, b_ij, ..., since they are only used inside the function, but I prefer to it this way to make it clear that inside the function you are using scalars, while the parameters to arrayfun are matrices. Personally, I often use upper/lower case to indicate the difference:
result = arrayfun(#(a, b, c, d) eigs([a, b; c, d]), A, B, C, D, 'uni', 0);
but then you would have to rename your variables.
Try this solution to get all of the matrixes teed up:
>> abcd = cat(3,a,b,c,d);
>> H = permute(reshape(permute(abcd,[3 1 2]),2,2,[]),[2 1 3]);
>> size(H)
ans =
2 2 7280
>> i=3;j=2;
>> [a(i,j),b(i,j);c(i,j),d(i,j)]
ans =
0.4984 0.7935
0.3524 0.2273
>> H(:,:,i+(j-1)*size(abcd,1))
ans =
0.4984 0.7935
0.3524 0.2273
Then to run eigs on all 2D matrixes in H:

Matrix patterns

I have two 9x9 matrices, A and B.
I would like to create a large matrix C with the following pattern
As you can see, the A matrices are on the diagonal, the B are everywhere else. I'm trying to create a code so that this pattern continues no matter how great the dimensions are.
E.g. 10 matrices x 10 matrices still has matrix A along the diagonal and B's everywhere else.
Best to use horzcat and vertcat or something else like blkdiag? I'd rather not convert these matrices to cells as matrix A and B already contain information.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read.
How about (refined)
maskcell = repmat( {ones(size(A))}, 1, 10 );
maskdiag = blkdiag( maskcell{:} );
AA = repmat( {A}, 1, 10 );
AD = blkdiag( AA{:} );
BB = repmat( B, 10, 10 );
C = BB .* (maskdiag == 0) + AD
Following on from the entirely valid comments below, I added the 'mask' to ensure that the correct pieces are selected from C.
C=B(~eye(size(B)))+A(eye(size(A))) should get you what you want. Could be a faster way to combine the use of eye though...
kron(eye(10), A) + kron(~eye(10), B)