Optimizing tensor multiplications - matlab

I've got a real-time image processing program I'm trying to optimize, and it all boils down to matrix multiplications. Consider 3 tensors I'm calculating in the initialization stage:
A = np.arange(35 * 51 * 59).reshape([35, 51, 59])
B = np.arange(37 * 51 * 51 * 59).reshape([37, 51, 51, 59])
C = np.arange(59 * 27).reshape([59, 27])
Each frame, I'm getting a new data in the form of a fourth tensor:
M = np.arange(35 * 37 * 59).reshape([35, 37, 59]).
Currently, I'm calculating D = np.einsum('xyf,xtf,ytpf,fr->tpr', M, A, B, C), where D is my desired result, and it's the major bottleneck of the program. There are two directions I'm trying to follow in order to optimize it.
First I tried coming up with a tensor T, a function of A, B, C, D that I can pre-calculate, and then it'll all boil to D = np.tensordot(M, T, axes=..). I wasn't successful. I spent a lot of time on it, is it even possible at all?
Moreover, the program itself is written in MATLAB. As it doesn't have a built-in tensor multiplication function (einsum or tensordot equivilent), I'm currently using the tprod toolbox, and doing:
temp1 = etprod('dcb', A, 'abc', M, 'adc');
temp2 = etprod('dbc', B, 'abcd', temp1, 'adb');
D = etprod('cdb', C, 'ab', temp2, 'acd');
As the default dot product function in MATLAB (for 2D matrices) is much faster then etprod, I though about reshaping A, B, C, D to 2D arrays in a way that I will able to multiple 2D matrices using the default function, without hand-written for loops. I wasn't successful with that either.
Any thoughts? thanks!

If this operation is done many times with different values of M we could define
D0 = np.einsum('xft,fr->tpr',A, B, C)
The whole operation could be broken into binary steps:
The final operation uses D0 and M and can be coded as a matrix vector operation. In Matlab it would be
which could then be reordered as desired.
We could write this order as (((A,B),C),M)
It might be better, however, to use ((M,C),A,B)
This ordering of operations has intermediate arrays with only 4 indices rather than one with 6. If each operation is much faster than the single one this may be an advantage.


Multiply two vectors with dimensions increasing along time

I have two vectors (called A and B) with length N. Then I need to multiply both of them, but as an "integration" process. Which means I have to multiply first A(1)*B(1), then A(1:2)*B(1:2), until A(1:N)*B(1:N). The result of multiplying booth vector is a number, since B is a column vector. I've done it with a for loop:
for k = 1:N
C(k) = A(1:k) * B(1:k).';
But I wanted to ask you if this is the best solution or there is any other option more time-efficient, since N is very large (about 110,000)
C = cumsum(A.*B)
does the same thing without for loop. As EBH suggested in the comments if you are not sure whether A and B have same orientation, then use
C = cumsum(A(:).*B(:))

How to get the union of the two 3D matrix?

I have two 3D matrix A and B. The size of A and B are both 40*40*20 double.
The values in matrix A and B are either 0 or 1. The number of "1" in A are 100,
the number of "1" in B are 50. The "1" in matrix A and B may or may not be in
the same coordinates. I want to get the union of matrix A and B, called C. The values in 3D matrix C is either "1" or "0". The number of "1" in C is less than or equal to 150. My question is how to get the 3D matrix C in Matlab?
You can use the operator or, which is a logical or. So or(a,b) is equivalent to the logical operation a | b.
C = or(A,B);
C = a | b;
| and or are the same operator in MatLab, it's just two different way to call it.
I think this is the best solution as long as it's integrated into MatLab. However, you have plenty different ways to do it.
Just as an example, you can do
C = logical(a+b);
logical is an operator that convert every value into logical values. Long story short, it will replace any value different of 0 by 1.
You can approach it in 2 ways. The more efficient one is using vectors but you can also do it in classical nested for loops.
A = rand(40,40,20);
A = A > 0.01; # Get approximate 320 ones and rest zeros
B = rand(40,40,20);
B = B > 0.005; # Get approximate 160 ones and rest zeros
C = zeros(size(A));
for iter1 = 1:size(A,1)
for iter2 = 1:size(A,2)
for iter3 = 1:size(A,3)
C(iter1,iter2,iter3) = A(iter1,iter2,iter3)|B(iter1,iter2,iter3)
This method will be very slow. You can vectorized it to improve performance
C = A|B

Multidimensional Arrays Multiplication in Matlab

I have the following three arrays in Matlab:
A size: 2xMxN
B size: MxN
C size: 2xN
Is there any way to remove the following loop to speed things up?
D = zeros(2,N);
for i=1:N
D(:,i) = A(:,:,i) * ( B(:,i) - A(:,:,i)' * C(:,i) );
Yes, it is possible to do without the for loop, but whether this leads to a speed-up depends on the values of M and N.
Your idea of a generalized matrix multiplication is interesting, but it is not exactly to the point here, because through the repeated use of the index i you effectively take a generalized diagonal of a generalized product, which means that most of the multiplication results are not needed.
The trick to implement the computation without a loop is to a) match matrix dimensions through reshape, b) obtain the matrix product through bsxfun(#times, …) and sum, and c) get rid of the resulting singleton dimensions through reshape:
par = B - reshape(sum(bsxfun(#times, A, reshape(C, 2, 1, N)), 1), M, N);
D = reshape(sum(bsxfun(#times, A, reshape(par, 1, M, N)), 2), 2, N);
par is the value of the inner expression in parentheses, D the final result.
As said, the timing depends on the exact values. For M = 100 and N = 1000000 I find a speed-up by about a factor of two, for M = 10000 and N = 10000 the loop-less implementation is actually a bit slower.
You may find that the following
D=tprod(A,[1 -3 2],B-tprod(A,[-3 1 2],C,[-3 2]),[-3 2]);
cuts the time taken. I did a few tests and found the time was cut in about half.
tprod is available at
tprod requires that A, B and C are full (not sparse).

Accelerate the calculation of inv(X'*X)*Q*inv(X'*X) in Matlab?

I have to calculate Newey-West standard errors for large multiple regression models.
The final step of this calculation is to obtain
nwse = sqrt(diag(N.*inv(X'*X)*Q*inv(X'*X)));
This file exchange contribution implements this as
nwse = sqrt(diag(N.*((X'*X)\Q/(X'*X))));
This looks reasonable, but in my case (5000x5000 sparse Q and X'*X) it's far too slow for my needs (about 30secs, I have to repeat this for about one million different models). Any ideas how to make this line faster?
Please note that I need only the diagonal, not the entire matrix and that both Q and (X'*X) are positive-definite.
I believe you can save a lot of computation time by explicitly doing an LU factorization, [l, u, p, q] = lu(X'*X); and use those factors when doing the calculations. Also, since X are constant for about 100 models, pre-calculating X'*X will most likely save you some time.
Note that in your case, the most time demanding operation might very well be the sqrt-function.
% Constant for every 100 models or so:
M = X'*X;
[l, u, p, q] = lu(M);
% Now, I guess this should be quite a bit faster (I might have messed up the order):
nwse = sqrt(diag(N.*(q * ( u \ (l \ (p * Q))) * q * (u \ (l \ p)))));
The first two terms are commonly used:
l the lower triangular matrix
u the upper triangular matrix
Now, p and q are a bit more uncommon.
p is a row permutation matrix used to obtain numerical stability. There is not much performance gain in doing [l, u, p] = lu(M) compared to [l, u] = lu(M) for sparse matrices.
q however offers a significant performance gain. q is a column permutation matrix that is used to reduce the amount of fill when doing the factorization.
Note that the [l, u, p, q] = lu(M) is only a valid syntax for sparse matrices.
As for why using full pivoting as described above should be faster:
Try the following to see the purpose of the column permutation matrix q. It is easier to work with elements that are aligned around the diagonal.
S = sprand(100,100,0.01);
[l, u, p] = lu(S);
Now, compare it with this:
[ll, uu, pp, qq] = lu(S);
Unfortunately, I don't have MATLAB here right now, so I can't guarantee that I put all the arguments in the correct order, but I think it's correct.
Following the helpful answer of Robert_P and the comments of Parag, I found the following to be the fastest for my particular large-scale sparse data:
L=chol(X'*X,'lower'); L=full(L);
invXtX = L'\(L\ speye(size(X,2)));
nwse = sqrt(N.*sum(invXtX.*(Q*invXtX)));
The last line computes the diagonal efficiently, idea taken from here.

Multiplying a 3x3 matrix to 3nx1 array without using loops

In my code, I have to multiply a matrix A (dimensions 3x3) to a vector b1 (dimensions 3x1), resulting in C. So C = A*b1. Now, I need to repeat this process n times keeping A fixed and updating b to a different (3x1) vector each time. This can be done using loops but I want to avoid it to save computational cost. Instead I want to do it as matrix and vector product. Any ideas?
You need to build a matrix of b vectors, eg for n equal to 4:
bMat = [b1 b2 b3 b4];
C = A * bMat;
provides the solution of size 3x4 in this case. If you want the solution in the form of a vector of length 3n by 1, then do:
C = C(:);
Can we construct bMat for arbitrary n without a loop? That depends on what the form of all your b vectors is. If you let me know in a comment, I can update the answer.