Detect blank areas in an image - iphone

I Have an image in which there are some blank areas.What i want is that when the user touches these blank areas a pop up should come asking the user to select an image that can be added to that area.I have done this by just adding a button in the background of the blank area.That worked for a few images.Since the position of the blank area varies for each image that is not a good idea to follow.So is there any provision in ios to detect blank areas and thus make them act like a button. In the image you can see the text "Place your image here".
I want that area to work somewhat like a button.any help

You will need to have some metadata associated with each image. The data will tell you where to put each button. I doubt you can find some code to automatically detect where to put the buttons.


Delete button for object - MRTK

I have a question regarding Unity and mrtk. I need to create an object, which can be deleted via button push. This button should be attached to the object. Now there is the app bar which can be attached to the object and which is very convenient because the buttons are only displayed on the side of the object you currently look at. However the app bar does not seem to work properly with the new bounding box and after deactivating the adjust button on it. So my question basically is, how do i make a button which is attached to the object, hovers on it and is only displayed on the side of the object i am currently looking at? The script of the app bar is very poorly commented, so i cannot figure out which part is responsible for making the button appear on the correct side and correspondingly how to write a script displaying the delete button only on the correct side (following the direction i am currently looking at).
To solve this problem you need a free Canvas that attaches to your object. This Canvas should be adjusted to the dimensions of the object and always look at the camera. To do this, first create a canvas and set RenderMode to World Space, Remember that you have entered the Event camera reference.:
After completing the canvas, make a button like the one below and place it in the body. In this section, adjust the dimensions so that you want to appear in near of your main object.
Finally, I suggest using Look At Constraint to match the canvas and the view to the camera. Insert the camera as source and fix Constraint settings it as shown below.
Example Result

Populate API data on action button shows in Image

I am working on App in which images comes from the server. Now in that image some of the points will be already there on which on i have to make a click action & show information of that particular touch.
Here is sample Image:
Now here in above image you can see the points. that is a part of image. I need to put action over there if click on that area than show the information of that particular area from API.
Can anyone suggest me the way of it & also any alternative solution if this one is not possible.
Assuming that your API also tells you a co-ordinate for those points that are highlighted in the image, then...
Calculate a CGRect based on the point, either as a fixed size if they are all the same, or based on the text the API would have to supply you.
Add a UIButton as a subview to the view holding the UIImageView, make this button a CustomType, with no text or background image.
Add a tag to the UIButton so that you can uniquely identify an clicks
Add targets for the buttons, in the IBAction, use the tag from the UIButton to work out the element you are interested in and process accordingly.
If you're API isn't given you positions of the points, then I would suggest the API needs improving

UI Button with Image Smaller than Touchable Area

I've not much response so am adding some more info.
My buttons are not rectangular, nor organised in a grid so I need a way of creating what looks like a button (and shows that it has been pressed visually, as per a standard UIButton) but where the touchable area is different to the image area.
I am using a transparent PNG and that element works fine. I've added the buttons in Interface Builder and am wondering if that is the problem.
However, if I change imageEdgeInsets, it distorts the image display, which is obviously not what I want.
Bizarrely, if I increase the dimemsions of the button, it doesn't change the image, but if I decrease them it does.
I have tried different combinations of mode (scale to fill etc), but to no avail.
I am aware that there is an image and background image property, but in IB there is only one.
Essentially, I don't understand how the geometry works and the Apple documentation doesn't seem to help.
Surely, I can't be the only person to try to do this. Any help would be warmly welcomed.
Many thanks,
Try setting the buttons setting to Aspect Fit. This will fill the button with your image so a smaller image than the button size would leave the space around the image.
Also set the button type to custom.
In the end, I stumbled across Ole Begemann's Non-rectangular buttons class. It just does what I need - to be able to create buttons where the touchable area follows the visible element of a non rectangular image.
#Helium3 - thanks - that allowed me to use a larger touch area, bit not a smaller one.

image Gallery in iPhone

I need to Create an Image Gallery that may be use concept of scrolling and paging together.
When I click on a button, it will open a new view in landscape mode. This view is for my Image Gallery..
It shows 5 Images:
Centered Large Image With its description on Bottom.
Next Coming image on left side, This image is slightly tilled at some angle, Without any description at bottom.
next to next coming image on left to 2nd image.
previous image on right side, This image is slightly tilled at some angle, Without any description at bottom.
Previous to Previous image on right of 4th image
Moreover, all images should be scrollable, like when I scroll 2nd image, it will move to Center and show its description and image which is already centered move to previous image.
Sorry for my confused English, here's an example of what I am trying to obtain.
I tried for basic code of paging and scrolling but unluckily nothing helpful.
Could you give me some pointers?
Check out flowcover (see this question: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone), which should get you started.
I think someone reported flowcover doesn't work on iOS 4.0, I haven't tried yet, ofcourse.
But, you can also take a look to this OpenFlow project, It will be help you I guess. Many people has builts their app on this library.

What would be the best way of providing small image selection in an iPhone App?

I have a bunch of small png images with about 45 x 45 pixels of size. not really big ones. there are about 40 of them right now.
I want that the user can select one of them as his avatar image. For this, I created an brand new view with an controller class. Now the problem is: How to display all those images to the user? There's no "big view". When the user touches one of them, it's going to be selected and the view switches back to the main view, where he's going to see his selected image. When he touches it, the image selection view will appear again.
So I thought about an table view, but it feels not right. The images have no title to be displayed, so it would be a big waste of screen space.
Any ideas? Should I programmatically generate a grid of UIImageView objects?
A grid is correct. Think iPhone Photos application. No need to make a completely new widget though, add multiple image views to table rows, segmenting them.
A grid seems like a good solution as it mirrors the wallpaper ui in settings so the user knows what to expect.
Another option in this case would be to use a UIPickerView. It takes up less screen space, and can be shown on the main screen (just pop up from the bottom, let them pick one, then disappear).