Rider does not seem to recognize Unity project - unity3d

I have used Rider in the past on Unity projects, there was a button to start Unity Play mode from the IDE, and attach the debugger. I am using 2019.2 version of Unity and latest of Rider right now.
I should have some icons like in the documentation here https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Unity.html#.
Nothing show up, and the best I get, is Rider proposing to add a custom configuration... Rider is correctly set as the IDE for Unity in Unity preferences. I do not understand what is going on.

You should go to 'package manager' of unity and upgrade 'Rider package'. Then you have to go to 'preferences' and should see new option appears in external script editor in external tool option select it and your are good to go.

Installed Rider again, while checking every delete checkbox (cache and settings and more), did not re-use the config from previous version (see https://rider-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360005280960-Cannot-attach-Unity-debugger), and also made sure I have Unity support checked. The button is back.

For me (MacOS) it was due to not having mono installed. I opened up visual studio community once, and it prompted me to install some tools. After that I rebooted unity and rider, and everything worked properly.


unity exits when clicking the play button after adding MRTK packages

I have a problem in development of mixed reality app and there has been 2 days that I'm stuck.
My problem is that after adding packages of MRTK to the unity project, if I click the play button, the unity exits (closing) without any error massages or warning.
I tested two versions of unity (2020.3.32f1 and 2020.3.33f1) and both had the same problem.
I am using this link (MRTK document) and also this one Mixed Reality Feature Tool as a guide for configuration and adding the packages of MRTK to my project.
I have also tried two different versions of the packages i.e. (Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation and Mixed Reality Toolkit Extensions both versions of 2.7.3 and 2.7.2 and for Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin package I tried 1.4.0 and 1.3.1 versions).
I am using Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.14
Inside Unity, I am choosing Universal Windows Platform from the Build Settings and I want to practice a little development of mixed reality applications, but I am stuck at the beginning and when ever I press the play button the unity exits (closed) without any warning or error.
Just for more information → I don't have Microsoft Hololens2, therefor I am considering to use Windows Mixed Reality simulator (Mixed Reality Portal).
I can't get what mistakes I am doing, please if you have any idea help me.
Thanks in advance.
There are many steps to configure a Unity Project for Mixed Reality. According to the description, it is hard to determine which step causes the issue. I have created a repository which is implemented with the necessary MR packages, and the configuration has been done. Feel free to pull the repo from https://github.com/sethdu0525/MR-Blank-Project. Please open it and click run to test.
If you still have this issue, you may need to have a clean installation of Unity 2020.3.33f1 (LTS), Visual Studio 2022 and make sure all the required components have been installed, including a comparatively new Windows SDK.
If you have a dump file for the crash, you may also share it and find support from Unity forum -- General Discussion - Unity Forum

Installed Unity without hub version and now unity hub won't allow me to add module

i installed unity 2019.3.10f without unity hub. Now i want to download modules such as android , sdk ,ndk and jdk (recommended ones) but hub does not give option to add module.
Unity version is latest same as hub but radio button is disabled
You can re-enable the option 'Add Modules':
1- go to C:\Users\{USER_NAME}\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub
1- go to ~/Library/Application/Support/UnityHub
2- open editors.json file.
3- change "manual":true to "manual":false
4- kill the UnityHub and restart it. Note: Do not forget is stays in the tray on Windows.
So, i searched and found out that if you don't download unity from unity hub you cannot add modules from unity hub.
I didn't expected that but that's how it works.
So, i had to uninstall the old one and then install via unity hub.
The three dot option show modules only if its downloaded via unity hub.
In short if you want unity hub's help you would have to play by unity hub's rules. That might be inconvenient to some extent.
The manual re-enable only seems to work if you have just one version of the editor installed. If you have more than one, it attempts to install the modules for the version you actually downloaded with the hub. This can break things. At this point, unfortunately, it seems you must uninstall the version that is not allowing modules to be added, and reinstall it directly through the hub.
Here is simple trick, and it worked for me.

Unity crashed when enabling Vuforia

My editor crashes when enabling "Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported" in XR settings. Following are the steps which I followed,
Steps to Repro:
1. Create a new project.
2. File > Build Settings > player settings > Player.
3. Enable "Vuforia Augmented Reality" checkbox from XR settings.
Occurring on Windows 10
Unity version 2019.2.13
Demo Video:
What is the reason for the crashing Unity engine? I'm looking for a solution to my problem.
Since there is no answer yet I would like to post what I have done to solve this matter. As #kartik Shah said this could be a bug. So I checked previous unity bug reportings and finally, I have found this which is a kinda similar situation. So finally I came to conclusion this is a bug of current version 2019.2.13 and I did the following to reset unity editor into LTS(Latest Stable version) which is 2018.4.13,
Open unity hub -> Installs -> Add -> Select LTS version -> Select the modules that you want -> Click Done
This will download only the modules which you need to update and other modules remain as it is.
ps: If you don't have Unity Hub you can download it from here.

Unity not loading project if internet is enabled

My computer crashed and since then it has not been opening properly Unity Editor and my projects
Since i have updated unity several times i decided it was time to make a fresh instalation so i uninstalled Unity and Visual Studio, deleted all the unity folders on AppData, and Program Files, then i reinstalled unity 2018.2.5 and Visual Studio
but for some reason it wont load any project nor it will create any new project if my internet connection is enabled, i need to disconnect my computer, launch my unity project, wait for it to load then re enable my internet connection
Any ideas on how to fix this?
The issue is likely related to licensing. I recommend checking out Unity's documentation on managing your license.
For starters, try the following once you have Unity running:
Click the Unity drop-down on your toolbar (Help on Windows OS).
Click the Manage License option.
Select "Check for Updates."
You can also try the "Active New License" option.
One way to fix this that worked for me is to uninstall and reinstall unity hub, then create a new project and then try to open it. It should work then.

Why Unity3D Use Monodevelop(4.0.1) not the latest Xamarin(5.9)

I use Unity 4.6.3 and Monovelop 4 is installed by default. It seems Monodevelop 4 has many bugs.
I see the lastest Monovelop is Xamarin(5.9) http://www.monodevelop.com/download/.
Why Unity did't use Xamarin as its default IDE?
If I want to use Xamarin as Unity's default IDE , do you have some tips or document for me.
By the way, I know I can change the default IDE by Edit=>Preferences=>External Tools=>External Script Editor. I just confuse why unity did't use the latest monodevelop?
You're totally right, I've been working with this old and buggy MonoDevelop version way too long.
But there didn't seem to be a real alternative, at least until last week a colleague of mine found some nice Add-Ins, that make Xamarin 5.9 working quite well with Unity.
This only works for Unity starting from 4.6.5p2.
But I'd recommend to update Unity to the latest version anyway, as there are a lot of bugfixes (especially for IL2CPP, if you're doing iOS).
The Xamarin Add-Ins can be found here: http://files.unity3d.com/lukasz/Unity-Addins-5.9.0.zip
Xamarin 5.9: http://www.monodevelop.com/download
Unity 4.6.5p2 or above:
releases: http://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive
patch releases: http://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases
Unpack the zip file. You will now have 4 files with an .mpack extension.
Open MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio.
Open Add-In Manager
OS X: Xamarin Studio ➔ Add-in Manager.
Windows: Tools ➔ Add-in Manager
Click "Install from file" and select the 4 .mpack files.
Restart MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio.
You should now be able open, build and debug any Unity generated solution/projects.
Make it the default Script Editor in Unity
Open Unity
Go to Preferences (OS X: CMD + ,)
External Tools ➔ External Script Editor
Use Browse to select your Xamarin installation
The complete guide can be found here:
you can just set it as default editor. Edit=>Preferences=>External Tools=>External Script Editor
What's problematic is that you can open CSharp Projects in it, but when you have UnityScript projects in your Solution file it won't open correctly in Xamarin. It says could not load project "Your project.unityproj". So Assembly-CSharp* works, but not Assembly-UnityScript*.
That's the reason I can think of so far!