How to integrate grafana and locust? - grafana

Is there any way to integrate locust and grafana? I have tried from this link, there are no errors but also there is no data coming to graphite. can someone help on this?


how to intregrate opsgenie metric whit grafana?

I want to look at the Opsgenie metrics in grafana.
There is currently no native integration.
Being able to show the same metrics that are displayed today in opsgenie directly in grafana.
Does anyone work on this who can guide me on how to approach these solutions?

How to get data from the web into Tableau?

I am trying to figure out how I can import data from a web site into Tableau. This is the link I am trying to get data from.
I am trying to use the Web Data Connector, but I don't think that's the right tool. I'm not sure how to get the data into Tableau, or if it's even possible.

Talend control bus component

I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the control bus component in Talend but I can't find any example on the internet. I can't access component directly like a cMessagingEndpoint for example. I tried many things but none of them work, I'm not really a Talend specialist.
If anyone could tell me what I have to do to use this component in order to monitor serveral routes, it would be very helpful.
Thanks to anyone who will try to help ;)
Found a way by putting a cMessagingEndpoint with this : "controlbus:route?action=stats". Good to know that in my case, each route has its own context si I can't get any stats from another route.

How do I add the Linux kernel version to a Grafana dashboard using Graphite?

I was looking into the possibility of displaying a kernel version to the grafana dashboard. Has anyone had any luck sending this information to the dashboard?
I am thinking that it would be stored as a singlestat dash, and am trying to determine the best method for displaying this type of information. Would I have to sent the kernel version over statsD, or is there another way?
Graphite isn't really well-suited to storing something like the kernel version, since it isn't a number.
If you are using InfluxDB as the Datasource, using last() on your value will help display string data.

Status page from prometheus alerts?

Is there anyway we can create a status page with data from prometheus alerts? Status pages should be something similar to page but the data should be from prometheus.
I tried a lot of tools but couldn't find any which suits my requirements. For anyone looking for a simple solution, the best bet is Prometheus api.
Prometheus api will be like
Traversing through the output json for return values can be used to update innerHTML if used with JavaScript.