Installing hyperledger sawtooth on Raspberry Pi - raspberry-pi

I have Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I have Raspbian OS installed on it. I'm trying to install Hyperledger sawtooth on it. I have used their docker image form here but it didn't work for me and I got this error: exec user process caused "exec format error" .
I guess this maybe due to the architecture difference ? I have ARMhf architecture (I checked using dpkg --print-architecture).
I need help installing hyperlegder sawtooth on a raspberry pi


Problem regarding Raspberry pi 3 B mobi-engine installation

Whenever I'm trying to install moby-engine it is showing this error. I want to connect raspberry pi to Azure IoT Edge. I am using the documents of Help me to resolve this problem
I solved this installing this specific version, before installing mobi engine
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.2
I also wrote about the full steps here

Installing Bazel on Raspberry pi 3

I am trying to build Bazel from source for Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B). I encounter error
Protobuf compiler not found in third_party/protobuf/protoc-linux-arm32.exe
Earlier I tried downloading the available .deb package which failed to install (even after force architecture, worth noting Pi 3 is a armhf 64 system) as dependency on JDK7 was not resolved. JDK7 is not available through apt-get.
My understanding of Bazel, Protocol Buffer is very limited, Please help me with:
The steps I can take to successfully build Bazel on Raspberry Pi 3
Someone is able to do so or their any repository I can include
I think it is very much possible to build because Tensorflow repository for Raspberry Pi is successfully installed on Pi 3, which I grabbed from here
There's a guide to building TensorFlow using Bazel on the Pi 3 here that may help:
You would need to get a version of protobuf compiler 3.0 and put it in third_party/protobuf/protoc-linux-arm32.exe.
I have explained how to build/install Bazel on Raspberry Pi step by step here and for test I have used Raspberry Pi 3B+ 1.4GHz Cortex-A53 Rev. 1.3 with 1GB RAM and 16GB SD card. Thereafter you can use the official TF documentation to build TF on Raspberry Pi.

Can't install kivy on raspberry pi

I am having trouble installing Kivy on by raspberry pi. I have raspberry Jessie installed and I was following the guide on the Kivy website but I keep getting the error Cython not compiled.
I have Cython 0.21.1 installed. I have read that I may need to install 0.20 but I have tried this but it does not install.
any ideas what I can do. I have searched the net but still have not found a solution.
try pip install Cython==0.23. I think the best option is to follow the installation instruction given in Kivy's official website.

how to install firebird client only in raspberry pi

I'm new to Raspberry Pi. I have an application that uses a firebird database and i want to run my application in raspberry pi. The database is located on another machine on which firebird server is installed.
So on raspberry pi, I need only the firebird client. Can any one give instructions to install client only on raspberry pi? Do I need to install anything for firebird access from my application in Raspberry Pi?
You can use libfbclient2 from debian wheezy as Mark explained
apt-get install libfbclient2

Setting up ueye camera for raspberry pi

I am trying to setup an iDs ueye camera on my raspberry pi for a project. I am supposed to run a script file that setups everything and then run a daemon that startups the camera.Although on my laptop it works fine (64bit ubuntu) when I setup the 32bit version on the pi and then run the daemon I get the following error:
/usr/local/share/ueye/ueyeusbd/ueyeusbd: 1:
/usr/local/share/ueye/ueyeusbd/ueyeusbd: Syntax error: word unexpected
(expecting ")")
I'm suspecting that the camera is not compatible for arm processors , but I would like to find out if there's a way for it to be.
IDS has recently released an alpha driver for the Raspberry Pi in the form of an image file. Basically it is a normal Wheezy Rasbian distribution with the ueye-driver (i.e. ueye-daemon) installed. Although the official documentation is sparse (to say the least), everything seems to be in place - the complete Linux SDK should be supported.
You can get the stuff from: