Can't install kivy on raspberry pi - raspberry-pi

I am having trouble installing Kivy on by raspberry pi. I have raspberry Jessie installed and I was following the guide on the Kivy website but I keep getting the error Cython not compiled.
I have Cython 0.21.1 installed. I have read that I may need to install 0.20 but I have tried this but it does not install.
any ideas what I can do. I have searched the net but still have not found a solution.

try pip install Cython==0.23. I think the best option is to follow the installation instruction given in Kivy's official website.


compiling SSTP plugin for network-manager on Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to install sstp VPN plugin for network manager on raspbian arm64. There is no available sstp plugin on the repository for network-manager so I'm assuming I have to compile it by myself. I've been searching online for any available instruction but I couldn't find any. So I appreciate if anyone could give me any information regarding this issue.
I also tried sstp-client package on terminal but that one also wasn't successfull for me. I coulnd't maintain the sstp connection. So currently network-manager-sstp plugin is my last hope. I'm using arm64 debian bullseye Raspbian.

How can I run a robocorp or robotframework file (.robot) on Raspberry Pi?

I have been testing my robocorp codes via Robocorp Lab (IDE), but I want to give it a try in a Raspberry Pi to make some tests, do you know how to do such thing?
I cant install Robocorp Lab or rcc in Raspberry Pi, they are not available, is there any option to run it? Thanks
I have no idea about robocorp lab IDE. But to run .robot file on raspberry pi you only need to install robot framework.
It depends on what you already have on your raspberry,in case you don't have pip or python already installed, this should work:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install robotframework
then just run your file with
robot your_file.robot

Problem regarding Raspberry pi 3 B mobi-engine installation

Whenever I'm trying to install moby-engine it is showing this error. I want to connect raspberry pi to Azure IoT Edge. I am using the documents of Help me to resolve this problem
I solved this installing this specific version, before installing mobi engine
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.2
I also wrote about the full steps here

Installing tesseract 3.04 on lubuntu 18.04

I want to install tesseract-ocr 3.04 on one of my Ubuntu/Lubuntu 18.04 test setups (which is running fine on our lubuntu16.04 test setups). If I simply install tesseract-ocr via 'sudo apt install tesseract-ocr' etc. it will install tesseract 4.0.0 beta.
With this I am seeing a lot of weird behavior and would like to run tesseract-ocr 3.04 with the same traineddata etc as it is running fine on our older test setups.
How can I force to install an older version of tesseract-ocr.
Thanks, Martin
Download Tesseract 3.04 from
Then to install it in $HOME/local:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/
make install
I realise this post is quite old, so if you have found a better way please share your method.

How to build gattlib

I am trying to build the gattlib for Raspbian for Raspberry Pi 3. But when followed the instructions on the site: and using Linaro cross-compiling toolchain, I was not able to do this in Ubuntu 16.04. Please advise me, if possible, in details what is the correct way to do this. Thanks.