I want to mapping an a folder to download and extract the folder.
This is the way I need to download the folder.
DownloadF.exe --net --user XX --id 00 --ver A00X-F1A >> result.txt
I have 26 version to mapping, which are
A00X-F1A ... A00X-F1Z (the last character is A - Z)
If the result.txt contain of this string "folder available". It means the version is correct, then stop the looping or checking other version.
I must check the version start from A00X-F1Z, A00X-F1Y, A00X-F1X, ... A00X-F1A.
Anyone can give me idea please.
$Version = "A00X-F1"
$List_Ver = 90..65 | ForEach-Object{"$Version" + [char]$_}
$n = 0
foreach ($list in $List_Ver){
while ($Result -notcontains "Folder Available")
& DownloadF.exe --net --user XX --id 00 --ver $list >> $list.txt"
Start-Sleep -s 3
$Result = Get-Content -path .\$list.txt
This is what I tested with what I gather you are looking for,
Sample result.txt
Code to work with
$Version = "A00X-F1"
$List_Ver = 90..65 | ForEach-Object{"$Version" + [char]$_}
$result = Get-Content C:\temp\result.txt
$string = "Folder Not Available"
foreach($list in $List_Ver) {
DownloadF.exe --net --user XX --id 00 --ver $list >> result.txt
if ($result -like $string ) {
$n = 0
while ($result -like $string)
Write-Host "Not Found"
else {
Write-Host "Found"
I have this script:
$params = '/r', '/f',
'/t', '0',
'/d', 'p:0:0',
'/c', 'PlannedRestart'
$servers | ForEach-Object {
$output = & shutdown.exe /m "\\${_}" #params 2>&1
if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {
"{0}`tRestarted" -f $_
} else {
"{0}`tRestart failed:`t{1}" -f $_, $output
} | Set-Content '.\RestartServers_LOG.txt'
it prints like this when it fails:
server1 Restart failed:server1:error
i want it to print:
server1 Restart failed:error
If the hostname always appears at the beginning of the captured output you can remove it with a simple replacement, e.g. like this:
"{0}`tRestart failed:`t{1}" -f $_, ($output -replace "^${_}:")
If it can appear at different locations in the output string you need to provide a more complete output example.
I got a code for pinging the servers repeatedly. That best suits for my object. But the thing I want to display the result of the code to the HTML page. How can I do it?
Function Ping-Host {
#Parameter Definition
Param (
[Parameter(position = 0)] $Hosts,
[Parameter] $ToCsv
#Funtion to make space so that formatting looks good
Function Make-Space($l,$Maximum) {
$space =""
$s = [int]($Maximum - $l) + 1
1..$s | %{$space+=" "}
return [String]$space
#Array Variable to store length of all hostnames
$LengthArray = #()
$Hosts | %{$LengthArray += $_.length}
#Find Maximum length of hostname to adjust column witdth accordingly
$Maximum = ($LengthArray | Measure-object -Maximum).maximum
$Count = $hosts.Count
#Initializing Array objects
$Success = New-Object int[] $Count
$Failure = New-Object int[] $Count
$Total = New-Object int[] $Count
#Running a never ending loop
while ($true) {
$i = 0 #Index number of the host stored in the array
$out = "| HOST$(Make-Space 4 $Maximum)| STATUS | SUCCESS | FAILURE | ATTEMPTS |"
1..$out.length | %{$firstline+="_"}
#output the Header Row on the screen
Write-Host $Firstline
Write-host $out -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Black
$Hosts | %{
if (Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
#Percent calclated on basis of number of attempts made
$SuccessPercent = $("{0:N2}" -f (($success[$i]/$total[$i])*100))
$FailurePercent = $("{0:N2}" -f (($Failure[$i]/$total[$i])*100))
#Print status UP in GREEN if above condition is met
Write-Host "| $_$(Make-Space $_.Length $Maximum)| UP$(Make-Space 2 4) | $SuccessPercent`%$(Make-Space ([string]$SuccessPercent).length 6) | $FailurePercent`%$(Make-Space ([string]$FailurePercent).length 6) | $($Total[$i])$(Make-Space ([string]$Total[$i]).length 9)|" -BackgroundColor Green
} else {
#Percent calclated on basis of number of attempts made
$SuccessPercent = $("{0:N2}" -f (($success[$i]/$total[$i])*100))
$FailurePercent = $("{0:N2}" -f (($Failure[$i]/$total[$i])*100))
#Print status DOWN in RED if above condition is met
Write-Host "| $_$(Make-Space $_.Length $Maximum)| DOWN$(Make-Space 4 4) | $SuccessPercent`%$(Make-Space ([string]$SuccessPercent).length 6) | $FailurePercent`%$(Make-Space ([string]$FailurePercent).length 6) | $($Total[$i])$(Make-Space ([string]$Total[$i]).length 9)|" -BackgroundColor Red
#Pause the loop for few seconds so that output
#stays on screen for a while and doesn't refreshes
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Ping-Host ''
ConvertTo-HTML is the simple answer here but first you need to have object based output. Currently you are just outputting text to the console with Write-Host. In order to make that work you are doing some fancy formatting footwork which unfortunately is useless if you are just going to be outputting to HTML.
You can change this if you want but I didnt like the idea of while($true) since it will break the natural creation of the HTML Table. Obviously you are entitled to do what you want but this should be a working version that almost duplicates what you have. If you want to do some formatting I recommend you look up html styles.
Function Ping-Hosts{
# Hashtable that will record ongoing statistics
$results = $hosts | ForEach-Object{
$_ = #{
Successes = 0
Attempts = 0
1..$MaxPings | ForEach-Object{
# Ping each computer a maximumn number of times.
$pingCount = $_
$hosts | ForEach-Object{
# Clear output statistics
$props = #{
Host = $_
Status = "Down" # Assume it's down.
# Perform a single ping
if (Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
# Success
$results.$_.Successes = $results.$_.Successes + 1
$props.Status = "UP"
# Raise the number of attempts
$results.$_.Attempts = $results.$_.Attempts + 1
# Calculate statistics
If($results.$_.Successes -eq 0){
$props.Success = "{0:p2}" -f 0
} else {
$props.Success = "{0:p2}" -f ($results.$_.Attempts / $results.$_.Successes)
If($results.$_.Attempts - $results.$_.Successes -eq 0){
$props.Failure = "{0:p2}" -f 0
} else {
$props.Failure = "{0:p2}" -f ($results.$_.Attempts / ($results.$_.Attempts - $results.$_.Successes))
$props.Attempts = $results.$_.Attempts
# Output results.
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props
Sample execution
Ping-Hosts "c4222","C4280" | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
Partial Sample Output
<tr><td>c4222</td><td>UP</td><td>1</td><td>0.00 %</td><td>100.00 %</td></tr>
<tr><td>C4280</td><td>UP</td><td>1</td><td>0.00 %</td><td>100.00 %</td></tr>
<tr><td>c4222</td><td>UP</td><td>2</td><td>0.00 %</td><td>100.00 %</td></tr>
<tr><td>C4280</td><td>UP</td><td>2</td><td>0.00 %</td><td>100.00 %</td></tr>
Closer to what you wanted
If you want something other than this I would look into css formatting closer. This is not the way I would have done it but have a look. You are complicating things by asking for the extra headers as you go (maybe there is a better way but we are off topic enough for this question)
Function Ping-Hosts{
# Hashtable that will record ongoing statistics
$results = $hosts | ForEach-Object{
$_ = #{
Successes = 0
Attempts = 0
1..$MaxPings | ForEach-Object{
# Ping each computer a maximumn number of times.
$pingCount = $_
$hosts | ForEach-Object{
# Clear output statistics
$props = #{
Host = $_
Status = "Down" # Assume it's down.
# Perform a single ping
if (Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
# Success
$results.$_.Successes = $results.$_.Successes + 1
$props.Status = "UP"
# Set the backround color
$colour = "#2FFF18"
} else {
# Set the backround color
$colour = "#FF2020"
# Raise the number of attempts
$results.$_.Attempts = $results.$_.Attempts + 1
$props.Attempts = $results.$_.Attempts
# Calculate statistics
If($results.$_.Successes -eq 0){
$props.Success = "{0:p2}" -f 0
} else {
$props.Success = "{0:p2}" -f ($results.$_.Attempts / $results.$_.Successes)
If($results.$_.Attempts - $results.$_.Successes -eq 0){
$props.Failure = "{0:p2}" -f 0
} else {
$props.Failure = "{0:p2}" -f ($results.$_.Attempts / ($results.$_.Attempts - $results.$_.Successes))
# Output results.
$frag = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$frag -replace "<tr><td>","<tr bgcolor=$colour><td>"
Sample Call
Ping-Hosts "c4222","3" -MaxPings 2 | Set-Content c:\temp\test.html
Sample Output
I have a script that pings an ip address and send that information to a console window. In the case of high ping times or missed pings, it is also written to a log. I would like to keep only the high ping times and missed pings in the console window and allow the good pings to overwrite each other. Is that possible?
For high ping times, this is the output (similar code is used for missed pings).
$out = ("{0}ms at $(get-date -format G)" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "yellow"
$out >> .\runningPing$ipAddress.txt
For normal ping times, the output is this.
$out ("{0}ms" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "green"
I'd like to make that last line just overwrite itself for normal pings, but let the high and missed pings push up the screen as the program runs. Is that something I can do in PS?
Thanks to #Mathias R. Jensen, I came up with this solution:
if ($ping.statuscode -eq 0) {
if ($ping.responsetime -gt $waitTime) {
$highPings = $highPings + 1
$out = ("{0}ms at $(get-date -format G)" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
[console]::SetCursorPosition(0,$highPings + $droppedPings + 1)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "yellow"
$out >> $outFile
else {
$out = ("{0}ms $i of $pingCount" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
[console]::SetCursorPosition(0,$highPings + $droppedPings + 2)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "green"
else {
$droppedPings = $droppedPings + 1
$out = ("missed ping at $(get-date -format G)")
[console]::SetCursorPosition(0,$highPings + $droppedPings + 1)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "red"
$out >> $outFile
I think you should use Write-Progress for the good pings. You don't need to give a percentage, and you can use the -Status parameter to show just the last good one.
Here's a small example I wrote that might demonstrate how it would look/operate (you can execute this yourself to see, it doesn't ping anything it's just a simulation):
$goods = 0
0..100 | % {
if ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100) -ge 50) {
$goods += 1
Write-Progress -Activity Test -Status "Last good ping: $_ ($goods total good pings)"
} else {
Write-Warning "Bad ping"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
In this case you could have even calculated, for example a percentage of good pings and used that in Write-Progress but I wanted to show that you don't need to use it as a progress bar for it to be useful.
As I mentioned in the comments, the cursor position can be controlled by this method:
The [console] type accelerator points to the same Console class that enables you to WriteLine() to the console in a C# console application. You can also control colors and other console behavior if you feel like it:
[console]::ForegroundColor = "Red"
[console]::WriteLine("Hello World!")
[console]::ForegroundColor = "Green"
briantist has the better approach to this but I was playing around and came up with this as well. It will not work in ISE but should do it's job on the PowerShell console. It uses "`b" which is the backspace character so that the text will overwrite itself on the console host write. Might not help you but could be useful to others.
{$_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 100}{
$out = "{0}ms" -f $_
$options = #{ForegroundColor = "Green"; NoNewline = $true}
$backup = "`b" * $out.Length
{$_ -ge 500 -and $_ -le 900}{
$out = "{0}ms at $(get-date -format G)" -f $_
$options = #{ForegroundColor = "Yellow"; NoNewline = $false}
$backup = "`n"
Write-Host "$backup$out" #options
Uses a switch to set the options based on the the range of ping times. Sets a small hash table which is splatted to the write-host. Not perfect but it shows another way to do it.
Again this mostly done for fun.
I have a problem with using the variables in my script coming from a csv file. Everytinme the text UNC is found, I want to do something. And when the text UNC is not found, I want to do something else. This is great for running a script locally or on the remote server.
$File = (Import-Csv -Path S:\Input\Auto_Clean.csv | Select-String -NotMatch "#")
Foreach ($Item in $File) {
If ( $SERVER -eq "UNC" ) {
Write-Host "UNC: $SERVER, $PATH, $OlderThanDays" }
else {
Write-Host "Not UNC: $SERVER, $PATH, $OlderThanDays"}
# Input file:
SERVER, PATH, OlderThanDays
Server1, E:\Share\Dir1, 10
Server2, F:\Share\Dir2, 5
UNC, \\Domain\Share\Dir1, 30
Desired result in cosole
Not UNC: Server1, E:\Share\Dir1, 10
Not UNC: Server2, F:\Share\Dir2, 5
UNC: UNC, \\Domain\Share\Dir1, 30
The output of Write-Host $Fileis correctly displaying the labels/variants:
Write-Host $File
#{SERVER=UNC; PATH=\\domain\Share\Dir1; OlderThanDays=10}
Thank you for your help.
I think this is what you want:
Import-Csv -Path "S:\Input\Auto_Clean.csv" | % {
if ($_.Server -eq "UNC")
Write-Host "UNC: $($_.Server), $($_.Path), $($_.OlderThanDays)"
Write-Host "Not UNC: $($_.Server), $($_.Path), $($_.OlderThanDays)"
This produces the following output:
Not UNC: Server1, E:\Share\Dir1, 10
Not UNC: Server2, F:\Share\Dir2, 5
UNC: UNC, \\Domain\Share\Dir1, 30
If you want to ignore lines starting with # you can use the following:
(Get-Content "S:\Input\Auto_Clean.csv") -notmatch '^#' | ConvertFrom-CSV | % {
if ($_.Server -eq "UNC")
Write-Host "UNC: $($_.Server), $($_.Path), $($_.OlderThanDays)"
Write-Host "Not UNC: $($_.Server), $($_.Path), $($_.OlderThanDays)"
Is there any way to view the In words section of an event thru Powershell or thru the command prompt.
I have tried
psloglist -m 120 -s -x
Get-EventLog application | ft TimeGenerated,#{label="Data";expression={[char[]][int[]]$_.data -join ""}}
But none give the desired output.
I got a quick and dirty one, which works on my laptop:
Get-EventLog application | % {
$bytes = $_.Data
while ($bytes.Length % 4 -ne 0) {$bytes = $bytes + #(0)}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $bytes.Length; $i += 4)
$curWord = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($bytes, $i).ToString("X8")
Write-Output $curWord
Write-Output ""