Is it possible to output subsequent information to same line - powershell

I have a script that pings an ip address and send that information to a console window. In the case of high ping times or missed pings, it is also written to a log. I would like to keep only the high ping times and missed pings in the console window and allow the good pings to overwrite each other. Is that possible?
For high ping times, this is the output (similar code is used for missed pings).
$out = ("{0}ms at $(get-date -format G)" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "yellow"
$out >> .\runningPing$ipAddress.txt
For normal ping times, the output is this.
$out ("{0}ms" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "green"
I'd like to make that last line just overwrite itself for normal pings, but let the high and missed pings push up the screen as the program runs. Is that something I can do in PS?
Thanks to #Mathias R. Jensen, I came up with this solution:
if ($ping.statuscode -eq 0) {
if ($ping.responsetime -gt $waitTime) {
$highPings = $highPings + 1
$out = ("{0}ms at $(get-date -format G)" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
[console]::SetCursorPosition(0,$highPings + $droppedPings + 1)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "yellow"
$out >> $outFile
else {
$out = ("{0}ms $i of $pingCount" -f $ping.ResponseTime)
[console]::SetCursorPosition(0,$highPings + $droppedPings + 2)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "green"
else {
$droppedPings = $droppedPings + 1
$out = ("missed ping at $(get-date -format G)")
[console]::SetCursorPosition(0,$highPings + $droppedPings + 1)
write-host $out -foregroundcolor "red"
$out >> $outFile

I think you should use Write-Progress for the good pings. You don't need to give a percentage, and you can use the -Status parameter to show just the last good one.
Here's a small example I wrote that might demonstrate how it would look/operate (you can execute this yourself to see, it doesn't ping anything it's just a simulation):
$goods = 0
0..100 | % {
if ((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100) -ge 50) {
$goods += 1
Write-Progress -Activity Test -Status "Last good ping: $_ ($goods total good pings)"
} else {
Write-Warning "Bad ping"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
In this case you could have even calculated, for example a percentage of good pings and used that in Write-Progress but I wanted to show that you don't need to use it as a progress bar for it to be useful.

As I mentioned in the comments, the cursor position can be controlled by this method:
The [console] type accelerator points to the same Console class that enables you to WriteLine() to the console in a C# console application. You can also control colors and other console behavior if you feel like it:
[console]::ForegroundColor = "Red"
[console]::WriteLine("Hello World!")
[console]::ForegroundColor = "Green"

briantist has the better approach to this but I was playing around and came up with this as well. It will not work in ISE but should do it's job on the PowerShell console. It uses "`b" which is the backspace character so that the text will overwrite itself on the console host write. Might not help you but could be useful to others.
{$_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 100}{
$out = "{0}ms" -f $_
$options = #{ForegroundColor = "Green"; NoNewline = $true}
$backup = "`b" * $out.Length
{$_ -ge 500 -and $_ -le 900}{
$out = "{0}ms at $(get-date -format G)" -f $_
$options = #{ForegroundColor = "Yellow"; NoNewline = $false}
$backup = "`n"
Write-Host "$backup$out" #options
Uses a switch to set the options based on the the range of ping times. Sets a small hash table which is splatted to the write-host. Not perfect but it shows another way to do it.
Again this mostly done for fun.


Use PowerShell to find and replace hex values in binary files [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
delete some sequence of bytes in Powershell [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Methods to hex edit binary files via Powershell
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I got a working script to accomplish the task. I needed to batch process a bunch of files so it accepts a csv file formatted as FileName,OriginalHEX,CorrectedHEX. It's very slow even after limiting the search to the first 512 bytes. It could probably be written better and made faster. Thanks for the help.
UPDATE 2: Revised the search method to be faster but it's nowhere near as fast as a dedicated hex editor. Be aware that it's memory intensive. peaks around 32X the size of the file in RAM. 10MB=320MB of RAM. 100MB=3.2GB of RAM. I don't recommend for big files. It also saves to a new file instead of overwriting. Original file renamed as File.ext_original#date-time.
Import-CSV $PSScriptRoot\HEXCorrection.csv | ForEach-Object {
$File = $_.'FileName'
$Find = $_.'OriginalHEX'
$Replace = $_.'CorrectedHEX'
IF (([System.IO.File]::Exists("$PSScriptRoot\$File"))) {
$Target = (Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\$File)
} ELSE {
Write-Host $File "- File Not Found`n" -ForegroundColor 'Red'
Write-Host "File: "$Target.Name`n"Find: "$Find`n"Replace: "$Replace
$TargetLWT = $Target.LastWriteTime
$TargetCT = $Target.CreationTime
IF ($Target.IsReadOnly) {
Write-Host $Target.Name "- Is Read-Only`n" -ForegroundColor 'Red'
$FindLen = $Find.Length
$ReplaceLen = $Replace.Length
$TargetLen = (1..$Target.Length)
IF (!($FindLen %2 -eq 0) -OR !($ReplaceLen %2 -eq 0) -OR
[String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FindLen) -OR [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReplaceLen)) {
Write-Host "Input hex values are not even or empty" -ForegroundColor 'DarkRed'
$FindLen -ne $ReplaceLen) {
Write-Host "Input hex values are different lengths" -ForegroundColor 'DarkYellow'
$FindAsBytes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Find -split '(.{2})' | ? {$_} | % { $FindAsBytes += [Convert]::ToInt64($_,16) }
$ReplaceAsBytes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Replace -split '(.{2})' | ? {$_} | % { $ReplaceAsBytes += [Convert]::ToInt64($_,16) }
# ^-- convert to base 10
Write-Host "Starting Search"
$FileBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($Target)
FOREACH ($Byte in $FileBytes) {
IF ($Byte -eq [INT64]$FindAsBytes[0]) { TRY {
(1..([INT64]$FindAsBytes.Count-1)) | % {
$Test = ($FileBytes[[INT64]$ByteCounter-1+[INT64]$_] -eq $FindAsBytes[$_])
IF ($Test -ne 'True') {
Write-Host "Found at Byte:" $ByteCounter -ForegroundColor 'Green'
(0..($ReplaceAsBytes.Count-1)) | % {
$FileBytes[[INT64]$ByteCounter+[INT64]$_-1] = $ReplaceAsBytes[$_]}
$Found = 'True'
$BytesReplaces = $BytesReplaces + [INT64]$ReplaceAsBytes.Count
IF ($Found -eq 'True'){
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$Target-temp", $FileBytes)
$OriginalName = $Target.Name+'_Original'+'#'+(Get-Date).ToString('yyMMdd-HHmmss')
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $Target.FullName -NewName $OriginalName
Rename-Item $Target"-temp" -NewName $Target.Name
#Preserve Last Modified Time
$Target.LastWriteTime = $TargetLWT
$Target.CreationTime = $TargetCT
Write-Host $BytesReplaces "Bytes Replaced" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
Write-Host "Original saved as:" $OriginalName
} ELSE {
Write-Host "No Matches" -ForegroundColor 'Red'}
Write-Host "Finished Search`n"
Remove-Variable -Name * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # end foreach from line 1
Original: This has been asked before but found no solutions to perform a simple and straight up find hex value and replace hex value on large files, 100MB+.
Even better would be any recommendations for a hex editor with command line support for this task.
Here's a first crack at it:
(get-content -encoding byte file) -replace '\b10\b',11 -as 'byte[]'
I was checking those other links, but the only answer that does search and replace has some bugs. I voted to reopen. The mklement0 one is close. None of them search and then print the position of the replacement.
Nevermind. Yours is faster and uses less memory.

PowerShell using hashtable

The below scripts works, but it takes a long time to complete the job. Can somebody help me to convert this script to faster way.
$servers = Get-Content Servers.txt
$TCount = $servers.Count
$count = 1
foreach ($server in $servers) {
Write-Host "$Count / $Tcount - $Server" -NoNewline
$Result = Get-VM -Name $server | Set-Annotation -CustomAttribute "SNAP" -Value "True"
if ($Result.Value -eq "true") {
Write-Host "`t - Success" -fore "green"
} else {
Write-Host "`t - Failed" -fore "Red"
$count = $Count +1
How is it possible for something like Get-HardDisk -VM "myVM" to work at all? After all, “myVM” is a string, not a VirtualMachine, so shouldn’t this fail?
The reason this works is because VI Toolkit takes advantage of a feature of PowerShell that lets you transform the arguments you receive on the command line. This is the basis of what we call the VI Toolkit’s “Object By Name” feature: If you specify a string where an object should be, VI Toolkit works behind the scenes to replace this string with the object that the string represents.
Inevitably this lookup has a cost, the question is how much is that cost? This brings us to a rather unfortunate property of VI Toolkit, which is that when you get a VM, all filtering is done on the client side. On one hand this is good because it allows us to support wildcards and case-insensitivity. However there is one very unfortunate consequence, which is that it takes just as long to load one VM as it takes to load all of them (more on how we are improving this below). This is the basic reason that the second example is so slow: every time Get-HardDisk is called, VI Toolkit looks up that one machine object behind the scenes.
$servers = Get-Content Servers.txt
$VMs = Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.Name -in $servers}
$TCount = $servers.Count
$count = 1
foreach ($vm in $VMs)
Write-Host "$Count / $Tcount - $Server" -NoNewline
$Result = $vm | Set-Annotation -CustomAttribute "SNAP" -Value "True"
if ($Result.Value -eq "true") {
Write-Host "`t - Success" -fore "green"
} else {
Write-Host "`t - Failed" -fore "Red"
$count = $Count +1
to load the VMs once, then loop over the $VMs to add the annotation.

do-while loop with timeout

I have the following loop:
$output = (command)
do {
} while ($output -match "some string")
Which works fine. I want to add a timeout to the loop, how do I do that? The expectation is that at some point the output won't match the string but I don't want it to run forever if the output matches the string forever.
Just use the Get-Date cmdlet and check for that in your while condition. Example:
$startDate = Get-Date
$output = (command)
do {
} while ($output -match "some string" -and $startDate.AddMinutes(2) -gt (Get-Date))
Although using the Get-Date Cmdlet is valid, a cleaner approach would be to use the System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class, which is available in .NET Core >= 1.0.
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 5
$stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
do {
# do stuff here
} while ($stopwatch.elapsed -lt $timeout)

Using the Get-Date cmdlet

I am taking a scripting class as part of my IT degree and I am stumped on my powershell script. I have to use Get-Date to time how long my game is played, and also create a log file that stores number of games played, and the shorted and longest games played. The log file must be created outside the script, but must update within the script. I put the code I have so far below.
$rand = new-object system.random
$number= $,11)
do{ $a = read-host -prompt "enter number between 1 and 10"
if ($a -gt $Number) {Write-Host "number is too high"}
elseif ($a -lt $Number) {Write-Host "number is too low"}
elseif ($a -eq $Number) {Write-Host "You did it!! It took you $x tries!"}
else {"You have to guess a number!!!"}
$x = $x + 1
} while ($a -ne $number)
$path = C:\temp\logfile.log.txt
To time execution, grab the date before and after you've done your work, and then subtract the two to get a TimeSpan representing the time it took
$StartTime = Get-Date
# script goes here
$EndTime = Get-Date
$TimeTaken = $EndTime - $StartTime
Write-Host "A total of $($TimeTaken.TotalSeconds) has passed"
You could also use the StopWatch class to accomplish this:
$Watch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
# script goes here
$TimeTaken = $Watch.Elapsed
Write-Host "A total of $($TimeTaken.TotalSeconds) has passed"

Get-Content - Get all Content, starting from a specific linenumber

My first question here, and just want to say thanks for all the input I've gotten over the years from this site.
I'm also new to powershell so the answar might be very simple.
I'm working on a Script that ment check a log file every 5 mins. (schedulded from ActiveBatch).
At the moment the script is searching for ERROR in a logfile. And it works fine.
But my problem is that the script searches the entire file throgh every time. So when an ERROR do occur, the check "fails" every 5 minutes the rest of the day. Untill a new logfile is generated.
My script:
Write-Host Opretter variabler...
$file = "${file}"
$errorString = "${errorString}"
Write-Host file variable is: $file
Write-Host errorString variable is: $errorString
Write-Host Select String Results:
$ssResult = Get-Content $file | Select-String $errorString -SimpleMatch
Write-Host There was $ssResult.Count `"$errorString`" statements found...
IF ($ssResult.Count -gt 0) {Exit $ssResult.Count}
So what i would like, is to Find the ERROR, and then Remeber the Linenumber (Perhaps in a file). Then in the next run (5minutes later) i want to start the search from that line.
for example. And error is found on line 142, the Script exits with error code 142. five minutes later the script is run again, and it should start from line 143, and go through the rest of the file.
You can remember number of error strings found in file:
$ssResult.Count > C:\path\to\file.txt
Then number of new erros is:
$errorCount = $ssResult.Count - (Get-Content C:\path\to\file.txt)
Remember to set the value in file to zero on first run of script and every time a new logfile is generated.
You basically gave a pretty good description of how it will work:
Read the last line number
$if (Test-Path $Env:TEMP\last-line-number.txt) {
[int]$LastLineNumber = #(Get-Content $Env:TEMP\last-line-number.txt)[0]
} else {
$LastLineNumber = 0
Read the file
$contents = Get-Content $file
Find the first error starting at $LastLineNumber (one of the rare cases where for is appropriate in PowerShell, lest we want to create nicer objects)
for ($i = $LastLineNumber; $i -lt $contents.Count; $i++) {
if ($contents[$i] -like "*$errorString*") {
$i + 1 > $Env:TEMP\last-line-number.txt
exit ($i + 1)
Select-String returns matchinfo objects, which have the line number, so you can should be able to do something like this:
$lasterror = Get-Content $lasterrorfile
$newerrors = select-string -Path $file -Pattern $errorstring -SimpleMatch |
where $_.LineNumber -gt $lasterror
Write-Host "$($newerrors.count) found."
if ($newerrors.count)
{$newerrors[-1].LineNumber | Set-Content $lasterrorfile}
So this is my final Script, Thanks Dano. I'm sure the Day-Reset thing can be done smarter, but this seems to work :)
#logic for Day-Reset
Write-Host checking if its a new day...
$today = Get-Date -format dddd
$yesterday = Get-Content $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_yesterday.txt
Write-Host today variable is: $today
Write-Host yesterday variable is: $yesterday
IF ($today.CompareTo($yesterday))
Get-Date -format dddd > $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_yesterday.txt
0 > $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_numberofErrors.txt
Write-Host Setting variables...
$file = "${file}"
$errorString = "${errorString}"
Write-Host file variable is: $file
Write-Host errorString variable is: $errorString
Write-Host Select String Results:
$ssResult = Get-Content $file | Select-String $errorString -SimpleMatch
Write-Host There was $ssResult.Count `"$errorString`" statements found...
$errorCount = $ssResult.Count - (Get-Content $ENV:TEMP\${adapterName}_numberofErrors.txt)
Write-Host There was $errorCount new `"$errorString`" statements found...
$ssResult.Count > $Env:TEMP\FXAll_numberofErrors.txt
Exit $errorCount