focus() not working after Popover closed in material ui - material-ui

I can't figure out why I can't programmatically focus an input html element (part of a Material UI TextField) once I've opened a Popover that steals the focus. I can programmatically focus before I open the Popover but once I close it then I can no longer programmatically focus the input element that belongs to the Textfield.
Can someone help me? I’m not able to use autoFocus on the Textfield because I’ve built it as part of a grid so I need a way to force focus programmatically back to the Textfield

Solved this by making sure I always got the latest element when attempting to focus. Turns out I was trying to programmatically focus an element in the DOM that no longer existed after React re-rendered the component


Flutter text field overlay

I have a UI in which, when the user clicks on a text field, it should blur out the other elements in the UI. I was thinking of using a stack with an if condition for when the keyboard is visible but I'm not sure if it will work. Any help is appreciated.

Textfield for autocomplete material ui

How can we clear the text field for a autocomplete component automatically after a button click.
I want to clear the textfield after every button click for a autocomplete ui component
I am not sure that I understood your question correctly.
I forked the controlled example in documentation and changed a little bit for the question.
Button clears the TextField. Here is my demo

KeyListeners for the game doesn't work anymore as soon as I add a chat panel

I'm currently integrating a ChatPanel into a MMORPG. The Problem is, despite I change focus, that the GamePanel doesn't recognize KeyEvents anymore when I add the ChatPanel to the Frame.
Could it be, that the TextField in the ChatPanel surpasses the KeyListeners in the GamePanel?

How to change a unity UI Button's state in code?

I'm now using unity 4.6,the new UI system , since i won't use mouse to control my game,could anyone tell me how can i change a button's state in script ?
I would recommend you to start by trying to make your system work with keyboard, using the UI navigation system.
You could manually set a button to selected state by using EventSystem.Current.SetCurrentlySelectedGameobject(yourGameObject);
If this button has an onLeft/OnRight etc. value setted, you will be able to interact with it with input Horizontal vertical axis, and to press it with a "Submit" value in input manager.
Once you're happy with it, you should try to catch your kinnect gestures and use them to send correct events I guess.

How to disable focus grabbing for GTK+ tool button

GTK+ Button widget has focus_on_click property that controls grabbing of focus. But I use MenuToolButton that has no such a property. I don't want the focus on click.
How to get rid of it? Thanks!
If you don't want focus_on_click, you probably don't want focus gererally.