I have a UI in which, when the user clicks on a text field, it should blur out the other elements in the UI. I was thinking of using a stack with an if condition for when the keyboard is visible but I'm not sure if it will work. Any help is appreciated.
How can we clear the text field for a autocomplete component automatically after a button click.
I want to clear the textfield after every button click for a autocomplete ui component
I am not sure that I understood your question correctly.
I forked the controlled example in documentation and changed a little bit for the question.
Button clears the TextField. Here is my demo
I know most of the people have problems with keyboard and want it to go away, but I'm interested in it showing up. Basically, I want to trigger the keyboard show-up when I tap an element and then get the text I typed via RawKeyboard. Is there a way I can trigger the keyboard to show in Flutter? So far I understood you can do that only when you have a TextField.
Many thanks.
I can't figure out why I can't programmatically focus an input html element (part of a Material UI TextField) once I've opened a Popover that steals the focus. I can programmatically focus before I open the Popover but once I close it then I can no longer programmatically focus the input element that belongs to the Textfield.
Can someone help me? I’m not able to use autoFocus on the Textfield because I’ve built it as part of a grid so I need a way to force focus programmatically back to the Textfield
Solved this by making sure I always got the latest element when attempting to focus. Turns out I was trying to programmatically focus an element in the DOM that no longer existed after React re-rendered the component
I've been browsing stack overflow and can't find a simple newbie-level explanation for this. I have the following behaviour. When the user clicks the search the index is removed and a cancel button appears next to the search bar. When cancel is pressed, the cancel button is removed and the index reappears.
Does anyone know a simple way to reduce the width of the search bar (text field) by 20-30 pixels on the right. This is the way the contacts app deals with this overlay.
Any help gratefully appreciated. I've built the view in a xib file.
I am having very annoying issue. I have one form page with 5 custom cells. Each of them has one text field. On the bottom I have one button. In an onclick button function I am gathering values from each of the 5 described text fields.
My problem is that if my keyboard is up, I will get the values of not all but just visible text fields, the ones I don't see are null.
How to override this?
Separate data you have from your interface, that is store your textfield values in some other place right after you finish input. And access your data there.
UI elements are not intended to store data, but just to display it and allow input - as you can see in your case if you do not see a particular element you cannot be sure that it actually exists.
This might solve your problem..
1. Register your viewcontroller for KeboardNotifications
2.When keyboard will appear resize the view so that all fields will be visible.
3. When keboard will disappear just resize it back and continue..