MongoDB - convert double to string with aggregation - mongodb

I am new to MongoDB and I am trying to convert double to string. I am not sure why my results are not as needed.
export function StoreSettings(req, res) {
var id =;
var id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id);
$match: { restaurantID: id }
$addFields: {
"appTheme.appBanner": {
$concat: [
{ $toString: "$appTheme.appBanner" },
.then(data => {
return res.json(data);
.catch(err => res.json({ data: "Data Not Found", err }));
"_id": "5e3379be06558d0c40d035ee",
"appTheme": {
"appBanner": "/App/Carousel/1.58078e+12.png"
=== i NEED it to be like this: ====
"_id": "5e3379be06558d0c40d035ee",
"appTheme": {
"appBanner": "/App/Carousel/1580782209156.png"
what am i doing wrong?

As $appTheme.appBanner :1580782209156 is a double in database, then using $toString would result in 1.58078e+12. You need to convert it into NumberLong() using $toLong & then convert it to string, Try below :
$match: { restaurantID: id }
$addFields: {
"appTheme.appBanner": {
$concat: [
{ $toString: { $toLong: "$appTheme.appBanner" } },
Test : MongoDB-Playground


Statistics with Mongo DB

I have the following DB structure :
"uploadedAt": "2021-09-22T22:09:12.133Z",
"paidAt: "2021-09-30T22:09:12.133Z",
"amount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"expected": 70253,
"paid": 0
I would like to know how do I calculate the total amount that still need to be paid (expected - paid), and the average date between uploadedAt and paidAt. This for multiple records.
My function for getting the data is (the criteria should be updated to get this data).
const invoiceParams = new FindParams();
invoiceParams.criteria = { company: company._id }
const invoices = await this.findAll(invoiceParams);
FindAll function looks like:
async findAll(
params: FindParams,
ability?: Ability,
includeDeleted: boolean = false,
): Promise<Entity[]> {
let queryCriteria: Criteria = params.criteria;
let query: DocumentQuery<Entity[], Entity> = null;
if (!includeDeleted) {
queryCriteria = {
deleted: { $ne: true },
try {
if (ability) {
ability.throwUnlessCan('read', this.entityModel.modelName);
queryCriteria = {
...toMongoQuery(ability, this.entityModel.modelName),
query = this.entityModel.find(queryCriteria);
if (params.populate) {
query = query.populate(params.populate);
if (params.sort) {
query = query.sort(params.sort);
if ( {
query =;
return query.exec();
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ForbiddenError) {
throw new ForbiddenException(error.message);
throw error;
const paymentTime = await this.invoiceModel.aggregate([
$group: {
_id: "$account",
averageSpread: { $avg: { $subtract: ["$paidAt", "$uploadedAt"] } },
count: { $sum: 1 }
Try this aggregation pipeline:
$set: {
expectedPaid: { $subtract: ["$amount.expected", "$amount.paid"] },
averageDate: { $toDate: { $avg: [{ $toLong: "$uploadedAt" }, { $toLong: "$paidAt" }] } }

Select a same field from a list of similar nested fields in mongoose

I have a schema.
const placeSchema = new Schema({
description: {
fr: String,
en: String,
comment: {
fr: String,
en: String,
const Place= mongoose.model('Place', placeSchema);
module.exports = Place;
If I want to get only 'en' value I am currently using
await Place.find({}, ' ...')
If the number of similar fields increases so does the length of the query. Is there a way to select all the similar fields like maybe $
Technically yes there is a way. using $objectToArray and doing some structure manipulation.
It would look something like this:
$match: {} //match your document.
$addFields: {
rootArr: {
$objectToArray: "$$ROOT"
$unwind: "$rootArr"
$match: {
"rootArr.v.en": {
$exists: true
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
data: {
$push: {
k: "$rootArr.k",
v: "$rootArr.v.en"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
$arrayToObject: "$data"
Mongo Playground
It's a little "hacky" thought, how strict are your schema needs?
Have you considered building it under the following structure?:
const placeSchema = new Schema({
data: [
lang: String,
description: String,
comment: String,
The following aggregation will check all the top level fields for a subfield en. If it's truthy (should work if you strictly have string values for the language properties), the subfield will be { field: { en: fieldValue.en } } otherwise it will be { field: fieldValue }
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
$arrayToObject: {
$map: {
input: { $objectToArray: "$$ROOT" },
in: {
k: "$$this.k",
v: {
$cond: [
"$$this.v.en", // works for string values, otherwise you will have to check more explicitly
en: "$$this.v.en"
Mongo Playground
Both the answers above are exactly what the question was looking for. This might be a more 'hacky' way of doing things.
First create a function that generates the query string ' ...'
let select = '';
const selectLanguage = (fields, lang) => {
switch (true) {
case lang === 'fr':
fields.forEach(field => {
select= `${select} -${field}.en `;
case lang === 'en':
fields.forEach(field => {
select = `${select} -${field}.fr `;
return select;
This generates a string like ' ..' for english and and ' -fieldName1.en ..' for french. Then we can use this statement in the query above.
const select = selectLanguage(['description', 'comment', ..], 'en')
await Place.find({}, select) //await Place.find({}, ' ..')

Can Update document with mongodb query but not work when do in mongoose [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Update nested subdocuments in MongoDB with arrayFilters
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
My collection is like this:
With this query I can update replies.likes
"_id": ObjectId("5da832caeb173112348e509b"), //posts._id
{ "$push": { "comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": "10000012" } },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId("5db06e11d0987d0aa2cd5593") },//comments._id
{ "inner._id": ObjectId("5db6a88f7c6cfb0d0c2b689b") }//replies._id
But when I code using mongoose, express, collection not update
//Like Reply toggle"/toggleLikeReply", function(req, res, next) {
var id_post = req.body.id_post;
var id_comment = req.body.id_comment;
var id_reply = req.body.id_reply;
var id_user = req.user._id;
console.log("id_post: "+id_post+" id_comment: "+id_comment+" id_reply: "+id_reply+" id_user: "+id_user);
{ $match: {_id: ObjectId(id_post),"comments._id": ObjectId(id_comment)}},
{ $unwind: "$comments"},
{ $match: { "comments._id": ObjectId(id_comment)}},
{ $project: {"replies": "$comments.replies", _id: 0}},
{ $match: { "replies._id": ObjectId(id_reply)}},
{ $project: {"likes": "$replies.likes", _id: 0}},
]).exec((err, users_liked) => {
var index = users_liked[0].likes[0].indexOf(id_user);
if (index == -1) {
const updatePost = async () => {
try {
await Post.updateOne({
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id_post),
"comments.replies._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply)},
{ $push: {"comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": ObjectId(req.user._id)} },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_comment) },
{ "inner._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply) }
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);
updatePost().then(function(data) {res.send({ like: true, success: true})});
const updatePost = async () => {
try {
await Post.updateOne({
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id_post),
"comments.replies._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply)},
{ $pull: {"comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": ObjectId(req.user._id)} },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_comment) },
{ "inner._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply) }
} catch (error) {
console.log("💥", error);
updatePost().then(function(data) {res.send({ like: false, success: true})});
I logged the all the id is come and the same as I did with mongo query directly .
id_post: 5da832caeb173112348e509b
id_comment: 5db06e11d0987d0aa2cd5593
id_reply: 5db6a88f7c6cfb0d0c2b689b
id_user: 5da85558886aee13e4e7f044
What is wrong with my code using mongoose and express?
Try This Query
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const ObjectId = Schema.Types.ObjectId
const updatePost = async () => {
try {
await Post.updateOne({
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id_post),
"comments.replies._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply)},
{ $push: {"comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": req.user._id} },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_comment) },
{ "inner._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply) }
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);
updatePost().then(function(data) {res.send({ like: true, success: true})});

Sum object key by key with Mongo on Node

I'm trying to group all this object in one, the idea is to combine all the object.
My function know is like this:
app.get('/stats/:id(\\d+)/weapon/:weapon', function(req, res, next) {
db.collection('stats').aggregate( [
{ $match: { _id: parseInt(, 10) } },
{ $unwind: "$session" },
{ $addFields: { weapon: { $objectToArray: '$session.weapons.' + sanitize(req.params.weapon) }, _id: false } },
{ $addFields: { weapon: { $arrayToObject: "$weapon" } } },
{ $project: { weapon: "$weapon", _id: false } }
], function(err, doc) {
if( !err ) {
else {
and return something like this:
My idea is to return only one instance of weapon with the sum key by key.
I already try $group and concat array but i can't get the result that i want...
I want like this:

Change capital letters in mongo to camel casing?

I have a collection named User, which contains the the fields firstName and secondName. But the data is in capital letters.
firstName: 'FIDO',
secondName: 'JOHN',
I wanted to know whether it is possible to make the field to camel case.
firstName: 'Fido',
secondName: 'John',
You can use a helper function to get your desired answer.
function titleCase(str) {
return str.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(function(word) {
return word.replace(word[0], word[0].toUpperCase());
}).join(' ');
{ "_id": doc._id },
{ "$set": { "firstName": titleCase(doc.firstName) } }
Run an update operation with aggregate pipeline as follows:
const titleCase = key => ({
$concat: [
{ $toUpper: { $substrCP: [`$${key}`,0,1] } },
{ $toLower: {
$substrCP: [
{ $subtract: [ { $strLenCP: `$${key}` }, 1 ] }
} }
{ $set: {
firstName: titleCase('firstName'),
secondName: titleCase('secondName')
} }
Mongo Playground