Simple Select query is running more than 5hours db2 - db2

We have a select query as below . Query to fetch the data is running more than 5 hours.
select ColumnA,
from Table
where CodeN <> 'Z'
Is there any way we can collect stats or any other way to improve performance .. ?
And in DB2 do we have any table where we can check whether collect stats are collected on the below table..

The RUNSTATS command collects table & indexes statistics. Note, that this is a Db2 command and not an SQL statement, so you may either run it with Db2 Command Line Processor (CLP) or using relational interface with a special Stored Procedure, which is able to run such commands:
RUNSTATS command using the ADMIN_CMD procedure.
Statistics is stored in the SYSSTAT schema views. Refer to Road map to the catalog views - Table 2. Road map to the updatable catalog views.

How many rows exist in table?
and not equal operator '<>' not indexable predicates


Is there a way to describe an external/spectrum table via redshift?

In AWS Athena you can write
SHOW CREATE TABLE my_table_name;
and see a SQL-like query that describes how to build the table's schema. It works for tables whose schema are defined in AWS Glue. This is very useful for creating tables in a regular RDBMS, for loading and exploring data views.
Interacting with Athena in this way is manual, and I would like to automate the process of creating regular RDBMS tables that have the same schema as those in Redshift Spectrum.
How can I do this through a query that can be run via psql? Or is there another way to get this via the aws-cli?
Redshift Spectrum does not support SHOW CREATE TABLE syntax, but there are system tables that can deliver same information. I have to say, it's not as useful as the ready to use sql returned by Athena though.
The tables are
svv_external_schemas - gives you information about glue database mapping and IAM roles bound to it
svv_external_tables - gives you the location information, and also data format and serdes used
svv_external_columns - gives you the column names, types and order information.
Using that data, you could reconstruct the table's DDL.
For example to get the list of columns and their types in the CREATE TABLE format one can do:
select distinct
listagg(columnname || ' ' || external_type, ',\n')
within group ( order by columnnum ) over ()
from svv_external_columns
where tablename = '<YOUR_TABLE_NAME>'
and schemaname = '<YOUR_SCHEM_NAME>'
the query give you the output similar to:
col1 int,
col2 string,
*) I am using listagg window function and not the aggregate function, as apparently listagg aggregate function can only be used with user defined tables. Bummer.
I had been doing something similar to #botchniaque's answer in the past, but recently stumbled across a solution in the AWS-Labs' amazon-redshift-utils code package that seems to be more reliable than my hand-spun queries:
amazon-redshift-utils: v_generate_external_tbl_ddl
If you don't have the ability to create a view backed with the ddl listed in that package, you can run it manually by removing the CREATE statement from the start of the query. Assuming you can create it as a view, usage would be:
FROM admin.v_generate_external_tbl_ddl
WHERE schemaname = '<external_schema_name>'
-- Optionally include specific table references:
-- AND tablename IN ('<table_name_1>', '<table_name_2>', ..., '<table_name_n>')
ORDER BY tablename, seq
They added show external table now.
SHOW EXTERNAL TABLE external_schema.table_name [ PARTITION ]
SHOW EXTERNAL TABLE my_schema.my_table;

How to load bulk data to table from table using query as quick as possible? (postgresql)

I have a large table(postgre_a) which has 0.1 billion records with 100 columns. I want to duplicate this data into the same table.
I tried to do this using sql
INSERT INTO postgre_a select i1 + 100000000, i2, ... FROM postgre_a;
However, this query is running more than 10 hours now... so I want to do this more faster. I tried to do this with copy, but I cannot find the way to use copy from statement with query.
Is there any other method can do this faster?
You cannot directly use a query in COPY FROM, but maybe you can use COPY FROM PROGRAM with a query to do what you want:
COPY postgre_a
FROM PROGRAM '/usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -d test'
' -c ''copy (SELECT i1+ 100000000, i2, ... FROM postgre_a) TO STDOUT''';
(Of course you have to replace the path to psql and the database name with your values.)
I am not sure if that is faster than using INSERT, but it is worth a try.
You should definitely drop all indexes and constraints before the operation and recreate them afterwards.

SAS SQL Pass Through

I would like to know what gets executed first in the SAS SQL pass thru in this code:
Connect To OLEDB As MYDB ( %DBConnect( Catalog = MYDB ) ) ;
Create table MYDB_extract as
select put(Parent,$ABC.) as PARENT,
put(PFX,z2.) as PFX,*
From Connection To MYDB
FROM MYDB.dbo.FlatRecord
WHERE Appointment between '20150801' and '20150831'
And Children > 2);
Disconnect from MYDB;
Since MS SQL-Server doesn't support the PUT function will this query cause ALL of the records to be processed locally or only the resultant records from the DBMS?
The explicit pass-through query will still process and will return to SAS what it returns (however many records that is). Then, SAS will perform the put operations on the returned rows.
So if 10000 rows are in the table, and 500 rows meet the criteria in where, 500 records will go to SAS and then be put; SQL will handle the 10000 -> 500.
If you had written this in implicit pass through, then it's possible (if not probable) that SAS might have done all of the work.
First the code in the inline view will be executed on the server:
SELECT Appointment,Parents,Children,Cats,Dogs
FROM MYDB.dbo.FlatRecord
WHERE Appointment between '20150801' and '20150831' And Children > 2
Rows that meet that WHERE clause will be returned by the DBMS to SAS over the OLDEB connection.
Then SAS will (try and) select from that result set, applying any other code, including the put functions.
This isn't really any different from how an inline view works in any other DBMS, except that here you have two different database engines, one running the inner query and SAS running the outer query.

Query for PostgreSQL Server status variable?

In my project i want to collect PostgreSQL server's performance counter. For that i want query to collect it from the database. i am new to postgreSQL. when i am searching, i got something like,
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database
but when i am use this in java in the following manner, Here Map_PostgreSQL is a hashmap.
Map_PostgreSQL.put(rs.getString(1).trim(), rs.getString(2));
I got output like
{12024=template0, 1=template1, 12029=postgres}
What is the actual query to collect its status variables like "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" in MySQL.
Thanks in advance..
1st, try to launch the sql query in your PostgreSQL Shell to see exactly which data are returned and how it is organised in rows and columns.
You'll see that the hashmap keys are your datid (database ids) and the values are your databases names.
I think you assumed that statistics were structured in "rows" whereas they are structured in columns.
Don't forget : PostgreSQL is a database server which means it can handle several databases (and in fact, it has several databases because some of them are already created such as the 'postgres' database itself - which Postgres (the server) uses internally, or 'template0').
By launching :
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database;
You're asking the server to return statistics for every databases (provided you're allowed to get them)
If you want to only have stats for your own database, do :
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname='your_database_name';
Hope this helped

Creating a connection from Microsoft SQL server to an AS/400

I'm trying to connect from Microsoft SQL server to as AS/400 so i can pull data from the AS/400 then flag the data as being pulled.
I've successfully created and OLE DB "IBMDASQL" connection, and am able to pull data some data, but i'm running into an issue when i try to pull data from a very large table
This runs fine, and returns a count of 170 million:
select count(*)
from transactions
This query executed for 15 hours before i gave up on it. (It should return zero since i haven't flagged anything as 'in process' yet)
select count(*)
from transactions
where processed = 'In process'
I'm a Microsoft guy, but my AS/400 guy says that there is an index on the 'processed' column and that locally, that query run instantaneously.
Any thoughts on what i might be doing wrong? I found a table with only 68 records in it, and was able to run this query in about a second:
select count(*)
from smallTable
where RandomColumn = 'randomValue'
So I know that the AS/400 is at least able to understand that type of query.
I have had to fight this battle many times.
There are two ways of approaching this.
1) Stage your data from the AS400 into SQL server where you can optimize your indexes
2) Ask the AS400 folks to create logical views which speed up data retrieval, your AS400 programmer is correct, index will help but I forget the term they use to define a "view" similar to a sql server view, I beleive its something like "physical" v/s "logical". Logical is what you want.
Thirdly, 170 million is a lot of records, even for a relational database like SQL server, have you considered running an SSIS package nightly that stages your data into your own SQL table to see if it improves performance?
I would suggest this way to have good performance, i suppose you have at least SQL2005, i havent tested yet but this is a tip
Let the AS400 perform the select in native way by creating stored procedure in the AS400
open a AS400 session
launch STRSQL
create an AS400 stored procedure in this way to get/update the recordset
create an AS400 stored procedure to update the recordset
Call those AS400 SP from SQL SERVER
declare #myParam char(10)
set #myParam = 'In process'
-- get the recordset
EXEC ('CALL NAME_AS400.MYLIB.MYSELECT(?) ', #myParam) AT AS400 -- < AS400 = name of linked server
-- update
Hope it helps
I recommend following the suggestions in the IBM Redbook SQL Performance Diagnosis on IBM DB2 Universal Database for iSeries to determine what's really happening.
IBM technical support can also be extremely helpful in diagnosing issues such as these. Don't be afraid to get in touch with them as the software support is generally included as part of the maintenance contract and there is no charge to talk to them.
I've seen OLEDB connections eat up 100% cpu for hours and when the same query is run through VisualExplain (query analyzer) it estimates mere seconds to execute.
We found that running the query like this performed liked expected:
FROM OpenQuery( LinkedServer,
'select count(*)
from transactions
where processed = ''In process''')
Could this be a collation problem? - your WHERE clause is testing on a text field and if the collations of the two servers don't match this clause will be applied clientside rather than serverside so you are first of all pulling all 170 million records down to the client and then performing the WHERE clause on it there.
Based on the past interactions I have had, the query should take about the same amount of time no matter how you access the data. Another thought would be if you could create a view on the table to get the data you need or use a stored procedure.