Authentication with web based flutter app - flutter

I want to build a flutter app where people can log in and post things for other users to see. I want this app to be accessible in a browser and thought I could use Flutter-Web.
I can run the flutter app on a server with a local database but the issue is that if one user accesses the page and logs in, then everybody else is also logged in as that user.
The only solution I can see is if everybody would download my flutter app to their local machine, start an instance and then all those instances communicate with a remote database.
I can use a remote database, although I don't like it, but I don't want people to install anything.
Is there a way around by serving multiple flutter instances, one for each browser session?

The library flutter-auth-ui provides UI for Firebase authentication.
See how it works here.


Can I create a web server with dart/flutter available from anywhere in the world

I want to create a web server with flutter/dart, something similar to how the following app works on android I have searched but I don't see how the server can be deployed on mobile devices. And the truth is that the server is going to be the base of my app, the main functions will be others that depend on the server. thanks in advance.

How to connect our own app one account with another account?

I hope i will find the great answer from you
I am currently working on an app i want that app to work remotely
For an instance,
I press a key in my app(account) it reflects in another app(account)
Using flutter
To connect one flutter app to another you need some way to access shared data ie a database, you can use a few different ones, firebase is a good start. your question is very vague.

Where should I put FCM configuration in flutter app exactly?

I'm using firebase_messaging plugin in my flutter app to handle app notifications (given from a Laravel server). So far, I've successfuly installed the plugin in my project. Tested it on a page, it works.
But in the doc's example page, it's only demonstrate the usage of a single page. In reality, most of the apps has or may have many pages and each page has it's own notification channels, so does my app.
So.. Where is the exact location to put it's configuration? Should I configure it one each page, or can I just put it on main.dart and subscribe every channel from that page?
I don't think the first option is a best practice. Since I'm trying to follow DRY principle and avoid code-duplication to make it easier to maintain the app in the future. Any clue?

How do I make my Heroku app available to see for others who have the link?

So I deployed my first app, I am able to use it on my computer, but when I typed in the address on my phone or sent it to my friends they say it is just a blank page. How can I make it so others could see my app? Could find any answers, I am doing this for my portfolio, also i deployed using Github method.
So I made a mistake, it was actually delivering to users, but and the background color was showing, but React was not rendering because of some development-only script, had to do a function that would detect if app is in production or development and therefore apply the script or not.

Sharing app-specific files and data between ios users

I am writing an app that allows users to create and save (locally) various visual models. A new requirement has come up to allow users to share their models.
Has anyone had an experience doing this and what is the best way of implementing this? Ideally I would like to be able to attach a file or a link to an email/tweet and then send it off and then it opens the file in the app or if you don't have the app installed it send you to the app in the app store?
Update: The MindJet iPad app does exactly what I need
i think you should make your own api on a http server so you can handle the data the users send. and when some one install your application you can check by making a function execute once the app launched if this user "also i suppose here that you have implement a registration module" have any shared data so you can download it ...
The example app you name (mindjet) seems to be using dropbox for its file service.
This article explains this in great detail: