Spark Scala - Identify the gap between dates across multiple rows - scala

I am new to Apache Spark, I have a use case to find the date gap identification between multiple dates.
In the above example, the member had a gap between 2018-02-01 to 2018-02-14. How to find this Apache Spark 2.3.4 using Scala.
Excepted output for the above scenario is,

You could use datediff along with Window function lag to check for day-gaps between current and previous rows, and compute the missing date ranges with some date functions:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
import java.sql.Date
val df = Seq(
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-01-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-01-31")),
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-02-16"), Date.valueOf("2018-02-28")),
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-03-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-03-31")),
(2, Date.valueOf("2018-07-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-07-31")),
(2, Date.valueOf("2018-08-16"), Date.valueOf("2018-08-31"))
).toDF("MemberId", "StartDate", "EndDate")
val win = Window.partitionBy("MemberId").orderBy("StartDate", "EndDate")
withColumn("PrevEndDate", coalesce(lag($"EndDate", 1).over(win), date_sub($"StartDate", 1))).
withColumn("DayGap", datediff($"StartDate", $"PrevEndDate")).
where($"DayGap" > 1).
select($"MemberId", date_add($"PrevEndDate", 1).as("StartDateGap"), date_sub($"StartDate", 1).as("EndDateGap")).
// +--------+------------+----------+
// |MemberId|StartDateGap|EndDateGap|
// +--------+------------+----------+
// | 1| 2018-02-01|2018-02-15|
// | 2| 2018-08-01|2018-08-15|
// +--------+------------+----------+


Parallel API requests using Spark and scala

I'm using Spark 2.4.0 and Scala 2.11.
I have Dataset[Users] , when Users consists of: (country,id,url).
I want to group this DS by country, and for each group ,
make request for the URL , to get details about users from this country.
What is the best approach to do it?
using mapPartitions? foreachPartition?
mapPartitions and foreachPartitition were for RDDs. Now Dataset can also use mapPartitions.
In general you should use the Spark DSL- or Spark SQL APIs on Dataframes or DataSets. These use Catalyst Optimizer implying less thinking to do and it also works in parallel mode. An example for a Dataframe is, similar to DataSet:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
//import org.apache.spark.sql._
//import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val df = Seq(
("green","y", 4),
("blue","n", 7),
("red","y", 7),
("yellow","y", 7),
("cyan","y", 7)
).toDF("colour", "status", "freq")
val df2 = df.where("status = 'y'")
.select($"freq", $"colour")
|4 |[green] |
|7 |[red, yellow, cyan] |
But as in case of RDDs you can use mapPartitions on a DS.

how to apply partition in spark scala dataframe with multiple columns? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to select the first row of each group?
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have the following dataframe df in Spark Scala:
id project start_date Change_date designation
1 P1 08/10/2018 01/09/2017 2
1 P1 08/10/2018 02/11/2018 3
1 P1 08/10/2018 01/08/2016 1
then get designation closure to start_date and less than that
Expected output:
id project start_date designation
1 P1 08/10/2018 2
This is because change date 01/09/2017 is the closest date before start_date.
Can somebody advice how to achieve this?
This is not selecting first row but selecting the designation corresponding to change date closest to the start date
Parse dates:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val spark: SparkSession = ???
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(1, "P1", "08/10/2018", "01/09/2017", 2),
(1, "P1", "08/10/2018", "02/11/2018", 3),
(1, "P1", "08/10/2018", "01/08/2016", 1)
).toDF("id", "project_id", "start_date", "changed_date", "designation")
val parsed = df
.withColumn("start_date", to_date($"start_date", "dd/MM/yyyy"))
.withColumn("changed_date", to_date($"changed_date", "dd/MM/yyyy"))
Find difference
val diff = parsed
.withColumn("diff", datediff($"start_date", $"changed_date"))
.where($"diff" > 0)
Apply solution of your choice from How to select the first row of each group?, for example window functions. If you group by id:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val w = Window.partitionBy($"id").orderBy($"diff")
diff.withColumn("rn", row_number.over(w)).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn").show
// +---+----------+----------+------------+-----------+----+
// | id|project_id|start_date|changed_date|designation|diff|
// +---+----------+----------+------------+-----------+----+
// | 1| P1|2018-10-08| 2017-09-01| 2| 402|
// +---+----------+----------+------------+-----------+----+
How to select the first row of each group?

spark (Scala) dataframe filtering (FIR)

Let say I have a dataframe ( stored in scala val as df) which contains the data from a csv:
which I have no problem reading this from file as a spark dataframe in scala language.
I would like to add a filtered column (by filter I meant signal processing moving average filtering), (say I want to do (T[n]+T[n-1])/2.0):
(Actually, say for the first row, I want 32.5 instead of (65+0)/2.0. I wrote it to clarify the expected 2-time-step filtering operation output)
So how to achieve this? I am not familiar with spark dataframe operation which combine rows iteratively along column...
Spark 3.1+
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.timestamp_seconds
Spark 2.0+
In Spark 2.0 and later it is possible to use window function as a input for groupBy. It allows you to specify windowDuration, slideDuration and startTime (offset). It works only with TimestampType column but it is not that hard to find a workaround for that. In your case it will require some additional steps to correct for boundaries but general solution can expressed as shown below:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{window, avg}
.withColumn("ts", $"time".cast("timestamp"))
.groupBy(window($"ts", windowDuration="2 seconds", slideDuration="1 second"))
Spark < 2.0
If there is a natural way to partition your data you can use window functions as follows:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.mean
val w = Window.partitionBy($"id").orderBy($"time").rowsBetween(-1, 0)
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1L, 0, 65), (1L, 1, 67), (1L, 2, 62), (1L, 3, 59)
)).toDF("id", "time", "temperature")$"*", mean($"temperature").over(w).alias("temperatureAvg")).show
// +---+----+-----------+--------------+
// | id|time|temperature|temperatureAvg|
// +---+----+-----------+--------------+
// | 1| 0| 65| 65.0|
// | 1| 1| 67| 66.0|
// | 1| 2| 62| 64.5|
// | 1| 3| 59| 60.5|
// +---+----+-----------+--------------+
You can create windows with arbitrary weights using lead / lag functions:
lit(0.6) * $"temperature" +
lit(0.3) * lag($"temperature", 1) +
lit(0.2) * lag($"temperature", 2)
It is still possible without partitionBy clause but will be extremely inefficient. If this is the case you won't be able to use DataFrames. Instead you can use sliding over RDD (see for example Operate on neighbor elements in RDD in Spark). There is also spark-timeseries package you may find useful.

Spark and SparkSQL: How to imitate window function?

Given a dataframe df
id | date
1 | 2015-09-01
2 | 2015-09-01
1 | 2015-09-03
1 | 2015-09-04
2 | 2015-09-04
I want to create a running counter or index,
grouped by the same id and
sorted by date in that group,
id | date | counter
1 | 2015-09-01 | 1
1 | 2015-09-03 | 2
1 | 2015-09-04 | 3
2 | 2015-09-01 | 1
2 | 2015-09-04 | 2
This is something I can achieve with window function, e.g.
val w = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("date")
val resultDF = df("id"), rowNumber().over(w) )
Unfortunately, Spark 1.4.1 does not support window functions for regular dataframes:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Could not resolve window function 'row_number'. Note that, using window functions currently requires a HiveContext;
How can I achieve the above computation on current Spark 1.4.1 without using window functions?
When will window functions for regular dataframes be supported in Spark?
You can use HiveContext for local DataFrames as well and, unless you have a very good reason not to, it is probably a good idea anyway. It is a default SQLContext available in spark-shell and pyspark shell (as for now sparkR seems to use plain SQLContext) and its parser is recommended by Spark SQL and DataFrame Guide.
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.rowNumber
object HiveContextTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Hive Context")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sc.parallelize(
("foo", 1) :: ("foo", 2) :: ("bar", 1) :: ("bar", 2) :: Nil
).toDF("k", "v")
val w = Window.partitionBy($"k").orderBy($"v")$"k", $"v", rowNumber.over(w).alias("rn")).show
You can do this with RDDs. Personally I find the API for RDDs makes a lot more sense - I don't always want my data to be 'flat' like a dataframe.
val df = sqlContext.sql("select 1, '2015-09-01'"
).unionAll(sqlContext.sql("select 2, '2015-09-01'")
).unionAll(sqlContext.sql("select 1, '2015-09-03'")
).unionAll(sqlContext.sql("select 1, '2015-09-04'")
).unionAll(sqlContext.sql("select 2, '2015-09-04'"))
// dataframe as an RDD (of Row objects)
// grouping by the first column of the row
.groupBy(r => r(0))
// map each group - an Iterable[Row] - to a list and sort by the second column
.map(g => g._2.toList.sortBy(row => row(1).toString))
The above gives a result like the following:
Array[List[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]] =
List([1,2015-09-01], [1,2015-09-03], [1,2015-09-04]),
List([2,2015-09-01], [2,2015-09-04]))
If you want the position within the 'group' as well, you can use zipWithIndex.
df.rdd.groupBy(r => r(0)).map(g =>
g._2.toList.sortBy(row => row(1).toString).zipWithIndex).collect()
Array[List[(org.apache.spark.sql.Row, Int)]] = Array(
List(([1,2015-09-01],0), ([1,2015-09-03],1), ([1,2015-09-04],2)),
List(([2,2015-09-01],0), ([2,2015-09-04],1)))
You could flatten this back to a simple List/Array of Row objects using FlatMap, but if you need to perform anything on the 'group' that won't be a great idea.
The downside to using RDD like this is that it's tedious to convert from DataFrame to RDD and back again.
I totally agree that Window functions for DataFrames are the way to go if you have Spark version (>=)1.5. But if you are really stuck with an older version(e.g 1.4.1), here is a hacky way to solve this
val df = sc.parallelize((1, "2015-09-01") :: (2, "2015-09-01") :: (1, "2015-09-03") :: (1, "2015-09-04") :: (1, "2015-09-04") :: Nil)
.toDF("id", "date")
val dfDuplicate = df.selecExpr("id as idDup", "date as dateDup")
val dfWithCounter = df.join(dfDuplicate,$"id"===$"idDup")
.groupBy($"id", $"date")
.agg($"id", $"date", count($"idDup").as("counter"))
Now if you do
You will get:
| id| date|counter|
| 1|2015-09-01| 1|
| 1|2015-09-04| 3|
| 1|2015-09-03| 2|
| 2|2015-09-01| 1|
| 2|2015-09-04| 2|
Note that date is not sorted, but the counter is correct. Also you can change the ordering of the counter by changing the <= to >= in the where statement.

scala spark - matching dataframes based on variable dates

I'm trying to match two dataframes based on a variable date window. I am not simply trying to get an exact match, which my code achieves but to get all likely candidates within a variable day window.
I was able to get exact matches on dates with my code.
But I want to find out if the records are still viable to match since they could be a few days off either side but would still be reasonable enough to join on.
I've tried looking for something similar to python's pd.to_timedelta('1 day') in spark to add to the filter but alas have struck no luck.
Here is my current code which matches the dataframe on the ID column and then runs a filter to ensure that the from_date in the second dataframe is between the start_date and the end_date of the first dataframe.
What I need is not the exact date match but be able to match records if they fall between a day or two (either side) of the actual dates.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
val df1 ="header","true")
val df2 ="header","true")
val df = df2.join(df1,
(df1("ID") === df2("ID")) &&
(df2("from_date") >= df1("start_date")) &&
(df2("from_date") <= df1("end_date")),"left")
.select(df1("ID"), df1("start_date"), df1("end_date"),
$"from_date", $"to_date")
.option("header", "true").save("../mydata.csv")
Essentially I want to be able to edit this date window to increase or decrease the data actually matching.
Would really appreciate your input. I'm new to spark/scala but gotta say I'm loving it so far ... soo much faster (and cleaner) than python!
You can apply date_add and date_sub to start_date/end_date in your join condition, as shown below:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import java.sql.Date
val df1 = Seq(
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-12-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-12-05")),
(2, Date.valueOf("2018-12-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-12-06")),
(3, Date.valueOf("2018-12-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-12-07"))
).toDF("ID", "start_date", "end_date")
val df2 = Seq(
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-11-30")),
(2, Date.valueOf("2018-12-08")),
(3, Date.valueOf("2018-12-08"))
).toDF("ID", "from_date")
val deltaDays = 1
df2.join( df1,
df1("ID") === df2("ID") &&
df2("from_date") >= date_sub(df1("start_date"), deltaDays) &&
df2("from_date") <= date_add(df1("end_date"), deltaDays),
// +---+----------+----+----------+----------+
// | ID| from_date| ID|start_date| end_date|
// +---+----------+----+----------+----------+
// | 1|2018-11-30| 1|2018-12-01|2018-12-05|
// | 2|2018-12-08|null| null| null|
// | 3|2018-12-08| 3|2018-12-01|2018-12-07|
// +---+----------+----+----------+----------+
You can get the same results using datediff() function also. Check this out:
scala> val df1 = Seq((1, "2018-12-01", "2018-12-05"),(2, "2018-12-01", "2018-12-06"),(3, "2018-12-01", "2018-12-07")).toDF("ID", "start_date", "end_date").withColumn("start_date",'start_date.cast("date")).withColumn("end_date",'end_date.cast("date"))
df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, start_date: date ... 1 more field]
scala> val df2 = Seq((1, "2018-11-30"), (2, "2018-12-08"),(3, "2018-12-08")).toDF("ID", "from_date").withColumn("from_date",'from_date.cast("date"))
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, from_date: date]
scala> val delta = 1;
delta: Int = 1
scala> df2.join(df1,df1("ID") === df2("ID") && datediff('from_date,'start_date) >= -delta && datediff('from_date,'end_date)<=delta, "leftOuter").show(false)
|ID |from_date |ID |start_date|end_date |
|1 |2018-11-30|1 |2018-12-01|2018-12-05|
|2 |2018-12-08|null|null |null |
|3 |2018-12-08|3 |2018-12-01|2018-12-07|