Show all pyspark columns after group and agg - pyspark

I wish to groupby a column and then find the max of another column. Lastly, show all the columns based on this condition. However, when I used my codes, it only show 2 columns and not all of it.
# Normal way of creating dataframe in pyspark
sdataframe_temp = spark.createDataFrame([
['a', 'b', 'c']
sdataframe_temp2 = spark.createDataFrame([
['a', 'b', 'c']
# Concat two different pyspark dataframe
sdataframe_union_1_2 = sdataframe_temp.union(sdataframe_temp2)
sdataframe_union_1_2_g = sdataframe_union_1_2.groupby('a').agg({'b':'max'})
| a|max(b)|
| 5| 7|
| 2| 23|
| 4| 6|
Expected output:
| a|max(b)| c |
| 5| 7|6-8 |
| 2| 23|22-24|
| 4| 6|4-6 |

You can use a Window function to make it work:
Method 1: Using Window function
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
w = Window().partitionBy("a").orderBy(F.desc("b"))
.withColumn('max_val', F.row_number().over(w) == 1)
.where("max_val == True")
| a| b| c|
| 5| 7| 6-8|
| 2| 23|22-24|
| 4| 6| 4-6|
Window functions are useful when we want to attach a new column to the existing set of columns.
In this case, I tell Window function to groupby partitionBy('a') column and sort the column b in descending order F.desc(b). This make the first value in b in each group its max value.
Then we use F.row_number() to filter the max values where row number equals 1.
Finally, we drop the new column since it is not being used after filtering the data frame.
Method 2: Using groupby + inner join
f = sdataframe_union_1_2.groupby('a').agg(F.max('b').alias('b'))
sdataframe_union_1_2.join(f, on=['a','b'], how='inner').show()
| a| b| c|
| 2| 23|22-24|
| 5| 7| 6-8|
| 4| 6| 4-6|


Calculate number of columns with missing values per each row in PySpark

Let see we have the following data set
columns = ['id', 'dogs', 'cats']
values = [(1, 2, 0),(2, None, None),(3, None,9)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(values,columns)
| id|dogs|cats|
| 1| 2| 0|
| 2|null|null|
| 3|null| 9|
I would like to calculate number ("miss_nb") and percents ("miss_pt") of columns with missing values per rows and get the following table
| id|miss_nb|miss_pt|
| 1| 0| 0.00|
| 2| 2| 0.67|
| 3| 1| 0.33|
The number of columns should be any (non-fixed list).
How to do it?

Pyspark filter where value is in another dataframe

I have two data frames. I need to filter one to only show values that are contained in the other.
|AID| foo|
| 1 | bar|
| 2 | bar|
| 3 | bar|
| 4 | bar|
| 1 |
| 2 |
In the end I want to filter out what was in table_a to only the IDs that are in the table_b, like this:
|ID| foo|
| 1| bar|
| 2| bar|
Here is what I'm trying to do
result_table = table_a.filter(table_b.BID.contains(table_a.AID))
But this doesn't seem to be working. It looks like I'm getting ALL values.
NOTE: I can't add any other imports other than pyspark.sql.functions import col
You can join the two tables and specify how = 'left_semi'
A left semi-join returns values from the left side of the relation that has a match with the right.
result_table = table_a.join(table_b, (table_a.AID == table_b.BID), \
how = "left_semi").drop("BID")
| 1|bar|
| 2|bar|
In case you have duplicates or Multiple values in the second dataframe and you want to take only distinct values, below approach can be useful to tackle such use cases -
Create the Dataframe
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,"bar"),(2,"bar"),(3,"bar"),(4,"bar")],[ "col1","col2"])
df_lookup = spark.createDataFrame([(1,1),(1,2)],[ "id","val"])
| 1| bar|
| 2| bar|
| 3| bar|
| 4| bar|
| id|val|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 2|
get all the unique values of val column in dataframe two and take in a set/list variable
df_lookup_var = df_lookup.groupBy("id").agg(F.collect_set("val").alias("val")).collect()[0][1][0]
df = df.withColumn("case_col", F.when((F.col("col1").isin([1,2])), F.lit("1")).otherwise(F.lit("0")))
df = df.filter(F.col("case_col") == F.lit("1"))
| 1| bar| 1|
| 2| bar| 1|
This should work too:
table_a.where( col(AID).isin(table_b.BID.tolist() ) )

Drop rows in Pyspark

How can I drop the row values in Pyspark based on the value of row number/row index value?
I am new to Pyspark (and coding) -- I have tried coding something but it is not working.
You can't drop specific cols, but you can just filter the ones you want, by using filter or its alias, where.
Imagine you want "to drop" the rows where the age of a person is lower than 3. You can just keep the opposite rows, like this:
df.filter(df.age >= 3)
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
schema1 = StructType([StructField('rownumber', IntegerType(), True),StructField('name', StringType(), True)])
data1 = [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(5,'e')]
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data1, schema1)
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
| 3| c|
| 4| d|
| 5| e|
| 2| b|
| 3| c|
| 4| d|

pyspark: drop columns that have same values in all rows

Related question: How to drop columns which have same values in all rows via pandas or spark dataframe?
So I have a pyspark dataframe, and I want to drop the columns where all values are the same in all rows while keeping other columns intact.
However the answers in the above question are only for pandas. Is there a solution for pyspark dataframe?
You can apply the countDistinct() aggregation function on each column to get count of distinct values per column. Column with count=1 means it has only 1 value in all rows.
# apply countDistinct on each column
col_counts = df.agg(*(countDistinct(col(c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns)).collect()[0].asDict()
# select the cols with count=1 in an array
cols_to_drop = [col for col in df.columns if col_counts[col] == 1 ]
# drop the selected column
You can use approx_count_distinct function (link) to count the number of distinct elements in a column. In case there is just one distinct, the remove the corresponding column.
Creating the DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.functions import approx_count_distinct
myValues = [(1,2,2,0),(2,2,2,0),(3,2,2,0),(4,2,2,0),(3,1,2,0)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(myValues,['value1','value2','value3','value4'])
| 1| 2| 2| 0|
| 2| 2| 2| 0|
| 3| 2| 2| 0|
| 4| 2| 2| 0|
| 3| 1| 2| 0|
Couting number of distinct elements and converting it into dictionary.[approx_count_distinct(x).alias("{0}".format(x)) for x in df.columns])
| 4| 2| 1| 1|
dict_of_columns = count_distinct_df.toPandas().to_dict(orient='list')
{'value1': [4], 'value2': [2], 'value3': [1], 'value4': [1]}
#Storing those keys in the list which have just 1 distinct key.
distinct_columns=[k for k,v in dict_of_columns.items() if v == [1]]
['value3', 'value4']
Drop the columns having distinct values
| 1| 2|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 2|
| 4| 2|
| 3| 1|

spark withcolumn create a column duplicating values from existining column

I am having problem figuring this. Here is the problem statement
lets say I have a dataframe, I want to select value for column c where column b value is foo and create a new column D and repeat the vale "3" for all rows
| A| B| C|
| 4|blah| 2|
| 2| | 3|
| 56| foo| 3|
|100|null| 5|
want it to become:
| A| B| C| D |
| 4|blah| 2| 3 |
| 2| | 3| 3 |
| 56| foo| 3| 3 |
|100|null| 5| 3 |
You will have to extract the column C value i.e. 3 with foo in column B
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val value = df.filter(col("B") === "foo").select("C").first()(0)
Then use that value using withColumn to create a new column D using lit function
df.withColumn("D", lit(value)).show(false)
You should get your desired output.