Pyspark filter where value is in another dataframe - pyspark

I have two data frames. I need to filter one to only show values that are contained in the other.
|AID| foo|
| 1 | bar|
| 2 | bar|
| 3 | bar|
| 4 | bar|
| 1 |
| 2 |
In the end I want to filter out what was in table_a to only the IDs that are in the table_b, like this:
|ID| foo|
| 1| bar|
| 2| bar|
Here is what I'm trying to do
result_table = table_a.filter(table_b.BID.contains(table_a.AID))
But this doesn't seem to be working. It looks like I'm getting ALL values.
NOTE: I can't add any other imports other than pyspark.sql.functions import col

You can join the two tables and specify how = 'left_semi'
A left semi-join returns values from the left side of the relation that has a match with the right.
result_table = table_a.join(table_b, (table_a.AID == table_b.BID), \
how = "left_semi").drop("BID")
| 1|bar|
| 2|bar|

In case you have duplicates or Multiple values in the second dataframe and you want to take only distinct values, below approach can be useful to tackle such use cases -
Create the Dataframe
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,"bar"),(2,"bar"),(3,"bar"),(4,"bar")],[ "col1","col2"])
df_lookup = spark.createDataFrame([(1,1),(1,2)],[ "id","val"])
| 1| bar|
| 2| bar|
| 3| bar|
| 4| bar|
| id|val|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 2|
get all the unique values of val column in dataframe two and take in a set/list variable
df_lookup_var = df_lookup.groupBy("id").agg(F.collect_set("val").alias("val")).collect()[0][1][0]
df = df.withColumn("case_col", F.when((F.col("col1").isin([1,2])), F.lit("1")).otherwise(F.lit("0")))
df = df.filter(F.col("case_col") == F.lit("1"))
| 1| bar| 1|
| 2| bar| 1|

This should work too:
table_a.where( col(AID).isin(table_b.BID.tolist() ) )


Filter one data frame using other data frame in spark scala

I am going to demonstrate my question using following two data frames.
val datF1= Seq((1,"everlasting",1.39),(1,"game", 2.7),(1,"life",0.69),(1,"learning",0.69),
| ID| token|value|
| 1|everlasting| 1.39|
| 1| game| 2.7|
| 1| life| 0.69|
| 1| learning| 0.69|
| 2| living| 1.38|
| 2| worth| 1.38|
| 2| life| 0.69|
| 3| learning| 0.69|
| 3| never| 1.38|
val dataF2= Seq(("life ",0.71),("learning",0.75)).toDF("token1","val2")
| token1|val2|
| life |0.71|
I want to filter the ID and value of dataF1 based on the token1 of dataF2. For the each word in token1 of dataF2 , if there is a word token then value should be equal to the value of dataF1 else value should be zero.
In other words my desired output should be like this
| ID| val|val2|
| 1|0.69|0.69|
| 2| 0.0|0.69|
| 3|0.69| 0.0|
Since learning is not presented in ID equals 2 , the val has equal to zero. Similarly since life is not there for ID equal 3, val2 equlas zero.
I did it manually as follows ,
val newQ61=datF1.filter($"token"==="learning")
val newQ7 =Seq(1,2,3).toDF("ID")
val newQ81 =newQ7.join(newQ61, Seq("ID"), "left")
val$"ID" ,when(col("value").isNull ,0).otherwise(col("value")) as "val" )
val newQ62=datF1.filter($"token"==="life")
val newQ71 =Seq(1,2,3).toDF("ID")
val newQ82 =newQ71.join(newQ62, Seq("ID"), "left")
val$"ID" ,when(col("value").isNull ,0).otherwise(col("value")) as "val2" )
val tf4 =tf2.join(tf3 ,Seq("ID"), "left")
| ID| val|val2|
| 1|0.69|0.69|
| 2| 0.0|0.69|
| 3|0.69| 0.0|
Instead of doing this manually , is there a way to do this more efficiently by accessing indexes of one data frame within the other data frame ? because in real life situations, there can be more than 2 words so manually accessing each word may be very hard thing to do.
Thank you
When i use leftsemi join my output is like this :
datF1.join(dataF2, $"token"===$"token1", "leftsemi").show()
| ID| token|value|
| 1|learning| 0.69|
| 3|learning| 0.69|
I believe a left outer join and then pivoting on token can work here:
val ans = df1.join(df2, $"token" === $"token1", "LEFT_OUTER")
The result (without the null handling):
| ID|learning|life|
| 1| 0.69|0.69|
| 3| 0.69|0.0 |
| 2| 0.0 |0.69|
UPDATE: as the answer by Lamanus suggest, an inner join is possibly a better approach than an outer join + filter.
I think the inner join is enough. Btw, I found the typo in your test case, which makes the result wrong.
val dataF1= Seq((1,"everlasting",1.39),
(1,"game", 2.7),
// +---+-----------+-----+
// | ID| token|value|
// +---+-----------+-----+
// | 1|everlasting| 1.39|
// | 1| game| 2.7|
// | 1| life| 0.69|
// | 1| learning| 0.69|
// | 2| living| 1.38|
// | 2| worth| 1.38|
// | 2| life| 0.69|
// | 3| learning| 0.69|
// | 3| never| 1.38|
// +---+-----------+-----+
val dataF2= Seq(("life",0.71), // "life " -> "life"
// +--------+----+
// | token1|val2|
// +--------+----+
// | life|0.71|
// |learning|0.75|
// +--------+----+
val resultDF = dataF1.join(dataF2, $"token" === $"token1", "inner")
// +---+--------+-----+--------+----+
// | ID| token|value| token1|val2|
// +---+--------+-----+--------+----+
// | 1| life| 0.69| life|0.71|
// | 1|learning| 0.69|learning|0.75|
// | 2| life| 0.69| life|0.71|
// | 3|learning| 0.69|learning|0.75|
// +---+--------+-----+--------+----+
This will give you the result such as
| ID|learning|life|
| 1| 0.69|0.69|
| 2| 0.0|0.69|
| 3| 0.69| 0.0|
Seems like you need "left semi-join". It will filter one dataframe, based on another one.
Try using it like
datF1.join(datF2, $"token"===$"token2", "leftsemi")
You can find a bit more info here -

PySpark DataFrame multiply columns based on values in other columns

Pyspark newbie here. I have a dataframe, say,
| id| mode|count|
| 146360 | DOS| 30|
| 423541 | UNO| 3|
I want a dataframe with a new column aggregate with count * 2 , when mode is 'DOS' and count * 1 when mode is 'UNO'
| id| mode|count|aggregate|
| 146360 | DOS| 30| 60|
| 423541 | UNO| 3| 3|
Appreciate your inputs and also some pointers to best practices :)
Method 1: using pyspark.sql.functions with when :
from pyspark.sql.functions import when,col
df = df.withColumn('aggregate', when(col('mode')=='DOS', col('count')*2).when(col('mode')=='UNO', col('count')*1).otherwise('count'))
Method 2: using SQL CASE expression with selectExpr:
df = df.selectExpr("*","CASE WHEN mode == 'DOS' THEN count*2 WHEN mode == 'UNO' THEN count*1 ELSE count END AS aggregate")
The result:
| id|mode|count|aggregate|
|146360| DOS| 30| 60|
|423541| UNO| 3| 3|

Pyspark Autonumber over a partitioning column

I have a column in my data frame that is sensitive. I need to replace the sensitive value with a number, but have to do it so that the distinct counts of the column in question stays accurate. I was thinking of a sql function over a window partition. But couldn't find a way.
A sample dataframe is below.
df = (sc.parallelize([
I would like to create a dataframe like below.
What is a way to get this done.
You are looking for dense_rank function :
| 1234| 1|
| 1234| 1|
| 1234| 1|
| 2345| 2|
| 2345| 2|
| 6789| 3|
| 6789| 3|
| 6789| 3|
| 6789| 3|
This is another way of doing this, may not be very efficient because join() will involve a shuffle -
Creating the DataFrame -
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, row_number
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1234,),(1234,),(1234,),(2345,),(2345,),(6789,),(6789,),(6789,),(6789,)],['sensitive_id'])
Creating a DataFrame of distinct elements and labeling them 1,2,3... and finally joining the two dataframes.
df_distinct ='sensitive_id').distinct().withColumn('non_sensitive_id', row_number().over(Window.orderBy('sensitive_id')))
df = df.join(df_distinct, ['sensitive_id'],how='left').orderBy('sensitive_id')
| 1234| 1|
| 1234| 1|
| 1234| 1|
| 2345| 2|
| 2345| 2|
| 6789| 3|
| 6789| 3|
| 6789| 3|
| 6789| 3|

Compare two dataframes and update the values

I have two dataframes like following.
val file1 ="csv").option("sep", ",").option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true").load("file1.csv")
| id| name|mark1|mark2|version|
| 1| Priya | 80| 99| 0|
| 2| Teju | 10| 5| 0|
val file2 ="csv").option("sep", ",").option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true").load("file2.csv")
| id| name|mark1|mark2|version|
| 1| Priya | 80| 99| 0|
| 2| Teju | 70| 5| 0|
Now I am comparing two dataframes and filtering out the mismatch values like this.
val columns =
val selectiveDifferences = => => {if(diff.count > 0)})
| 10|
I need to add the extra row into the dataframe, 1 for the mismatch value from the dataframe 2 and update the version number like this.
| id| name|mark1|mark2|version|
| 1| Priya | 80| 99| 0|
| 2| Teju | 10| 5| 0|
| 3| Teju | 70| 5| 1|
I am struggling to achieve the above step and it is my expected output. Any help would be appreciated.
You can get your final dataframe by using except and union as following
val count = file1.count()
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
.withColumn("version", lit(1)) //changing the version
.withColumn("id", (row_number.over(Window.orderBy("id")))+lit(count)) //changing the id number
lit, row_number and window functions are used to generate the id and versions
Note : use of window function to generate the new id makes the process inefficient as all the data would be collected in one executor for generating new id

spark withcolumn create a column duplicating values from existining column

I am having problem figuring this. Here is the problem statement
lets say I have a dataframe, I want to select value for column c where column b value is foo and create a new column D and repeat the vale "3" for all rows
| A| B| C|
| 4|blah| 2|
| 2| | 3|
| 56| foo| 3|
|100|null| 5|
want it to become:
| A| B| C| D |
| 4|blah| 2| 3 |
| 2| | 3| 3 |
| 56| foo| 3| 3 |
|100|null| 5| 3 |
You will have to extract the column C value i.e. 3 with foo in column B
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val value = df.filter(col("B") === "foo").select("C").first()(0)
Then use that value using withColumn to create a new column D using lit function
df.withColumn("D", lit(value)).show(false)
You should get your desired output.